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From: Nicky Molloy  <>
Date: Mon Nov 20, 2000 2:17am
Subject: Austin Insider: Dubya HAS NO BELLYBUTTON!/ALSO: Katherine Harris LESS Than 100% Female

-----Original Message-----
From: NewsHawk Inc. hawki@l...
Date: Monday, 20 November 2000 20:16
Subject: Austin Insider: Dubya HAS NO BELLYBUTTON!/ALSO: Katherine Harris
LESS Than 100% Female


********Breaking News ********

Austin Insider Reveals Dubya HAS NO BELLYBUTTON!//
--Hatched... SPAWNED.. or even WORSE... CLONED!


Evidence Shows Katherine Harris LESS Than 100% Female

Austin Insider Reveals Dubya HAS NO BELLYBUTTON!

A disgruntled insider who's worked for several years at the governor's
mansion in Austin, Texas during Dubya Bush's second term has revealed to
NewsHawk some UTTERLY SHOCKING, revolting and horrifying news.

No, we're not talking about the Bush's taste in furniture and interior
design either (SPEAKING of which: gee, that "leather" on the couch kinda
reminds me a little of those lampshades from Auschwitz, Dub. What kind
of animal DID you say that leather was made from?)

The horrifying news made public didn't EVEN have to do with the TRULY
sick things that Dubby and his New World Order buddies do at that
Bohemian Grove frolic they go to regularly.

No, it was this.

The source, who must remain anonymous, worked on the personal
housekeeping staff at the Austin mansion, and on several occasions
observed Mr. Dub with his SHIRT OFF. (No biggy, the boxers were on.)

But GUESS WHAT? This member of the staff PLAINLY observed -- clear as
DAY -- that DubHead HAS NO BELLYBUTTON!  Nada! Smooth sailing right
across the midriff. Honest, we're NOT making this up (much).

This stomach-turning news comes at a time when it seems pretty likely
this "creature" is about to be our next president; so in hopes of coming
to grips with this shocking issue we're trying first of all to figure
out just HOW Dubya may have even come into existence, if NOT born from a
human --or any other mammalian --kind of mother.

Was he hatched? Or maybe spawned? Cloned? One of those
test-tube-gestated reptilian alien hybrids? At this point, until more
evidence becomes available, all we can do is guess.

And WONDER... just WHEN is the fact that this individual is clearly NOT
human in the generally accepted sense of the term going to be revealed
in some tremendously disturbing actions he carries out?

We can only wait for time to reveal the truth.

Evidence Shows Katherine Harris LESS Than 100% Female

In fact, the visual evidence we've seen which reveals Katherine Harris's
demeanor, behavior, deportment is truly frightening. I admit I would NOT
want to cross paths with this person in a dark alley. Detailed analysis
of this footage by crack scientific teams has revealed that Harris is
provably NOT "all woman."

Indeed, Harris is probably a lot less of a woman than she THINKS she is.

Estimates based on observed data indicate that Harris in fact less than
30% "female, in the generally accepted sense of the term.

We're just not sure what that other 70% or so actually IS. Once again
those wrenching questions raised by the SHOCKING news that DubHead Bush
has NO human-style BELLYBUTTON AT ALL are brought forth anew by the
strange case of Katherine Harris.

Where and HOW DOES the Bush/NWO Crime Empire BREED these folks, anyway?

NewsHawk® Inc.

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ORDER only, made out to JOHN QUINN (of course cash is OK, but
inadvisable for snailmail).

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