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Bog Filter

The water is pumped from the pond skimmer  into the bottom of the gravel-filled bog.  We researched this type of filter by googling "bog" & "veggies filters".  We knew we wanted it to look as natural as possible with no liner or hoses, etc. showing when completely finished, so this design seemed like a good option.  To clean out the matrix of pipes, we hook another hose to the "clean-out" pipe, turn the pump back on and let the sludge flow out away from the pond.  After the standard 6 to 8 weeks of green water while the filter matured, the water cleared and has remained that way.

September 2006...
This is the matrix of pvc pipe at the bottom of the bog:

The bog filled with gravel and water. The intake hose is at the far end and the "clean-out" pipe at this end.


May 2007
Due to pond construction delays, the bog did not have flowing water all last winter, but came back nicely this summer...

Another shot of the (still uncompleted) bog.  The intake hose is disguised within the hollow log and the clean-out pipe is hidden under rocks and vegetation.

Overall shot of bog with waterfall and stream flowing into pond


June 2007 Photos.....


May 2008 photos:

Note: Due to an ice storm and subsequent power outage in December followed by a two week vacation overseas during the holidays, we removed the pump for the remainder of the winter and again did not have the pump running all winter.  We did however, try to keep some water in the bog to prevent the plants from dying. Very oddly, the pond  took on a noticeable green tint in February and March, even when ice was present; I wasn't aware that a pond could turn green in that cold of temps.  After reinstalling the pump this spring and giving the filter time to start working again, the green disappeared within several days.



July 2008:

While the water has remained clear as long as the bog filter has been running, the water has remained remarkably clear this summer, even with 90-100 degree temps for the last half of July. We've added nothing to the pond and have no filters to clean except the strainer basket in the pump occasionally.  The only other maintenance is cleaning debris from the bottom, which doesn't happen as often as it should.  If we had a bottom drain and  if the skimmer was hooked up and working  there would be even less maintenance (had to bypass the skimmer this spring due to some plumbing issues). This has been a hectic summer for us, so it has been nice having the pond almost take care of itself  while we've been gone & busy with other things.

Marty the bluegill. Pond depth is 36"  (photo taken June 2008)

