Hi,my mother is doing most of this page for me and other families with a member who is autistic. My name is Shyla,I am 27 yrs old and was diagnosed as Autistic when I was 2 yrs old.We wanted to do this page as we think it is important for people to have places to find information and programs for people with autism...or just to know how others cope with autism in thier families.
My mom says I was born "quote" normal and did all the things a baby does at the right age and stages.When I was around 14 months old, she noticed that I was very much taken with lights of any kind,then my eating habits changed,and I started to constantly rock in my crib.I also no longer liked to be held or hugged,and there was hardly any eye contact anymore,they thought I was deaf at first,as I did not seem to hear anything that was going on around me.
After many months of different doctors,they told my mom I was autistic.Well she had never even heard the word before,so alot of books on Autism were read. But it is still a mystrey to her and doctors as well.My mom says that just because I am mostly non verbal..does not mean that I am not intelligent,she says I am alot brighter then most people give me credit for.
I started a special school at age 3,and then was intergrated into the public school system when I was 10.I also went to high school for 5 yrs and graduated in 1996.I now attend a workshop program, and a education program, computers, reading skills and math.
I have a few interests,mainly music..all kinds,except Classical.I love wearing anything purple(my mom loves purple too),Mickey Mouse,Pink rabbits, french fries and fish and tuna sandwhiches are my very very favourite food..I could eat fish everyday.I love to go out on a boat on the lake. But perfer to stay indoors otherwise,I like to play with my super Nintendo and listening to music on my discman
I attend the theatre once a week, love action movies!
I am also in awe of fireworks,when I was little,I would look out the windows looking for them.I also like fairys very much..they are so cool!!
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