+_ gc stuff _+
+gc quotes
+benji quotes
+joel quotes
+song meanings
+buddy icons
+_ just me _+
+about me
+other bands
+_ July 23, 2003 _+
well i just made this site, so it's not that great. so dont make fun of it. lol. but uhm it'll get better i promise. so just check out everything there is right now and sign the guestbook! thanks dude
+_ currently _+
feeling: confused
eating: nothing
drinking: diet dr. pepper
wearing: black *favors* tee and red shorts
wanting: to go to a concert, to feel loved, to get away from all this
listening: "Bulimic" -The Used
+_ disclaimer _+
this site was made entirely by me. i collected a lot of the information myself from interviews and such, but some of it does come from other people's websites, and i have given them complete credit