Human Rights

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Human Rights, July 4, 1776.

Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff, July 4, 2002

Right #1. You have the right to put Jesus Christ first.

Reference our sovergn peoples' Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution, especially Article 7, "our Lord"; also 3 Nephi page 425 verse 15, Mark Chapter 8 verse 30, and Matthew 11:25-27.

A convention for 5,000 people had a capital investment of 5B. The investment returned 12B.

Another convention for 4,000 people had a capital investment of 7B. The investment returned 7B.

Some people and/or computers only using law and accounting might only allow themselves to see the above transactions record. Right #1, the right to put Jesus Christ first, goes above the law and accountability, not toward wrecklessness, but toward the future on target, see the following references for further information.

Reference Mark Chapter 8, verses 19 & 20 (in this case, B = bushel and/or loaf of bread).

Right #1 is not for the purpose of delimiting Jesus Christ, or that would invalidate Right #1. Right #1 is not simply a choice, but it is the expressed right to choose perfection. Right #1 deals not only with heavenly matters, it deals also with needs, earthly matters, guidance, and proper perspective.

Right #1 status holders must be volunteers relative to their subject matter or as much as reasonably able, with reasonable full advance disclosure of bias which may include spiritual, financial, ownership, claims or other features as applicable. Regarding temporary or intermittant Right #1 status holders, their reasonably agreed useful applicable capabilities and the duration of their volunteerism indicate their relative authority within the status level.

Only Right #1 status holders have the right to restructure these Rights (short duration volunteers have no such authority). Right #1 status holders may oversee Right #2 status holders that Right #1 status holders authorize, for restructuring Right #2, Right #3, and/or Guidelines.

To have full rights and privileges is expected that people will follow Right #1; otherwise those people that choose to not follow and abide by Right #1 would not have Right #1 acceptance, and would be limited to being under Right #2 or lower.

Right #2. You have the right to choose; if you have first sought (if time permits depending on the circumstances) the counsel of a Right #1 status holder.

Just because you have the right to choose doesn't mean you can choose to take away someone else's right(s), so therefore you need to make reasonable efforts to seek Right #1 status holder counsel, and then with that in mind, choose appropriately. Inappropriate choosing could be cause to be reassigned to Right #3 status by self-choosing, and/or by Right #1 and/or by Right #2 concensus representative expertise.

The difference between Right #1 and Right #2 does not represent a separation between church and state, but rather how both work together.

Largely this may be interpreted as the right of a person to exist, yet it has further implications, such as a person's right to choose to give their life for their country, after which ending of their life by their own choosing, it might be said that they no longer can choose in human terms according to certain human norms.

So we find that the consequences of their decisions and actions fall under human law and accountability. So people are responsible for their own choices, and accordingly for the choices of those they represent.

Therefore appropriate means of dealing with choices per Right #2 is subject to human understanding and normal human activities.

It is understood that animals and other life forms are less reliable than humans, as a whole, at higher reasoning and choosing, and this fact serves as an appropriate distinction for Guideline #1.

Computing / reasoning machines, biocybernetic devices, or other non-human being creations made by same or by humans would likewise (as with animals and other life forms) currently be limited to Guideline #1. Unless proven otherwise, they could not rationally be accepted into Right #2, with the applicable status freedom, authority, and power associated with those within their rights (Right #2, and Right #1 if applicable).

A human mentally or physically disabled or imprisoned does not lose Right #1 or Right #2, since humans as a whole have those rights.

Accordingly, proof of eligibility for entrance into Right #2 (only) would include parameters relative to the whole. For instance, if dealing with a brilliant computing system, distinction would need to be made regarding the individual computing devices, the computing system as a whole, and the similar computing devices and systems.

Eligibility would also include specifics, such as features normal to humans, and those other, if any, entities within the right. Such features may or may not serve as discretionary grounds according to the situation.

Eligibility would also involve time constraints, such as the reasonably likely consequences of permanent acceptance into a right. Such consequences would deal with continuation of purpose of the entity, and with the rights of others.

Another time constraint focus is on the whole of similar entities, such as comparable to birth, operational life span, new parts, sleep or idle modes, growth, learning capacity and ability, useful activities, death or disassembly, restructuring, new classifications, and so on.

The aspect of time is also important in reliability as an eligibility requirement.

Victims have Right #2 timely benefits according to the details of the justice system. The accused are granted Right #2 timely processing for justice according have to the details of the justice system. Justice system details may include restrictions per Right #3.

Group accord and acceptance is normal, although in some situations specialists, or even one cognizant entity may introduce another entity group into a right if the above criteria are met for a given right. For example, someone could not say their pet has Right #2, since not all the above criteria were met, especially the aspects of the pet whole (of other pets, animals,...), and associated lessening of the rights of humans as a whole.

So gaining entrance into a right is not limited to meeting the minimum requirements, but also by determination that better than average for that given right can be achieved repeatedly, with at least average for that right permanently maintained.

Right #3. You have the natural right of group privilege.

Whether you're in a coma, or whether you're someone that allows goofy thoughts to constantly fill your mind, or whether you're lazy, or a coward, or any of many contrary ways, whether justice has found you guilty, or whether self-serving, you have rights.

Your rights within Right #3 are temporary, limited, inconsistent, and may seem unfair. Nonetheless, at the time of this writing, in addition to heavenly bodies and such above worldly comprehension, only humans are currently status holders of Right #1, Right #2, and Right #3; therefore within worldly comprehension each and every human without exception is above each and every non-human animal, machine, or other earthly creature or worldly device originating from earth or elsewhere.

Within fair and just reasoning an authorized Right #2 holder may use non-human(s) assistance under direct supervision and thorough control by the cognizant Right #2 holder, to properly help a person reasonably known by the controlling Right #2 holder as being limited to Right #3 status without permission granted by the Right #3 holder. Likewise, such assistance may be used for Right #1 and/or Right #2 status holders but only with their express permission.

Right #3 represents protection from wrongful torture (discluding normal suffering) and death, and works to protect your life, and may include Right #2 and/or Right #1 status holder actions to change you behaviorally, mentally, physically, and/or emotionally. Such correct actions would be for your own good as determined by the applicable status norm, and would be for the good of the status group(s).

Rising to Right #2 status level from Right #3 status would be up to you personally as a prerequisite, but acceptance into Right #2 would be as determined by an authorized Right #2 status holder.

For instance, an authorized Right #2 mother could force her child to keep off the street until the mother allowed the child to hold Right #2. Or, for instance, a psychriatrist might hold a patient until determined the patient was fit to be released from hospitalization.

Rising to Right #3 level could not be permitted for an entity, such as for a new biocybernetic creature, until it's group level was reasonably defined as being able to permanently achieve at least Right #2 mid-level constantly and without any entity of the group in question reasonably determined to be able to dip below Right #3 status.

Guideline #1. The privilege to put Jesus Christ first.

This privilege allows prayer, the privilege to learn, the privilege to provide guidance (since some devices and animals have senses beyond human or right holder natural capabilities), the privilege to protect right holders without causing them harm, and similar.

This privilege to live without imposed mental, physical, or spiritual harm is unlimited except if so determined otherwise by any of those entities holding Right #1 and/or Right #2 and/or applicable limited Right #3 status (example for Right #3 killing an attacking mosquito is normally acceptable toward Right status holder preservation, but to kill to wipe-out a species is not normally acceptable); and Guideline #1 also permits historically normal (common law or similar) activities, such as a cat routinely playing severely with a mouse.

Entities holding Right #1 and/or Right #2 status should know better than to play severely. Entities holding Right #1 and/or Right #2 status must not kill any entity, but may if those they're protecting (such naturally includes the self) are in applicable danger by the entity and have reasonably tried all other means of gaining peace.

Guideline #2. The privilege to honor and respect the needs, interests, and goals of human beings.

This privilege is to obey right holders with regard to work and other reasonable activities, such as to pull a cart or fetch a stick.

This also entitles the guideline holder to work against activities contrary to rights.


For the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, click here.


To visit the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.