The Pam Macys

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The show at 10-34 records on the 16th was cancelled due to the cancellations of the other bands...the cruel irony. But anyways, a show looms somewhere in the near future for the Pam Macys. We're starting to work on some new material and we're beginning the process of home-recording. I also put up a guestbook on the site, so if anyone besides myself, joe, or al does actually come on this site; please leave us something.


We officially entered the Cleveland Music scene tonight by playing our first show in a "club."; the 10-34 club. We opened up, which wasn't the greatest, but the crowd, as small as it was, seemed to enjoy us for the most part. We lined up another show on the 16th at the same place. I just got an email from the kid Brandon from the band Forever Falls Tomorrow about a show the 21st of Augest at Big Happy's Skatepark. I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and when i get back, Joe's heading out as well, so the band will have a much deserved two or so week rest and will come back ready for their next show.
At the show tonight we told a bunch of stoned guys that we got our name from the first female Russian astronaut. And they believed it.


We fought the law and the law didn't won. We booked ourselves two shows at the 10-34 Club, the first being this friday at 7:30. Come check us out, we need to sell tickets if we want to make money.


Me and Joe have made ourself a list of the songs we have written and the list comes to 12 different tracks. We finally got over Al's house today, fresh off his Floridian Vacation with looking quite tanned and quite ready to play the drums with The Pam Macys once again. Unfortunately, our plans were cut short due to the Long Arm of the Law. The 50 stopped by and informed us that we are a "nuisance" to the neighborhood and that we need to find a new place to practice our musical abilities. We are all at a loss for what is to be done about this most recent revealtion. We have a potential show on July 30th at the 10-34 club, but were not sure how that will happen now...


Last we heard of Al he was somewhere off the coast of Florida fishing with his crazy uncle Gustove. Joe and myself are deciding to take this time to write some tunes and work out some kinks we have in the gears. Many show dates have been thrown around in the last couple of weeks, things are looking promising this summer. We also have an opportunity to go record with Al's other crazy Uncle later on this Summertime Season. On a bad note, joe's skanking has been put on hold because he broke his foot. He said he'll be better soon which is good news for everyone.


...somebody needs to check the pulse of the Pam Macy's...i think they're dead


The show at CVCA was our minds.


It has been a long time since I've update this. We have two shows planned for May so far and we're looking for more. We've been writing a whole bunch of originals and are narrowing down our set list for these two shows. Everybody's been really busy so we havent got together too often, but the two shows are going to be sweet. Oh yeah, i also got some pics up on the site from that show way back in January.


So the dry spell has ended. We've realized that simplicity isnt always such a bad thing. We've moved on to different facets of Punk rock...and some weird ones at that...for right now at least. We also got word of a possible gig date sometime in May. We'll let you know how that turns out...


So we're kinda going through a dry spell right now. We're focusing on writing songs and improving our overall skill levels (i.e. our "singing"). Haven't seen the A-man since the show...we hope he's still alive...


So our show at walsh was amazing. The Sound system kinda sucked so that put a damper on the event but overall it went well.We got a chance to see this amazing college band, the Dolly Rebels, who are pretty big in the Akron area i guess. Also, we got our first band to hate us, DEF CORE, so thats always good. I think we're gonna get some pictures up on the website if we can find some from our friends. We've decided to record a demo tape so we can start booking more shows, so we'll see how that goes...


Well Christmas break came and went, not much was done. I dont think we even met with alan; i'll have to ask him. So now we had this break over the weekend where we practiced three times in four days, that was pretty good. Joe got us booked at this show at Walsh HS for a battle of the band; hopefully that deal doesnt fall through and he also go us a spot in an all-day ska festival sometime in march. We'll see how that goes.


I uploaded the three songs we sent into the rockoff so u can check them out on the audio page if you want. We're just chillin' right now; not really doing much but writing some new tunes...


So we got together again, all three of us this time. Alan seemed to like most of our originals, so thats good. We've also decided to enter the rockoff this year, its just a matter of getting the tape in on time. Joe and I got together this past week over break and recorded all our parts, Alan's been kinda busy so he still has to do his parts yet. If all goes well, we'll mail that sucker in on wednesday; hopefully we make it, that would be sweet...


So we got together this past friday night, and just to break the norm we actually got a lot of stuff accomplished. We got the demo done, joes making the copies as we speak. Hopefully Alan won't hate all of them. As soon as i get the tape back ill upload the new stuff onto the audio page.


Alright, heres the scoop. Joe called about his bass amp this week and it turns out its fixable; so right now its being fixed. I did however get my Les Paul this past week: so nice. We trying to work out some dates within the next two weeks to finally record the demo tape were giving to Lucas. Because it turns out that Joe's Aunt Rosie has this house that sounds ideal for recording, so were thinking of maybe crashing there for a weekend for something. Man do i hate the "studio"


Yeah, we havent done anything


Weekend numbero tres is down the tubes, this time we didnt even meet together. But to do what, play through joe's broken amp or strum my messed up guitar. We decided to go on a "instumental Hyatis" if that means anything. Basically, joe's going to fix his amp or end up buying a crate 50-watter for 180 beans and im getting the amazing Epiphone les paul standard this week. We talked to lucas (alan) and when i say we, i mean joe. He kinda didnt care that we havent talked to him in over 4 weeks, hes kinda like that. He seems to still want to do it though. I wrote the greatest song ive ever written this weekend, so maybe...


One more weekend gone. Me an Joe checked out the GC this friday and came home more disappointed then ever. Turns out joe's bass is really, really messed up, so the "recording studio" is gonna be a little empty for awhile...I realized that i was poor so the new guitar's gonna take a lot longer than i expected...we're getting tired of always having stupid crap like this bring us down. Something goods gotta happen, we're really due for it...


Another weekend's starting today; hopefully more productive than the last one. That Walsh kid Joe had school off again while Brendan labored away at the CIVCA...


Nothings going our way right now it seems. Joe's massive 15-watt amp is out of commission for now and my guitar is just messed up. We're starting to record our first demo as the Pam Macys; its taking forever. We found this really sweet kid who plays the drums but certain circumstances have kept us from actually playing together more than once. Hopefully old lady luck will stop by after school so we can get it on...