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ICCDBB Sermon:

From many blessings, to One New Blessing.

Christ JESUS taught how to properly bless people, yet Christ JESUS taught rather to do the greater and such would be added, as gifts given unto them and God and You, in One. So concerning "blessings", what is "greater" to come?, One, even so, also New Beginning, also reference the two following verses, Hebrews 11.1:

(see ascending One to the right in the bottom Drawing) so of faith in the proper Biblical Prophetic terms, rather than hope likewise consider properly interpreted verse examples of Titus 2.13:

so rather

In easy to understand terms, if a child is given a bicycle at Christmas during a blizzard, does the child wait until a nice day to say thank you?, hardly, rather the child would normally say thank you and perhaps shine it and perhaps personalize it with a basket, streamers, a cardboard license plate with their name, and/or other; and they would gather specifications and details on care and how to ride.

To be "awaiting the blessed hope" is hardly the same as proper "evidence" of "At the same time", and not only as the verse appears above nor as a child, yet with childly meekness humble and kind let the Christian Leadership In You provide Christ JESUS [similar to parents or guardians of said child] with gifts (thanks, praise, and greater).

For instance the child might ask for a bicycle, though when asking might also mention that "I don't want you to spend a lot of money without getting exactly what is most appropriate, therefore if ever you might buy me a bicycle for a present perhaps I could go to the store with you to agree as to the best to select for our purposes". In other words, You might ask Holy Christ JESUS or at least consult the Christian Bible and invite those to receive the gifts (those potential Members, and those of Your Flock) so that they not merely receive gifts yet rather they have a say in the making of their own future(s).

In the previous ICCDBB Sermon "How to be the Heavenly Father", guidance was given to ascend, even over the Heavenly Father, of course not to do blasphemy, rather as the Christian Bible explained, for their sakes; and in this Sermon is guidance given to bless. So if to be greater than God The Father The Holy Creator then if to be the self in the flesh then where is the blessing gift being offered?, from within yes, as that previous Sermon explained, yet also:

If given God The Father, of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, then since the Son sitteth on the right hand of the Father, then if You have become greater than the former Father [if the former Father agreed / Will Of Former Father], then the Son sitteth in greater position, higher, on Your Hand over the former Hand.

Also, if to have raised the self properly in One then to have lifted the Holy Ghost, to have blessed the Holy Ghost, to have caused the enabling of the greater Comforter resource(s) and power(s).

You are not alone, there is One immediately greater to help You.

Christians have preached the Bible around the planet:

so You One know what comes next:

How to spread the Word Of God through the Universe properly, with the Will Of God in Christ JESUS the Savior. How to create safe outer space travel light years to distant stars quickly via creating space travel envelopes from wormholes for the greater glory of God for all through Christ JESUS the Lord. Shown are illustrations and models of the closest stars along with new drawing interpretations of physics and the one best solution formula (applicable are signal time and ICCDBB Sermons on heart and brain). Tim Allen as Jason Nesmith of the Galaxy Quest movie wearing a space travel envelope suit. 2 Peter 1:19 solar system proxima cygni sirius a b tau ceti pro cyon epsilon indi eri dani alpha centauri sun stars moon hidden planet to be synthesized Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provided space, it would be a shame to waste it, You know how valuable certain places are on Earth and for many reasons: where Christians are, where people gather in cities, where natural and other resources are, where stations are needed, and so on. Outer space is vast (inner space is important too) and rather than requiring years to guide others, Christians might want to be posted in regions as needed.

Concerning the above Drawing toward lower left wormhole illustration, if to cut a wormhole in half from A to B and attach outer ends then to form a space warp envelope shown with wavy lines (under it), a vehicle space craft [such as with warp speed (lower left)] might be within the synthetic (former logic) rather Spirit (New Logic) space envelope.

Likewise if to cut the wormhole lengthwise and as shown to fit the opposite outer top and bottom parts together then to form a gutter path (toward upper right B/A) similar to a bowling alley gutter path for goodly higher purpose, in this case toward the straight and narrow path of an orbiting planet (or star or galaxy...) see unaffiliated referenced former logic site ( on laws of physics "Kepler and Calculus", yet now upgraded on this ICCDBB site unto a New Logic Covenant level, thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father.

Christ JESUS would have all people travel Heavenward along the straight and narrow, so in the above Drawing lower left the spacecraft to go inside the envelope would mainly be for purposes of going straight, though in space are anomalies, abrupt shock waves due to passing holes and planets along the journey, with plasma patterns and space winds, so Genesis 6.15 would normally be applicable for blessing passengers or at least instrumentation.

Discern the spirits [fruits of the Spirit (Matthew 7.16 & see cultivating fig trees in bottom Drawing)]. When a people have said "I don't care", it is of their lack of care for Christ JESUS and the Bible to the extent of not honed in higher Covenanting. Many have said they don't care about Christians, even about Christian Leaders, such as beloved friend and a Christian Leader John Hagee said on television (though with respect for the Bible) and as other people have announced publicly and privately, yet the baby is not thrown out with the bath water, Christ JESUS is not thrown out with sinners (except when Christ JESUS did for the Heavenly Father for all). We die in Christ JESUS in fully repentant Christian Baptism to begin to properly live, and Christians ascending sin less than when not ascending (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on conditions / precepts).

The above four sentences are important on Earth, yet would normally be far more important in outer space. On Earth much is already known about the human Earthlings and the creatures of Earth. In outer space aliens would expectedly be encountered (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) and when to first encounter it is very important to immediately discern traces of peace and/or adversarial evidence (Matthew 5.25). Then to immediately do the Will Of God in the name of the Father Christ JESUS The Holy One Of Israel: initiate the meeting with the announcing of:"JESUS The Christ", such as "JESUS The Christ offers blessings of peace, friendship, and greater".

If rejected initially, it is toward a normalcy, so hardly be offended, rather consider God gave You time to repent. Also the alien might be a guard and/or might be warning such as there might be automated defense mechanism against intruders, therefore the alien might be trying to protect You. There is much discerning to be done, with planning.

Christ JESUS referred to the flesh as the tail. If the flesh is at the top over God (it cannot be, save One in Christ JESUS), then the flesh must immediately be overthrown. Likewise if a person has too much oxygen a person can change color and also might pass out..., if a blood cell has to much precious oxygen it needs quickly give it away unto those cells in need of oxygen; if a Priest has too much Holy Spirit, good, yet let there immediately be with such proper discerning, hope, longsuffering, love, charity, and immediate allocating that the wisdom increase with leveraging and with magnifying One Holy Soul.

There are talents and concerning talents there are blessings. Therefore consider full repentance comes prior to Baptizing.

There are laws and concerning laws there are blessings. Therefore consider fulfillment of the law(s) prior to Baptizing.

There was of worldly laws the casting of stones and concerning such there are blessings. Therefore consider stones already cast at Christ JESUS prior to Baptizing.

There is an Edifying of the Church and concerning that Edifying there are blessings. Therefore consider the pertinent fulfilled Covenant level prior to considering ways of the tail.

Church Leaders, as much as wise: lose the tail (Philippians 3.8).

Church Leadership is hardly due to the newly Baptized (normally, and Christ JESUS certainly is Leading), rather Church Leadership is among the properly honed as JESUS Christ taught (Romans 11.24): cut off from the former then after that grafted into The Holy Branch Christ JESUS and not to dwindle in unbelief rather to ascend in Holy Covenants: for their sakes, to bless all the more everywhere and more righteously for their sakes and therefore hardly as they tax You with naysaying and doubters inquisitions, rather with giving them blessings from above the likes of which they have perhaps (talents) not seen (visualized) and the likes of which they have perhaps not heard (proper interpretation(s)): not fathomed nor comprehended, as You Leader give unto their need because they pray but they know not what they ask (Matthew 20.22) even so forgive them.

In lay terms be not quick to cast stones, even at sinners, all were sinners save One, forgive (Proverbs 25.8 with John 3.16) and mildly edify the Church lest God cast both into the fire (Revelation 3.16). Truly the Baptized in Christ do great things. Truly the followers of Christ do great things and Christ JESUS said such would do greater in the Kingdom Of God. Truly the Christian Leaders do the greatest of things and Will do greater. And there can be more than a single Leader in a Church, that is, there is a Leader and others might also assume the top Position such as if the top Leader goes on vacation or other; though such has been according to individual Church(es) preferences verbally, in laws, in guidelines, and/or other.

There are talents, laws, former ways of attacks, and they served purposes, such as for Christians to conquer as Christ JESUS did as a perfect example unto people. Of former logic it was the example people were to follow. Yet in Baptism the deadness is to those former ways of sins, and the start of the Christian living ascending in Holy Covenants: the fulfilling of Oneness and not Oneness then to sleep in the back pew and not to revert to former ways casting stones at Christians (the sinners do plenty of that themselves) and so what is left in the Holy Remnant is the Holy Edifying of the Flock toward the not casting of stones at Christians.

Christians can become tired of being targets, though truly truly all people are targets, and truly truly Christians have the lightest burden among these targets which deserve better because it is the Will Of The Just One Of Israel, and not because any target deserves better save through JESUS The Christ: "through" as a conqueror as a victor as a Christian Leader on top: One.

If a person throws stones at You consider laws against them and grace in favor of them and blessings You can shower upon them and side with them, for their sakes, even in the literal sense. Truly if to give them grace then You have grace to give (see previous ICCDBB Sermon Christians Make Things Grow on grace and defense).

Be careful how ye hear, if Christ JESUS chides [casts a stone at You ( as counted as such in former logic] then change, improve in Christ JESUS in Covenanting, though if another cast a stone, consider the source, whether from higher, equal, or lower. There are Disciples and feet washers and others, free in Christ JESUS to drift and fall or to rather ascend in Covenants. Higher Covenanting is as to start living in Christ JESUS, and if the lower refuses repeatedly for a long time to stop throwing stones for no Biblical purpose then pray for End Time (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) that the final Judge come unto them, and rather that such power vest in You of higher Covenant Level Of Non-Caster Of Stones and so that they be convinced in Your favor for their sakes.

Stone throwers increase risks against themselves, to not cast stones and with such to Edify increases blessings, toward One Holy Blessing.

Edifying is a higher Covenant level than Evangelizing (ibid.), normally, though one hardly functions properly without the other. Evangelizing is to work amidst stone throwers, Edifying is to organize or disorganize stone throwers, and likewise to organize or disorganize the Church Flock(s), and to function with higher level Administration(s). For example, a tribe never saw a plane, so when a plane landed they tended toward worshiping or honoring the plane and pilot: the Edifying as to flight included with almost no effort the effects of Evangelism be added unto the pilot. Outer space awaits You.

If an alien landed in front of where You live, even if there were no parking signs and no trespassing signs, there are higher things that apply. If the alien says they come in peace, or if they say they come in the name of JESUS Christ there is naturally a feeling of relief, yet the Christian may fear God toward properly paying heed rather than completely relax: the Christian is to lead hence a great Leader meeting with a great Leader in a summit. While the sinner might be ready to shoot the alien or stone, the Christian has more important concerns. And this is a blessing, how the Christian reacts, and therefore do unto others as You would have them do to You, so when visiting throughout the galaxy and beyond consider how You reacted to this account and so treat those You visit with such grace from God JESUS The Christ.

The Bible explains that if a person has said "I don't care" or worse about Christians [especially about Christian Leaders (Pastor Hagee had explained such were being killed in places on Earth)], then of the Bible is specified as pertinent and applicable Bible verse Mark 3.29.

If to cast stones at a Christian it is time to immediately repent, to do higher Covenanting.

If to cast stones at a sinner, the second is likewise unto the first, as the Kingdom Of Heaven is in their [heart (self)]

even as the sinner is unaware.

From Christ JESUS and the Holy Bible and now in this Sermon from ICCDBB a gift is being given or at least offered unto Christians and Christian Leaders even if to some it appears as if they are about to be stoned: the gift is: stop casting stones at Christians and stop casting stones at other people even if only words. The true higher Word Of God is with instantaneous action (the action may be a process / time & faith). So if to have been Baptized as Christian but to say but the "say" is of no effective action (since others throw stones too) then such casting of stones is anti-Evangelizm, it is how rumors and wars are started and magnified so repent quickly while there is time.

Now is given a new key unto You for the greater glory of One JESUS Christ. In the Drawing below Covenant levels are shown, and for instance "Second Heaven" is an example given. That "Second Heaven" Level has a top and bottom, below which is a threshold unto proving worthiness if to gain victory(ies) for Christ JESUS, yet rather and similar is the top part. You already have victory over Satan and Hell in Christ JESUS, so it is hardly a problem faced with knowledge of mini Heaven/Hells, H/Hs, per each level (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on topic, including on the Drawing on "/").

With full repentance and proper Christian Baptism You were actually given the key, though now comes greater awareness on applying this gift.

For example, now with the key of understanding this H/Hs per level relationship another key to understanding can be granted, utilizing an in-house example for edifying: much as You are to ascend in higher Covenanting, ICCDBB too should be ascending. Therefore with ICCDBB at the head relative to an ICCDBB for-profit-Affiliate (A Check Exact), while ICCDBB heads toward higher matters of Holy Faith, not to leave the other left undone (Deuteronomy 25.4) the lower part of the [in this case] "Second Heaven" Level can be left to the tail such as to gather cash and [charity and] spend or reserve a fair small reasonable portion as for emergencies and investing (Matthew 25.27, with Matthew 20.15, and with John 8.29).

Therefore of the higher part of a Covenant is an unseen Faith Blessing, and the lower part per Covenant can be a realized in the flesh / senses blessing(s). Likewise any lower level can also be for blessing the flesh, except if need be to go on a lower Holy Mission, then according to as such specific mission authority specifies. Here is another key, this is why crooks get away with lowest level stealings of scraps and similar sins, while sinners are less able to steal the higher gifts because the sinners did not so conquer (Job 33.7).

So given unto business A Check Exact toward flesh profit (yet within this Affiliated business to do so of free legal choosing that such be also with traceability to Christ JESUS) is that when A Check Exact gets around to it so to speak, and as written above "for goodly higher purpose, in this case toward the straight and narrow path of an orbiting planet", A Check Exact plans to rebuild some website pages to offer for cash some aerospace design modeling toward Physics Of God models toward far greater space travel means yet at this time rather than toward physical vehicles types / various purposes (lower levels): in other words toward the more comprehensive part per se, per level (bottom, generally, though not to stop an entity from rising, though not to make the House Of Prayer a place of merchandise): key!

In more simplified terms, enterprises are allowed, yet focus on the Christian Church (an example is ICCDBB, though there have been other Flocks such as more about giving Baptisms and possibly also One with ICCDBB depending on their Standard-Of-Their-Church).

If a Church blesses only itself with gifts, then it lacks proper outreach blessings. Receiving donations is acceptable, but hardly give Your Church over to subordination to cash, hardly do for cash rather for God. So if not for cash within the Church then if to gain cash (if without income, if without reserves,...) then set aside and delimit Your Church and/or delimit other businesses from Your Church (perhaps specified in Your Church Standard) and independently gather, sell, be hired, employ, and/or other for personal, family, and/or enterprise gain such as via Your hands, but not to undo the Church. Hardly compete against Christians, rather bless, though if Christians be involved in other than House Of Prayer and toward the other end of the legal scale toward for flesh profit activities then fair competition might be entertained to an extent, rather see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Demming Win Win Philosophy (and there are similar others): God Physics of higher Covenanting apply not only to Churches, yet also to businesses: key.

It was deemed needful / Biblically to be stated in this Sermon for Your sake(s).

"I don't care" and casting stones has little to do with Pastor John Hagee (be whole of thy plague), as many have been careless and worse.

This example is given unto all: to let the blessings begin again in such souls.

Higher Covenanting is the right mission path, even if the former logic interpretation does not fathom [Christ JESUS said "For them I sanctify myself" (John 17.19, also Genesis 18.24) also (John 15.18) therefore pray New Beginning / End Time)] the experience of the depth of the serving others idea (proper Christian Baptism with Hebrews 2.7).

The above Drawing commanded to go in every direction to do good.

In this next Drawing fearing God rather than other directions, go for higher purpose.

How to rightly fill the flesh that the Holy Spirit be best enabled. Four Bible precepts symbolized in three and three in two alive and growing as One. Multiple allegorical illustrations and diagrams of spiritual things to now be bound in Heaven today in You that You be blessed In Christ JESUS In One. ICCDBB for Christ JESUS. As seen on Television. Heard and witnessed. Genesis 1 Corinthians John Mark Matthew Bible physics run systems, future prophetic Covenants 2017 2018 2020 2021 2027 2037

In the above Drawing the squares around the heart symbolize the 3D living flesh and living Word and living Doing in the Will Of God, while the other symbols in this case are relatively / former logic more toward the Word only: for the purpose of edifying. So the "other" symbols are shown to represent the unseen Spirit Of The Word, the Plan Of God, the future aspects that the flesh might best, and these things are included in flesh according to the higher Covenanting a given flesh vehicle instrument has accomplished in Christ JESUS. If You go as Admiral into the lower part of an aircraft carrier for example, You can walk up to the left or right and still be within that carrier, yet You steer Your carrier one way along the proper course.

In the above subtext others may have found You the best choice to be Admiral, hopefully because of Your greatness, or other reasoning, perhaps the others were even more inappropriate Beloved One Remnant And Admirable Admiral. Those that appointed You and others might have all displeased You, You might have seen sins of hatred, careless stone castings, deceptions, overly lazy, and/or other. Even so You steer the great ship properly. And even so You treat those that displeased You with appropriate respect, love, and care as You guide people and things: because You do this Your ship is alive and a living vessel with One True Spirit, Your Spirit as much as it is a true and proper One in the Lord. You can have sailors dance and sing, You can have sailors put chains on themselves, whatever You like. You can be the kind parent and gives the children food and toys, or be part of the cause that they run away to save their own lives.

For Christ JESUS to be the proper Father (on the Father), Christ JESUS was the kind Father, Christ JESUS was the loving Leader, Christ JESUS gave the blessings and continues.

The Above Drawing in part shows the Holy Plan Of God concerning how to rightly fill the flesh that the Holy Spirit be best enabled. As it is written in Matthew 26.41:

Christ JESUS offers from the Father in the Holy Spirit likewise unto the Living Holy Bible multitudes of blessings unto each and all, so an entity hardly need be jealous (save of Highest One Position Father) if to see another with certain blessings and the self without, that is, be the highest position that all be added unto You and yet if "another" already have certain blessings then lest to be jealous invite the "another" to be One. A key, enter into their higher work in Christ JESUS or them into Your higher work in Christ JESUS, or both of the same Level together form the agreeing within the same Level, and in so doing it can be a verifying of worthiness to ascend unto a higher Covenant level, as of a step or great leap.

In proper agreeing in Christ JESUS is ascending even if not immediately realized within parties doing the agreeing (see below Drawing to the right).

Christ JESUS offers You another key over what used to be considered by You (save One) as the enemy, since an entity may have come against Your Flock, and/or You might have held that ignorance was Your enemy, and/or other; though in Christ JESUS that was overcome, so in Christ JESUS You are able to find any Spirit (tools) help(s) that You might need and/or that You might imagine You need, as it is written, from James 4.7:

And such is acceptable unto lower levels and former logic (offer mercy), and it is Biblical, yet of key unto higher levels there is an even more excellent Way as JESUS Christ taught and did, the key is there is Evangelizing on a higher level, lest to call and invite sinners only to cause them to flee: wherefore then is the value in Your works redoing and redoing, rather as is written for higher purpose per se and greater, with two interesting verse versions from Matthew 5.39:

Apply this Holy Word Of God to concerns in Your Life, here are some examples: a child looks and hears "evil" written words and talk (consider the child is innocent and pure, and Matthew 7.3) and the child when ready might walk away from those things, it might be sufficient though offer Christian guidance, in another example a Medical Doctor might have a fluid that would help though relative to it is the "evil" needle or similar the MD would utilize. So of key(s) is the learning of good and evil, and the learning not to resist proper utilization of Relativity for higher goodly purpose. Evil words cause damage, temporary damage, Christ JESUS In You And Yours already conquered; and the needle causes damage though relative to the greater concern it is of little consequence, except if to damage against the higher (Covenant(s) / Matthew 12.31). So prefer to give only good, though if to give flesh (needle example) minimize.

Christ JESUS offers a key unto You One so here is yet another key for You concerning translating and interpreting the Bible, whether of ancient civilizations' papyrus scrolls, manuscripts, or clay stone tablets, or the current online versions and future interpretations of star patterns and DNA codes in Biblical allegorical terms: the key is that some Bible precepts are lower covenants clearly understood and overcome by any and all while some are higher Holy Covenants so of former logic appear as if tongues though hardly since the former logic timeline future is as the tongues, yet the higher Holy Covenants are ascending from that timeline as shown above, so in distinguishing this key is the time aspect already interpreted in Christ JESUS [/ Baptism (that is, rather Your current Covenant Level Christian Leader) that You have already conquered for Christ JESUS Your current level so it serves You (Physics Of God) to indicate the next higher interpretation meaning pertinent to You (see ICCDBB Sermon Time Manipulation Drawing on "Discerning"): the higher level is the authority (Christ JESUS) and the lower is not the guide except in lowest covenant levels (sinners under law(s)) as sinners are both under law and under Christ JESUS. Former logic hardly leads Christian Leadership, rather Christian Leadership writes laws and pertinent Covenants and help standards for their sakes, gifts for needs of any in lower Covenants.

Example of this key: If to speak of the above Drawing as the Bible Book Of Proverbs: Four Bible precepts symbolized in three, and three in two alive and growing as One. So to speak as Proverbs has done in the Bible is a nice change of pace, as tongues of music, though in need of interpretation(s). Yet it is greater, it is as a door opening and not yet open, it is as a teen and not yet mature, it is as a Newborn Christian and not yet much ascended. Fanciful perspectives as of Proverbs, arts, jokes, and other can be enlightening as God created all and is in all, yet continue to discern and do good, and if to find misdirection offer guidance as much as enabled.

Former logic as symbolized in the above Drawing evolves forward laterally to the right. New Logic ascending is similar to a farmer plowing and not looking back lest to plow a crooked line, yet in ascending hardly for the task at hand, hardly for the new technologies such as a computerized tractor; rather for the Will Of God for their sakes (and the things far greater are added unto them and You).

For instance the Admiral corrects those under the Admiralty, fellow Admirals might opt to confide in each other for higher purpose terms of peace (perhaps such as to offer the gift of to agree to offer to accept the other's surrender). And those over the Admiral, the Admiral hardly corrects yet to be proper the Admiral helps and serves.

Discern to properly serve. Be aware of each of the higher precepts of God. Be aware of the One Higher Precept In Christ: JESUS. As it is written in Luke 6.38:

Therefore give but don't stop there, become worthy to ascend in Covenanting with the giving so much more abundantly [(if concerned about cash see Matthew 10.10) so don't sin]: and also continue to give thanks to the Godhead that You can also give thanks to all for good higher purpose: thanks be to all in the Holy Name Of JESUS The Christ. If You rely on cash or other of former logic and such fails and if You are pure, expect a miracle, and it may come and the self hardly notice until after-the-fact, and rather until higher Covenanting, and rather work the proper longsuffering of higher Covenanting before-the-fact that You properly rather fear God rather than rely on cash or other, even so plan, God planned; also plan to give freely yet properly (Matthew 23.23 with 2 Corinthians 9.8).

Discern the truth, discern the proper path, these are integral to proper higher Covenanting that You increasingly better know the right Way to head. That You'll be protected, fear God so be concerned to not deviate from the path / temptations that Will come, and similarly such that Will appear to come though Will be sluggish and sitting there lazily as You approach on Your journey, whether You go unto higher Covenanting and/or whether You head on a journey through outer space.

Friend, cut off Yourself, be grafted in where JESUS Christ cut Himself for You to be grafted in,

and if Your hand offend You cut it off:

what were they thinking when they came up with this Plan?:


trust in the Lord Your Savior,

love JESUS The Christ and You Will find even greater?:

Below are shown fig trees cut off about to the trunk to bear more fruit,

therefore be wisely Covenanting that You bear maximum fruit lest to be cut.

How to grow fruits, vegetables, animals, and other things. How to cultivate people, culture, and hone for Christ JESUS, given is a figs example. Fully illustrated drawing with pics. Bible principles of precepts on precepts. What is truth: what truth is. How to tell the truth. Colossians 3, Luke 11, Luke 20. Fig farm greenhouse. Doppler Effect & how to change time. How to repeat pains or love Christ JESUS.

God instructed You to do Holy Writing, Preaching, and Doing. Above is shown how to grow vegetables as One and therefore fruits, animals, and other things (Christ JESUS pruned / cultivated Satan). Above is shown how to cultivate people, culture, One Civilization, and hone for Christ JESUS, given are fig trees examples. Fully illustrated with drawings and with pics are Bible principles of precepts on precepts. What is truth?: shown above is what truth is and how to tell the truth including Colossians 3, Luke 11, and Luke 20. You can now tell more of the truth about a fig farm greenhouse, and about the Doppler Effect Biblically in New Logic pertinent to how to change time, and You know how to repeat pains or love Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS explained to be careful, great gifts can be received / ascending / worthiness. Christ JESUS also within context explained lest to fall into traps (Luke 21.34): so a person can have gifts, or traps, or some of both interpreted largely as traps since if in the hospital due to a trap then hardly able to enjoy many types of gifts.

A gift is not only Covenanting, yet also not only a journey yet rather if a journey then the proper journey. So if to journey, to ascend, a great gift is in the more perfectly learning the proper Holy Path: a great gift (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on distinguishing spirits, and on distinguishing as the key to higher Covenanting).

Referencing the Drawing above many not being Christian do not walk the Christian Holy Path so do not know the Christian Way through and beyond Christ JESUS. Likewise as the Drawing shows, One new to ascending from Baptism hardly notices certain types of gifts being addded, similar to how a parent can observe a child daily noticing little change, though another parent away for awhile upon returning might remark to the child "Wow, how you have grown".

In ascending there are many gifts of appropriate Christian Faith available to be given, evidently especially of value to Christians starting to ascend, that if not pointed out to them [(see top of page on child helping to select a gift) mutually] the Covenants might go unnoticed (reference marriage / divorce rate).

Unnoticed can be defined as an announcement or intimation of something impending; warning: a day's notice ( such as a faith awareness "announcement" or personal "intimation" gift [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons on New Logic heart and former logic brain) though the brain also lives (the second like unto the first)], or a "warning: a day's notice".

Christ JESUS is of the Will of the Father that You, Your Family, Your Flock, Your Friends, Your Acquaintances, those You appreciate, those with whom You interact, and all others be blessed, therefore as One. Your One Blessing comes hardly [(save the cross, of Christ JESUS) similar to crossroads] per the former timeline [flatline (Christ JESUS helps the heart)]. Your One Blessing comes hardly according to Your Forefathers (ibid., save the goodly part) for instance there were many cases such as of parents with four children and the parents gave their land to their heirs, they split their land into four parts: so the four children each made less than a living [off the land] as compared to their parents. Verily, verily, there is some land available in outer space.

In another typical case, a mother gave her first wed daughter her diamond wedding ring, the other daughters got nothing, so to speak [(Isaiah 55.1 & Matthew 7.9, see ICCDBB Sermon "Comforter" bottom Drawing overcoming previous valuation) rather greater blessing]: many are about the things, few are of the souls. To receive the One True Blessing, earn it: Christ JESUS has it for You And Yours, Christ JESUS earned it. Christ JESUS has the New Logic New Timeline for You And Yours, Christ JESUS earned it. Christ JESUS has the higher Covenants With Blessings and One Covenant Blessing for You And Yours, Christ JESUS earned it.

What does the Sermon writer want the Reader to do?:

In the beginning of Your Current Life Living In The Flesh Yet In The Holy Spirit there was the proper Baptism Of John The Elias of which Christ JESUS spoke and then again of which Christ JESUS spoke in Heavenly Oneness (Heaven On Earth): Baptizer, Baptizer, One Lamb is finished and rests / Sabbath, Thank I (All Good In One); this is that You fulfill the higher and highest Covenant One that not only when You were Baptized, good, and rather that All Baptized Are Added Unto You One via such higher Covenanting (Mark 1.1 & 2, also reference ICCDBB Sermon "How to give all" bottom Drawing).

In brief, entering each new higher Holy Covenant is as a New Baptism, One New Blessing. One growing living New Blessing. And New and more and greater Will come.

But don't stop there: there is greater ready in Christ JESUS now for You to receive in this time of this Word / Will Of God Sermon (and unseen greater).

There are thresholds, on the One Higher Side there are New (to the ascending) Holy Covenants, on the other side of the thresholds there is the preparation side toward worthiness. It is a barrier against former logic alone, rather with New Logic In Christ JESUS precept on precept is this New Blessing(s) key revealed for You now: that of the precepts of which Christ JESUS taught: He taught Faith In The Holy One Of Israel: the Holy Comforter.

So simply because You and/or a Flock Member and/or... may not have risen to certain Covenant levels to receive such rewards / values / Blessings, that doesn't have to stop a realm of the Blessing(s).

If You conquer a threshold, You have evidence in former logic, a former logic blessing (at least).

If You did not yet conquer a higher threshold, have Faith, as Christ JESUS taught: have Your Blessing (according to Your confidence in the Lord).

Trust in the Lord properly, for their sakes, and have Faith All These Covenants Will Be Added Unto You, even from the beginning, when You (or they, if any other than One) were Baptized As Christian.

So with proper Christian Baptism comes all good things: everything good: One. Yet faith is of the unseen. A person is a vessel, a person has needs. So leave not undone the things, and yet maximize higher Covenanting as much as the flesh reasonably is reasonably capable with work, time off, and other considered. For instance if to do tough tasks at times as a Priest, and then at other times to do more feasting and playing as with Church Camps and/or Church Teams if any, then at times the flesh is weaker than at other times, the needs of the flesh are greater at some times than at other times.

The Spirit One is strong: One Blessing. Yet ascending at various rates is normal, even if a group of people are rated as having similar God given talents, so let Church Analysts be aware to wisely properly interpret the data and statistics.

As shown with the cultivation of fig trees above, so too cultivate Flock positions to produce more fruit more effectually. Cultivate the Priesthood that the eyes and ears of the flesh Members, visitors, and potential visitors, be motivated with good work not only of the unseen, yet also of the appearance in the flesh, for instance some Priests such as seen on television appear not alone and rather with helpers simply standing or sitting there on stage if only to once in awhile flip a page or move a napkin at the appropriate time(s): the symbolism of appearances includes that sometimes what the Priest has to say and do is so important that others help so the Priest is not distracted by the slightest of tasks (1 Chronicles 12.18): helpers, Comforters, help to form One Blessing on Earth.

So a key is that when all the blessings on Earth are One, bound in Heaven / agreed, then is the End Of End Time, as the former (in Faith now: Blessing) is gone and the New Beginning is One In Christ JESUS.

Limbs have been cut away from fig trees in the above Drawing: will the trees produce more figs or less?, it is because the strength goes into the fruit rather than into hard to reach higher limbs where the birds and insects have greater freedom to dwell where people rarely are, that the proper cultivating increases value. To grow a fruit bearing tree from a seed has value: it produces fruit.

Therefore likewise here is a key blessing, along the proper Holy Path Of Christian Faith And Doing, both the cutting and the welding agree, both the chopping and the growing agree, both the fertilizer waste and the nutrient fruit agree, both the Word and the Work agree, both the Son and the Father agree, both the flesh and the Holy Spirit agree, both the up and the down agree; and yet each and all things only agree properly in Christ JESUS (Amos 9.2): such are the physics of the Universe, such is the One True Blessing, such is God.

Note: another Drawing to Bless was prepared for this Sermon but the host Angelfire reported that this site ran out of disc space.


October 27, 2016

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