. . MTG Stuff

I finally have my Wake, Goblin, and Reanimator lists up

-Previous Games Played-
How'd my mediocre decks do against other such decks?

-Cool Cards-
Seriously, these cards are cool

-Deckplans for the future-
Concept decks

-I need these cards-
Any generous people out there?

. . .

(November 26th, 2003 -- 1:25 PM PST)

No more Magic for me. I haven't played in about 2 or 3 months. I haven't bought a pack of either the core set or the new Mirrodin cards (which I actually think is a good set.) Who knows, maybe I'll get back into it later. (But the next set is called "Dark Steel." Come on! Sounds like a porn title. Seriously weak.)

-- pauloc

(August 22nd, 2003 -- 9:06 PM PST)

I haven't played MTG in months. But tonight I think I'm gonna build a land destruction deck. I'll post a list if its halfway decent.

-- pauloc

(June 11th, 2003 -- 9:02 AM PST)

I changed the Reanimator a little. I took out the Krosan Colossus and another creature (forgot which one right now) and put in Bladewing the Risen and Dragon Tyrant.

-- pauloc

(June 6th, 2003 -- 10:14 AM PST)

Although I haven't changed my deck lists at all since posted, I have been playing some. I went over to my cousin's place and played against their decks. I plan to make a deck around the pennimin's aura, wirewood channeler combo also, but we'll see how that works itself out.

-- pauloc

(May 28th, 2003 -- 11:07 PM PST)

I just played my Reanimator against Ben. He beat me twice in a row with his G/W beast deck. My main problem was that I couldn't fill my deck fast enough to make threshold. His answers to my deck are: reprisal, intrepid hero, and genesis. I think I can take him though. I'm gonna sideboard in a Book Burning. Weird, but it'll work. And I'll figure out what to put in place of Chainer's Edict. A great card, but I'm not sure it fits in this deck.

-- pauloc

(May 28th, 2003 -- 8:53 PM PST)

I went over to brainburst.com and copied the code for their decklists. So now I have my three decks listed here.

-- pauloc

(May 28th, 2003 -- 7:19 PM PST)

So I bought a box of Scourge. I have to admit, I'm impressed. It is a fun set. A whole lot better than Legions. And I did get a couple of copies of Upwelling (one from Ben and one from a booster.) So I still have my Cunning Wake deck and Ben helped me build a Reanimator deck. With the box of cards I just got, I also built myself a Goblin deck. I'm looking for a good way to post decklists. As soon as I find a way, I'll post these three decks.

-- pauloc

(May 7th, 2003 -- 11:27 AM PST)

Wow, a broken card. Upwelling is going to screw the whole game up. Scourge comes out in a couple weeks, I'm gonna buy a couple boxes; I hope I get a few copies of that card.

-- pauloc

(May 5th, 2003 -- 8:49 AM PST)

I've been playing a whole lot of Magic the past few weeks. I have a lot of stuff to fill this page with. None of the links to the left work yet, but that should change within the next few days. I've been playing my Cunning Wake deck lately, but I'm planning on mixing it up a little. This page will complete soon

-- pauloc

(March 5th, 2003 -- 8:40 AM PST)

My sliver deck didn't do too poorly last night. I played about 6 games against Ben's G/W beatdown, and won 2 of them. But the rest of the games were pretty close. The problem was those damn wraths of god. I think I'll start siding in the planar guides, just to piss Ben off. There was lots of creature stalemates. I noticed that I could only win if I have a large creature advantage (2 to 1 vs. his creatures) or if I can pull my ward sliver. I think when I play Ben next time, I'll side out some Brood slivers and quick slivers and replace them with a 4th ward sliver and 2 planar guides. Maybe I'll play another few rounds tonight.

-- pauloc

(March 1st, 2003 -- 10:48 PM PST)

I haven't been playing any magic for the past three days. But that's okay, because my decks pretty much all suck. Except for that sliver deck, but once I take out those city of brass cards, it's extremely inconsistant. But if I keep it as a type 2 legal, instead of onslaught constructed, it can't compete. Any suggestions on cards that would work well for a sliver deck in onslaught block aside from other slivers? (I play a 5 color deck, don't laugh.) I only play explosive vegetation, oversold cemetary, and that one white enchantment that gives one type of creature +1/+1

-- pauloc

(February 28th, 2003 -- 1:18 PM PST)

Not much to say. If I can get this page up and running, then all but one of my links will be broken.

-- pauloc

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