Masks of the Illuminati
The Illuminati can be traced back thousands of years to Sumer,
Babylon, and Egypt. Through the centuries they have been working
constantly to centralize global power and global dictatorship.
Behind the apparent randomness of world events has been the
Illuminati secret network that is privy to knowledge the rest of the
people never hear about. The network is controlled by some elite
families, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, House of Lorraine,
Habsburgs and the Thurn and Taxis dynasty from Bergamo, Italy, which
expanded into Belgium and Bavaria. Furthermore, an Illuminati is a Master Mason who has received
all the "light" Masonry can bestow. He is beyond 32° and
even beyond 33°! Such people are known as the Masters of
Masters of the Temple, and collectively are known by several names
other than the Illuminati.
- Great White Brotherhood
- Argentium Astrum (Silver Star)
- Order of One
- Torch-bearers
- Invisible College
- Custodians of the Plan
- The Lords of Compassion
- Guardians of the Grail
- Society of Illumined Minds
- World Mind
- Council of Masters
- Hesychasts
- Order of the Perfectibilists
- The Council of All Beings
- Wisemen
- Invisible Order
- Secret Brotherhood
- The Brain Trust
- Crusaders of the Green Cross
- Seekers on the Threshold
- Masters of Wisdom
- The Hierarchy
- Council of Nine
- Fraternitas Saturni
- Hermetic Brotherhood of Light
Illuminati Structure
Banking And Money Group:
- International Money Center Banks
- Central Banks
- International Monetary Fund
- World Bank
- International Bank of Settlements
- World Conservation Bank
- Multinational Corporations
- Foundations
Secret Societies Group:
- Freemasonry
- Skull & Bones
- Grand Orient Lodge
- Grand Alpina Lodge
- Knights Templar
- Royal Order of the Garter
- Priory De Sion
- Rosicrucians
Political Group:
- National Government Leaders
- United Nations
- Bilderbergers
- Trilateral Commission
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Club of Rome
- Aspen Institute
- Bohemian Grove
- Regional Federations (NATO, EEC, etc.)
- International Labor Unions
Intelligence Group:
- CIA (Central
Intelligence Agency)
- KGB (State Security
- Russia/Soviet Intelligence Agencies)
- FBI (Federal
Bureau of Investigation)
- British Intelligence
- Mafia/Organized Crime
- Drug Cartels
- Interpol
- Communist Party
Religious Group:
- World Council of Churches
- National Council of Churches
- World Parliament of Religions
- Vatican, The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM)
- New Age Cults/Groups
- Liberal Protestant Denominations
- Unity Church
- Unitarian / Universalist Church Baha'i
- Temple of Understanding
Education Group:
- World Peace Groups
- Planetary Congress
- World Constitution and Parliamentary Assoc.
- Environmental Groups
- Lucis Trust
- World Goodwill
- World Union
- Esalen Institute
- Media Establishment