Owen Hart
"There's a little bit of the Blue Blazer in all of us"
The Hart Family has requested that in lieu of flowers or offerings, donations be made directly to:
The Alberta Children’s Hospital
1820 Richmond Road S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2T 5C7
(This is a charity which Owen supported) 
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced,
so live your life in such a manner that when you die
The world cries
and you rejoice...

World Wrestling Federation Superstar Owen Hart has passed away tonight after an injury sustained during the Over The Edge pay-per view event in Kansas City, Missouri.
Hart, who fell over 50 feet from the ceiling after a harness lowering him to the ring snapped, was taking to the hospital in critical condition but paramedics were unable to do anything due to the severity of his injury.

Owen recently turned 33 years old and had worked for the World Wrestling Federation for over 10 years along with his brother Bret Hart, now with World Championship Wrestling.

He originally garnered fame for working with his father, Stu Hart, in Stampede Wrestling out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

When You Cry -
It starts to come when someone dies,
The pain you feel as your eyes swell
And tears fill up in the wells.
The burn starts to choke you up,
Words come out slow and shaken.
You close your eyes and wonder why,
That there's a burning when you cry.
When Owen left it felt like hands around my throat
I couldn't talk,
I couldn't see,
The burn overwhelmed me.
My heart is heavy,
This is why you get the burn when you cry.
It digs down deep
And you can not sleep.
You toss and turn in your sheets,
Awaken with sobs and wet pillow cases.
You wonder aimlessly looking to the sky,
You feel the burn when you cry.
From Mark Henery 
The Real Canadian Hero
The lights dim in the arena, as the crowd falls in a hush. A brillant blue light comes on center ring, and owen's them music is played. One by one they come out to honor the man who graced this mat. One by one they place a blue rose around the ring. Sobs are heard, tears are wiped away, as we say good bye to a hero today. Slowly Bret Hart and Stu hart walk to the ring, carrying an outfit that shines in the blue light. Little glimpses of heaven that once reflected in his eyes, reflect upon the costume. They enter the ring an lay out the wings. The final time the blue blazer will fly, this time to heaven. Twenty one times the bell rings out, sending their prayers to him. Twenty one times it echos lonely in the silent building. We have lost a great man, and our hearts hurt for the families and loved ones of the candian hero, Owen Heart.
By: Kismet
Mark Twain once said, "Let us endeavor to live so that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry." I think, judging by all the kind words and thought we have all said, Owen did just that. Rest well, and say hi to Brian.
 We may not have known the real you but you have inspired many. It breaks my heart to see you go but I realize
you are in a better place. You put your heart and soul into entertaining us and we are sad to see you go. I for one
will miss you and I will always remember you. You will always be in my heart and I will never forget you. I will try
to do what you did for me,for other people. You made me realize that I should never give up and always work
hard. I will do my best to follow your example. May you rest in peace and I pray for your family.
Always a super hero in our hearts.....who truly gave his all to his sport...you have touched many lives, including all of ours.
I tried to come up with something. And I can't even put the way I feel into words. Owen Hart might not have been my favorite, in fact most of the time, he wasn't supposed to be my favorite. I wasn't supposed to like him. Because that was what the angle called for, and that just shows how great he really was. He was believable as a heel, he played a good bad guy. He had tremendous technical skills, and he obviously could take a little teasing. I am not sure what I want to say. My heart breaks for his family.
Someone once said "A man's true worth is measured in respect." If that is so, Owen was loved and valued by many, judging by the respect being shown here. God speed, Owen.
Owen was an extremely talented man and I feel terrible for his family and friends.  I can't even begin to comprehend what they are going through.  The world of professional wrestling suffered a great loss tonight and it will never be the same.  Rest in peace, Owen.  You will live on forever in the hearts of your family, friends, and fans.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God guide you and protect you. He was a great wrestler.
We'll miss you Owen.
Of all the things that could, should, will, or need to be said Good bye is the one that shouldn't be. For as he said there is a little of him in all of us. That little part that still beleives that a Super Hero will arrive in the nick of time to save us. To right all wrongs. If nothing more then make us smile. He always preformed at his best and gave us one hundred percent. So say Rest in Peace, ask God to rest his soul, Pray for his family, as will I. Just never say Good Bye.
"Owen Hart was a man from the old school, a man who gave to the business ten times what he took.  He lived for his sport and died for his sport.  Owen Hart will forever be missed."
Damien Evans
Owen was Young when he died, but he lived more then most, and was loved more then most
