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Card of the day
Torrential Tribute

You can activate this card when a monster is Summoned (including Flip Summon and Special Summon). Destroy all monsters on the field


Greg's Review:

We have previously reviewed this card and let me tell you this card is like whine it gets more power and better tasting. I mean the power to destroy all monsters on the field is a strong power, none the less you get the power on your opponent's turn. I mean this stops almost everything with the exception of Jinzo and a few others but your biggest threats now-a-days are monsters that can be effected by this. Alot of Chaos decks in the current metagame and this is something to main deck and side board no matter what deck you are running, you seriously never know what you are going to run into. This is not a card to write a long review on but know it is one of the best traps in the game up there in high ranking with Imperial and Waboku the two best traps in the game.


Tourney 4.5/5

Limited  5/5 you need this removal = good

Casual 4.9/5 bigger monsters

