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Whilst seated at a park bench, Vermin began asking Ellen a series of personal and very embarrassing questions. His first question to Ellen was "When was the first time you had sex." He next asked her if she ever had lesbian sex. In turn he asked her if she'd ever participated in group sex, Bestiality and finally Sadomasochism. Remember, we're talking here about a reptilian propagandist whose frequent rallying cry is that there are no evil reptilians, only evil humans. This is the same "researcher" who within the last forty eight hours had brought a reptilian back to my friend's house for the express purpose of watching it rape and brutalize her.

Vermin explained to Ellen that engaging in sadomasochistic sex will cause the reptilians to appear more often. He said it would also strengthen the psychic link with the reptilians. All of this was just a prelude however for Vermin finally got to the reason behind his and Angelo's visit to the high desert of Southern California: They wanted Ellen to take part in videotaped sadomasochistic sex acts with the both of them.

Ellen of course, had nothing but contempt and loathing for the reptilians. She now knew for the first time the depth of depravity that Vermin had sunk too. Ellen told them both once and for all she didn't want anything to do with them. She insisted they bring her home and they did.

One evening shortly thereafter Vermin showed up in Ellen's astral dreamscape and told her that he wanted to prove to her that he wasn't just some kind of nut. That he was serious about his involvement with the reptilians. Vermin then proceeded to take Ellen on an astral trip to a mountain not too far from where he lived. Vermin led her to an entrance where he placed his hand over some security scanner and a doorway appeared through which the both of them entered. Inside the mountain was a large underground installation bustling with activity. There were many reptilians there as well as some humans working for the reptilians. Vermin gave Ellen a short tour of certain parts of the installation and brought her back to her house. He then appealed to her to "work with him" which she again refused. The latter is another common tactic of Vermin's: He will frequently appear in the dreamscape of someone and demand to know where that person stands. "Are you with me or against me?" He will ask. What he really means is "Are you for the reptilians or are you against the reptilians?" He will draw a line in the sand and if you give him the wrong answer you will be his enemy for life.

I began to hear about Ellen's problems with Vermin. Thinking that I considered Vermin a true friend Ellen refrained from telling how he had propositioned her for videotaped S&M sessions. She did say that the military kept punishing her whenever he showed up. She also mentioned how he appeared astrally and watched as a reptilian raped and sodomized her. I began writing letters to Vermin pleading with him to stop visiting Ellen for fear of military reprisals against her but I never received a response from him.

Months later Vermin and I met at a UFO Conference in the east coast in which I'd arranged for him to be a speaker. We had dinner together and I finally had a chance to ask him about what was going on with Ellen. He assured me he doesn't call or visit her anymore per my request and that the whole purpose of his visits were to encourage her to take part in his reptilian research project.

Vermin next displayed his true reptilian nature when he began harassing certain women on the internet. Vermin adopted numerous "notional identities" on the various internet email grouplist and monitored the discussions to ensure that no anti-reptilian sentiments appeared. When they did Vermin, concealed behind one of his notional identities would create all kinds of chaos and confusion and vent his anger towards those who said anything negative about his "good reptilians." How did I know Vermin was responsible for all this chaos and confusion? Simple, the various notional identities wrote the same sayings, clichés and propaganda that I've heard Vermin say a thousand times. The Hive Consciousness is one thing but this was ridiculous. Word for word in many cases, these notional identities repeated the same mantras that Vermin did. More than once these notional identities would use one of the lines Vermin picked up from me..

One of the people who were speaking out against the reptilians was a woman who had many experiences with reptilians. This is another woman that can "see" the reptilian image overshadowing the hosted human. This woman "Stacey" became the object of Vermin's wrath, scorn and eventually his reptilian deviance and cruelty. The very thought that a WOMAN would stand up to Vermin and shoot down his phoney pro-reptilian propaganda enraged Vermin no end. At first, Vermin would play his endless "word games" and apply his circular reasoning to refute or marginalize anything Stacey wrote. This soon turned to verbal abuse and then outright threats of physical violence from Vermin towards Stacey.

And the reason why is simple: The Drac entity in possession of Vermin's Soul hated women with a passion. As stated above, the Reptilian mindset is dedicated towards sexually torturing and even killing innocent humans especially women and children. Whenever Stacey refuted Vermin's propaganda, Vermin's anger escalated. The following is an accurate reflection of Vermin's attitude towards a woman who is refuting his propaganda:

"How DARE you stand up to me you worthless whore? I will tie you up, I will torture you and I will ram sharp objects into every orifice you have. I will KILL you."

And like the Anger-Excitation Rapist profiled by Roy Hazelwood and John Douglas, Vermin began to shadow and stalk Stacey. First Vermin developed a psychic link with Stacey. Then he began showing up in her dreamscape lurking in the shadows and watching her every move. Then he and his reptilian familiars began to create dreamscape scenarios which would put Stacey in a profound state of distress. And Vermin would stand off to the side and watch in cruel delight. On one occasion, Vermin sat down across a desk from Stacey in the dreamscape and reached across the desk with one hand and caressed one of Stacey's hands. Then he reached across the table with his free hand and struck a forceful blow on Stacey's other hand. "I can be cruel or I can be kind" he said to Stacey, implying that it was up to Stacey to comply to his sexual and sadistic demands. It was a threat.

So this is the true nature of Vermin's spiritual truth loving reptilians. Vermin also co-opted, no doubt at the behest of his drac masters, many Native American motifs and legends including the Hopi Sipapu. Since the Hopi are considered by many to be a spiritual race of humans, doesn't it make sense for Vermin to use them to buttress his argument that reptilians are spiritual beings? Why doesn't Vermin's many researcher friends do something about his nefarious deeds? Why do so many of his colleagues and friends seem oblivious to any of this? Surely they must have seen his duct tape, his S&M collection and his animal reptilian instinct in action? Why hasn't some of his INNER EARTH research colleagues who indulge in some of his occultic rituals with him try to stop his excesses in this regard? I challenge all of Vermin's colleagues to question him on these points and ask if he's ever used his reptilian abilities to harm others. Vermin has bragged to certain reptilian sympathizers about his raping capabilities.

Vermin became obsessed with Stacey. Eventually Vermin raped Stacey. Thereafter he began showing up in her dreamscape and would, according to Stacey, display an "Escalating Anger."

During times like these he would have a look of pure hatred and violence on his face. When he was really angry he would furiously rub his face and his nose in an agitated manner. This could last for a while depending on how soon Stacey would be able to wake up. On one occasion she said he tried to wrap duct tape around her ankles.

From what I've learned of serial sex offenders, Vermin seems to be a combination of a "Power Reassurance Rapist" who needs to rape women in order to maintain control and dominance and prove his masculinity and on the other hand he behaves like an "Anger-Excitation Rapist aka a "Sexual Sadist" Vermin is cut from the same cloth as the sexual predators profiled by the FBI. His mindset is also identical to that which compelled the Japanese Army to wreak such horrible violence upon the Chinese in Nanking. Is it any surprise that a reptilian propogandist is capable of doing such things?

A few years back one of my colleagues was giving a lecture in Los Angeles for a large civilian research organization. Three quarters of the way into the lecture, Vermin stepped into the room and sat 3 or 4 rows back from the front and directly in line with my friend the speaker. Shortly after Vermin sat down, my friend began to feel an intense burning pain in her upper chest. She also developed a headache.

I was sitting in the back of the lecture hall watching over my colleagues literature and information packets. I couldn't help but think that Vermin was up to no good. Why should he be HERE for this kind of lecture? Vermin knew that my colleague is one of the few on the lecture circuit that was blowing the lid off the reptilians operations. As such he despised her (she was a woman after all) and hated her writings with a passion.

I should have pointed out earlier that Vermin's late father was a lifelong member of the Central Intelligence Agency and worked for one of the CIA's infamous "Subsidiary Corporations" in Southeast Asia. His father also worked in the Middle East and elsewhere. Vermin often bragged to me how he had acquired a pilots license and actually worked for an air freight logistics company that did contract work for the government. Vermin mentioned that he had once worked as a crewmember onboard a cargo plane (i.e. a "Kicker") and had flown into Groom Lake Nevada and Guantanamo Bay Cuba aka "Gitmo."

He didn't say it but I gathered that his father had used his connections to help him get into the business. Vermin mentioned he'd signed non-disclosure forms about some of his flights especially the one into Groom Lake.

I couldn't help but wonder if Vermin was sitting there aiming a portable "non-lethal" weapon at my colleague? On the other hand Vermin may have been directing his WILL upon my colleague which manifested itself as an intense heat upon her person. Later my friend "Sherry" described to me the intense heat she felt on her chest and how she felt like passing out but just fought through it until the end of the lecture. Did Vermin walk into that lecture, purposefully late after the lights had been dimmed, so he could zap my friend with some device in order to ruin her lecture? Knowing what I do about Vermin I have to say its a distinct possibility. Sadly he maintains a very good cover since most of the researchers he interacts with are either completely oblivious to his true nature or are as mind controlled as he is.

Another protege of Barbara Bartholic's, a gal named Marianne, felt that she was likewise being zapped when a retired Air Force Colonel and alien lover sat at the front row of Marianne's lecture and stared at her intently. This air force colonel is heavily into channelling and is also another reptilian host. Marianne had to abruptly stop her lecture and go up to her hotel room and lay down feeling nauseous and sick. So much for freedom of speech and love and light, reptilian style.

Lately Vermin has been working on reptilian propaganda and disinformation. One of his pet projects consist of warning people about the likelihood of the mind controlled masses on the surface warring against the good reptilians that have been sent to rescue them. He's also been writing disinformation relative to what the reptilians have been doing in the deep underground caverns miles beneath the surface. This includes a war between brownish colored reptilians and dark green reptilians. Vermin is promoting the concept of the humans supporting the Brown reptilian species since the latter is more "supportive" of humans. He has been promoting the concept of "The Ancient Ones" (another phrase he got from me) who are the "Good" dracs that will one day help to liberate the human race.

This is tied into his long standing interest in the Grand Canyon region of Arizona. He claims to know of an inner earth entrance that corresponds to accounts of a vast underground complex filled with archaeological treasures from around the world that was "discovered" and eventually covered up by the Federal Government. Vermin actually believes he can go back in time by going into this inner earth entrance in the Grand Canyon. Once he has gone back in time, Vermin planned to "change history'' to make the present world a better place to live. Considering Vermin's loathsome character, one wonders what he has in mind when he speaks of a "better place to live."

One final point about Vermin. Vermin has an implant at the base of his skull. He once showed me an X-Ray of his neck and his skull. At the base of his skull one can clearly see between the Brain Stem and the interior wall of his skin, a small oblong object seemingly floating within that confined space. A colleague of mine named Marianne Friedman, a protege of Barbara Bartholic's, has pointed out that the Brain Stem, also known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a common location for implants.

The RAS is the system of nerve pathways in the brain concerned with the various levels of consciousness. Everything from the Sleep State, Drowsiness, Relaxation and Full Waking Consciousness is controlled by the Reticular Activating System. The RAS integrates information from all the senses. The RAS controls the Autonomous Nervous System and patterns of behavior during waking consciousness. Considering the location of the RAS, it would be quite possible to transmit electrical signals through the implant. Those signals could alter levels of consciousness, induce sleep, produce trance like episodes and control certain bodily functions via the Cerebral Cortex and Cerebellum. The Cerebral Cortex is directly responsible for Consciousness with essential roles in Memory, Perception and Thought Formulation. My thanks to Marianne Friedman for providing me with this information. It was from Marianne that the late great Dr. Karla "Kandy" Turner obtained her information about implants in that part of the human anatomy.

And Vermin has an implant next to his Reticular Activating System. He showed me the X-Ray himself and as his custom, he swore me to secrecy about it. In all likelihood, either the reptilians or a Human Agency under reptilian control was responsible for placing the implant there.


Vemin is just one reptilian propagandist but take note of how many problems he's caused in the lives of Humans. I have spent considerable time around other reptilian host as well. The penetration and control of the UFO Research Community by the reptilians is complete. I will now describe the methods of another reptilian host I will refer to as "Effluvia."

Effluvia is not only a reptilian host but a COLLECTIVE i.e. she has numerous entities inside of her under the command of a dominant male reptilian. Effluvia is not her real name. She changed her name to Effluvia at the behest of a channelled entity. According to Effluvia's own mother, Effluvia had joined a number of cults over the years including the Hare Krishna sect in Washington State. In order to better understand the mode of operation of this particular entity, its important to understand how someone like her could be valuable as a reptilian asset.

In the world of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence the term "Disruption" has a specific meaning. A "Mole" can disrupt a hostile secret service from within. The Mole can conduct his or her affairs so as to ensure that a permanent state of chaos,.confusion, demoralization, suspicion and uncertainty exist within the enemy secret service for years on end. At the same time, the penetrated secret service will find that its operations for one reason or another, always fail. Deep cover agents are "blown." Lives are lost. People lose hope.

Such is the effectiveness of practicing DISRUPTION upon an enemy secret service. Keep all this in mind as I describe the activities of Effluvia within the abductee and the "wanna be" abductee: community. Like the others Effluvia had the best cover possible and a quite believable one. She really believes that her purpose is to help others. Effluvia wants to help others better understand their "contactee" experiences. The dominant entity within her would target different people for different purposes. The ones who often faired the worst were needy and codependent women. Effluvia would keep them up till 2:30 in the morning talking on the telephone and prevailing upon them to tell her every miserable detail in their lives. Often as not, the conversations had NOTHING to do with abduction experiences. It was just a means to compel the women to pour out their hearts to what they felt was a sympathetic listener, instead of a reptilian collective. Effluvia would "feed" off the women's emotional anguish. And the women would thus become locked in a vibrational frequency of dysfunction and victimization.

She did this to a number of women. Effluvia had a knack for "getting into someone's kitchen" i.e. she had a way of ingratiating herself into the lives of others. She would obtain loans from people, bum rides from them and generally obtain favors from certain individuals. This is what I mean by "getting into someone's kitchen" which is an old baseball term describing a pitcher working the inner part of the plate against the batter: She had a women's abductee group. She had a men's abductee group. She had a "Coed" abductee group of men and women. She had a teen's abductee group and she even had a children's group for abductees.

I used to joke that she had a "fetal group" for fetuses. Even that wasn't enough. She would organize late night Sky Watches with numerous people. She would hold pot lucks at the recreation room of the apartment complex she lived in and sometimes a hundred and fifty or more people would show up. I attended one such pot luck when there were at least eighty people. There was an Effluvium related event six days out of the week. This is what I mean by getting into someone's kitchen.

I will give the reader just one example of how this entity can create so much chaos and disruption in the lives of so many people. I first met Effluvia at a UFO Conference in the southwest. I recognized her immediately for what she was...a reptilian hybrid. Unlike many abductees especially male abductees I have no qualms about discussing some of my experiences when I am at a UFO conference. Its a great way to break the ice, so to speak, and put other abductees at ease.. Effluvia and I sat down and had breakfast with one another. The first question that Effluvia asked me was "did I consider my experiences to be positive or negative." On the face of it, this is an absurd question. Anyone with any insight and self worth who has taken the time to study factual information about the subject of alien abductions cannot help but come away with the feeling that a monstrous evil is being perpetrated on countless humans. That question told me a lot about Effluvia.

I told her that I felt that most of my experiences were "positive" for no other reason than that I regulate how I feel about the subject. I mentioned to her that my main area of interest concerned the reptilians and the military connection with abductees. In order to put her at ease about the subject I mentioned various things I knew about the reptilians including their rapaciousness towards women.

Effluvia was quite surprised at my familiarity with the subject. She mentioned that she had a women's abductee group in her hometown and several women had reported not only having reptilian encounters but also abduction experiences involving the military. I mentioned that I'd like to meet some of the women in her group and discuss the reptilian and military aspect of their experiences. She peppered her conversation with constant references to her "Guides" as in "My Guides told me this" and "My guides told me that...." She must have said that about six or seven times.

Soon the long holiday weekend was over and we went our separate ways. A couple of days later I received a telephone call from Effluvia. Here is where all the problems started since I didn't realize at the time that Effluvia was hosted by a number of entities including a dominant male reptilian.

Out of the blue, Effluvia mentioned that during the UFO Conference where she and I had met, she had sex with an ex-boyfriend of one of the gals in her women's abductee group. She explained that she and this guy "Monty" were in a hotel room at the conference when she, Effluvia, was overcome with a fit of passion and basically threw herself at Monty. Later I was to learn that this kind of behavior was entirely typical of Effluvia. Effluvia has been known to oust pretty women from her coed abductee support group if she felt they were too attractive and thus a potential rival for the affections of the males in the group.

After telling me about her latest sexcapade, Effluvia swore me to secrecy. Remember, I barely knew this "women." I had only met her during the previous weekend and quite frankly I thought I'd never see her again. And now here she was calling me up out of the blue and within minutes of answering the telephone, she was telling me about her latest sexual conquest.

She swore me to secrecy because she was concerned lest the gal in her support group "Betty" would discover that Effluvia had sex with her ex-boyfriend Monty.

I could have cared less who or what Effluvia was having sex with. It was the furthest thing from my mind. But what was done was done. She had "confided" in me and had sworn me to secrecy thus turning me by default into one of her co-conspirators.

Effluvia had similarly "confided" to all the other men and women in her various support groups about her latest sexual adventure. Everyone that is except Betty. In the meantime, oblivious to any of this, I had arranged to travel to the city that Effluvia lived in and attend a meeting of her "women's contactee group." I decided to take the opportunity to meet with and debrief some of these women because it was clear to me that Effluvia hadn't even obtained the most basic facts from them regarding their reptilian and military experiences..

I had a very personal reason for going because a close friend of mine was undergoing very traumatic and frightening reptilian and military experiences in a place that was not too far from where Effluvia lived. Effluvia introduced me to the women in her group. We chatted for a short while. Unfortunately, the meeting was cut short because Effluvia wanted to attend a channelling session. Naturally I was disappointed at not being able to chat with these gals longer. Effluvia scheduled a Pot Luck later on that evening. During this pot luck I took the opportunity to introduce myself to several people I thought were legitimate abductees. These abductees gave me their phone numbers.

The fact that these people gave me their phone numbers became an endless source of acrimony and dissension after I had returned to my home. Distraught women from Effluvia's support group began calling me up because Effluvia had started bringing one of her new boyfriends to the meetings. This male continually invalidated the women's accounts of alien abduction and consequently, some of the women began calling me because they knew I would lend a sympathetic ear to them. The women complained that this guy never shut up during the meetings and routinely downplayed and marginalzed everything these women said about their own abduction experiences. It seemed to me that bringing a skeptic into an abductee support group environment was at variance with the notion of providing a safe place for these people to share their experiences.

Meanwhile, rumors of Effluvia's dalliance with Monty inevitably found their way to Betty. This created a row between Betty and those women who sympathized with her vis a vis Effluvia.

It was at this point that Effluvia began leaving me long blistering voice messages accusing me of spreading innuendo and gossip about her tryst with Monty. She also told me I was no longer welcome in her city and that it was entirely her own business who she invited to her meetings, never mind the fact that it was the women in her group that were calling me up and complaining about her new boyfriend. Effluvia would leave phone messages fifteen minutes long haranguing me about how I had told all the women whose phone numbers I'd obtained at the pot luck, about her affair with Monty. Of course I never did any such thing. I could care less about her mating habits. It wasn't just me that Effluvia was accusing of betraying her. She systematically accused every single person she had "confided" in about her fling with Monty.

Looking back now, I can see that the dominant male reptilian entity inside of her had set this whole thing up so that it could bring about the maximum amount of acrimony and chaos in as many peoples lives as possible. By "confiding" her secret to so many people in her huge phone list, she/it ensured that eventually word would reach Betty and create an unpleasant row. This provided the dominant male reptilian entity within Effluvia the opportunity to accuse everyone of wrongdoing. Women would call me up in tears, complaining how Effluvia had turned everyone's lives upside down by her constant accusations and insinuations.

This is what I mean by DISRUPTION. Its also important to note out how Effluvia's long diatribes on my voice message machine would literally drain me of energy. The phone is an electromagnetic conduit. Experienced abduction researchers know that hosted or manipulated abductees can drain them of energy merely by talking to them at length on the telephone. And this is what happened to me. The 15 minute tape on my voice machine would literally run out while Effluvia was ranting and raving at me. And here I am, 320 some odd miles from the city where Effluvia lives and I was being pulled right into a maelstrom of controversy and dissension. And all I did was answer the phone when Effluvia called me after the weekend conference where we had met. And then I compounded that mistake by giving out my phone number to some of "her" abductees and obtaining their phone numbers in return.

Eventually I learned that Effluvia was a full fledged Collective. Not just a host but a collective. I found eyewitnesses who had seen black cartoonlike "noodles" coming out of the top of Effluvia's head whilst she was in a trance state. Eyewitnesses have also described an entity speaking through her in an extremely malevolent fashion. Through certain sources close to her, I learned that Effluvia is periodically summoned by her "guides" to Sedona Arizona where she takes part in "Re-Birthing" sessions which are actually Re-Infestation sessions. Eventually this came up in a private discussion I had with her years later after we had "buried the hatchet." I have an audiotape of Effluvia describing in her own words how she had taken part in one of these re-birthing sessions and became "possessed" and began growling and hissing. Eyewitnesses who were present then described seeing brown smoky astral reptilian "pods" floating in and out of Effluvia's abdomen whilst she lay on the ground hissing and growling.

This then, is the sort of creature abductees may turn to when they want to understand more about their own experiences. They unwittingly allow Effluvia into their lives under the mistaken notion that this reptilian collective, under the guise of a ditzy new ager, can help them when in actual fact, the entities inside of Effluvia do everything in their power to ruin these peoples lives. I have had women beg me, in tears, to never reveal to Effluvia where they are moving to or what their new phone number is. Effluvia has left scores of emotionally, physically and spiritually devastated people in her wake.