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Archfiend Solider


Archfiend Soldier
An expert at battle who belongs to a crack diabolical unit. He’s famous because he always gets the job done.

Greg's Review:

Well another 1900 monster 4 stars searchable VIA witch so it is another Gemini Elf only better because of the fact that it is easy to get and fiends are quite playable now while not the best choice IMO they are good.

The 1800's are no obsolete when a rare 1900 comes out they are no obsolete. But being easer to get and every other pro Gemini has I think this card will be popular among the poor player fiend players and someone who want a Gemini elf.

There is not much more to say except 1900 rare easy to get, what else do you want--------


fiends are now tourney playable.


easy to get 1900


this card has no effect a good one anyways.




Spirit Reaper's Review:

Archfiend Soldier has once again slapped Yu-Gi-Oh! players in the face.  People fight for the rare 1900 attackers, then UD releases them less and less rare each time.  Well, what this means now is that 1800 attack monsters are FINISHED for good.  Now a rare 1900 effect less monster.  Not to mention, Dark Necrofear decks are getting much stronger cause now they have Archfiend Soldier and Giant Orc (2200 Atk.).  Fiend decks rejoice... poor kids rejoice... People that hate Upperdeck...keep hating em.
Casual 5/5
Tourney 4/5




