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From : greg gavin <>
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Sent : Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:37 PM
To : "" <>, "" <>
Subject : [hollowearth] tunnel entrances in your backyard
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I recently received a message from a person living in
Spain. I will not give the details as I wish that he
is free to explore what he found on his farm when he
was 9.

from Gregorio: >>>It is curious Gavin, thank you very much for your emails,
It's very nice to know we are not crazy.

>>>From very young ( 9 years old more or less) I found an old cave
on my farm, this farm was founded by Franciscanos ( religious catholic
order at spain), and they made stairs and roof so it could be easily

>>>Few weeks ago I found a way to get in through other tunnel, and I
found stairs going directly down, I got down for at least 45 minutes,
And wondering for the batteries I came back up.

>>> I have very nice feelings when I get in, and wondering how could I
contact its inhabitants I write you these lines...

>>> Hello Greg,
I'm glad is interesting for you too.

Spain, an area with neolithic settlements at Madrid, the cave goes down
more than 2500 yards through irregular steps, and also goes up as it crosses
the sides of the valley, as it should have another entrance still unfound at
the upper part of one side of the Valley. A old tale names these passages
as 'passage of the monks', as it is believed that some monks used to use it
to move around.

>>> I am sure that the outer part is made by them, but as soon as the irregular
steps appear the aspect of the cave changes. It is funny as it looks older but
it will last longer... how to explain the endurance and deep of the feeling.

>>> I wonder if I would have to stay at the cave until my eyes get more used
to the low amount of light and turn off the battery-light. But this would take
more than a weekend, who knows if I could do it. >>>

from me:
I spoke with the psychic Eric Kourganis yesterday on
the phone who lives presently in Miami, Florida.
I gave him the details of the cavern area.
He said that the area is quite large with many tunnels
leading into other caverns. That at one time there was
a society that dwelled in that region underground.
Also that the people there have blocked off entrances
that lead hundreds of miles into the ground into the
Hollow Earth. But it would be impossible to access
these areas as the people inside would send negative
energy to thwart entry.
He said that there is no danger in exploring the
deeper areas, but you would make certain to have a
rope/strings as becoming lost is a possibilty.
It does appear that the monks were in contact and
could go deeper inside, much deeper. And that the
cavern entrances to the Hollow Earth places were
blocked off in the 1500's or before.
He also said there are probably many artifacts still
around. So it may be a good find for you in that way.
Keep me informed on any adventures you may have.

Greg Gavin
Editor Publishing

Gavin Gallery & Studio
gallery studio: 585-298-9208
cell: 585-313-0785
183 St. Paul #301
Rochester, NY 14604

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