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My Kirkmount Fan Page

The Kirkmount Website is Reborn! Visit at

KIRKMOUNT is the name of a forgotten village in the hills of Nova Scotia. The white-washed church on the hill and the little graveyard are still there, but much of MacLellaní³ Mountain has once again returned to woods and barrens. The scattered stone foundations now hold families of spruce and maple and the memories of a few old-timers who return to visit their home. The red one-room school house, where folk danced strathspeys and reels all night to fiddles and the percussive chording of the piano, is dark and quiet. But Alex, Sam, and Simeon Bigney still play the kind of music their grampa, great-grampa, and great-great-grampa played there. That Scotch snap, the irregular spikey rhythms and lingering notes of the driven bow once again paint memories and make feet tap.(c)

Welcome to My Kirkmount fan page. By now, you have probably wondered "what/who is Kirkmount?" They are a three piece traditional Celtic band, and their music, composed and performed by young men, is breathtaking.
I only discovered them about a year ago, when my grandparents handed me a CD and said, "listen to this" So I did, and now I'm hooked.
This page has little bio's on all the boys, Albums they have out, and links to their homepage. We also included reviews on their CDs even though we are not pro critics, mostly it's just our fave tracks. Hey, enjoy, and drop me a line and tell us what you think!!!


About him: Alex is is the oldest in the group and in his family. He has played the harp for 14 years, and from 3 different teachers. He practices about 2 hours a day, more with the group. "I like to be outside a lot. I like to garden, hike, camp, read, learn new things, sleep, eat good food, play basketball, bike, build things, ect."
He is now married to a girl who enjoys celtic music as much as he does.
"I want to play music as long as I live. Have a family. Make a beautiful place to live in the woods somewhere. I want to continue learning about everything. Travel to different parts of the world." *sigh*

What people like about him: *Alex is very hardworking and nice.* *the way he plays the bones and the harp at the same time* *two sets of bones is even better* * He is so animated while playing, You can't help but smile*

What he said: "I've always loved music. My parents had a harp that they had traded from a friend sitting around the house. When I showed interest in music, they suggested that I pick up the harp, so I did(pardon the pun hehe):o) My parents said that it fit my personality." (oh, and he actually can pick it up and carry it around!)

Alex working *2* sets of bones at a concert at BYU

More on Alex on his page!


About Sam: Not much info on Sam as of yet.
What people like about him: * how polite and laid-back he is* *His slight accent* *How he stamps his feet when the music gets really fast*
What he told us: Well, right now, he has not answered us... He's a busy guy!

Sam practicing (you'd have to practice a lot to get as good as he is =)

not much about Sam on his page!


About Simeon (pronounced Simon): Simeon is the youngest in the group, but in the middle in his family. He has played the cello for 7 years, inspired by Yo-yo Ma. He practices 4 of 5 hours a day. He likes to Lasertag, read and bike.
"I will never give up this music I will play it forever..."

What we like about him: * he is very enthusiastic* *he can really go on the bohdran!* *he is an awesome cellist* * He is so fun to talk to...*

What he told us: "go for it. don't let any one tell you you can't because you can do anything you put your mind to." & "anything goes(lol)"

Simeon at a re-enactment

Hey Simeon, We're still waiting for your first composition to be made public! More on Simeon at his page!

Upcoming Performances!

Check the Kirkmount Website for more info on shows!


Late Summer Air- their first CD
Title track composed by Sam Bigney

What People say about Late Summer Air""I love the Rothemarcus rant and the set with it, it covers all the bases... I adore the Keep it up set, perfect dance beat!"
"the Robin has some of my favorite songs on it... I like every track, but my favorite is Are Ye Sleepin' Maggie, followed by Rothiemurcus Rant and the others in that set (I regard this as the quintessential defining Kirkmount piece...:) I also like Late Summer Air. And If I go any further than that, I will just have to list everything on the CD, so I'll stop there."

The Robin- their second CD
Title track composed by Alex Bigney

What people say about the Robin
" All around my favourite CD, the tracks are all so mournful, ahhh."
The Sharpening Stone
The newer CD, title track by Sam Bigney

What People say about the Sharpening Stone" "Okay, I'm a sucker for Fiddle bohdran and Bones, so track 7 is my fave (hot fingers, on a hot piano, reel made with Hilda, and little man's homecoming) I also love track 6, Wandering and Fireweed and those, Alex's works are so beautiful..."
Mittens for Christmas
Kirkmount's newest release, a record of Christmas Music and Tunes with a Holiday twist... title track by Sam Bigney

What people say about "Mittens for Christmas" "Hmmm, very nice, I refuse to pack it away with 'Chipmunks Christmas' and others just because it says it is Holiday music, it is just to fabulous!" " Ahhh, so wonderful..."

Go to the real Kirkmount Homepage!!!

go back to my page!

Tell me what you think, or let me know if you are a fan too!

I saved this music clip for last because someone screwed it up and made it about 5 times too slow... Keep it up

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*Irish Dancers Kick Butt!*

I do not own the pics, please visit Kirkmount's site, e-mail Marilyn Bigney and ask her before downloading anything =)