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Now that Revelation has been completed

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Christ Jesus.

Now that Revelation has been completed.


December 5, 2015.

Christ Jesus died. Many Christian Preachers Biblically predicted (note prediction is a worldly term relative to absolute Prophecy) when End Time would occur, within their lifetime(s) though many died as if End Time did not happen in their lifetime. Don't worry friend in Christ, they each and all are in Heaven, the bosom of Christ. The Biblical Christian Preachers were right, they just might not have noticed. Whereunto shall One liken the End Time (Mark 4.30)?, it is as a machine each is offered (Baptism & Luke 17.21), as to travel in a car (and far greater value), so if to unlock the car door does the car start to move and travel?, hardly, not even to turn the ignition on as that only starts the engine; so too is the End Time: a pertinent series of Biblical thresholds, One In Christ JESUS. Christians go and notice, come and see the Word Of God for Yourselves and rather for others especially for the highest purpose.

Christ Jesus said "You are from below, I am from above" (from John 8.23), and He could have meant physically, of the physical temples of human bodies, that people should construct tall towers [(Luke 13.4 / Genesis 11.4-11) language(s)] to reach Heaven on their own sinfully. English is spoken around the world today and broadcast into outer space, but instead of being against God of former worldly logic is for Christians to do for God, that is Christ Jesus came in the flesh for a reason, and yet was guided of the higher Spiritual Holy Reasoning [both properly agreeing (1 Corinthians 7.5 & 1 John 5.8) all three properly agreeing with each other] such as going into outer space properly of New Holy Living Logic.

Christ Jesus / God explained spirit without flesh is as all things prior to creation, yet rather God created (Luke 24.39).

Christ Jesus completed The Book Of Revelation.

Now we can all relax because Jesus Christ won., or We should do as Christ JESUS taught and did. The text in the Drawing above left, concerns the worldly way that people have often won crowns, trophies, degrees, elections, and/or other similar, though if won then less associated with having earned, also much winning is at the expense of others (Matthew 12.7) even the innocence within each person [(1 Corinthians 14.20 from birth]; and while values might be attached, rather let there be honing of the self, for God and mutual benefit. Be the perfect example unto others whether outer space aliens arrive or whether We go to them. Similarly let the times tell the story of the greater eternal enlightening for The Holy Father. The Timeline with yellow triangles represents the situation until End Time, and the entering into this next stage. The yellow represents Biblical census people in the left triangle, and the right triangle is of the contemporary allegory per se.

Christ Jesus is from above, Christ Jesus is with Christians, Christians are with natural physics (of God).

Christ Jesus is from above (higher unseen physics values), Christ Jesus is with Christians (Christian synthetic physics), Christians observe natural physics.

From higher spirit value to other value(s) (right to left):

Natural physics / Christian synthetic physics / Christ Jesus physics.

From starting point to higher value for God in Christ Jesus [higher purpose to do a mission (right to left)]:

Christ Jesus physics / Christian synthetic physics / natural physics.

The end of the whole matter, the conclusion, is all in the Word Of Christ JESUS; this applies to every person, this is the whole happiness of man (Ecclesiastes 12.13 YLT, NAS, & JB2000).

More than a formula, mankind will decide over the dominion of mankind, Christians Will choose over Heaven including End Time [or Times or half or fractions of times (new planning)], and God Will judge all including both Christians and others (Exodus 33.5) as new creations come forth, that is, as former logic fails to comprehend the New Holy Way(s) Of The Lord One Christian(s).

From former logic formulas, to formulas not yet created save the original Plan Of Timeless God (right to left):

God Will create the One new true path beyond the latest formula / Christians beyond former End Time formulas with new leaping in loving faith / domain of natural mankind (Genesis 1.28 at least to End Time).

Therefore the above Drawing illustration of the triangle to the right can be modified properly of higher physics, such as the amplitude and/or the second harmonic synthesized to occur in a shorter space of time (reference continuous improvement such as GMO's, and rather Genesis 2.9 "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food;"...) hence End Time of former lower value ways so to speak, generally. Properly consider the planning and building of innovations, and the creating of creatures, spirits, and souls, with best proper pertinence for God rather than for the self for instance David pitched a tent for the ark of God and such was good though Uzza put forth his hand on the ark and he died (1 Chronicles 13.10 rather 2 Chronicles 1.4).

Christ Jesus wants people to spread Christianity, so for instance if two Christians go into outer space for a long time with minimal necessities in two automated spacecrafts and if there are no communications nor communicative spirits per se, with one to head South from Earth and the other Christian to head North, and given pens and as the only reading material one is given a Bible and the other is given the same version and date Bible, then if without finding aliens, once they return from their journeys it would be likely that the two Christians would have independently underlined many of the same words and might have some very similar notes. The point is, that as Christianity spreads, it would likely spread similarly throughout the universe(s).

Be mindful that God is with Christians wherever Christians be. Suicide is hardly about giving the life of the self to save any others, though if to be crucified by others for those same others it is hardly the same as suicide. There are spatial places and there are times with the bending of time(s), and there are places where times flow at certain rates.

Christ Jesus may want to instantaneously relocate people, such as to reveal miraculous signs and wonders to people under sins. Otherwise concerning travel as in outer space, according to the current or utilized threshold of technology a spacecraft would likely travel a certain path, such as from star to star to utilize gravity / centripetal forces, or such as to travel between stars to avoid debris. In any case the path to do the Will Of God remains the same, it is the New Logic In Christ JESUS Universal Constant.

Time bends around things / spirits / Christ JESUS. So Christians are no longer under the laws of physics of the God Of Nature And Natural Physics inclusive of any synthetic physics, Christ JESUS having fulfilled the law (see previous ICCDBB Sermons).

So then as to be no longer tied to time as if there is nothing a person could do such as former worldly logic joked about constants, such as "pay taxes and die"; rather in Christ JESUS is the doing as Christ JESUS explained is to be done. In Christ JESUS is to overcome time, with the future as if already come to pass, including Prophets with their Prophesies that all might be fulfilled according to the living Scriptures (Mark 9.1, John 4.23, Matthew 17.11 & 12 and ) vested in Your Christian Writings (Revelation 13:8). In the previous ICCDBB Sermon was the info that much had already come to pass concerning End Time. Now in higher perspective courtesy of Christ JESUS is that End Time is come already available, similar to how a species can be a new species without having exterminated the former species nor harmed in any way and rather helped in mutual benefit. End Time arrived with Christ JESUS [(Matthew 1.18) avoid abortion typically (see previous ICCDBB Sermons)], fulfilled in the flesh, and understood in the world in His Teaching And Doing.

Any that have chosen to remain the same and not evolve and not be a new creature in Christ JESUS have made themselves as such, until if their be any better recourse for them of the grace of You One In Christ JESUS, dear friend Christian Leader. Hardly that a Christian be married to an anti-Christian or non-Christian (2 Corinthians 6.14).

Christ JESUS is One with the Father and Comforter (Isaiah 51.12). How is it then that the previous ICCDBB Sermon affirmed "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (Mark 13.32)?, it is because if a person sends You an Holy Comforter Person to comfort You (Comforter), then both the Sender and the Comforter are Comforters. And You Christian Leader being an Holy Comforter to others Yourself, it is therefore 3 in 1 agreement, agreeing to Comfort others.

There is One Godhead, with three parts:

A. God (I AM, YHWH, "one of us" Genesis 3.22...),

B. JESUS the Person (the Christ, the position), and

C. The Holy Ghost, The Holy Comforter (Christian Leaders, the other Comforters John 14.16, fully repentant Baptized Christians).

No one knows when End Time is, not even the Son, but only the Father

until now

within parameters

Christ JESUS set forth the start of End Time

yet the Father gives each person the Holy Gift Of Choice / Choosing

(though many abuse the important thing is the higher good love JESUS)

so the beginning of End Time was 2,000 years ago and the end of End Time

is when the last sinner is undone such as of finding ultimate delight in the Lord JESUS

or per embarrassment or other Luke 11.42:

Read the Word Of God properly [delightfully (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "properly")].

Do the Will Of God properly, delightfully, for the right higher loving purpose for them.

Rather than be ignorant You can read of horrors (see ICCDBB Sermon Holy Spirit bottom right graph Point C) yet be for the beauty of Christ JESUS in the Holy Father (ibid. Point D and greater). Please forgive this analogy as it is done for Your sake for edifying the Church with clarity: dogs were as wolves prior to domestication so they reared their young as wild wolves, yet now they can rear their young to rather be more respectful of people, some having an abundance of such talents. If an animal can ascend to respect properly, so much greater a person is so able (ibid.). The authors of End Time Prophecies did certain things in the ways of the past, yet now having been heirs to their victories in Christ Jesus a person can accordingly hone talents properly, the former things are more easily honed, that is of their having been honed already, that now We can walk to greater thresholds more properly for God The Father.

Read the horrific revelations anew, not to learn to enjoy the pains of others, rather for the overcoming of sins for the Holy Father. Likewise do as the Holy Father explained to do, for example the Chosen People were bitten by snakes, so read not the story for the biting, rather for the greater value in the Holy Father Numbers 21.8:

It is a great miracle from the Holy Father!

A very horrible thing is written in the Drawing below,

be aware, yet read for the Holy Father Eternal Highest Value.

End Time is here. New creatures are in the future already considered via Christ JESUS concerning what Christians are to do when such are encountered. Christ JESUS promised greater things than already accomplished growing and building on the foundation root stump branch and vine of Christ JESUS because Christ JESUS goes to the Father.

Ancient Aliens allegedly had sex with humans and did distortions of humans / creatures, so let Christians prefer to do better than done in the past and be more perfect in Christ JESUS. We can read and/or remember Sodom and Gomorrah, and also Lot's wife; and rather than to do as they did do as Christ JESUS.

Within that lower parameter [to know about bad yet to rather do good (reference next higher parameter in context)] if toward censorship (including proprietary corporate Church information, also of businesses and families and personal and secrets of governments in the world, see previous ICCDBB Sermons) is typically toward: chaos / mistakes / misinformation; otherwise if toward freedoms and liberties is typically toward proper justice, hope, and love in Christ JESUS (One Holy Spirit Of Truth).

Therefore within this higher parameter with including the lower is the proper amount(s) of forgiveness Absolutely such as to typically accommodate a person in consideration of their bodily need of basic sustenance and bodily functioning, likewise on high that spirit accommodate spirit properly in Christ JESUS.

Rather than wait for planets to evolve into habitable places Christians can form them with remote equipment or in person, and when creatures not from Earth are encountered Christians are to properly hone, and with humanoids weight situations and when appropriate enter into covenant agreements for Christ JESUS.

Protect Christians via the End Time of Christ JESUS. Put on the New Temple of Christ JESUS. Protect Christians and creatures and the planet from sinners, protect sinners from themselves.

The above yellow triangle to the left is the total human temple, and the above yellow triangle to the right is similar to it: God Will not put barriers too difficult / foreign to Christians (1 Corinthians 10.13), rather God has provided appropriate steps to Comfort the journey. The above yellow triangle to the right Will be greater, a greater delight in the Lord. Record it, reasonably, for their sakes and Yours and Ours.

The yellow triangle to the right, "it is new "? Already it has existed for ages Which were before us." (from Ecclesiastes 1.10). How long would a Christian entertain sinners?, the Bible explains Lot brought forth His Family, from the sinners that met destruction. Repeatedly convince sinners to repent, and if they do not, then do as the Bible explains. Go forth, on this planet and/or the next.... If a sinner does not want to go do good with You, You may choose to leave them that they slumber, or leave them at home while You go to Church, or leave them to their folly until You return or other. Some need some Comfort, others are ready already, in each case decide for Christ Jesus, in favor of Christ Jesus.

Below is what might have been the most terrific / terrifying journey a person might do (though Christ JESUS has already fulfilled proper situations and physics). The journey is a case history and while case histories are often hard-to-relate-to by certain others, so not preferred generally in ICCDBB rather focusing on information useful unto all, the exception is made as this case is of an absolute parameter point and germane to saving people before End Time.

Save people before End Time suffers them (Habakkuk 2.13).

End Time is already here, do not be left behind (Hebrews 9.11).

Hebrews 9.11 explains "Christ appeared", in the past tense.

If Christ JESUS already "appeared" in the past, in the body, with the body and spirit agreeing, in agreement,

then His Holy Second Coming is already with Him alway.

He does not depart from Himself, He already died once for all and He is already entered into that past thing.

Every place Christ JESUS goes is all in One in Him.

Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago was the beginning of End Time, people since are in the midst,

the last that is to be saved is the end of End Time.

Christ JESUS now invites Holy Comforter unraveling of End Time at a better rate of return

picking up the pace for the gathering of the souls that are to be spared

from the greater destructions toward the end of End Time (reference crucifixion, Matthew 24.22, and Alpha & Omega).

To the people eternally believing on the name of the Christ, JESUS, are given the Keys to the Kingdom Of Heaven.

To the Christians are given the Keys to the Kingdom Of Heaven (Matthew 16.19).

To each Christian is given their Key to the Kingdom Of Heaven [(3 Nephi 11.23-27) JESUS Christ per se].

Christ JESUS prayed the Father, let Us pray with Christ JESUS. The Father planned the creation, let Us go and do likewise anew.

In Christ JESUS, new and properly: from planned to planning, from creation to creating, from End Time and beyond per Christian Leader to beginnings through to End Times. Yet hardly randomly, rather as Christ JESUS taught and did [(Engineering Specifications of Jesus Christ "to create good from void") with (see ICCDBB Sermon Christ Visits Us Drawing Christ Echo transfiguring things / spirits into higher Christian values)].

Christ JESUS offers a better rate of return, from created man to evolved and rather to new: from evolved to rather synthesized to rather new creature as / in One Christ JESUS as the Holy Bible expounded.

Let the Holy Bible with Holy Comforter Sermons with these Drawings be and texts be for signs and wonders and referenced often, yet for the higher purpose in Christ JESUS in the Holy Father.

Hardly worship this Internet page, rather worship Christ JESUS for the Holy Father and for the greater good as Christ JESUS taught. Love all God created, yet love God in the Godhead moreso than to love things (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on quantifying worldly values). To worship the letter of the law is toward death, when a woman touched the knotted [each knot representing a law then (Matthew 9.20 & Matthew 14.36)] hem of the garment of JESUS, it was not any person's hem, it was of Christ JESUS (2 Corinthians 3.6).

Previous to End Time and even now sinners die in their sins and/or otherwise are left behind (2 Timothy 3.9) even in simple to understand means as the world of former logic can easily understand that some creatures evolved much while others hardly evolved at all. Plants freely chose to not be of the higher love [per adding a light burden in the Lord (see previous ICCDBB graphs on thresholds)] so did not evolve into people, resulting in the fact that people can harvest plants and hardly the other way around (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on thresholds passed of light burden conquering / acceptance / agreeing, and on thresholds God has set that cannot be crossed save of God / ICCDBB Holy Ghost Sermon top Drawing).

Comforter = Holy Ghost,

[Comforter = of likewise effects of physics of God: End Time (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on spirits in things)],

Comforter = God,

Comforter = Christ Jesus, and

Christ Jesus Will give Christians greater because Christ Jesus goes to the Father (John Chapter 14).

The great Holy unraveling of Bible mysteries is complete in Christ JESUS (Luke 10.23) and is being understood in all now in End Time, now any in sin(s) are finding their losses as now unraveled unto them and thoroughly explained / Christian Comforters / Bible. The time of Christian reaping for mutual benefit has now arrived in the proper comprehension of End Time and the greater new Creature(s).

End Time Will harvest sinners, and offer great values for Christians as nations Will Witness (3 Nephi 20.35).

Christ Jesus teaches Christian Leaders with this Drawing that rumors of wars are hardly to be followed, rather be careful how ye hear and read the Book Of Revelation with One Perfect Holy Interpretation Spirit and rather than be ignorant seek the Good and all things will be given into Your Hand for their sakes, of Christ JESUS! Rather than follow miseries in the Bible lead in the Good Name JESUS: properly give glory, then higher glory according to the Will Of JESUS. In the right situation [& time (Christ JESUS laid down/gave His life to be able to take it again to rather offer You/Us (Genesis 3.22) the first resurrection, so not selfishly though if such a situation involves You (Matthew 5.8), consider "Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years." (Revelation 20.6) and be Ye of Good Cheer for God as the Living Word Of God JESUS lovingly continues.

Hell is a place in each sinner.

Heaven is a place in each New Creature In Christ JESUS!

If this Whirlpool Drawing truly be the case, then what is the Holy Father Eternal Highest Value concerning any need for End Time?,

the far far greater value verily is in that after all who are to be saved have been saved, and have become One With The Holy Father In Heaven, then it is to be as Christ JESUS affirmed to be true, quoted here from the site:

Christ JESUS is perfect. Therefore you are not or are hardly perfect save you overcome End Time in your heart, mind, soul, strength, and greater in the Holy Father, if to properly teach and lead Christ JESUS,

therefore End Time must needs come after all to be saved have been saved "at the last day" with the last of the sinners undone and saved that not just some of the people glorify God, rather that each and all agree for the Holy Father,

therefore "given them for the purpose of convincing them of the true Messiah" all the to be saved people of one voice together must needs do as Christ JESUS said to do and represent the One Spirit Of Truth [(John 15.26) One Spirit, all of One Spirit, rather than partial spirits divided].

Therefore the total of the One Holy Comforter Sent From God is to do the final End Time Task For God The Holy Father and having watched and witnessed the completion of End Time to then attest in Testament and in One Holy Agreed Testimony that there be no disagreement nor objection with all parties having properly been heard (Mark 13.23) and having been given adequate opportunity to plead their case then at that End Time concluded is the unseen greater End Time for the new beginning, after the One Holy Comforter is done

Judge Jesus / Judging Christ JESUS [as Christ JESUS did (John 8.7)].

This is the end of Judging Christ JESUS, this is the end of End Time, and rather as learned from the above text and horrible Drawing this is the New Better Beginning, a new start greater and more delightsome in the Lord that the Holy Father Judge His Holy Son Christ JESUS aware of any possible bias against the Chosen and yet rather after having heard each and all of the people of the Chosen testify as One for or against this same Christ JESUS, the sayer of having overcome / fulfilled all the law(s); that is, to be certain the Holy Father is fair, courteous, and otherwise good, and properly let the actions speak louder than promises and similar. Go and do likewise. Yet for higher purpose.

First (about 2,000 years ago) the people, the government of the people, judged and convicted Christ Jesus;

Second, the person, each person is free to choose to judge Christ Jesus.

If the law(s) in the world have any merit:

Some of the Holy Ghost showed mercy at the foot of the cross.

Likewise similarly many went to the mound to hear the Word Of The Holy Father In Christ JESUS: the mercy seed / love / God was in the many people hence they went to the mound (and at that time heard, toward the judging and/or mercy).

Likewise in trend, many visit this website.

About 2,000 years ago the merciful already judged Christ JESUS,

some of the evidence is that many bodies arose from graves (Matthew 27.52).

Analysis: "all" heard (John 5.28) and of such "many" arose (Matthew 27.52),

and much more than opportunities for Christian Evangelists / Christian Evangelizing.

End Time Per Person newly created (/ a New Creation) Covenant

was formed with the Holy Crucifixion (from above not below) circa 30 AD.

Worldly government has no hold over the Kingdom Of Christ JESUS, also JESUS gathered a few, so to speak per se, and now there are many Christians gathering, each gathering a few per se, and yet many gathering many, until End Time, when all that would be gathered did hear / perceive and did believe and be fully repentant and be Baptized as Christians, One.

The Word has been around the planet, and End Time has already passed in time recordings and in deeds in many cases, and the few became many and the many few, in Christ JESUS.

The Holy Merciful Comforter has already had all things brought to remembrance

(it sufficeth former End Time requirements per se): End Time of former things.

"For, lo, I am creating new heavens, and a new earth,

And the former things are not remembered,

Nor do they ascend on the heart."

[(Isaiah 65.17 YLT) and/or mind].

Now One Christ JESUS provides new Heavens.

If they be prepared and victorious over the End Time Tool, good;

also concerning unrighteous, loser(s), corrupt, sinner(s), unjust, and/or similar, the Angel Of The Lord said

"let him be filthy still," (Revelation 22.11 biblehub).

Evangelists working hard are allowed to relax, Christ JESUS spoke of a light burden. Gauge the headway Your Evangelism is making. If Your Christian work is increasingly greater burdens, be mindful Christ JESUS spoke of Sabbaths, Holy Feasts, and of Martha working hard and of Mary of more needful value.

Keep on Christian Evangelizing as much as You want yet know in Christ JESUS that if You don't Evangelize everyone it is OK, after all, Christ JESUS needs no Evangelizing as He is already saved in the Holy Father The Source Of Eternal Comfort And Evangelizing; even so, the point is, search in Christ JESUS to see if now, with New Heaven and with former End Time having been already come (and gone in You, per se) there may be opportunity as previously as You may find, though otherwise see if Christ JESUS has some greater for You, from Heavenly Task to New Heavenly Task, not leaving the other left undone if there is any other, even so less value toward being double minded tempted by non-Believers lest increase of suffering long toward former ways if possible; even so the point being do not blame Yourself unreasonably, be mindful of the New Heart Of The New Heavens, and the new path opened already ahead for You, for You to tread thereon and travel if God so desires [(Numbers 9.17) evolve together as a nation, as One]. If You did Your best, continue to do Your best, good and faithful servant of Christ JESUS; let God do God's best and God said let them be / End Time. Do You yet the Bible to a bird in a cage?, even so, love the Lord Of Peace: "Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!" (2 Thessalonians 3.16).

Seek Ye the higher values [(1 Corinthians 12.28) even One as Christ JESUS taught].

For example Christian Evangelists, to teach (ibid.) Christian Evangelizing to others is like unto trading in a sickle for a combine harvester.

There are many new positions in New Heavens more to Your liking and to be more valuable as One Christ JESUS of all / increasing talent(s), whether to be a prophet (hence perhaps to know beforehand if a creature Will or will not repent / Your Evangelizing), or whether to teach in a new situation or other (Ephesians 4.11).

Be mindful of a new heart beloved Christian, to properly do for them, such as if to

offer them the Tree Of Life.

A new position in New Heavens surely of God Oneness is to view a future creation and decide whether or not to make such Chosen with the Lord Christ JESUS (see "Judge" above and previous ICCDBB Sermons on "go and do likewise" and on "Holy Trend").

Go and do as Christ JESUS, be Ye One With Christ JESUS, but do not fall down to worship before the feet each other One Comforter(s) nor at the feet of the Angel(s) unless God With You In New Heaven directs You otherwise. As it is written / "the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God." (Revelation 22.8 & 9), new freedom comes with new responsibility(ies), similarly per se:

Be mindful of a new heart beloved Christian, to do for them

offer them the Tree Of Life.

This is said for the point being Christ JESUS Of The Holy Father of New Heaven loves Christian Leadership [though concerning followers (also loved, see above and previous ICCDBB Sermons).

Hardly be confrontational when Evangelizing lest to stir as if "up" (see ICCDBB Sermon on Your Position, bottom of page A, B, C, D):