Lesser fiend. back
Well this is really not that good of a monster And allot of things make this worse than banisher of the light. If you want to remove cards from play be smart and use kycoo and banisher of the light with heavy hitter like maybe a tyrant dragon witch could kill two monster per turn and then remove them from play. The only real good thing if you want to call it that is the fact that it is a fiend and could also got into fiend deck. Or if you are a player that likes a challenge put 3 banishers of light three of these 3 kycoo and 3 disappears and anything that removes cards from play. Then when you have more then half there deck removed from play use fiber jar and than they will deck out. But there are easer ways to win but this card presents nothing but challenges low attack a sac and a stupid effect equals lesser fiend but if you like this card play it I am not god. 2/.4/5