This guy was on Coast to Coast AM (Oct.
Aliens, Demons & Souls
Author Zeph Daniel ( a Satanic Abuse survivor,
returned to the show, sharing his unusual life experiences as well as detailing
the nature of alien and demonic interactions. The purpose behind Satanic Ritual
Abuse is to "dislodge the soul" from a child, so that a demonic entity can enter
and grow up in that person, he explained.
It was in the year 2000 that
Daniel said he finally found God and was able to completely overcome the mind
control that was still operating upon him. He began having journeys in "spirit"
where he was shown things such as a "crystal city" on the moon, a base where
human souls are held in high tech devices. He also said he learned that most
alien abductions and interactions are actually a cover story for "demonic
A new "internal invasion" is planned by the demonic
entities he stated, which will take place in the dream state and will involve
half the planet, experiencing what is thought of as alien abduction. The purpose
is to get permission for people to be taken, said Daniel, who added that as a
"spiritual warrior" he will fight this process. He also described an associate's spirit journey to the
underground Dulce base in New Mexico, where
thousands of souls were being held captive. This person, he said, was
able to minister to the spirits and allowed them to escape, leaving behind their
bodies as empty containers.
I ask brother Spotted Hawk to write a report on his
journey to the Dulce Base in northern New Mexico… he stood
in this tabernacle, and a door was opened from it to the underground prision
chambers in Dulce… he has reported that several souls have been liberated,
leaving only husks behind.
The controllers of the earth maintain a crystal city
on the moon—and they call themselves the COUNCIL…they are of no particular age.
This group oversees the earth, and has a scripted plan for a NEW AGE OF MAN,
where man will worship THE COUNCIL.
Some of you who have seen this
council know them as the “COUNCIL OF ELOHIM,” a misnomer.
Many prophets are saying October is the beginning of
the great JUDGMENTS…
Well, ........individuals, against their will, will
be visited in dreams, and in altered REALITIES… around the globe. This is the
first INVASION. Permission will be extracted from the weak, from those not in a
relationship with God, and they will eventually be taken or killed collectively.
I call it the Death Season, others say it’s the Day of the Lord… I think we just
have a semantical difference.
I will give you a couple of dates, without
qualifying them, for dates are useless if qualified… I am led to say this:
watch October 27, watch November 22.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nathan Spotted
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 1:29
Subject: There Is No Delay
Blessings my Eternal Brother In The Holy
Name of Yahushua Messiah! Your Interview with Sherry ROCKS!! HALAL U YAH!!
There Is NO DELAY...It IS ALL IN Yah Veh Elohim's Perfect Timing.
Father Has Already Placed Me There To Stand In The Gap By His Holy Spirit..A
Physical Calling is as HE Will' where our physical bodies are located is of
no there is No Time or Distance In Spirit..Amen!
Father Placed me in Dulce last night as I slept..He Sent me to
Minister to Thousands that were trapped in cages, when I arrived there were
screams of pain and an Instant I was moving faster than the speed of
light..Which was the Speed of Love and Compassion! As I sped along unseen by the
evil, I Touched Each One and They Were Healed By The Blood Of Yahushua, and I
Worded Them To Shout and Praise Yahushua Messiah aloud in the presence of their
tormentors. It Was Marvelous! JOY! Broke Out Amongst them ALL For Deliverance
Had Come..And As They Shouted Praise To Our Most High Elohim YAHUSHUA! The
Ground Shook With The Power Of Elohim Breaking Their cages apart and The demons
died and the captives were being FREED...This is Our Calling ..This is The Work
Elohim has Called Us To Do..HALAL U YAH!
Then I was high over Madrid and Saw
The Most High ELOHIM Beaming Power From The Heavens Into The Earth, Like Unto A
Continuous Lightening Bolt Centered On The Tabernacle that You Had Builded Unto
Him..This Now Never Ceases..But Is Continuous Until HIS Kingdom Is Manifested
Openly..The Power was Spread Out In The FOUR DIRECTIONS again As Lightening With
A Purpose It Grounded Into the subterranean caves where the evil
felt safe in darkness and Destroyed them All there. Halal U YAH!!
I Stood with You On The Mountain Within The Tabernacle as alien craft rose above
the Wave and headed in Our direction as in a frontal attack and With A
WORD...YAHUSHUA!!! They Were Destroyed and Uncreated...WE LIFTED HANDS IN
HALAL..For YAHUSHUA FOUGHT FOR US!...Captivity is Now Captive Under Yahushua
Messiah's Blood...Healing Now Spreads Forth Upon the Earth From HIS Holy
Tabernacle Of Healing and Shalom, As Yah Veh Elohim Willed It To
Dear Brother Zeph, These Things I know to Be True and On Going As
HE Calls And Sends Us to Do HIS Greater Works..I just felt like sharing what
Great Things the LORD is Doing.
I LOVE You My Brother...I Always Have and
Always Will In Yahushua Messiah.
I Pray Without Ceasing..That You and Trish
Messiah..Always.... Amen.
Agape and
The government is and has been conditioning the existence of aliens
through Hollywood, science fiction, cartoons and other sources.
These aliens are not extra terrestrial, they are terrestrial and
subterranean. They live within our earth and parts of our sky.
In the days of Noah the fallen angels were mixing/breeding with the
daughters of men (such as what the greys are doing now to humans, read about the
Dulce Base).
There are groups of fallen angels competing for global dominance
and control within the Third Faction of the New World Order.
-Reptilians (Earth based), Lizards. The ones notably in charge of
establishing a one world government through our political leaders. Shape shift
into human form and also use humans as hosts to possess and work
-Draco-Reptilians from Orion, the ones really running the show
while the others do their bidding. It is the Dracos who are the rulers over the
greys and the reptilians. (there are some who believe the Nordic humanoids are
Reptilians in disguise). The draco's are shape-shifters, they are annunaki -
lizard, they are the ones coming on Planet X (Rahab). The Draconians are red
dragons. Lucifer himself lost his once held beauty and was turned into an ugly
red dragon. The Reptilians (lizards), greys, and others are all classes of what
we call aliens, but were once beautiful angels.
The coming planet X is more draconians/annunaki/shape-shifting
lizards/humanoid Giants to help Satan dominate and rule the world during the
tribulation period.
The Draconians are the dominant race of the (Enki)
and the Nordics and other humanoid groups are the dominant races of the
What gets confusing is that humanoid races joined with the
Dracos, so the humanoids are in both groups.
Lucifer ....He
rules from Orion and is a winged Draconian. He is not omniscient, or
omnipresent, thus needs his minions to cover a lot of territory on the earth to
keep up with what's going on in what we call reconnaisance and spying. Are UFO's
real? Yes, they have vehicles to travel in, but these are not Aliens from
galaxies in other universes, but from our own solar system and own outer space.
Fallen Angel Hybrids and Reptilian Draconians Masquerading
as Ascended Masters, our Creators, and Beings of Light, they will deceive the
world and prepare the heralding of their master...the
October Surprise?
Is Bush
Going to Stage a Fake UFO Threat?
by Sherry
There's been a lot of sightings lately
all over the country of black triangular shaped objects in the sky. Some
accompanied by fighter jets, some not.
Is this the October surprise?
With the Rothschilds and Faction 2 of the NWO
controlling the money supply, and wanting Kerry elected over Bush, I don't think
he'll be able to pull off a stock market or economy crash to declare a national
emergency and martial law.
With the NESARA freaks and Omegans allegedly
keeping Bush from implementing any more 911 type terror attacks, he can't use
that either.
Seems his hands are tied?
Not really, he always has Areas 51, 52, and 54
to come up with a way to declare martial law around the other factions of the
What's up his sleeve? Stage a planned UFO
threat and imminent invasion.
We know it's coming soon enough. A real one
when the Antichrist rises to power. But Bush is desperate to stay in
power..Now..and the only way he can suspend elections if he feels underconfident
in being able to manipulate them is to create some kind of national emergency to
declare martial law or suspend elections.
Enter UFOs.
The funny thing is, most sci-fi watchers can
remember the black triangular objects as a new fleet of high tech planes our
military came out with years ago. It used to be featured on the Sci-Fi channel.
The joint human/alien base at Los Alamos, New
Mexico among other things, serves as an underground garage for the UFO fleets
our government has built via black technology from illegal trade agreements with
the aliens (committing treason against the U.S. Constitution) and backward
engineering of crashed alien UFOs.
Area 51 has been the test flight center of
these government and military created and owned UFO fleets.
The skies have been lighting up at night with
strange objects and colorful lights. Watch for an increase of activity and the
media starting to take notice. If this is Bush's 'suspend elections strategy'
then it will start becoming more dominant in the media.
Bush is desperate. Is it time to pull the
American UFO card? Time will tell.
Notable Reptilians: George Bush Sr.,
George Bush Jr., Richard Cheney....
Reptilian Watch :
"...they shall mingle
themselves with the seed of men." Dan 2:43
Your 'Church' (i.e. 'Churchianity' as opposed to 'Christianity') Cannot Save You!
Which church is the
The fact is that in EVERY denomination you will find those who believe in pharasitical CHURCH-ianity, and also those who practice apostolic CHRIST-ianity. So it does not necessarily depend on which DENOMINATION one belongs to (unless of course it is an Anti-Biblical denomination), but rather it depends on one's PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP to their CREATOR... For after all is said and done, the TRUE CHURCH is IN THE HEART...