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Get Free Mountain Dew DewU Codes!

How to get free Dew U Codes, The Easy Way!!!

I have discovered a trick to get FREE DEWU CODES, without much effort and without spending tons of money buying Mountain Dew! You can get your Xbox in just 3 Days if you use my technique!

The Mountain Dew company is partnered with yahoo during this promotion, and their system email address is This is an automated technical support address that is used to help users find answers to common problems. What the Mountain Dew company doesn't know, is that there is a glitch in the system where you can get free DewU codes by confusing this automated address!

If you send an email to this address with a specific format using HTML coding, you can trick the system into giving you 10 free unused codes. All you need is 1 unused DewU code for this to work. What happens is when you send your valid DewU code along with the HTML coding to this address, the system becomes confused. Within 72 hours, the system will send an automated response with 10 new unused DewU codes to you! The only problem is that the original DewU code that you send will become invalid, but that doesn't matter, since you are getting 10 more anyway! I have tried this many times, and I have already gotten 3 Xbox's and I am working on getting more!

What Does This Mean?:

If you follow the instructions below, you can turn 1 DewU code into 10 DewU Codes. If you do this 5 times with 5 different DewU codes, you will end up with a total of 50 DewU codes. If you do this 55 times with 55 different DewU codes, you will end up with 550 DewU codes, which is enough to get that Xbox! The possibilities are ENDLESS!

You can do this as many times as you want, as long as you use a VALID DewU code each time!

This is How it's Done:

Send an email to and have the subject be "DewU" and type this in the message field:"type your valid DewU code here"0093kd0983ld0al08dawe.html

Where the HTML code says "type your valid DewU code here" you need to replace that text with your valid Dew U code. This command will trick the system into sending you 10 unused codes within a 72 hour period.

Here is an EXAMPLE: (Note: The code below is NOT valid)"DKA1K9POR3"0093kd0983ld0al08dawe.html

REMEMBER: Your DewU Code MUST BE UNUSED or this will not work! If you put in a DewU code that has already been used the system won't send you anything back.

This is the EASIEST way to get Mountain Dew Codes! This method has been tested by hundreds of people just like you, and it has been proven to work FLAWLESSLY! You're satisfaction is GUARANTEED! Try it before this glitch in the system is fixed!

Have fun!

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