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Jenny's Bunny Page!



Hi everyone! I have finally decided to redo my page, complete with pictures! For all those who don't know me, I am a sophomore at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, OH. I love animals, and am majoring in Biology with hopes of going to veterinary school. I live in Lakewood, OH with my parents and a slobbery basset hound named Snickers. I hope you enjoy my pages and please sign my guestbook to let me know you were here!


The most important thing in my life right now is my wonderful boyfriend Rob. We have been dating a little over two years. However, he is in the United States Army and we don't see much of each other. But I am very proud of him and miss him very, very much. To see some pictures of us, head over to my Picture page.

As you can tell by the title of my page, I love bunny rabbits. However, I have to wait until my dog passes out of this world before I can get one, as he would most likely try to kill it. But, I have amassed a great amount of information about rabbits and rabbit care. To hop onto my Rabbit Page, click here.


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