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About The Leaders

Here's a little info about us!

Full Name: Lauren Alexandra Jenkins
Birthday: 10/6
Favorite Outfit: My ever so cool kaki snap pants and St. Louis DreamCenter shirt
Pet Peeve: people gossiping, or chewing with their mouth open
Favorite Food: pizza or strawberry pop-tarts
Favorite Bible Character: Job, he weathered the storm and went through so much! And he never lost his integrity
Farthest Place Traveled: Europe, but I was 1, so mexico
What do you do in your Spare Time? I work on this crazy site, go to church, weird stuff
Favorite Verse and Why: 2 Cor. 12:9-10, because no matter what our weaknesses, God will take them and make them strong so that we can do what He's called us too, no matter what

Full Name: Rachael Elizabeth Fallin
Birthday: 11/4
Favorite Outfit: summer- tank top and shorts, when its colder, sweater and jeans
Pet Peeve:people eating ice cream out of the box and pointless conversations
Favorite Food: I eat does that count?
Favorite Bible Story and Why: Esther b/c she stood up for what was right
Farthest Place Traveled: that I remember Florida (Cali doesn't count because I was 2)
What do you do in your Spare Time: write, read, and try to get a tan darker than my current golden pale
Favorite Verse and Why:Romans 8:28 because it is the optimists verse and something you can rely on when you are down

Full Name: Micalla Davis
Birthday: 5/23
Favorite Outfit: comfortable sweat pants and a t shirt
Pet Peeve: when people scrape their teeth against their forks, or when they scrape their forks against a glass plate
Favorite Food: anything Italian!!!
Favorite Bible Story and Why: Ruth...because its so cool to see how she was rewarded by taking care or her mother in law and then in time she was rewarded with all the food she needed and a wonderful, caring man!!
Farthest Place Traveled: um....well I've been to Los Angeles and myrtle beach, South Carolina... I'm not sure which one is father!
What do you do in your Spare Time? I love to read, play the piano, and hang out with friends
Favorite Verse and Why: I like a lot of verses... but my favorite would probably have to be Phil. 4:13...just because it says that I can do ANYTHING through Christ who gives me the strength!!

Full Name: Aimee Shannon Rasmussen
Birthday: 2/24
Favorite Outfit: I don't have one
Pet Peeve: People lol, jk, I don't really have one that I can think of on the spot
Favorite Food: pretty much anything... but I like Chinese
Favorite Bible Story and Why: I don't have a FAVORITE
Farthest Place Traveled: Virginia? I think...
What do you do in your Spare Time? I like to ride my ponys
Favorite Verse and Why: 1 Cor. 10:13 because it shows how much God loves us and how He will never let us be so overwhelmed that we'd pull away from Him

Full Name: Sarah Michelle Cooper
Birthday: 5/30
Favorite Outfit: anything that is blue.
Pet Peeve: gossip
Favorite Food: pizza or black beans
Favorite Bible Character: ruth, cuase she had the courage to do alot of things that i would never be able to do.
Farthest Place Traveled: farthest away from home is panama or canada. i lived in the middle of both of them.
What do you do in your Spare time: i draw, listen to music, hang out with friends and play the computer.
Favorite Verse and Why: 1 Timothy 4:12 cause it gives me the courage to stand up for what I believe in and also to know that when people look down on me it doesn't matter because I should only care about what God thinks and not what other people think.

Full Name: Julianna Rachelle Holbrook
Birthday: 9/27
Favorite Outfit: My paint Shorts and a white t-shirt
Pet Peeve: people who pick their nose
Favorite Food: beef ravioli
Favorite Bible Character: Jephthah because he gave up what he loved most because he promised God
Farthest Place Traveled: New Hampshire
What do you do in your Spare Time? I like to play guitar, listen to music, and get on the internet
Favorite Verse and Why: Luke 14:26 because it shows that your love for God, should supersede our love for any other thing