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Jann's Biography

Jann Arden Richards was born March 27, 1962. She has lived in the outskirts of Calgary, Alberta, Canada for most of her life with her parents Derrel Richards, a construction contractor, and the former Joan Bentley, a retired dental assistant. Jann has an older brother, Duray and a younger brother, Patrick.

Jann has three cats: Sweet Pea, Shrodie, and Maybe Baby, all rescued from the S.P.C.A. Recently Jann opened her own restaurant, The Arden Diner and I hear that the fries are the die for!

Jann's first musical gig was at her graduation ceremony from Springbank Community High School, and ever since then, Jann has followed a musical life, abandoning plans to be a teacher when she was 22, preferring the life of a musician. During those 12 years, she has done her share of odd jobs, including that of a ball washer at a golf course, and as a singing waitress at Orlando's Bistro in Calgary. It was during the latter stint that the neck of her guitar was broken in a brawl between some customers. In 1980, Jann cut what she has called a "hilarious" record, NEVER LOVE A SAILOR, under her real last name.

As a club singer, Jann got into the habit of excessive drinking and quoting from what Jann said in a Billboard magazine article, "I was 26 and dysfunctional and struggling hard. I've been sober ever since, though I still struggle with my fears of life and death".

It was during those critical times that she met Neil MacGonigill, her musical mentor and former manager. Neil spotted Jann while she was performing one night at a club and asked her if she was really serious about singing and if so, to give him a call and the rest is shall we say, "HISTORY". Jann credits Neil for making her take her music in her own hands.

People all over Canada knew who Jann was, thanks to the huge hit entitled "I Would Die For You" off of her first album "Time For Mercy". Jann received recognition she deserved by her fellow Canadians. This single won her two Juno Awards for Best Video and Best New Performer.

Jann has released SIX sensational albums in the past decade which include:

Jann has also worked with World Vision and has traveled to Africa and that one specific trip changed her life for the better. This trip taught her that appearance isn't important and that we should all appreciate and be thankful for everything in our lives.

I hope she continues on her musical journey and never stops creating beautiful works of art because without it, I would be lost in this much too fastly paced world in which we live today.

Some of Jann's sayings:
"Be yourself at all times"
"It must take a lot of energy to be mean. That is one thing I can proudly say, I never was."
"It is hard being a person."
"A single, quiet drop in the bucket, is bigger than any word will ever be."
"Life is a dream. A miracle. A wish."
"I savor the time I have at home."

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