. . Random Interests

Comic Books
Jim Lee now draws Batman! Doesn't take more than that to get me back in. Click on the link and tell me that's not sweet.
Liar! You said that just to spite me.

I decided I wanted to start drawing again, so I went to Borders to buy a "how to" book, but they were expensive. So I bought a comic book instead to learn how to draw from...

-Random Studying-
I wanted to get through a chapter of my basic calculus book, read two chapters of the bible, and one section of Word Power Made Easy, every day. Heh.

-Financial Planning-
I bought pocket quicken so that I could budget on my palm piliot only to find that you must own regular quicken to run pocket quicken. So I bought regular quicken, only to not find my palm piliot.

This was a short-lived and depressing attempt to actually understand the code that I took from another website.

I was seriously considering buying a $100 book about ants. (In my defense, it won a Pulitzer Prize.)

. . .

Fad of the Week

(August 10th, 2005 -- 9:20PM PST)

Wow, like two years since my last post. I've gone through so many random impuslive hobbies I can not recall all of them. Let's just go current: I'm trying to jog/run regularly, I got a bike because there are incredible trails right around where I live, I got a mac to play with, I'm toying around with T-shirt design (man I want a silk screen machine!), I'm trying to read through the bible in one year (I'm really really behind).

-- pauloc

(September 22nd, 2003 -- 8:57PM PST)

The dearth of entries in this page from the last few months does not imply that my ADDH addled mind finally fixed itself. My attention has flying around like an ant on a centrifuge. I was really interested in purchasing an ipod (I still want one), I've been cooking dinner almost every night, I'm trying to start a habit of exercising (enter rockwall climbing), and I've been trying to learn more about evolution (and failing. Who would have thought that reading about the exhaustive evidence on the molecular, genetic, behavioral and archeological basis of evolution could have been so dry?). Lots to write about, but who knows if I have the attention span to do it...

-- pauloc

(September 22nd, 2003 -- 9:28 AM PST)

I'm really into rockwall climbing lately. I went last Thursday and again yesterday. It's a great activity, it uses lots of strength and flexibility, but at the same time requires mental strategy on how to complete the route. Lots of fun, I'll write a more detailed account later...

-- pauloc

(July 31st, 2003 -- 10:38 AM PST)

Latest fads in no order: clay, home improvement, cooking, studying, reading. Maybe I'll have something to show for some of these; I'm hoping for a clay figure to post soon...

-- pauloc

(July 3rd, 2003 -- 12:06 PM PST)

I returned the Idiot's Guides late. And I didn't get any further than Europe. In fact, I'm quite certain that I've forgotten a few countries in Europe. I read all about the causes of WWI aslo, but I'm sure that'll drip away. My mind is like a cracked beaker. It seems like it can hold a lot, but that's just cause stuffs always leaking out the bottom.

-- pauloc

(June 17th, 2003 -- 8:45 PM PST)

I'm still stuck on History and Geography. I can now place all the countries in Europe. And I found an article about one of my newly memorized countries that earlier I didn't know existed. Dave Barry writes about the Moldovian underwater hockey team. Seriously. Well, as serious as Dave Barry gets...

-- pauloc

(June 11th, 2003 -- 9:47 AM PST)

So now its History and Geography. I've been reading the idiot's guides and they have actually been helpful. I learned a lot more about European geography of which I was very ignorant (Moldova is a country?), and got my timeline of American History facts straightened out a bit. (Spanish-American war was fought for what?). Here is a great map link. It has a world map that you can zoom in and out of for more detail.

-- pauloc

(May 7th, 2003 -- 9:30 PM PST)

It's been awhile. Last you heard I was on a workout kick. It lasted more than a week, but I'm not working out any more. Here are random fads that have lasted about a week, give or take. (These are serious whims of mine, which means that my desire to do/learn about these things lasted for more than two days.)

  • Ants
  • Financial Planing
  • Random Studying
  • Drawing

  • Which brings us to my current fad of the week...

  • Comic Books
  • -- pauloc

    Send Comments to pauloc.

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    Paulo Castaneda - note: this site was fashioned using the source code from www.talkingpointsmemo.com.

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