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undefined Ruki's Realm of Nothing that is Everything

Welcome to my realm. Yes I am the almighty Ruki....

So i was think one day that i have SO many webpages, what if i made a special site that linked ALL of them together. *jumps up and down* I so smart...

Dont let the Main image up there fool you...this is NOT just Final Fantasy, It's Anime, Bishonen (pretty boys, real and cartoon), and more later as i get more and more websites up.

Everything that is Final Fantasy!! Lyrics, pictures, fanfiction, and maybe soon, there will be Midis! Yay...
Yummy Bishonen for you to oogle all you want. Feel free to take any pictures, Its not like I own them or anything!! Haahaa...
The first anime site that I came up with. I ran out of room as far as picture went so I had to get another one, which will be the next link!
Like I said, the second anime site that i made, for all of your viewing plesure!
all of the links I think you will enjoy!!
sroties that I have written, im not sure what's here and whats not anymore, its been a whilw since ive updated anything on this site! ^_^;
and lastly, here is my lovely little gallery of art for you to come and see I NEED TO UPDATE IT!!!

You wanna Email me? give it to the Blue chocobo...

Fanlistings!! Oh these are so fun to join!

Attention:I take no credit for any images featured in these sites (unless i drew them),the belong to their respected owners. Feel free to take anything (except things on "ELFWOOD" because I drew them).