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Hi! Welcome to my Cathy Page!

Hi! and Welcome to my Cathy Page. Who am I you ask? Well I am Cathy Sheridan and I'm Cathy's biggest fan. Right now this page is

Under Construction

while I try to figure out how to put all my Cathy stuff on it. But come back soon! Because I plan for this to be the best Cathy Site on the Web!

Special Message from the Arthur of this Sight... Here. This is my final poem for a while.

Wow! Look!
Poems I Wrote about Cathy!
the newest poems I've written are dedicated to my readers

the first one I wrote

the second one I wrote

the third one I wrote

I hope you like them! Enjoy!

Artwork I Made dedicated to Cathy!
the first one. This isn't too good but oh well!

the second one. This ones better. I hope you like it!

All the art, text, and poetry on these pages is copywrighted by me, Cathy Sheridan. Please don't use them unless you ask my permission first.

My Favorite Web Sites

My friend Donna's site. It's really good so go look but it's under consturction too.

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