Magic Jammer |
Counter Trap
Discard 1 card from your hand to the
Graveyard to negate the activation of a Magic Card and destroy it.
Greg's Review: intro:" one card one kill?" This card has seen it's days of glory and it's popularity was pathetically tried to be retained by releasing this ex-ultra a common in the SDJ or Joey starter deck. Back before PSV was released and before imperial order was out this card was not an un-common card to see in almost all decks and a perfectly ligament card to run in any deck before the releases of PSV. So you discard one card from your hand to negate and destroy a spell card and that is cool but now with all of the hand disruption this is not a smart card to run unless you have a sinister serpent. But seriously with IO and MST and even Spell Shield type 8 then this card is either obsolete or pretty darn close to it. This is not a bad card but not very playable at the moment w/ all of the better choices we have. Even Magic Drain is better than this so....... Pro's negates and destroys 1 spell most decks run 15 spells easy to get STJ Con's we have better cards this is not good for hand management
Overall good but we have better so play it if you have it but play others over this. 3.1/5 |
Spirit Reaper's Review: Magic Jammer
This card was once a
terror. This and Imperial order were your only lines of defence against
magic, excluding Magic Drain. Now with the release of Spell Shield
Type-8, there is really no point in using MJ now. Magic Drain is still
nice, but it doesn't offer any certainty. If you can't find SST-8, get a
MJ. Otherwise stick with SST-8.
Kirby The Great's Review:
magic jammer: |
Keith's Review:
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