Earth/Zombie/4/1200/1400 |
Greg's Review: I have to start out by saying this card is not as good as many perceive it to be. Number one the only playable thing in a tourney that this thing can get out is VL (Vampire Lord) I mean you may think this is better than Mystic Tomato and you are wrong and the competition between the two is simple. Vampire lord is a good card and this helps to get it out. Mystic Tomato can get out so much while the only real thing this can get out is VL. I am not saying it is bad but I am saying is if you are not running a strait old Zombie deck than do not play three or unless you build your deck around VL. Remember VL is not going to win you the game and that is something many people do not get. It can really increase your chances of winning but so can Tomato. The thing I do not get about this is the fact that Mystic Tomato can get out more thing and keep you with some advantage. This thing is just really not seen much where I live so my opinion can only tell you how it would do where I live and that is poorly. Number one starting out with all of the cons. Con's can only really get out VL if you are not playing a Zombie deck has to be kiled in battle not many playable Zombies can't get out Great Dezard a really important card in a Zombie deck Pro's can get out the big VAMP can get out himself speed is good Overall: It is good but really the problem is you can't get much and the only Zombie playable IMO is VL and maybe Patrice of Darkness. I mean at least with Mystic Tomato can get out a lot this thing ain't getting out much and people just do not play enough zombies to play 3x of these. But playing 1 is ok to get out VL but three is not recommended outside of a strait zombie deck. tourney 2/5 Casual 3/5 Zombie 4.7/5
Earl's Review: Pyramid turtle
Knocked out's Review:
Well its effect is on the top of the screen so
you can read it up there. Lets checks some Pros and Cons first.
BorakG22's Review:
This is a very good rare I recommend using it with Patrician of darkness or
even better vampire lord i say anyone using a vampire lord should throw this
in their deck for speed. ill give it a
Pyramid turtle, possibly the greatest special summoned of all time. This guy makes Vampire lord and the whole gang maniacally strong.This little egyptian turtle can mean the difference between winning and losing. Dont get me wrong, though, because this card doesnt win games, it's the mon that it brings out that devastates. Time for a witty little ditty of a limerich: They kicked your defenses out the door, and then they wonder, will i beat anymore? and when they think this is your final bout, then they kill this turtle and realize that its just a faster way to get Vamp out. I give the pyramid turtle a solid: Tourney: 4.3 Casual: 4.0 Draft: 3.8 (not as good unless your drafting legacy of darkness or Dark Crisis) |
Robert's Review: Ummm.... Can u say fun??? Until V. Lord is restricted to one u can abuse it... Say, u go 1st set P. turtle end turn... They attack... u bring out Vampire lord...(Or any zombie...) And simply rule ur opponent from that time on... I love this card... U can summon some of the most powerful zombies...(Cant think of any...) But still same as mystic tomato (and other's...), this effect is sort of hard to pull off... U must get it destroyed in battle... But then again... When it's effect happens u can bring it out out a monster in either attack or defense mode... But overall, this card get's a 3.5/5 for the fact that it's effect is a little better than other retrevials...
Keith's Review:
Nice goatee. Anyway, this card is amazing in zombie decks. Since most
monsters will be under 2000 anyways, it can basically get any zombie. Decks
with 3 Vampire Lords will easily benefit with this card due to the fact that
V-lord's a zombie and under 2000 atk. And it's not like it's attack is so
high that your opponent will need monster removal. |
Chase's Review: Intro: It's alive... IT'S ALIVE!!!! This card can be very
annoying. Pulling out those Zombie cards and playing on the field is
definitely only for zombie decks. Getting Spirit Reaper can be a lot of
trouble. Plus you can pull almost all Zombie cards because most of them do
have an effect less than 2000, so your going it have a fun time. If used
properly, it could be very useful. I give this card a 3.5/
Mikhail Kroik's Review:
this card is amazing with Vampire Lord. You get to summon him much essayer, plus you don't have to draw him other. Plus even it's in your hand you can summon another Zombie in defense.
So for a Vampire lord deck I give it a 5/5 other
then that I'll give it a 2.5
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