The Hidden Reality Beyond the Veil
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My special thanks go out to researchers Jason Bishop and William Hamilton, who first turned me on to the Dulce info, and brought my attention to numerous facets of the Dulce phenomena, including the many other researchers and writers who have investigated this subject. Jason was the one who provided many of the 'leads' which eventually manifested in the form of the...DULCE BOOK
And The Current Information Nexus...
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* * * * * * * PROJECT REDBOOK * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * (Subterranean Database) * * * * * * *
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But where there is
in this "underground war", there
is also...
The TRM = Triune Reality Matrix
"I will give thee the treasures of DARKNESS, and HIDDEN riches of SECRET places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by name, am the God of Israel."
-- Isaiah 45:3
"The light
shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"
John 1:5 5 - ESV
like something right out of the video game
Do Reptilians Control The
The Dulce base/network/matrix may very well be the EPICENTER of paranormal activities and realities in America (if not the world). This paranormal activity is centered on and beneath the Archuleta mesa north of the New Mexico town of Dulce, on the Jicarilla Apache 'Indian' reservation. Some of the paranormal realities that have been reported in connection to the Archuleta mesa include: alien abductions, alien hybrids, ancient civilizations, artificial intelligence, bible code references, bigfoot, cattle mutilations, cloning, conspiracies, cryptozoology, cybernetics, genetic engineering, human mutilations, inner earth phenomena, magnetics, men in black, mind control, missing persons, moth-men / winged-dracos, mysterious deaths, native american legends, nazi agenda, psychic phenomena, quantum mechanics, reptilian agenda, secret government activity, secret societies, time travel, ufo phenomenon, underground anomalies, witchcraft, and others...
(Note: The name "Dulce" is pronounced "Dul-see")
'Dulce' is the global 'paranormal epicenter' of the 'underground wars' beneath the USA... Note: Since the German-spawned Bavarian "Illumi-Nazi" / "Paperclip" cult has plundered Americans of multi-TRILLIONS of dollars to construct THEIR massive underground base/city networks, we Americans are JUSTIFIED in PLUNDERING these subterranean systems (well over a hundred of them in the USA alone) of ALL of their 'abducted' human-trafficed prisoners, AND of ALL OF THEIR STOLEN WEALTH, to help restore our struggling/failing economy! BTW, Germany, like most nations, is neither good or evil in and of itself -- Hitler was Austrian not German -- but Germany IS a battle ground in this last days 'cosmic conflict'...
How did I find/uncover all of this information on the Dulce base? I COULD say that it was due to my intellectual and analytical abilities, but that would be FAR from the truth. The reality is that it was/is ALL the result of supernatural intervention from our Creator -- in answer to my desperate prayers (Matthew 7:7-11) to know what was happening behind the alien 'veil' that has been placed over our eyes throughout most of our history. Nothing else!
Is there a "twin" base to Dulce deep beneath the
Denver International Airport!?
"...the Lord God said to the serpent: ...I will put enmity (warfare) Between you and the woman (the seed of Eve), And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.” - Genesis 3:14-15
"Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." - Luke 10:19 (NKJV)
"Then did I beat them as small as the dust of the earth" - Psalm 18:42 (KJV)
"I have pursued mine enemies, and destroyed them; Neither did I turn again till they were consumed" - 2 Samuel 22:38 (ASV)
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IF you think that I've resigned the entire reptilian/reptiloid 'race' to be cursed to utter "damnation" and destruction, the TRUTH has nothing to do with what I say or believe, but rather what the WORD OF GOD says. In THIS case there is ANOTHER alternative perspective, for it is written...
Acts 2:21... “EVERYONE who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”
Psalm 150:6... "Let EVERYTHING That Has Breath Praise the Lord"
Psalm 148:7... "Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and ALL DEEPS"
Our fight is
against demonic spirits
not against their
decieved puppets
"Beware when fighting a dragon that you do not become one"
-- ancient Chinese Proverb --
Google search for:
"Bible Codes" + aliens + reptilians
Planet Earth is the "Cradle" of Life...
but one does not necessarily remain
Dark Ambient Radio
click on THIS link
with right mouse button to listen online -- while you browse the 'matrix' -- in a separate window or 'tab'
Most who are familiar with the Dulce base scenario believe that the Dulce Wars -- where 66 of our special elite American military forces were killed -- was a failure... but according to a Youtube interview with Jo Ann Richards, approximately 3500 prisoners of the Dulce Base WERE SET FREE...
In 1979 even though several dozen special forces patriots lost their lives during this operation, they were able to save and set free thousands of prisoners, those who had been taken prisoners (UFO abductees who were NOT returned) into the Dulce base, as can be clearly seen in this video...
Capt. Mark Richards was the COMMANDER of the 1979 attack on the Dulce Base, commonly referred to as the "Dulce Wars". He was framed for murder and was given a life-without-parole prison sentence by the 'secret government' who collaborate with the negative aliens, if not being shape-shifting aliens themselves.
The following website describes an interview with Mark Richards while in prison:
You can LISTEN to this website by going to and by using the mouse buttons to BLOCK-SELECT / COPY / PASTE the text FROM the above website into the text reader...
The First Major Motion Picture
on the Dulce Base
and the Horrors of Dulce Underground Base
Dulce Base
Reptilian Hell-Hole
In the Youtube video "Dulce Base - Part One - Mystery Beneath the Mesa", Geri Julian, who was involved in a failed abduction attempt by two reptilian grey aliens from the dulce base... "went as far as to describe a LARGE HOLE bored deep into the mountain face, hidden away MUCH FURTHER UP the slope of the mesa, which she claimed the creatures used to access the surface."
Has AREA-51 been moved to
The DARK WEB is essentially those websites that can not be SEARCHED with popular search engines like Google, but there ARE other search engines which DO probe the DARK WEB. Here is one of them, which searches BOTH the OPEN and the DARK webs... If you decide to use it, use it wisely...
Comments from some of the readers of the...
The above forum makes references to the movie...
Denver International Airport's ('Paperclip' Nazis?)
"Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD."
Obadiah 1:4
More bizarre history behind Dulce, New Mexico - by Norio Hayakawa
Check Out The New Dulce Base
Google Group/Forum
(This 'forum' contains information on the experiences OF SEVERAL DOZEN witnesses, workers, researchers, and others who have had direct encounters with the Dulce base scenario... some of them have been MURDERED by an illuminati/reptilian cabal in order to SILENCE them... OR have turned up missing !!!)
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Topo Map
Satellite Image
of Dulce, New Mexico
Discover the
to overcome an enemy... a Strategy that even most military intelligence agents are unaware of !
The Galactic Federation's Perspective on the
More on the
There are certain indications that intentional dis-information or mis-information is being used to mislead investigators concerning the Dulce base enigma. The following link contains... I will not say outright 'deception'... but, I believe, a...
I have set aside this webpage for this purpose...
I trust that most of you are mature enough to not always see things as absolute 'black and white', but instead develop the maturity and skill to SEPARATE the "wheat from the chaff"... as they say... whereas information is concerned...
I recieved some unfortunate news from an individual who is a high-level military officer, yet who works with certain researchers who investigate the "fringe" subjects like UFO's and Underground Bases. I asked him about the possibility that a "DULCE WARS II" might be carried out, but apparently so long as the shape-shifting reptilians have control of our government nothing of the sort is very likely. His exact words were:
"...I would say from all the indications of reports I continually and I personally review, that the complete control of Dulce and many other facilities are NO LONGER in any human hands. (If they [the reptilian b*stards - Branton] don't have it fully staffed, they have enough there to run the show, and eliminate inquisitors)..."
HOWEVER, there IS a battle taking place within the U.S. Intel Community -- especially now that Trump has taken the reigns -- and the Pro-Constitutional forces of Truth and Freedom are FIGHTING BACK and WINNING many of their battles against the Reptilian-Jesuit-Illuminati-Masonic infiltrators of the USA, so there may very well be a DULCE WARS II in the near future. However this attack/invasion of the 'Dulcematrix' may not come from above, but from BELOW... from Navy Seals, etc., utilizing the SUB AQUATIC LABYRINTH that reaches beneath AT LEAST a dozen U.S. western states... water-filled caverns large enough to allow U.S. nuclear submarines to navigate them. If part of this network reaches beneath the area of north-west New Mexico, then we may see special forces invade the Dulce Base from BELOW using this massive SUBTERRANEAN OCEANIC CAVERN NETWORK !!!
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The Dulce base and...
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The initial "Dulce Battle" was a valiant effort by many young men who gave their lives for their country AND their planet, however it was essentially a battle that was ultimately "lost" -- except in the sense that it allowed the TRUTH to break-out into the public consciousness. I believe however that IF the government allows Christian Patriots in all branches of the military to fight the NEXT attack ( against the reptilian/draconian forces underground ) then they would either be free of all of those pesky "Jesus freaks" or Christian "preachers", OR they will learn that these "fanatics" DO have the POWER to defeat and conquer these alien parasites. There are MANY "reborn Christians" in the U.S. Special Forces who, I am certain, would be more than willing to engage in a second "Dulce Wars" scenario if given the chance... and in a VOLUNTARY manner! The reason we lost the first 'Dulce Battle', I believe, was because the 66 specail forces who died therin were skilled in advanced physical weaponry, but they were NOT trained to 'counter' the psychic warfare attacks of the Draconians/SerpentRace/Reptiloids in the Dulce base...
"Behold, I give unto you power
to tread on serpents and scorpions
and over all the power of the enemy
and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
--- Luke 10:19 (KJV) ---
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Mark Richards' wife talks about the Dulce Base being started by the U.S. Government but was later INVADED and TAKEN OVER FROM BELOW by the negative Reptiloids which evolved from the velociraptors, etc. (although SOME reptiloids were allied with the humans and posed them no threat)... Here is...
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Here is some info that I received on May 30, 2008 concerning some strange activity at Dulce...
Posted by: "bullmunkee"
Thu May 29, 2008 8:19 pm (PDT)
A relative of mine heard from coworkers who have friends in the concrete business, that LARGE shippents of concrete from the entire four corners area were being shipped to DULCE. The parties involved had to sign privacy disclosure forms. The friends of the coworkers were curious as to why the concrete shipments were so huge and as to why they had to remain 'tight lipped'. Just thought I'd share this bit of info. This took place during the fall of last year. The relative only told me recently. Interesting.
Video Search For:
UFO Base
Underground Bases
Denver Airport Underground
Alien Underground
Area-51 Underground
Dulce Base
A Dungeon-Warfare Training Ground
The Underground
A MESSAGE to the residents of the Dulce Base (human AND reptiloid workers, prisoner 'patients', visitors, high government-military-fraternal officials, and so on)
You can ALL ESCAPE from the dark, chaotic, anti-life TUMOR which is the Dulce-Base-Matrix by willingly ASKING and RECIEVING the DIVINE LIFE BLOOD TRANSFUSION that can and will raise us from 'spiritual death'... which our Creator offers us for ABSOLUTELY FREE... because HE ALONE PAID THE FULL PRICE for our transgressions (and not only OURS, but also of THE REPTILOIDS... believe-it-or-not !)
Takes On The Dulce Base
If you can't be one of the...
the series - use the "H" button to access
You CAN Be A...
Even if you are involved in SPIRITUAL WARFARE - which is after all where all physical battles are finally and ultimately decided... in order to gain victory in a physical/psychic war, you MUST first defeat the UNDERLYING forces working BEHIND the physical realm through corporate spiritual warfare... especially by becoming a
Can/Will our U.S. Naval SubTerra Forces Attack the Dulce Matrix
The U.S. Army Is Spending Half A Billion Dollars To Train Soldiers
To Wage War Underground
The Hopi's ancient war with the subterraneous
Note from the webmaster...
From a very young age I was involved in a generational abduction scenario, namely abductions by reptilian grays... My family would often camp-out in the wilds of central and southern Utah. In the mornings I would often have faint memories/flashes of being abducted during the night by these aliens and used for whatever their agenda dictated. I was IMPLANTED not only with brain-chips, but also with an "alternate personality" or "alter" that was programmed to work in collaboration with the aliens. I was also used to father "hybrid" children who now live in the underground alien base networks. I don't know if it was my influence or that of others, but I have the strong sense and impression that many of these "hybrids" (I call them "hubrids" because many of them were born with a human soul-matrix) have embraced their HUMAN side over their reptilian side, and have formed a kind of "hybrid/hubrid resistance" against the draconians and their HIVE-mind-collective. I will now humbly ask the millions of other abductees throughout the world to NOT give up on their hybrid children, but to PRAY for them, so that they can be empowered by the Almighty One to break-free of the mental mind control of the demon-incarnate "serpent race" (those WITHOUT souls -- and who are mentioned/prophesied in Genesis chapter 3 as being AT WAR or "enmity" with the human race down through history), AND CONNECT WITH the POSITIVE HUMAN ET'S (Extra-Terrestrials), OD'S (Other-Dimensionals), and ST'S (Sub-Terrestrials) and join forces with them to help THEM in their ages-old conflict with the serpent race. Because of my implants, childhood programming (I grew up in a Masonic cult whose leaders collaborated with the subterrestrial reptiloids, if NOT shape-shifting reptiloids themselves), being implanted with the collective-mind 'alter', and so on, I must confess that I at times "gave up" trying to fight this evil force and allowed myself to be used to harm others... but fortunately this was not to the point of death. It was only when I, in desperation, broke through the religious/legalistic "shell" that this Masonic cult imposed around my mind, and went strait to the Creator/Source (without going THROUGH the religious leaders, which is a trick used by Masonic cultists to keep people from making a PERSONAL connection with their Creator, so that they could remain under THEIR Masonic/Cultic control) for deliverance... THAT was when He sent his angellic warriors to protect and encourage me, and they helped to bring me OUT of that cult and into the
of how to make PEACE with our/my Creator, and begin to receive the infinite graces that our God intends FOR ALL OF US to have and use for HIS perfect Plans and for HIS beautiful Kingdom....
Some of those who have mysteriously DIED while investigating the Dulce Base...
While Others turned up missing (in some cases, along with their families) such as in the case of...
"Hit and Run" is a legitimate, logical, battle strategy that was used successfully by the American militias during the Revolutionary War. Some believe that Britain was able to conquer so much of the world BECAUSE they are largely descended from the Josephite tribe of Ephraim... HOWEVER when Britain invaded the young American republic, which many believe is largely occupied by the descendants of Britain's "brother" tribe of Manasseh, the Almighty TOOK HIS DIVINE FAVOR off of the British solders and caused them to be eventually defeated... and the American militias and their war against the Imperial British forces resulted in victory for the American republic...
The hit-and-run strategy used by the American militias was no doubt inspired at least in part by divine providence, or as the old saying goes:
"He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day"...
When fighting the enemies of God and manKIND, we must exercise
and not go to the extremes of Offensive Foolishness OR Defensive Cowardice...
Net Search for:
"Ground Penetrating Radar" + tunnels
(The Kidnapping of Tens of Thousands of Humans into the Underground Alien Networks to be used as Food for the Infernal Subterranean Races)
The Alberino Analysis - Deep Underground Military Bases
This 'video' contains one of Phil Schneider's last Cabal Crushing lectures on the "underground wars" that have been fought beneath Dulce/Archuleta New Mexico and surrounding areas, right before his murder by the demon/reptilian f***ing {shapeshifting?} "elite"... Note: There are now reportedly over 200 *large* DUMBs or "Deep Underground Military Bases" beneath the USA, each costing hundreds of billions of dollars on the average, and Phil Schneider also claims that "we" in the USA are spending OVER 28 percent of our gross national product on building this massive system of underground bases for the Bavarian/German Illuminati... the thousands of "FOURTH REICH" ELITE, who came into the USA via Operation Paperclip, and who have since brought MANY OTHER Nazis -- including those from the New Berlin underground base in the Neu Schwabenland region of Antarctica... into the USA and into their underground empire, WHICH THE AVERAGE STRUGGLING AMERICAN BOUGHT AND PAID FOR THEM! These "joint" IllumiNazi/Reptilian facilities siphon the economic life-blood of those living on the surface, just like the subterranean-dwelling "Morlock" parasites in the movie THE TIME MACHINE, who fed-off of the peaceful surface "Eloi" population... like cattle/livestock.
******* ******* *******
(A Tribute To A Fallen Hero/Patriot)
After the death of Phil Schneider's father, Oscar Schneider -- who was once a Nazi U-Boat Captain before being captured by the French and turned over to the U.S. and 'repatriated' into U.S. Navy Intelligence as part of the Philadelphia Experiment -- Phil recovered many sensitive documents in the basement office of his late father's house. These documents PROVE that Phil was telling the truth.
Taken from: The Underground: Director's Cut...
About a dozen of Phil Schneider's friends, who were also mostly involved in researching and exposing the alien/jesuilluminati agenda, have all died under strange and mysterious circumstances. Most of their murders were made to look/appear as 'suicides'. Phil Schneider himself also survived many assassination attempts on his life, which all failed UNTIL he was finally "suicided"!
Also see: UFO HIGHWAY, by Anthony Sanchez.
******* THE UNDERGROUND WAR *******
"Operation Desert Storm"
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Underground War Update! Gene Decode on DUMBs. B2T Show
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According to inside sources, the supreme reptilian "leaders" within the lover levels of the Dulce underground network -- which control the tall green/brown "reptiloids" AND the smaller reptilian "greys" -- are known as the "winged dracos". These are apparently the SAME types of entities described in John Keel's book THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES... which inspired the MOVIE of the same name.
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Top-Secret Underground Military Facilities
"******* ******* *******
Learn About the
taking place beneath the USA where many child
prisoners are being rescued from joint Illuminati/Alien/Reptilian
"Deep Underground Military Bases"
(Satanic Illuminati/draconian conspiracies beneath the USA and beyond are beginning to be exposed and are collapsing through the vigilant efforts of the U.S. marines and other U.S. conventional and special military forces, who are engaging in this "Operation Dungeon Storm" which has the reptiloids ON THE DEFENSIVE and ON THE RUN... WE ARE WINNING! DO NOT let up, but keep the MOMENTUM going until this WAR HAS BEEN WON... COMPLETELY. This goes especially for you PRAYER WARRIORS out there!!!)
Although the U.S. Marines and the U.S. Army are engaging "the enemy below" (just as the U.S. Air Force has and is engaging "the enemy above" - resulting in many crash/retrievals of enemy reptiloid/grey UFOs) the U.S. NAVY is ALSO patrolling the subterranean world beneath the surface of America... reportedly utilizing massive aquatic CAVERNS that run beneath several western states, that are are large enough to accommodate U.S. nuclear...
Thousands of CHILDREN have and are being
and saved from prison tunnels that have been discovered beneath...
and OTHER underground areas
throughout the country
(there is a major effort to discredit this story in the media/internet)
******* ******* *******
WAY BACK IN MAY OF 2006, Hannah Billups SPOKE on
OF the Underground FEMA camps AND the MANY PEOPLE (including many CHILDREN) who had been
abducted into underground Illuminati-Reptilian-Grey deep underground bases
MANY within the Illuminati (33 degree of Freemasonry) ARE NOT HUMAN, but have been REPLACED by
Hannah had also been abducted for 4 days into the underground Alien/Illuminati bases UNTIL her husband was able to rescue her through supernatural/divine POWER (which the Bible says that ALL BELIEVERS in Jesus the Logos supernaturally POSSESS over the "serpent" race)!
For all of those thousands of young former prisoners who were liberated from the Dulce Base during the "Dulce Wars" in 1979, OR the thousands of children who were rescued during the more recent "underground wars" (Operation Dungeon Storm !?) that are taking place from New York to California, and who are now living comfortably in the multi-trillion dollar underground cities that are now in the control of the "white hat" forces of the US government/military (or who now live in other protected places throughout the world), let it be known that God/Jesus GIVES YOU the power to HEAL, to TREAD ON SERPENTS, and to CONQUER those that in the past had conquered YOU. Although you have been through MUCH, you are now FREE... so SHAKE OFF all of the spiritual-psychic-physical DARKNESS that has smothered you for so long, and stand ABOVE all the power of the enemy... God's TOTAL healing is HERE and AVAILABLE NOW. All you need to do is ASK, and ye WILL RECEIVE !!! It is NOW time to gather all of our most trained SPECIAL FORCES and INVADE the underground network of thousands of bases and tunnels beneath the USA and beyond... and PLUNDER these bases of the trillions of dollars in wealth that have been siphoned from the SURFACE society and into the underground mega-basing networks over a period of many years (I refer here to the "Illumi-Nazi" -- or "Il-LUCI-nati" controlled -- underground mega-base networks, NOT the NATIVE subterranean tribes of the Americas who have been AT WAR with the subterranean reptiloids and their human collaborators for a very long time).
Several years ago I read a story (unfortunately I no longer have access to the source) that originated from a central or South American country... it has been so long that I have even forgotten the name of the country, although it could have been Peru or Mexico. The story concerns some ancient writing that was found on the side of a cliff, near a cavern, that had been translated from an ancient language (old Spanish? I do not recall). The translation of the writing indicated that it was written by a soldier centuries ago, possibly a Spanish conquistador. It spoke of his love for a local woman who had been abducted into the cavern. The writing was very poetic and told of the soldiers' search for his love, filled with holy rage towards the creature that had kidnapped her. He had his sword ready, intent on killing and slashing his nemesis into pieces once he found it. He wrote of his search, and of the CLOVEN footprints that he found near the entrance of the cave, along with more faint footprints of what he believed to be his woman, some of the prints indicated that she was partly walking AND being dragged, INTO the cave. Most of the "poetic" text spoke of his love for the woman and his hatred for the creature, and what he was going to do to it once he found it. Let us hope that his mission succeeded, for nothing else was mentioned concerning the incident... So, these underground abductions have been taking place
for a very long time
We MUST remember that the Inner Earth is not just filled with demon-incarnate yet physical "reptiloids", but also benevolent HUMAN tribes who have been at WAR with this "serpent race" for a VERY LONG TIME. THESE are the ones who our marines and other military forces NEED to join with, in order to coordinate an all-out ATTACK on the reptiloids, so that those reptiloids who do not submit to Divine Law can be eliminated from the earth forever! Following is information on some of the more benevolent inner earth tribes, civilizations, and races...
Out of all the continents of the earth, the continent that seems to contain most of the "benevolent" subterranean cities/communities is
However there seem to also be benevolent subterranean civilizations in North America as well...
The "ReptIlluminati" controlled CPS (Child Protective Services)
The Storm Area 51 movement of 2019 apparently came too little and too late, since all indications suggest that most of the underground operations at Area 51 in Nevada have been moved to the underground facilities at the DUGWAY (Area 52) base in the neighboring state of Utah. Yet even THAT is probably not the epicenter of underground malevolent activity in the USA. As you have well seen by all of the revelations and exposures in THIS "Dulcematrix" website, we must conclude that THIS massive Dulce/Archuleta facility is the "epicenter" of operation for the underground dark forces in/under the USA. So, will the "underground war" -- that has resulted in the rescue of thousand of abducted children from the underground, and which has been carried out by U.S. Marines and Navy Seals from California to New York City -- make its way to the "Dulce Matrix"? Only time will tell. We must realize that we are entering into the realm of spiritual-psychic-conventional/physical warfare, so the outcome of these battles may no longer be determined only by those who fight on their FEET, but ALSO by those "spiritual warriors" who fight on their KNEES !
URGENT NOTE/UPDATE: Reports are coming out that some of these prisoners that are being rescued from below Central Park -- and elsewhere beneath the USA from New York to California -- HAVE BEEN DOWN THERE FOR AT LEAST A GENERATION, or in other words many of them may have been BORN down there, being the children of OTHERS who were abducted years earlier, as children, and who grew into adults... In OTHER WORDS, this does NOT involve mere drug cartels that operate in abandoned subways... it goes MUCH DEEPER than this, and deals with SATANIC secret societies that are in alliance with physical yet infernally possessed/incarnated (reptilian humanoid) creatures (those physical yet demonic creatures that are mentioned in the book of Genesis chapter 3 as being at war or "ENMITY" with the human race down through the ages) that have been living/existing underneath the surface of the earth for centuries, if not millennia!
CONFIRMED: IT’S BABIES!!! Under the Tents in Central Park
One Nurse in Central Park, New York City, describes the military raids into a vast system of tunnels beneath the park from which THOUSANDS of children...
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(these links will take you to TEXT searches, but you may choose VIDEOS, etc. searches at the TOP of the page)
Underground Network Operations
35,000+ Children Rescued From Underground Facility
35,927 Children Rescued From Giant, Thermonuclear Blasted Underground Facility
The Incredible Reality Of
YOU are able to DEFEAT and to DESTROY the demon-incarnate "serpent race" through the infinite power of Almighty God, the one who created you in His triune image (spirit-soul-body), through the WORD of God. The WORD/LOGOS of God is so powerful that He is an Infinite BEING in Himself. The Father is the SPEAKER of the WORD, the SON is the incarnate LIVING WORD made flesh, and the Holy Spirit is the SPIRIT of the WORD or LOGOS of Almighty God. And since it was THE WORD which CREATED all thing (that is, before much of the creation became CORRUPTED), then it is also THE WORD or LOGOS that can UN-created or DESTROY those things that have corrupted themselves and have essentially become "cancer cells" which DESTROY the Living Creation! God Almighty says His WORD is like a SWORD, a conquering and undefeatable sword. Here are three SWORDS that can help YOU destroy the serpent race which has waged a secret WAR against humanity from the beginning!
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And Support Them as Fellow Warriors in the Fight for Life, Truth, and Freedom
(those who STILL remain, that is)
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And See Just How
The Rabbit Hole Goes
After Exploring the Matrix
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