When I Saw God

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When a mortal human of the flesh saw God:

Torn Curtain.

When I Saw God, is an ICCDBB Sermon via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 2/17/2012.

Update added 3/20/2012, 3/15/2013, & 4/5/2013 near page bottom.

Update added 4/25/2012 near page bottom.

Update added 2/5/2013 & 7/2/2013 mid page.

Update long, so new site was started 7/19/2013.

Update added 7/21/2013 at page bottom.

Update added 4/9/2014 above second illustration.

Update added 6/22/2014 Right Hand Of God discussion.

Update added 3/23 & 24/2016 bottom: When I heard God?

Update added 4/24 & 25/2016: When I saw and heard God.

Jesus Christ made a firmament for you [(Genesis 1.7) similar in pattern to the first Genesis 1.1]. You cannot get to Heaven without Jesus Christ since Jesus Christ is unapproachable [in light (1 Timothy 6.16)]. Therefore from above is the solution.

Jesus Christ met with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ met with the Father. Jesus Christ met with children and with authorities at the times appropriate to the Will of Jesus Christ. Similar in pattern to the first the heart supplies blood to the heart [(Revelation 7.14) see previous ICCDBB and affiliate discussions on "perpetual motion" (reference the GodMath Testament)].

I saw God in a dream at night [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons on controlling your own dreams) as much as wisely able according to talent]. I thought God would look somewhat as shown in the pictures in previous ICCDBB Sermon The Face of Jesus Christ.

I cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end (Ecclesiastes 3.11) save Jesus Christ be within and I agree unto such enlightenment [from the beginning through Jesus Christ (3 Nephi 11.11)]. If we cannot fathom the blessings God has worked to offer, then a problem, therefore we are to so fathom. Here is offered in this Sermon, some fathoming together with you including for you (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on the values of listeners, readers, seers, and rising students, even rising best to comprehend all best including to comprehend God best, yet rather according to the highest value of the Will of God, such as per time and circumstance.

A person might have been given a talent to have great patience and precision such as to be a bookkeeper, while another might have dynamic talent to run an organization so might incorporate the talents of the bookkeepers and others (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on gathering, talents, and on greater value together). I guess I have a talent to fall asleep. If only it was possible that you could have such a talent, ha, ha, let your yearning turn to laughter together hence higher joy [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons and the GodMath Testament) on how to form joy] because of the charity of Jesus Christ you not only have the talent to fall asleep alone, yet all the other mortals too together with you, and with you and me, and with us have the talent to fall asleep [(John 11.11) as Jesus Christ showed us how to do (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Jesus Christ having already paid the price, and on confidence to be bold)] that you never be alone. Warning, even so, avoid sinful thoughts, and in similar pattern let not random thoughts nor chaos sensed dissuade you [as often entities are wrongly pleased in harming (Matthew 6.16 and Matthew 6.2) even rather than doing light burdens such as to sleep] rather accept the higher glory gift of being blameless [(Psalm 119.80) at least via Jesus Christ].

I mention some of these awkward things counted as bad [from counted as bad temporarily as sinners have, to rather higher glory from which sinners stop themselves (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on charity rather than wrongful selfishness)] because it might happen, especially toward the beginning of meetings with God that there were previously more dreams involving [overcoming (overcome evil with good)] evil, than dreams involving entering Heaven to be meeting with God Jesus Christ.

In the world we know how to start toward bringing Jesus Christ into our lives. When sufficiently or perfectly blameless your soul [we (see "have the talent" above, and previous ICCDBB Sermons on love)] entertain(s) the Holy Ghost. Thankfully Jesus Christ helps, and the burden is light that Jesus Christ taught. Jesus Christ taught the right best path, even though the path may appear to have insults, injuries, snares, firmaments and so on along the way [from glory to higher glory (1 Corinthians 12.9) along the Holy Path], to protect you from those who have wrongly preferred sin and from their sickness(es) [save when you are to often or always do missionary work (hence save all for Jesus Christ quickly lest your burden seem more protracted) which might cause others to be less anxious to follow in your footsteps].

Jesus Christ taught to properly prepare.

There was in the Old Testament a tent, the Holy Of Holies, in which the High Priest(s) could meet with God. Time passed and when people had become sufficiently worthy [(reference PCS) including Priests] things changed including experiences, glories, knowledge, and so on such as after the journey to the Promised Land. After tents, not that tents lost all value, in a building the Church in symbolic pattern to represent with the Curtain the Holy Of Holies, the Curtain had value. When Jesus Christ completed his mortal work in the flesh, that symbolic Curtain no longer had that durability neither symbolically nor in the flesh, in the material [heads up manufacturers and others (reference PCS)], in the fabric, in the world. So the Curtain rose apart in the middle to higher symbolic value and glory value, and fell apart in the world.

In other words when Jesus Christ died, the curtain opened so that you could enter freely without price to be with God.

The Torn Curtain:

Previously only High Priest(s) met with God.

Now sinners and everyone can come meet with God. Prior to the completion of the work of Jesus Christ in the world, the law was explained by Priests, and they said obey the Holy Feasts, and made people suffer other such benefits. They made people prepare per law, under law; yet now rather even sinners can leap in faith if truly repentant in spirit, and rise to meet with God simply via accepting the Holy Name Jesus Christ.

No longer under law, of grace both Holy Practicing [(see "incorporate the talents" and see PCS) best business practices] People, and sinners, can meet with God, if loving, respectful, and so on [otherwise even sentries can hardly guard a tomb, much less a business, a city (Psalm 127.1), a nation, or worlds of preparations].

The Torn Firmament:

The holes in Jesus Christ:

The Invitation.

To the Holy of Holies, there now is no end in Jesus Christ. This means in Jesus Christ through Jesus Christ with Jesus Christ there is a priorities lineage Holy Trend in One Holy Direction, the best direction.

Comprehensively, with whom did Jesus Christ meet?, any willing, including sinners including mean people. Even people that put slices and holes into Himself, Jesus Christ met.

Jesus Christ met with the tax collector. The Tax Collector said to those without money give money. Jesus Christ met with the Guard at the Crucifixion and afterward the Guard told the truth concerning love saying "Truly this was the Son of God". With Holy Merciful Kindness Endowing Grace Giving Spirit Jesus Christ met with the proof seekers that hit Jesus Christ when the Head Of Jesus Christ was covered so the Holy Eyes were covered, and they had their reward(s) or quick moment(s).

Jesus Christ preferred to meet with those willing.

Jesus Christ will meet with you.


Preparations are not required. Would you go to court nude or wearing a clown suit?, hardly, rather you would prepare.

All that is needed in the Name Jesus Christ when in agreeing with Jesus Christ, and that means not only you toward selfishly being ready, yet when Jesus Christ is ready. Therefore always prepare. Be ready to receive the higher gifts hardly per laziness, rather preparing. Prepare rest, prepare energy, prepare appropriate clothing, prepare a banquet, prepare love, and so on, yet prepare for the highest appropriate as Jesus Christ has already explained.

In preparing consider what you would do if given a gift that Jesus Christ promised. Learn to be worthy. Learn what you would do, therefore prepare and if it fails give God the glory, if any, and wisely learn why, whether it failed because of your sin(s) or because of Jesus Christ having explained when things are to happen and so it was time for some certain things to fail [(Romans 4.5) perhaps for generations]. Do not fight against God, and in similar pattern learn to not make God jealous of you [(Deuteronomy 6.15) and be mindful to give God the glory always] and God will abide with you alway(s).

When I met God I don't recall if I wore clothes of any type, if at all [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons on appropriate dress, behavior, and the Name of Jesus Christ) except as illustrated below] in my dream when I met with God some months ago. Also in preparing, I had the dream and then did not immediately post it on the Internet, though in hindsight I probable should have. I was waiting to see if there was some situation story spiritually or in the world that might fit the way a tire fits on a wheel [or the way a sheath fits on a sword (1 Corinthians 16.4)] that perhaps another visit with God would go with this Sermon.

In starting preparations, Jesus Christ gave details of how to Baptize [(3 Nephi 11.25-27) the best way {PCS} (Matthew 21.25)].

Some people were Baptized and explained how they felt the Holy Spirit fill them with overwhelming pleasing joy. It was good to hear, and it is Biblical, though I have not had what I would interpret as the Holy Spirit filling me with such bliss. Perhaps I harbor some amount of jealousy [God is the measuring standard (see 1 John 1.8 and PCS) lest sin remain], yet I have plenty of other talents from Holiness serving bliss at least in worldly evidence that other people might not have [(1 Corinthians 12.11) for the End Time higher good (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on End Time)].

So the torn curtain agrees with the whole of the works of Jesus Christ as One Holy Work, the plural items in agreement with the singular whole, yet not alone singular [(see above "alone") rather as One of Us]. So the torn curtain is not destruction as so counted, rather a welding of the people to the higher gifts.

In this same pattern of properly prioritizing, within the Holy Trend,

  • A. Prioritize.
  • B. Comprehensively consider as much as you can, or rather all.
  • C. Prioritize.
  • And in Trend, the last is greater than the first [the same word "Prioritize" yet the latter with new higher loving meaning (Ruth 3.10) a confusion spin unto relatively lazy sinners (John 11.14)]. To consider rest [and sleep and love (see above)] and also dreams [controlled (see Matthew 8.20 and previous ICCDBB Sermons on controlling dreams) as much as so talented], consider resting and dreaming for all others, especially for Jesus Christ, if to rest and/or dream [as discussed above (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on missionary work and missions)]. We are not only given talents, we are also given talents to utilize in this world, for improving all provided unto us, such as to improve these times, to improve our understanding of love, and so on. Hence to do so is to not only prepare, and to plan, yet also to act. Let all you do, at home, at work, and so on, be your missionary work, our function together, the higher blessing(s) together.

    Rising in Jesus Christ from circular or equation reasoning, to helical(s) reasoning [from patterns via sincere Holy Baptism of One Trend (2 Corinthians 3.18)] to one vertically ascending [(Daniel 11.40 reference also ties other patterns) such as relative powers / patterns such as magnetic properties (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on first humans, genetic lineage, and PCS)]. So rising from circular worldly ways to helical rising is to rise in asymptote toward the living as Jesus Christ lived, [wisely (see GodMath)] understanding the sum is greater than the whole [hence not circular rather overlaping hence helical (see previous ICCDBB Sermons)] yet with vertical awareness that there is the one greater worth not seen by worldly reasoning.

    Above, A, B, and C function together properly not only in terms of tools, such as the path to righteousness, that C = A x B along the path, that is we can learn from accomplishments, concerning how to do greater; yet also the people within themselves can better learn to lead. A person might use a nail (A) and find it better to use a hammer (B), and from those results reason to use an electric nail gun. Similar in pattern a person might rely on the Holy Spirit (A) and then after that situation consider the mission(s) to be done (B), and then with the previous in mind consider [rather than again (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on repetition)] the greater Holy Spirit blessings of greater talents from Jesus Christ as proven able to overcome greater and greater problems. Hence people within themselves, according to their talents, improve their abilities to learn accordingly.

    It is in pattern similar to building a bridge, and telling people that it was the custom to go on a long journey around, yet now we can be on the other side almost immediately! People in politics, at wars, around the competition and similar are polarized and go around issues, when increasingly in Jesus Christ people can best be united for mutual benefit (PCS).

    It was written in the New Testament "I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live." (Ecclesiastes 3.12) yet in Trend as written above that people changed from tents to Promised Land buildings, and the people within themselves of the Holy Spirit were become changed and raised in blessings, so too now in pattern and in Holy Trend another higher blessing is given you, to best lovingly, charitably, faithfully in Jesus Christ share your "happy" feelings, give your happiness to others according to your talent(s), and yet in grace for proper prioritization according to their talent(s) / worthiness to lest you be selfish. Let your happiness become their joy, even that joy, higher than happiness (reference the GodMath Testament) be among you and the people. My experience in this path is that my happiness quickly fades from unselfishness, yet not due to sin, greater happiness comes [which I confess seems often not as soon as I selfishly might prefer (Psalm 37.34) hence is accepted by me as an enlightening experience hence joy].

    Prepare via higher loving reasoning hence reducing former repetitious unpleasant experiences, that you may increasingly easily accept more work, harder and more difficult for others to do, that you may more easily provide greater joyous examples unto them that you best lead, though do not selfishly puff up yourself beyond your talents. Giving joy needs be a constant flow from you [(Jeremiah 27.7) if to prepare as is appropriate]. As much as you are able, properly prepare, that is, properly prepare for them to have joyous blessings in due seasons [(see the beginning of Ecclesiastes 3) rather than at your own pace], yet distinguish the quick blessings from other blessings, and seek quickness if properly and within your talent(s).

    If you act too quickly you might lose respect of others, for instance they may have wanted to follow your lead, but now have become too embarrassed by your great success, not theirs, in their minds. Also consider how some fans can hardly behave when surprised when their favorite celebrity approaches. They can damage you [such as (Mark 6.4) in agreement with nowhere to rest discussed above]. It is hardly your job to create naysayers, rather prepare via helping secure them and you, plan for the future, yet rather plan for the long time future as much as you have talent to do so.

    Prepare to not be selfishly offended. Jesus Christ did not offer you the gift of The Way in order to offend you. Prepare to be a torn curtain, a torn vessel for God, that is, prepare to shed sins. Many people imagine that their sins protect them, such as from poverty, but they are wrong. Prepare to help them if they turn and start to be right. Therefore prepare to distinguish amounts of trust pertinent to whether or not you would trust a person, mindful that often people fairly or unfairly place higher standards on those they love most closest to them [(see "sleep" above) so help all be good so Jesus Christ can rest peacefully (Matthew 8.25)] so if you would not overburden a stranger, do not overburden a family member.

    Many preparations were already made unto becoming a new vessel for God: hearing, otherwise sensing, and reading the Holy Bible, being Baptized, and doing as the Bible explains to do; and you are entered unto such preparations [to increasingly help you, over thousands of years (John 4.38)].

    The Bible in not exclusive words, rather also action including action from you, with a world full of opportunities such as to build lovingly for others to prepare them. If to build a larger storage place for goods, then hardly for the self and rather preparing for others yet not forgetting to prepare for the chosen of Jesus Christ, for this cause this establishes you more firmly in Jesus Christ.

    Therefore as you are becoming more fully aware of the higher preparations if to wonder What will I build, consider what is done in the living Bible such as previously in ICCDBB Sermons yet now in you of higher love reasoning [higher acting not only symbolically rather your best example of Jesus Christ unto others via doing (see ascending "Prioritize" above)].

    Previous ICCDBB Sermons enlightened as to structures built such as:

    We can build such things increasingly, or at least help others to build such things [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons and GodMath on how love builds and grows) hardly for our own reward, rather preparing for their far greater rewards (Luke 14.14 reference also ties other patterns) such as your unborn children, those yet to hear higher properly (lest Jeremiah 8.3) not unto current understanding rather unto future higher wisdom (GodMath Chart 1)].

    Build Holy Baptism.

    Many when Baptized said they felt the Holy Spirit. I did not though rejoice in their gain in the Lord! This is a key in Jesus Christ, instead of being jealous such as when others relatively cheats you out of a glory and takes them for themselves, whether a boyfriend, money, a business position advancement, privacy, a sexy lady's lap dance, or other rejoice and praise Jesus Christ and of the tiny relative amount of living in you if there be any glory seen or unseen invite the Lord to receive.

    Concerning the "gate of heaven" [and rather the Gates Of Heaven (see the Trilogy on Page 2 of ICCDBB Sermons at www.angelfire.com/nb/38/index.html and Revelation 21.21)] I did not see a pearly gate. Some people may want to naysay according to less important inconsistencies [so to speak, since each is important (see higher reasoning and glory to glory above)]. It is their talents that are important if we are together to properly respect God and all the higher values of God including from any worldly perspective(s) perhaps counted as if too trivial.


    If you plan to make preparations, it's good to know what you are preparing for, or for what you are preparing. It's good to not merely predict, rather to best predict: prophecy. In order to best predict it is good to follow the plan Jesus Christ to also be leading accordingly, that is, to know that you are to so lead, they you would so prepare, so let's look at what some other people have done to so prepare and accordingly lead.

    Saints rose from the graves, and Jesus Christ explained such things should be recorded. Others recorded, yet you should too. Testify as to whether those Saints, according to your belief, today live and are alive; and write it online or other or discuss and enlighten others accordingly.

    As discussed above "C. Prioritize." is distinguished over "A. Prioritize.", in other words "C. Prioritize." effectually properly comprehensively overcomes "A. Prioritize." because of higher priority and higher prioritization over and higher prioritizing standard [of the Church (PCS)] over "A. Prioritize.".

    Crime is below. Criminals are under laws. Higher is legal work toward peace. Higher yet is grace over such legal work, from solution to higher greater future solving, in Trend from glory to higher glory. Note that sinners in criminal activities hardly fit the GodMath mathematics [You = God except divided by your Faith amount (see GodMath p110, and see "Love =" below)] the same way(s) that non-sinners fit since a person is hardly whole when they prefer to commit sin(s), that is, a person's voluntary agreeing for Jesus Christ to provide salvation is needful.

    Book smart is for instance to look at a picture and to read a bicycle advertisement, without having ridden a bicycle. A person can for instance lovingly start a business without having learned that governments and others will work hard to both help the person, and work hard to put the person out of business. A cook can add love, yet follows the directions or trusts to luck; even so, experts follow proven methodology or risk prediction results.

    The methodology for cooking to yield a particular result goal such as to complete a special recipe precisely, is to go shopping. But that's almost nothing without the work to prepare the ingredients according to that recipe. And that's almost nothing without the stove and / or other device(s). Each part needs to be according to it's proven methodology (Matthew 7.20), nothing more, nothing less [(Revelation 22.18 & 19) minimal book smart requirements], and after having prepared and followed the letter of the law and failed, further over praise Jesus Christ (Daniel 3.22) wisely understanding it is not your hand alone, rather One Holy Hand that is able to best solve.

    If you want something, such as to please Jesus Christ and people, prepare with loving faithful best proven prioritized comprehensive methodology.

    Then it will no longer be a hope for a result by you alone, rather it would be the default.

    The "default" does not mean immediate success always, since success would be according to the timing of the Lord, at the time the Lord would choose. The Lord may want you to prepare a little more prior to success, that you and / or others can better or best appreciate.

    A hard to understand thing, a hard to know how to utilize tool I give you now [in consideration that many such as today Jack Van Impe on television while the most excellent I've known of talent to recall Bible verses (jvim.com)] while there are leaders doing excellent work according to their talents, when they persecute other opinions and/or talents of others, and do so without measure (reference PCS and talents of others, and those accounted worthy) then arises their valuable selfish firmament against God [such as toward peace measurably (PCS and )], when rather they should seek proper higher overcoming in Jesus Christ. The tool gift I give you now is that if you are a boss, utilize the talents offered by those under your care.

    Update February 5, 2013 & July 2, 2013: Who's in charge?:

    Not to step on President Barack Obama's toes, nor on any future President's toes, as we are to first to agree on a free agent [Priest, Minister, or similar (for Christ Jesus / Public PCS Standard Of The Church www.angelfire.com/un/110/PCS.html)], free or counted as if such, then my, Benchoff, selection of choice alone is not authorized per selfish bias, unless otherwise authorized by the President: including to choose in agreement or to be assigned to so choose / the default parameter (reference Security PCS).

    So if I make a selection choice for a person to be over the [guidance matters of faith, in lay terms (Security PCS details not provided here)], the selection is not authorized at this time. Even so, for the sake(s) of the people, a strong indicator is provided below in this update.

    Some, though not all, key considerations of pertinence include the person at the place President Barack Obama goes for Christian church services, that individual person [whether on a payroll or not]. Another selection possibility is the person at the top of the US Military both in charge of the following described as "providing" per se and providing Christian sermons to at least some Military personnel [on US Military payroll], that person both "in charge" and "providing" "Christian sermons" regularly or at times. While these two position holders, of the President's Christian church, and of the Commander-In-Chief's Christian church, hold important or key values, there are also other important values to consider such as appropriateness, standardization background [see above Public PCS], worthiness, reliability, established public Christian presence, justice, mercy, guidance value(s), motivation, popularity, and many other criteria on which many experts have already concluded.

    Jack Van Impe fails to meet many of the criteria as much and/or as perfectly as desired, even so is for the moment my top default selection for the position over matters of faith, such as to quantify qualities. If agreed by the President [and/or Vice President and/or Top Security...(process details such as chain-of-command not provided here)] the position would be over certain [perhaps] advising / helps and/or helping for the US President [details not provided here for security reasons (the perhaps lay jargon is intentionally complex)].

    The position would be over faiths, including both Christian [per US Law, Constitution Article 7] and otherwise, including case law, non-Christian faiths, and/or other not part of Security PCS [without comment at this time concerning Proprietary PCS].

    For instance Jack Van Impe and Jon Stewart are polarized in some respects and/or presentation ideas, yet I find they have many values and points in common [in lay terms (PCS 3 Nephi 11.28, and Jeremiah 31.5 with Acts 10.14) measurably], hence toward standardization, standardizable, toward agreement, hence for instance to help the President to find and formalize means of agreeing if appropriate in the President's opinion, to gain others via their agreeing such as perhaps in forming treaties with confidence, often of mutual respect per se, and with confidence; toward knowing before-the-fact rather than finding-out-after-the-fact-by-surprises.

    If the President has a contact point [not that the President doesn't have any already], then that contact point such as Jack Van Impe may of the position help the President accordingly. Of that point as person, Jack Van Impe for instance, would allow others to speak, preferably per PCS. For instance a group might be of the same opinion on a topic, while an individual person might be of another opinion (Matthew 15.28) perhaps of another faith [Christian or non-Christian, of science or of guesswork, atheist, or other], so the contact point position would be reasonably responsible to represent accordingly and have them decide or if they do not agree then to self [or counted as self (such as by knowing the Bible) and doctrines and faiths...(Security PCS matters not disclosed here)] determine the best value for the US President [toward mutual best value (details not provided here, see Security PCS)].

    Jack Van Impe or other position holder could be let go or quit at anytime without reason, though courtesy is expected.

    Of some importance is that Jack Van Impe [info on Wiki (no affiliations unless otherwise stated)] shows Jack Van Impe prophecy beliefs include pertinent applicable concerns about this position. If in that position, Jack Van Impe would be responsible to properly be, and (Ezekiel 37.19 and Ephesians 4.4)/ or properly guide, "a single world political leader".

    In agreement with law [(see original United States Constitution) PCS Calibration Point] and popularity [including definitions (see Wiki above), voting, and decision making qualities easily to be quantified / PCS] is the Biblical statement: "divine nature: flying the corruption of that concupiscence which is in the world" [(from 2 Peter 1.4 of the "Douay-Rheims Bible") version of the verse with meaning interpreted into more modern language by other Biblical versions].

    Some PCS, including Security PCS, is not disclosed here, and key parts of immediate concern at the time prior to position appointment might be slightly disclosed such as whether for instance Jack Van Impe or other potential appointee might be required (always?, at times?, if certain things occur?...) to answer to the President (and other(s)?) and do accordingly. Hence much needs be considered: Jack Van Impe is of course free to decline the position offer. Also the position might entail much hard work, perhaps difficult for any person to endure, save Jesus Christ.

    End of February 5, 2013 & July 2, 2013 Update.

    Respect a sinner a certain amount. A sinner might be a habitual liar, yet that same sinner might start coughing and that coughing might save your life and the lives of your family and friends if that coughing alerts you to a fire about which you were unaware. The sin is not glory, the part of that sinner that is not sin is glorious.

    If an expert Preacher preaches, then rule number Revelation 22.18 has been broken, and if not preached then rule number Revelation 22.19 has been broken, therefore there is a higher consideration, the same most excellent perfect Jesus Christ, the same most excellent PCS, yet from grace of glory to higher glory.

    To repeat what the Bible stated, is often book smart and simple mindedness, even a parrot could do as much yet you are far more valuable than many parrots.

    If to properly prepare, then prepare not only with Baptism and with learning the Bible.

    If you want to build an army tank, if you want world peace, or some other thing or event, properly utilize all the right ingredients, all the best methodology(ies), the right timing, outcome preparing, and so on, to best enable for Jesus Christ.

    Let Jesus Christ do anything and everything for you, but don't make Jesus Christ do for you as if your employee or slave [(Genesis 9.9) as much as you imagine you have talent to endure]. You may desire to follow the proven methods of others, and to a measurable amount that is good [(ibid.) since Jesus Christ helped forefathers with their making of methodologies], yet in any case be mindful that in Jesus Christ is the best and Holy Methodology [in pattern similar to the first agree (PCS, see the GodMath Testament on "Absolutivity")].

    Bill Evridge, an NDT Level III, the highest level per se [there are other standards with designations that seem higher (aerospace)], explained the higher value of a Level III position yet said there's nothing wrong with being a Level II, it is a respectable position.

    If a person is a Level II, it does not mean they sinned nor that any else sinned. So if a person did not break the law, then they are of value, and in this context a Level II is valuable, even though perhaps not as high within the measures of a certain standard as a Level III.

    Having a talent does not change a person on the personal level, the way that having a talent changes a person on the positional level or scale or value structural dynamic.

    "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." [from preparation to prophecy to love (1 Corinthians 13:2)], Love = Preparation x Prophecy. Have faith though let that faith be in Jesus Christ. To lay down your life is of measurable value, and great if of the right purpose [love in the form of charity (1 Corinthians 13.13)].

    Holy Grace is higher in priority than otherwise the best of worldly laws. Grace is higher than law [do not confuse law with grace (Psalm 69.26-28)] rather give your life properly [there is a higher value than you place in the tree of life (Revelation 22.19)], even knowing Jesus Christ already paid the price ["He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels." (Revelation 3.5)].

    Prepare for the final great outcome, prepare for the overcoming as One with Jesus Christ.

    The tree of life is counted as most precious within a parameter, yet there is a higher parameter. A seed falls as a single entity, though dies to former selfish ways and yields many seeds [(John 12.24) there are seasons to your dying and living, prefer living in proper prioritizing], yet also prepare higher value outwardly, for the living of others, unselfishly.

    When I saw God.

    The upper right of this illustration is the Face Of God that according to my perception God enabled me to perceive. Quickly, with my responsive imagining that Jesus Christ is leading in being wise including reliability, there was the transfiguration of the face from Gandalf the Wizard into Picard. In GodMath: Picard x Picard = Gandalf. Similar in pattern to the given: Innovation x Innovation = Invention. Innovation / Innovation / Invention or Creation. If Picard and Gandalf characters in accord are Chosen and agree: Picard / Picard / Gandalf / Jesus Christ.

    The above small font description shows Positioning of fictional Characters Gandalf and Picard. The described Transforming indicates the evolving, growing, loving, increasing [unraveling (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on unraveling the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven) save the Seventh Seal] Personal relationship of this self, myself to the amount disclosed here, with Jesus Christ.

    Glory to glory, that is, glory to higher glory; from Jesus Christ to higher Jesus Christ.

    How do I know it is higher, because of the Holy Name Jesus Christ, and because as I and rather as We unravel, in our minds [and rather in our mind (as One: GodMath of Jesus Christ)] We distinguish even if in worldly measuring terms until End Time. We in the flesh distinguish from position to higher position.

    We learn of a high position, for instance if learned that a tree sprouts from a seed, We have learned of at least two valuable positions, the valuable position of the seed and the valuable position of the sprouting tree. If We also then learn that the tree gains in position over leaves, then We learn also that relatively higher position from Our flesh perspective. We learn the tree relies on it's future seeds, so We learn that the seeds have a source, so We can learn per usefulness per situation (ICCDBB PCS), and/or We can learn the big picture, that Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end and everything good in between.

    Adam and Eve began without sin, then learned to know each other without love or with love: without Jesus Christ or with Jesus Christ.

    We can learn tools, businesses, lands, and the meaning of invention without Jesus Christ or with Jesus Christ. Below, relatively on my own, as compared to being face to face [eye to eye (Isaiah 52.8)] when God enlightened me, I saw and thought that that is how God sees, and a snapshot of it can be made, or a painting or drawing or text about the view can be made, and that is what God sees, the same as what I see. Yet God sees better [a more or most excellent way (1 Corinthians 12.31)].

    I had time to think about these things, and thought that we are in His image, therefore we see what He sees. Update April 9, 2014, make no image of anything in Heaven above nor of that below save of the Will Of God In Jesus Christ [(see ICCDBB www.angelfire.com/un/110/Abode.html "shown in the world") higher purpose] as for evangelism and edification of the Church, rather than out of context such as to bow down to them and worship them as sinners have done for selfishness as if to own God when to own a statue or a picture such as to make selfish money from sinfully selling admission tickets or from televising without stating in clear terms higher purpose of being for the Will Of Jesus Christ.

    God enlightened me.

    I held up the blank paper for Jesus Christ to see, to be sure this is in agreeing with the firm foundation work of Jesus Christ [such as for edifying and for planning for the Lord (1 Timothy 6.19)] and what Jesus Christ wanted me to so love and value [(Matthew 19.6) design and] teach per se. Suddenly Jesus Christ reached over my shoulder and pointed and the round logo and headlines appeared and kept changing.

    I saw a great mystery.

    Suddenly on the paper Jesus Christ unraveled another great mystery more than what the eyes and senses see and sense.


    Updated 3/20/2012, 3/15/2013, & 4/5/2013.

    As much as able to comprehend, once in Heaven at first I saw light gray, then a moving transforming cloud that became recognized as the magical movie character Gandalf The Wizard. I had only seen some parts of the movie role on television since while somewhat entertaining I had perceived the magical character as more for children, than for relating to the character by adults. Then the character transformed into Picard, a both caring and logical character with whom I could better relate, and I have thoroughly watched many of the shows of the Picard series on television. Then as much as able to comprehend, I also clearly saw the Right Hand of God pointing. I did not see any blood nor nail hole in the hand [Public PCS (Romans 8.34)] yet as understood Christ can allow infirmities or overcome them beyond logic alone: good. One with the Holy Father, when a person or a people during a moment agree with Jesus Christ then at least logically Jesus Christ can for the moment render the same person or people per se to the Holy Father for the greater glory of Holy Father, yet such of Jesus Christ is also done of the higher faith of Jesus Christ of the higher love of Jesus Christ (reference the GodMath Testament Book 5 on Triads).


    Update added 4/25/2012.

    The Right Hand of God as described in the previous update above bothered me, even though measurably handicapped in many ways as people in the flesh generally are [helpless (Isaiah 19.15)], such as belaboring talks of their own [dwelling much in worldly self involvement (GodMath Testament, Book 1 Chapter 1 page 1)] infirmities. I was bothered because of a mentioned handicap counted as if self involved [corrective help available for you if needed, for instance (see affiliate A Check Exact bottom illustration www.angelfire.com/nb/drbob/innovations.html)], though because of my position as an Inspector it was troublesome and a cause to wonder about not seeing red on an off-white background, along with a hole [(Luke 24.39) as I was not seeking proof, rather PCS guidance, being on a worldly mission in the flesh rather than not, hence to best function for Jesus Christ in the world, hence measuring (see context Philippians 1.27 below) value(s) per se, weighing priorities, attesting to truth guidance application(s)]. So too site visitors were rapidly on the increase again but the numbers fell away as the many faced a brief light burden of whether to face the truth, instead they chose to fall away from the teachings from God as the people of Egypt did before them [and will be broken (Isaiah 1.28) as a wild horse is tamed (Proverbs 21.31)].


    Update added 6/22/2014.

    To the right of the above depiction of God is evidently Jesus Christ according to "The Prophecy Bible" (no legal affiliation unless otherwise stated) foldout depiction at the top of the "Church Age" section; if so the above depiction of the hand is evidently of God, hence no hole in the hand; while further to the right of God are the "free"..."And it shall come to pass that whosoever doeth this shall be found at the right hand of God, for he shall know the name by which he is called; for he shall be called by the name of Christ." (Mosiah 5.8 & 9).


    God rose to Heaven, and wants you to be able to do the same, though God does not have Heaven in order to have lazy people [(Matthew 8.20) there are yet higher blessings indescribable] rather conquerors bright thinking lively and joyous!

    Hear the wind, and this time make sense of it in Jesus Christ, whether the wind is worthy of correction (Mark 4.39), corrective enlightenment (see "solve this Known Universe" below), helpful mutually for the greater glory of Jesus Christ.

    Consider Adam and Eve, how they did not have modern writing, nor modern English able to more accurately describe now than back then; so when for instance to describe a new change they might have used the word created, rather than a word not yet in worldly existence at the time, such as the word "innovated". Many people fight over such trivial matters such as this as appeared on television just yesterday, when there are experts that have already move past it, far beyond, far above, working on far higher reasoning properly with proofs along the ways [though along with their human frailties of the flesh save Jesus Christ [unstained from the world's sinful ways (James 1.27 and see above illustration)].

    You can focus on jail, prison, enslavement, the torturers, sweating in their patterns and so on, or you can focus on the higher glory Jesus Christ values; even so, if Jesus Christ wants you to notice something for proof that you know of a certainty, do it [(John 20.25) rather for higher purpose (1 Corinthians 8.13)].

    God does warn not to stray from the righteous path or there is nothing useful that can be done accordingly, nothing good, [nothing (Isaiah 19.15)]. God has already taught all things beforehand including the plain and easy to understand boundless information along with the hard to understand information that sinful spirits hate to work to logically understand for sinful gain, yet of God for your and our upbraiding, to the Holy One even the complex blessings become unraveled and are clarified that we behold the higher excellence so marvelous!

    As foretold in 34AD and such as recorded in The Book Of Mormon, 3 Nephi 21.10, ..."although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater"....

    Jesus Christ made himself and example for you to follow (2 Nephi 31.16) that you should do the same (1 Peter 2.21) to accordingly learn unselfish leadership.

    And so hereof a great Biblical mystery is unraveled and revealed: in the Heavenly realm there can exist great, even greatest healing(s) yielding great joy!

    And as even sinners know in the world healings exist, Heaven on Earth.

    Further awareness that there will be joy in Heaven, both expected joy, and new overwhelming joy, yields great further reason for you to have hope beyond longsuffering.

    Be mindful whether between Heaven and Hell, whether in Hell, whether in Heaven you have brought to Earth via Jesus Christ, or whether in some other predicament or situation you can hardly describe, perhaps in some dreamworld or visionary mindset, be ye mindful that Jesus Christ is the constant higher value; unravel.

    Faced with proof after proof after proof many demand "Prove it.". Even through generations, eras, and eons there are proofs at every turn, so to prove is the simple part, your light burden.

    Be as God, helping, though be wise concerning your audience, that while you want to go to Heaven, rather unselfishly choose to fix Earth, heal the world, solve this Known Universe (3 Nephi 28.9 & 10 / Philippians 1.24) that you may hear what the Holy Spirit says [(Revelation 2.7 and Philippians 1.27) to the churches].

    Many most needful of a particular talent of help or awareness, are those who often fight hardest against such, against you if you preach the Holy Word. To convert a person is a great thing. If to heal a small bruise is good, so much more to save a soul for Jesus Christ. Go, save a soul in this world [(John 4.35) Christ has a harvest ready to credit One Holy Account], and come visit again if helpful.

    I am 57 years old now and have seen many experts with great talents that few people know about, ranging from general socio-political humanities loving kindness talent [saying beautifully lovely things to friends], to expertise at very complex specifics [including newly innovated Top Secret Security], and yet in every case the same laws and guidelines apply, some apply comprehensively and some apply per case, some are high priority and some are not, yet in every situation Jesus Christ prevails.

    Some things currently seem optional, of grace, counted as if of lower priority [though yet to accord greater value for your wise agreeing], yet some other things are currently a "must" now [then and again until end time, so when you preach be mindful of (John 3.14)].


    Update added 7/21/2013.

    Concerning how to recognize reference the seed (1 Peter 1.23), the broken body of Jesus Christ [symbolic bread (Luke 24.30 & 31), and how to not merely innovate of static equation logic alone (see ICCDBB Public PCS on perfecting limitations / laws) yet to rather improve recognition capabilities (John 20.29).


    Update added 3/23/2016.

    When I Heard God?, Christ JESUS was apparently speaking last night: "No sir." He said. Rather than to judge by appearances, of righteous judgment He sounded as One Of Authority Of God in a normal voice as a person in their 30's. The context was that having been years plagued by chaotic sounds while trying to sleep and random images falsely trying to imitate others, I had imagined to play only a game to not harm but to as if shoot the trouble makers and that is when I heard "No sir." coming peacefully even a delight unto me from Christ JESUS or accordingly of Christ JESUS, Christ JESUS being worthy of the glory [also the amount "that you have light, believe" (reference John 12.36 WNT)].

    Update added 3/24/2016.

    The previous update said "from Christ JESUS or accordingly of Christ JESUS", which of former logic is not only right or wrong, it is also that if wrong then punishment; of New Logic For Christ JESUS, goodly and properly prioritized logic with higher comprehensive purpose for all, punishment and problems are unto themselves, while New Logic For Christ JESUS is of justice as honing to greater value and rather is of best guidance.

    There is a physical night and there is a spiritual night, the physical is night is tougher than day concerning good effectual expedient work, while the spiritual night concerns the to be enlightened.

    In the ICCDBB Sermon Prophetic Directions, for Leaders in Christ JESUS, March 12, 2016, there is an illustration of One gathering in a fishnet the Known Universe / Leaking Universe / Former Logic. In so gathering, being brought together are the found, the sought of God. In former logic perspective gathered was both the good with the bad that each be before the Throne with their enemy if any, that the Highest And Heavenly Court judge; rather in New Logic see ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS: How To Choose The Chosen, Drawing: Chosen JESUS, triangle.

    One gathers in both the good and bad, rather the good and yet all via the Criteria Of Christ JESUS, as God made all for the higher unseen good highest purpose yet of Criteria Of Christ JESUS that all needs be without sin (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on eye-of-the-needle) as sinners properly enlightened are enabled to fully repent (already done, though the Holy Comforter may properly guide expediently). In plain language (John 11.14) fear God, rather than fear sinners be raised with You Holy Comforter that the One True Holy Judge Christ JESUS find You so doing according to the precept on precept Way Of The Plan Of The Father.

    You have the Holy Plan, to do good God and for others, therefore if God tells You yes, then for their sakes, if God tells You similarly [yes] to the preventing of sinning, interpreted as no to sin; then all for their sakes and of greater value for the sake of One God The Father In One Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS The Lord And Judge And Perfect Guide.


    Update added 4/24 & 25/2016: When I saw and heard God.

    Another dream evidently superseding the previous edifying / discerning update "When I Heard God", as the previous was toward secular in the Old Testament and this dream toward the New Testament. There were given situations, and while others in one situation were lively and playing with plastic toys shooting each other, they were evidently civil and delightful with each other. Because of another situation of a legalese type (in so properly legally stating thereby has caused it to have been described and thereby ensues further complexities as if to be thrown out of court), I civilly requested money (unfortunately for the parties / extenuating circumstances, save this Sermon for Your sakes and higher purposes), and the leader who looked similar to John Mayall a singer and guitarist though with a slightly shorter face said "Well take it." And after another collected on my behalf I thanked the leader. Relatively their initial playful youthful delight with the gracious settlement was evidently far more Godly than of the previous update. That is, to overcome the rod (of limited value) to discipline a person [such as a child (Proverbs 13.24)] with a more gracious settlement as Christ JESUS expounded in the New Testament is of the greater value.

    In other words, a person is reasonably of more value than a rod, so the person should reasonably be over the rod rather than a rod over a person as much as reasonable. If to discipline or if to arrange settlement, choose love as much as possible and prudent, choose a rod of love rather than a rod made of splinters which might prick all parties.

    To sound like a forceful voice of authority is not the same as to have the agreeable voice of reason and good sense: the latter more powerful than the former.

    Having wrongly imagined John Mayall was a much younger fellow, when awake online it was interesting to find a pic similar to the leader circa 1970 so with John Mayall having been born 29 November 1933 it would make the leader age circa 30s.