Patriots against the New World Order totalitarianism

Patriots against the New World Order Totalitarianism

There was a misunderstanding between the Internet community and the Supreme Law Firm regarding the legality of The Federal Zone text file. This archive is here for exactly that, archival purposes, so that research does not become lost to the sands of time. Unfortunately the author of the Federal Zone is now demanding that this "Stolen" copy of his work be removed from the Internet. So now the Internet community loses a piece of research, and the work shall go forgotten as the ages pass.

Brian Oblivion

american_freedom.txt american freedom network info.
assault_on_const.txt constitutional convention.
authentic_spook.txt the authentic spook.
bankers_rob_you.txt technical information about how bankers rob you.
bank_beast.txt killing the banking beast.
barlow_on_nsa.txt decrypting the puzzle palace.
beastnet.txt introducing beastnet on the internet.
beat_the_irs.txt beating the irs in court.
bilderbergers.txt who's afraid of the bilderbergers? you decide.
bill_of_rights.txt the bill of rights (plus patriot commentary)
black_budget.txt black budget: a guide to secret national security spending.
black_budget_brochure.txt a brief guide to secret national security spending
book_list7.txt best books on cult and mind control.
book_list_1.txt the conspiracy book list.
book_list_2.txt emissary publications conspiracy book list.
book_list_3.txt extreme book list (much strange stuff).
book_list_4.txt occult book list (freemasonry, etc.).
book_list_5.txt beastnet conspiracy book list.
book_list_6.txt trax book and tape list (conspiracy, survivalism, etc.).
bo_gritz_on_disarming.txt america soon to be disarmed.
brady_ii.txt brady ii (proposed u.s. anti-gun law) faq.
bush_bcci.txt bush adviser's ties to bcci.
cable_tv_snooping.txt can your cable tv be used as snooping device?
cfr.txt who's behind the 'new world order'?
cia_and_drugs.txt cia sacrifices american pows for drug profits.
cia_doc_review.txt "a consumer's guide to intelligence" from the cia.
cia_psyops_handbook.txt cia psychological operations handbook.
citizen_handbook.txt citizens' rule book/jury handbook.
citizen_militia_1.txt what really is the citizen's militia?
citizen_militia_2.txt constitutional basis for militias/gun ownership.
civil_disobediance.txt henry david thoreau's essay on civil disobedience.
clinton.txt who is bill clinton really?
clinton_and_cfr_tlc.txt clinton admin connection to cfr-trilats.
code_names_list.txt u.s. military code-names for secret projects.
cointelpro.txt cointelpro revisited: domestic spying and disruption.
cold_warriors_and_gen_x.txt cold warriors woo generation x.
concentration_camps_1.txt concentration camps ready for u.s. citizens.
concentration_camps_2.txt secret concentration camps.
conspiracy_proof.txt proofs of conspiracy.
constitutional_convention.txt "nwo: ancient plan of secret societies."
constitution_party_info.txt info abou the new constitution party.
counterfeit.txt counterfeit conspiracy undermines your money.
cults.txt cults, anti-cultists, and the cult of intelligence.
cult_awareness_network.txt cult awareness network expose.
declaration_of_arms.txt from july 6, 1775. better than linda thompson's.
democracy_vs_republic.txt the differences, for those who don't know.
directives.txt national security directives.
disarm_everyone.txt the conspiracy to disarm all americans by the year 2000.
dod_suffixes.txt list of suffixes used in military budget documents.
don't_talk_to_cops.txt don't talk to cops or you may be sorry.
educational_mind_control.txt mind control in education.
ellsberg_on_secrecy.txt testimony on secrecy by daniel ellsberg to the us senate.
ending_the_cold_war_at_home.txt domestic spying big time.
eo_12333.txt eo that establishes the intelligence community.
evil_bertrand_russell.txt this guy was sick.
exon.txt the exon: the exempt elect.
fbi_and_bbs's.txt the fbi comes rapping, rapping at your bbs.
fbi_and_civil_liberties.txt civil liberties under threat.
fbi_computers.txt summary of fbi computer systems.
fbi_informer.txt interview with frank varelli, former fbi informer.
federalist_10_and_51.txt concerns by the founding fathers about personal liberty.
federal_reserve.txt what it does, how it screws everyone, who owns it.
fed_reserve_ownership.txt who owns the fed? charts and text.
fed_up_plan.txt fed up plan of action.
financial_enforcement_1.txt fincen: the financial crime enforcement network.
financial_enforcement_2.txt brother wants to look into your bank account.
frankfurt_school.txt the frankfurt school and "political correctness".
freedom's_last_stand.txt excellent guns and ammo article.
freedom.txt freedom is slavery these days.
freedom_essays.txt aclu freedom essays on various subjects.
freedom_from_war.txt program for disarmament.
freedom_of_info_kit.txt how to use the freedom of information act.
full_disclosure.txt best of full disclosure magazine; how to get it.
fy95_classified_programs.txt list of classified 1995 u.s. defense programs.
gemstone_files_key.txt a skeleton key to the gemstone file.
gestapo.txt americans are putting up with a spiraling gestapo state.
global_tyranny.txt - tyranny.txt global tyranny: step by step (first 5 chapters).
globocop.txt uncle sam, not uncle globocop.
goldsters_vs._godsters.txt the theory of the "owners" battle for world control.
golem.txt giant computer controls everything.
gordon_kahl.txt uncensored gordon kahl story.
guard_goals.txt national guard goals for the 90's.
guns:_the_stakes.txt what is at stake?
gun_control.txt gun confiltered= despotism.
gun_education.txt incorrect gun information taught to school children.
gun_facts.txt gun owners action league: facts and positions.
gun_grabbers.txt gun grabbers' global gestapo.
gun_laws_and_nazis_1.txt 1968 gun control act mirrors the nazi gun laws of 1938.
gun_laws_and_nazis_2.txt nazi anti-gun propaganda being used now.
gun_quotes.txt pro-gun quotes from famous people.
gun_rights.txt are you willing to fight for your guns?
gun_usage.txt to bear arms for self-defense.
independence.txt the american independence ballot initiative.
jbs_books.txt western islands books, publishing arm of the jbs.
john_judge.txt assassination as a tool of fascism. john judge interview.
law.txt law enforcement growth industry.
lee_crites_keynote.txt state of the patriot movement, lee crite's keynote speech.
less_rights.txt the president's own words on taking away our rights.


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last modified: Friday, 24-July-98 01:46 est

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