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Update:- July 15 2003

Hello everyone.


Right, I have got back from a lovely relaxing week in Majorca and I have updated my site a bit. As you can see by looking at the directory site links above, there is now a forum for my site. There you will be able to chat about anything and everything BUT when you post a message, please only press post once. It is a bit slow I know but the post will get on.


I am in the process of updating the links page and that will be finished in the next couple of days. So keep a look out this week and check it out.


My Decks For Sale!!

Also, if you have looked at my guestbook recently you may know that I am selling my decks. The decks that are for sale are in the picture to the right of this load of writing. As you can see they are in superb condition and are for sale WITH a mixer and DJ Carl Cox stylus’ and carts. All the boxes are with them too and you can have them for £450 o.v.n.o which is a lot less than what they are worth.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new features and if you’re interested in my deck, just email me.

DJ Myers