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Sketch of the Life of Warner Hoopes

Warner Hoopes, son of Jonathan Hoopes and Rebecca Watts Hoopes, was born in York County, Pennsylvania, October 29, 1817. He died at Weston, Idaho February 13, 1891. His ancestors were of the Puritan stock, of the Quaker religion. His grandfather was engaged as a provision hauler in the Revolutionary War. Warner was the third child in a family of twelve children. Not being very strong as a young man, he was taught the shoemaker trade. While he was still a boy, his parents joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They were with the Mormons in their wanderings, and shared with the Saints the mobbings, drivings, and persecutions incident to the membership in the Church during its infancy.

For the first ten years of his life as a Mormon elder, Warner Hoopes spent most of his time in missionary work in the surrounding states, and while the Saints were fleeing through Missouri before the mobs, in the winter of 1838, leaving bloody footprints on the frozen ground, he alleviated the suffering very much by sitting near the campfire far into the night making shoes for those who had been driven from their homes before they could collect the necessary wearing apparel.

Joseph Smith Sr., father of the Prophet Joseph, and first patriarch of the Church, gave Brother Hoopes a blessing. One of the promises given was that the Lord would chastise him whenever necessary. Brother Hoopes always considered this a great blessing, and one which was literally fulfilled. Whenever he became the least bit slack in his religious duties, the Lord chastened him.

In 1840, he married Priscilla Gifford, daughter of Levi Gifford and Deborah Wing Gifford. Priscilla was born at Tiago County, Pennsylvania March 3, 1818; and died in Weston, Idaho August 2, 1876. She, too, was a descendant of Puritan ancestors. She was a woman of remarkable faith and energy. To Warner and Priscilla Hoopes were born nine children; six girls and three boys. Only four lived until maturity, the others died while children. Three died during the wanderings and persecutions of the Saints, and two were buried at Richmond, Utah. Of those who reached maturity, Rebecca married Matthew Fifield, and lived and died in Weston, Idaho; Melissa married William McCarrey and lived at Richmond, Utah; Adelaide married Charles Allen of Cove, Utah, who moved to Arizona, where Adelaide died; Daniel Lewis Hoopes, lived for a time in Weston, Idaho, then moved to Logan, Utah. (He died April 20, 1925)

After the marriage of Warner Hoopes, he continued to travel with the Saints. He lived at Nauvoo, where his first three children were born. He was fleeing through Lee County with the Mormons during that terrible period of suffering and starvation; and witnessed the miraculous appearance of quails into camp; so tame that they could readily be caught with the hands, or shaken from the bushes where they would lie until picked up.

When the people were at Council Bluffs, Iowa in 1846, preparatory to moving toward the Rocky Mountains, President Brigham Young advised all who had not enough provisions to last one year, to go back into Missouri and get the means to come on as soon as possible. He also advised them while doing this, not to say anything as to they were with about religion. Brother Hoopes and his family moved back into Buchannon County near St. Joseph. Here, he became engaged in burning charcoal and became quite prosperous. Contrary to the counsel of President Young, the Saints in that region began holding meetings, which brought them into prominence and soon aroused the anger of the non -Mormons in that community.

About that time, a Brother McGraw stopped by at the Hoopes place over night. He was on his way to a mission in England. During the evening, he told the family that he felt impressed that they should go directly to Florence, Nebraska, and prepare to emigrate to Utah. He repeated this advice in the morning, and after he had gone some distance, he came back and advised Brother Hoopes to leave his family to dispose of what property could be sold, and for him to go immediately, and for the family to follow as soon as possible. Hoopes did not heed this counsel, and he stated that he did not know of an enemy he had in the country; that he wanted to wait until the charcoal that he had was ready for the market.

About two weeks after this, a non-Mormon family was burned in their house. The burning occurred at night. The father, mother and five children all perished in the flames. Some enemy accused the Mormons of doing this, and four of them - including Hoopes - were arrested. The court declared them innocent. Soon after that, an enemy collected a number of tar barrels and set fire to them, then gave the fire alarm in St. Joseph. This accomplished its purpose. It collected a large crowd of men. He then proceeded to read what he called the confession of a Mormon. The confession was that Mormons had set fire to the before mentioned, with the purpose of killing the inhabitants. A mob was soon collected, ready for mischief and crime. A neighbor heard the threats of the mob and warned the Mormons.

The day preceeding the incident just related, the sheriff of Buchanan County had called upon Broher Hoopes, and offered him protection as he feared some mischief was brewing; but Hoopes said he thought it was not necessary as he knew of no enemies he had. After the neighbor's warning, he felt a little uncomfortable and decided not to stay in the house that night. It was arranged with Mrs. Hoopes that if a friend or the sheriff should come by the house during the evening or night, she should come out and call Brother Hoopes; but if any danger was about, she should blow the dinner horn. All went well until long into the night. Mrs. Hoopes was awakened by voices outside stationing men to guard the windows and doors, and ordering that if Hoopes attempted to escape, to "shoot him down like a dog." She arose praying, and the answer to her prayer came in a voice which left her without a doubt what to do. "Blow." She gave the horn one strong blast. The leader of the mob demanded that the door be opened. When he entered, he asked for Mr. Hoopes. She told him that he had gone.

"Give me that horn!" he demanded. Taking the horn, he blew and blew and blew again until Sister Hoopes said, "The louder you blow, the farther he'll go."

As soon as she had said these words, she wondered at herself for saying them. She never could understand just what it was that made her say the words. She told the leader further, that if he had come like a gentleman, she would have called her husband in; but now it was impossible.

All night, the mob looked for him and Brother Lincoln.

Next morning, he started for St. Joseph, hiding from the mob by slipping behind trees. Finally, Brother Hoopes saw the sheriff who was a friend and always continued to be so, even during the long days of imprisonment. For Hoopes' protection, the sheriff put him in prison where he kept him for ten months and a day. When he was released, he was freed rather miraculously, thus:

About the time of the trial, Roe Thomas, who had been away from home, came back; and hearing from his mother of the arrest of Hoopes and Lincoln, recalled the events which resulted in the release of these two men.

On the night before the burning of the home, Roe Thomas and John Keen ran away from home. While Keen was going home for his clothes, Thomas lay down near Mrs. Luellen's house and fell asleep. When he awoke, he heard the large clock in Luellen's house strike twelve. This was the exact time that Mrs. Luellen said she had seen Hoopes, who was short; and Lincoln who was extra tall, pass. This had been the testimony on which Hoopes and Lincoln were held. When Mrs, Luellen heard what the boys said, she recalled her testimony, knowing that she had been mistaken.

A horse had been stolen, and when Mr. Luellen went away for the night, he told his wife to keep an eye on the horses, and if she heard the dog bark, to look out. She therefore saw the two boys, Keen and Thomas as they went by, and thought it to be Hoopes and Lincoln coming from a Mormon meeting.

* 1825 or 1826 was the time when Hoopes was in the St. Joseph prison for ten months and one day. During this time, all the property and money he had collected was spent to feed and clothe the family, and for lawyer's fees. The last cow was sold for steamboat fare to Florence, Nebraska. Here, Brother Hoopes joined the family and his brother, Hyrum, from whom he got means for coming across the plains. Both Hoopes and his son were sick most of the way. Mrs. Hoopes, who had a young baby, drove a team and the children helped drive the cattle.

Brother Hoopes and Dan Lewis were both sick with fever and did not get much better until they reached the Black Hills. Dan Lewis had his knee swollen with rheumatism so that he had to use crutches. Rebecca worked as a hired girl for Hyrum Hoopes. Melissa worked for Bovier, brother-in-law of Hyrum Hoopes. She drove his cattle for him, riding horseback. She stayed with the Boviers the first winter in Grantsville.

Brother Hyrum Hoopes had been in Utah once, and had trouble with his bishop, and had taken his family back to Missouri. Here, he had nothing but trouble and sickness, so he decided to return to Utah. He had teams and wagons, and equipment so that he was able to give Warner Hoopes the job of helping him out. Brother Warner Hoopes and Dan Lewis should have driven the teams but were too ill. At the time of Johnston's Army, Hyrum Hoopes drove a team for the Army. His wagon was burned by Lot Smith -- wagon and all it contained, except the personal belongings of the drivers.

Brother Bovier promised Mrs. Hoopes milk for the children if they would catch and tie up a suckling calf at night. Adelaide, who was a little girl, succeeded in getting the rope on the calf's neck; but it, being nearly a year old, was too much for her and pulled her through the slough. She complained that Melissa had not come and helped her when she called.

When Brother Hoopes was in prison, young Dan Lewis went with his mother to visit him. He was so startled at seeing his father through the bars, that he fainted.

* Special note.... this history was typed as originally written by the author... more likely it was about 1858 that he was imprisoned.

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