Philosphyblue Island in
the vast ocean
Hi! I¡¯m Mr. Yellow Mountains, or sometimes Mr. Blue Mountains,
or maybe green mountains or¡ It depends
all on my mood. If I¡¯m happy, I
would chose to become Mr. Yellow
Mountains. If I¡¯m feeling peaceful, I¡¯m Mr
. Blue Mts.
writing and reading interest
have really brought
me great joy and excitement
. So I would like to
thank all the writers in
the world, regardless of skin
colour, the colour of your pupil, for all your contributions to the languages of the world.
You are really great people!
this website, I would like
to post all my works but I haven¡¯t got enough
works for that and very less people
visit my poor little website, so I think
I would post most off my works on online writing
communities like the very united UK authors website or the very cool
are many interesting books (actually I find
all books interesting!) in the
market now, especially the non-fiction one. I love
a book called ¡°the alchemist¡± and of course
, ¡°The Lord of the Rings¡± and ¡°The Hobbit¡±! These three books are must-read
-books-before-you-die! If
you haven¡¯t, go read them
, myself, is a very, very enthusiastic
Tolkien fan and I would surely
borrow or buy any Tolkien books I see
that I haven¡¯t read before. Tolkien is
really the genius of Fantasy. And as for
the Harry Potter series, I love
them too for its fun
and cool story.
Know more about me, the scumbag!
fun this day! May you have a good rest tonight.