Mohammed grew up and we find him marrying a rich 40-year-old widow when he
was 25. he began to visit a cave outside Mecca, where he would meditate for
weeks and months alone. One night, in the cave, he claimed to be visited by the
angel Gabriel, who told him that Mohammed was a prophet of God. A voice was then
heard, which Mohammed said was the voice of Allah, who was the local Moon god.
Mohammed visited this cave repeatedly and heard the voice again. Mohammed then
repeated what he heard as sermons to a growing group of followers. These sermons
became the text of the Koran.
In 622 A.D., Mohammed made a key mistake. In Mecca since ancient times there
was a building called the Kaaba. In this building was a meteorite. Also kept in
the building were dozens of idols to many different gods. Mohammed proclaimed
that Allah was the only god. He was then driven out of Mecca and fled for his
life to the town of Medina. This is the Hijra, and the Islamic lunar calendar
dates from that day.
In Medina, Mohammed attracted a large following. He then returned to Mecca as
leader of a large group of "missionaries" (armed with swords) and conquered - eh
- converted the populace that had previously chased him out.
Today, Islamic Countries can be roughly classified into four types of states:
It should be noted that Arabs represent a very small portion of
Moslems worldwide. In fact, the countries which contain the most Moslems are
Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, and Iran. Most American
Moslems come from Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan. ****** You would do well to remember the above Info. Espionage, geopolitics, religion and fantasy....these are All
mixed up into what is going on today. There ARE Sacred CAVERNS under North Africa, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, IRAQ, Iran, Afghanistan, TIBET,
ETC. SHEIK GILANI AND THE JINN SEE: ******************
TERRORISTS! Dajjal, the Dark Messiah : There are three aspects of Dajjal:
1. The individual
2. A world wide social and cultural phenomenon
3. An unseen force. ********************************************** Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those
Invited Through The Portal (Pt. 7) Metaphysical nonsense, or high-tech
mechanisms built by "the gods"? By Thomas
Horn SEE : Flying Serpent Gods Over
Cities? Ahriman--enemy of Ahura Mazda.
According to Persian religion, Ahriman was the Death-dealer--the powerful and
self-existing evil spirit, from whom war and all other evils had their origin.
He was the chief of the cacodaemons, or fallen angels, expelled from heaven for
their sins. After their expulsion, the cacodaemons took up their abode in the
space between heaven and earth and there established their domain called
Ahriman-abad. From this location, the cacodaemons could intrude upon and
attempt to corrupt humans below. In Daniel, this same negative influence
is described as "the prince of the kingdom of Persia (Iraq/Iran). Babylon/Babel--means... the "Gate of the
god". * SOME GATES SHOULD NOT BE OPENED The "lying wonders" of 2 Thessalonians
are, according to one theory, end-time flying saucers that will be piloted by
creatures who appear to be advanced humanoids but who are in fact evil
supernaturalism on a quest to conquer and destroy the creation of
God. John Keel, who wrote UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse
and other books on the subject, comes to the same conclusion: 'The UFO
manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old
demonological phenomenon."
author of The Ahriman Gate :