Christ Jesus ICCDBB


Prophetic Directions

Prophecies of the Old Testament were of the future coming of Christ JESUS.

Prophecies now are of Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago times the future coming of Christ JESUS.


Christ JESUS of truth invites people to properly utilize such knowledge of good and evil, and only for doing good. Shown above character Peter views his brother on TV going to the next window but on a ledge, and the viewing is of a truth, but it is hardly love if Peter does nothing about it; rather it is love when Peter goes to his brother and tells him there is a hall inside. Also shown is the Big Pulse, otherwise as if God did not exist prior, rather God is living and pulsing even similar to spaces between words in the Bible. As shown things moved away from the Big Pulse, to the right the fastest things known marked the limit of our former logic Known Universe, though expansion A2 to B2 is moving faster, so for all "Known" if to explore / harvest galaxies then to start sooner rather than later.

Christ JESUS, the King Of Prophets, the Prophecy Leader, explained that people were to be fully repentant and to then to be properly Baptized via the Christian Baptismal process / ceremony:

Christ JESUS knew the tools and business and was able to do carpentry work as His Dad Joseph had done though Christ JESUS when of age moved in the direction of Our Heavenly Father to do more important work to solve problems for all people then and in the future. The direction Christ JESUS chose is known as "up", even if between gravity fields in outer space.

God and Christ JESUS and the Holy Ghost therefore are "up", independent of the time space continuum. For instance if the clock moves ahead, or if a sinner sins, or a goodly person does good, God, Christ JESUS, and the Holy Ghost continue to be "up", even if on a lowly mission. While "up", such can also exist as appropriate such as to be not seen in a room then be in the room then not seen [some things up unseen: (1 Timothy 3.2) (reference physics, and psychology of babies learning place consistency)]. Prophesying is not merely of the intermittent directions nor merely of the direction of the past.

Christ JESUS explained of Prophesying concerning time and greater things such as if to discern spirits of historic writings and such as if to discern spirits of current matters of generally understood values, then all the more important to such as if to discern spirits of the Prophetic future of far greater value of the greater unseen, hence at least for currently it is wisdom to understand:

While there are the greater spirits of Prophesying as yet unseen in much of the world, many may wonder concerning time better than former logic prediction in order to best help others. So here is given You some time / spirits values / Holy Bible.

Christ JESUS understood 2,000 years ago the more important higher value(s) in Our Holy Father, so when Christ JESUS spoke of things temporary, such as time (reference "In the beginning", and End Time with Earth rolled up as a scroll / wormhole spirit(s) / Isaiah 34.4) Christ JESUS was often interpreted as if riddles though the temporary portions of gifts of spirits from the Father were the physical manifestations of riddles and Christ JESUS plainly explained for people according to the riddles Christ JESUS encountered 2,000 in the flesh: Christ JESUS told the plain truth alway (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Christ JESUS not changing everything 2,000 years ago, but it was the sins of people that changed / deviated, that any such should return to God).

All True (Matthew 10.22) Prophesying is in Christ JESUS, so when Christ JESUS Prophesyed He included the straight and narrow, which might be perceived by others as if the straying, or the winding around though missing the point. Note above Drawing spirit symbol shape: to be improved via Christians, some curvy spirits may need straightening, others may need fitted as in the fashion of putting together a puzzle, yet all need properly be One.

To overcome temporary time hence to overcome enlightening concerning Prophesying, to edify the Church that Prophesying is hardly subordinate to time, save from above / miracle(s), for instance Christ JESUS / Matthew 16.21 offers:

In an example of a temporary thing concerning His life in the flesh 2,000 years ago Christ JESUS clearly, in hindsight, explained time such as saying on the third day He would rise, and not even His Disciples understood immediately, the purpose greater / higher than temporary known universe space time.

Of higher more important value Christ JESUS spoke of the new improved(ing) God, the living Creator.

Christ JESUS in plain language explained God would change as never before known in the known universe, on the third day. The time, the third day, was and is of value though ancillary.

So if a Christian Leader is to consider time / Prophesying, then it is wisdom to consider it is contingent upon the higher thresholds and covenants.

In former logic time is money. In Christian Leadership the higher more important realms of God are over time likewise over things ancillary to time. A person does not go to the store and give the clerk a piece of time: time is not money.

Things / Spirits / Christian Leadership / Christ JESUS.

Time / Spirits / Christian Leadership / Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS explained "believe me, that I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and if not, because of the works themselves, believe me" (John 14.11). Accordingly over time yet in Christ JESUS One can consider Genesis 1.1 with the first coming of God in the Bible, the initial realization of God (also reference any previous such as perhaps John 1.1 and Revelation 3.14).

Since as stated above "I am in the Father" then in the context of the the creation as recorded in Genesis 1.1 the First Coming of Christ JESUS was "In the beginning" and the Second Coming of Christ JESUS was 2,000 years ago, as in many cases He ascended into the Heavens and came with His Holy Angels, and more / greater is yet to come.

The Second Coming of Christ JESUS was with Angels yet with Angels following Christ JESUS. This is likewise unto when the Face Of God moved over the face of the waters and looked deep: Angels did not go in front to see if it was safe for God to go, rather God led the way, God leads the Way.

When Christ JESUS In The Holy Spirit Father was about to be arrested He did not need others to help Him [hand to steady Ark (1 Chronicles 13.9)]: Matthew 26.52 & 53:

In the world there are many contexts and in some Heavenly realms there are some Christians with some interpretations, so there are situations to speak and do according to higher purpose yet such as a little lower than the Angels (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on speaking the same language, their language, that they be helped for higher value and purpose). So in other contexts there might be found New Logic accountability, new measuring, new number totals / New Standard Of The Church, new and improved of One New Creator the living Christ JESUS: This is the Creator creating the Creator New. This is accordingly, yet only accordingly to the Creator Christ JESUS, the Alpha and Omega, the Omega and the Alpha.

Save a Prophet, a person is under time, subordinate to time. Rather than a slave to time, under time, God would rather You be properly responsibly in charge of time, over time: Holy Prophet In Christ JESUS: the summation of all true Prophets, and greater yet. For instance, focus on Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago, therefore because of His teaching and doing, do likewise being aware of the good of the higher matters and of the past, and focus on the current and on the future rather than do nothing.

God created all for good with unraveling of much good telling in End Times, now. God created higher Heavenly things for good for all. God created prophesying to serve not for them that believe not, but for them which believe, according to the scripture (1 Corinthians 14.22): therefore now is further help for all, that helps all though serves only Christians. Many models might explain unto nonChristian understandings, this model is given now: that a Prophet can organize the spirit of a hammer and build mansions, and any and all people are invited to buy (to properly become Christian) and then to enter: (acceptable normally, though even so rather that each Christian bear their own cross).

2 Chronicles 23.4 ASV explains what this means:

It is something it explains for You to do, 1/3 part of Your Priests and Flock on the Sabbath are to shed light on thresholds.

Christ JESUS Prophetically explained "I am the door: if any one enter in by me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and shall go out and shall find pasture." (John 10.9 DBT).

Physics of nature of the Father have contexts, and thresholds accordingly.


Christ JESUS explained His time is for You (John 7.6), when You conquer a threshold and give glory for Christ JESUS then is time (space time) that Christ JESUS may opt to agree / celebrate with You (for the Father). Upper right: God gave man dominion over animals, note that it is a threshold. God gave mankind dominion over animals Day 6, over water Day 5, and over "Time": time control.

Evolutionary progress is essentially more of the same with little change and with only part of that change being for goodly luck / trial and error, flip of a coin. Yet in Christ JESUS is the coming of the higher Prophetic wisdom in a former logic sense, with Prophetic responsibility comes a measurable amount of former logic for instance if it takes a moment such as a minute to ascend one foot upward in Christ JESUS [(Matthew 6.27) a similar position ascension value] it is comparable to perhaps a million years in evolutionary ascension value (reference the Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ chart 1).

Prophesy is not only a source of light / enlightenment, yet also of doing (love, see top Drawing). Even so Christ JESUS is the source of the Big Bang, the Big Pulse, the big light, a leak involving this so called Known Universe in the secular sense and another such region. A Member Of The Holy Ghost might appear in this Known Universe and in the next or in another.

Some scientists say they are creating another universe [in their lab ( though such might be secular (see many "false Prophets below"], though God already created the Heavenly realm likewise to be preferred above (see Drawing below), in other words as Christ JESUS advised seek ye first the Kingdom Of God. Even so for their sakes, God created any universe(s) and to do likewise to follow the lead of God is good and of value, yet rather immediately give God the proper credit (Acts 12.23).

Sinners are under secularism slavery, often in so much chaos with ongoing flip flop attacks even per chance by friendlies that the sinners often hardly are able to think things through, being used to quick reactions for selfish purposes. Even the Clergy when ascending spiritually evidently don't like to explain a certain hardship (threshold) though do so in order to properly tell the truth: ascending Priests gain higher values and gifts of the Holy Heavens though in doing so often are entering higher territories /overcoming thresholds in Christ foreign to many others and since foreign, scary, as if the others unawares so the others wrongly interpret that they are being attacked so the others sinfully attack the ascending Priests, as if to counter attack. The truth is the relatively sinless ascending Priests are attacked by selfish sinners, by not winners, attacked by those not so ascended / given threshold.

Therefore as Christ JESUS explained immediately give glory to God, and make it clear unto others while ascending through thresholds through Christ JESUS that it is for the sakes of others, and if attacked in the spirit and / or in the physical realm detailing their benefits, the benefits to others including people in sins, can help them and can help unravel attacking toward ending their miseries, and so on for the greater benefit. "Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God." (Acts 14.22). Even so rather as Christ JESUS taught let [the "many tribulations",] the work be a joy in the Lord being known in Your New Logic as a light burden: How to compare the work in Kingdom Of God: it is as to be at a feast in the lowest chair and asked by the Host to do work: and the work You are asked to do is to go, to do sit in a higher seat of honor to honor You lest to offend the Host. Let Your works be an Holy Work In One For One.

If sin be overcome, even in part, it is due to One Good Work. Some people have circumstances indicating they should work for a secular person (leave not undone the discussion(s) of Christians / secular corporations per se), so be aware and caring yet be graciously merciful:

Sin as stated above is interpreted as a power, such as Christ JESUS stated that "it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" (Acts 9.5), it is a temporary power ["that results in death (1 Corinthians 15.56)] pricking mostly itself, stinging itself, poisoning itself with it's own selfishness therefore to overcome such so weakened and helpless is a blessing unto the Comforter the Holy Spirit, God be praised! In the secular viewpoint the enemy, counted as if other sinners and / or others, though the enemy is by far mainly the self same sinner; then therefore to meet an enemy head-on even the secular sinner prefers the enemy be in a weakened condition. In the Holy Spirit viewpoint rather the good in God be strong and powerful.

This is a valuable key.

Therefore, as unraveled now in with Your having crossed the End Time Threshold: these matters were wrapped up and sealed until these End Times (Daniel 12.9) for the past risen and for the proper now and future glorifying for Christ JESUS.

This above is yet another valuable key.

Here is yet another valuable key.

If enslaved in the world by sinners, a person can still do many good things such as proper Prayer For Christ JESUS, such as to Love, such as to be kind as much as able, and such as to be Prophesying stated or unstated verbally, and so on as much as able toward clarifying thinking toward greater values in the Lord Christ JESUS. So the key is this, if a person enslaved or in a coma can do the things greater and more powerful than the enslavers, than the confused health spirits, and better than many others ["For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matthew 22.14 with Matthew 20.16) "So the last will be first, and the first will be last"] and for instance a person in a coma has much time to think of proper Prophesying for Christ JESUS if able to think / rather talent power from God, even so a person can utilize any such talent(s) for good as much as is maximum: and it is good in God (Genesis 1.31): therefore if any person God created, and if such any person be even in the worst of conditions and even if in the most desperate of times (as Christ JESUS exemplified), such a person and any other person can be and do among the highest power(s) of the Heavens in Christ JESUS unselfishly, therefore if of covenant / God so Willing, and if to do as the physics of God agree, then therefore as it is written:

"He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" (John 7.38)

and therefore this key applies: "And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God" (Luke 1.35)

this is talking about You, this is speaking of You Holy Comforter.

It was written of Mother Mary, with Joseph, it was written of the Holy Spirit, it was written about only one person, Christ JESUS, and in Heaven and Earth and in all and everywhere there is none other name. And yet hardly involving the secular save Holy Mission(s) from above, You, when in Heaven, One, even including Mother Mary with You, with All JESUS The Christ, applies to this criteria from God unraveled from End Time.

Hardly as the previous interpretations: "so that the promise should be made sure to all Abraham's true descendants; not merely to those who are righteous through the Law, but to those who are righteous through a faith like that of Abraham. Thus in the sight of God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and makes reference to things that do not exist, as though they did, Abraham is the forefather of all of us. As it is written, "I have appointed you to be the forefather of many nations"" (Romans 4.17 Weymouth New Testament); rather of the greater being unraveled now, according to You if with Highest Agreeing, if the Will Of God: are You trustworthy?, even so, God is, even so be trustworthy commensurate unto such service for the Holy Father in the Name Of JESUS Christ, Christ JESUS.

Birth is a key, the birth of a newborn, the birth of nations, the birth of newly to be known universes, yet all known already in Christ JESUS. The birth of Christianity in Elias for Christ JESUS is a key. The birth of a Way "more excellent" as Christ JESUS called it is a key. These are great values.

Yet do not undo the self for sinful temporary glory. It is not proper to claim your newborn is the Christ JESUS if it is not true. All True Prophesies vested in Christ JESUS, but there were many false prophets not vested and not True Prophets, so do not go against Prophesying per inappropriate imaginary claims.

Prophesying has great power with proper alignment with the Will Of God. If properly in the Will Of God then any with false claims would be more readily recognized, the Way Christ JESUS could know their thoughts (Matthew 12.25) but selfish sinners hardly know anything of value to others, and weaken themselves. Mother Mary if Your newborn is Christ JESUS then let it be told You and come to be known clearly from above (Luke 1.30 & 31).

If You be in the One Name Christ JESUS, then all good Will be added unto You, including Your Name Mother Mary. It is yet another key from End Time.

Gather up the fragments that nothing good be lost, that nothing that can be made of value be lost. You can carry these good / spirits into the next realm.

The eye-of-the-needle (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) was a special taxation door to the Holy City Jerusalem. The merchant's camel could pass through only if the wares-to-be-sold were removed from the camel (to assess for taxation) and only if the camel got down on it's belly and crawled through into the city, in an effort to tax any and every named item, so then the merchant and taxation guards moved the goods through inspecting and taxing.

To pass from the outer world into the Kingdom Of Heaven as symbolized below Christ JESUS does not receive sins from His Holy Father so if You want to bring goods, then only to bring goods from the Holy Father and from Christ JESUS to Christ JESUS to Heaven. As it is written "Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these" (Luke 12.27 NIV), so bring with You Your wild flower(s) growing. It is good to bring goods and services to God, "For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters" (from Revelation 7.17): be that Lamb. Consider how Mother Mary and Joseph might have felt when first with child Christ JESUS three Kings came "and having come to the house, they found the child with Mary his mother, and having fallen down they bowed to him, and having opened their treasures, they presented to him gifts, gold, and frankincense, and myrrh" (Matthew 2.11).

Even so be aware to not try to compete again Christ JESUS for selfish purposes, even so teach God, even so God already knows so if it pleases God teach God and provide values. The Only Begotten Son Of God is of fitting value only if One.

If power is in Prophesying, then greater power is in the King Of True Prophets Christ JESUS. Another valuable key in the Heavenly Plan Of Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS taught to pull together yet properly. Consider how a ship can have oars people pulling together as One with One Purpose for Christ JESUS (in this Sermon at least). If an untrustworthy or otherwise an accident occur, then the direction deviates and goods can be damaged, so and furthermore hardly let "Everyone who handles an oar will abandon ship (from Ezekiel 27.29). You have worked hard to ascend to where You are in Christ JESUS so see to it that Your power be on course. Together function as One, yet sent out as scattered talents / spirits / sheep among wolves function also properly on course where wolves dare not be undone. Tame the wolves, tame the spirit of wolves. Tame them lest they be in worsened conditions left alone to themselves.

Therefore let chimera be toward Christ JESUS, for Christ JESUS; lest they stray and fall away and be undone. If to clone, clone Christ JESUS, even so, rather of the original 2,000 years ago, even so Christ JESUS did as His Father In Heaven, do as Christ JESUS, and with such do as Your Father In Heaven and if to plant seed do so properly, do so the Heavenly Way, for the Unselfish Benefit, the Holy Proper Benefit, for the Highest Will Of God rather than let any lesser selfishness start which might possibly cause further other chaos: let Your loins be girded up and Your lights shining bright. And be Ye merciful, "And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us" (Luke 9.50).

As God funneled together His Twelve Tribes Of Israel to be as One, so too in like manner if to form new creatures let such hardly be for irresponsible entertainment (reference the GodMath Testament on pets) rather for One Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS. Especially if to form new Christ JESUS plentifully / Heavenly, as much as the Twelve Tribes Of Israel to rather be One, and even more abundant than the sands and the Stars Of The Heavens.

Let the Christian Leadership set the standard as to what is "like one of us" (Genesis 3.22 / Genesis 3.20).

Therefore be mindful of those most applicable and their systems / spirits, so in thinking of Christ JESUS at least prayerfully, also thinking of the Godhead and any other in terms of emergencies and emergency status, and also of those otherwise in some need, and other thresholds. So also to do with preaching unto each and all creatures past (reasonably trillions x trillions and more) and present and future, yet not only on Earth. Consider how many transfusable blood cells are just in Your body, and You hardly pray separately personally for each individual cell daily. Pray and move on to the more important realms of Heavenly guiding of others.

If to be Christ JESUS it does not mean to make up non-JESUS criteria, even though grace for instance tolerates temporary secular matters. These precepts are concerning all aspects:

"But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead." (Matthew 8.22).

"If a person defiled by contact with a dead body touches one of these things, does it become defiled?" "Yes," the priests replied, "it becomes defiled." (from Haggai 2.13).

Christ JESUS has interceded for us (Romans 8.34) and it is goodly to likewise save if Christ JESUS indicated otherwise, such as involving Prophesying and Baptizing. For those of the future above, when You are Prophesying the words and doings of Christ JESUS it is the true path except if Christ JESUS was scolding sinners, or warning people, or similar.

To repeat the higher Prophetic part of things Christ JESUS taught is to Prophesize of the Straight And Narrow Holy Path,

To repeat the other Prophetic parts of things Christ JESUS taught is to Prophesize of certain strayings and things accordingly.

Even so there are also mixes and certain combinations, therefore seek not merely to conquer the higher thresholds yet also the higher covenants in the Father Of the Heavenly Way, as with Christian Baptizing for their sakes so to with Christian Leading with signs and wonders following for their sakes so to with Christian Prophesizing with signs and wonders following for their sakes. If the preparation for the Baptizing, via Christ JESUS with the Christian Leadership having prepared the proper protocol / applicable precepts, such as accordingly if help the dead reach Heaven via Baptizing then let the dead come forth clearly in peace properly at the Baptismal to be immersed in Holy Water and brought up (3 Nephi 11.22) alive lest to as if be a creator of disputations (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Baptism).

If to not Baptize the dead then how will they rise?, rather do as Christ JESUS taught and did and these too Will Of The Father through Christ JESUS be added unto Your Holy Victories. Hardly let the toddler drive the bus, neither let the ancient chariot driver [(3 Nephi 12.48 with Matthew 9.17 WBT) "Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved."]. Be with God that You may see.

If to Prophesize then the preference is to raise / enlighten in Christianity all people and things (spirits) in and of the future and above [(see previous ICCDBB Sermon Not Seen By Logic Alone, on teaching God), yet with God].

Christ JESUS taught Prophesying in Mark 2.20-22 for instance involving a Prophesy, and with two other ideas simple to understand in former logic, yet in context explaining how to be Prophesying for the New Logic Higher Purpose: Oneness for the Father and the Godhead. And at the risk of sounding redundant to be for the Godhead includes all people for their benefit, whether immediately seen or not, and even if to try to for the Godhead selflessly, to be for the Godhead includes You and all (as much as all or All is Holy, that the Godhead formed).

Christ JESUS offered Bible text / words yet You can also see such illustrated (ICCDBB Sermon Holy Spirit, Drawing Super Spirit):

Christ JESUS taught in these above verses the importance of the Christian Church to not be afraid of the secular world nor things beneath (also see John 8.23) and rather utilize these spiritual gifts from the Godhead distinguishing what is right to put together now and in the future

perhaps rather than redundantly repeating scriptures that Christians already heard so often, as evidenced in so many church buildings and televised and on the Internet

though also of value(s).

If You owned the Holy Of Holies, in the Drawing below right, You could sell The Golden Altar of Incense and buy a Golden Altar of Incense; in other words that's the problem with owning the greatest art piece, it is a measurable limit. In the Bible a man found an enormous pearl mostly buried and bought the field where the enormous pearl was. But then if to sell the treasure then left without treasure. Per mission You might choose to redirect funds such as to those without money, or donate to a Christian Church or do other, though if to seek to do the highest purpose, then to do righteously, to the best of Your talent. The Bible has a proper Way of looking at it:

Of ancient law You "shall", meaning in the future, and practice ancient law if Your own freewill so agrees.

Ancient law was not meant to harm people rather toward safety, health, Prophesying, and more delightsome abundant living shared together such as with the future unseen. Consider that if to help those in the future a million or trillion years from now, a trillion years is as if nothing and no time at all as compared to eternity: do for them and receive a virtual eternity of gratitude. Properly guide them in the future and then in the future You Will find Your longlasting / longsuffering reward with being in the already for You path You have chosen. Some words and stories are more enduring than others. Send forth the eternal message.

Below is symbolized Christ JESUS hard at work. After the tomb Christ JESUS did not simply leave, rather He visited with His Disciples. Christ JESUS did not immediately go to Heaven to enjoy Heaven, rather He continued His Work (the Work Of His Father). Christ JESUS did not have to leave and go to Heaven, rather Christ JESUS brought Heaven to Earth as it was in the beginning, and Christ JESUS raised people and raises people today into the Heavenly realm and into eternally better living.

Through Christ JESUS the hallway of Your Prophetic struggling can be shortened (John 10.9).


Enter into the harvesting with Christ JESUS with pulling the fishnet fabric of the Universe to benefit all people, all creatures, all spirits. Shown above the yellow Prophesying arrow on the left points right (Old Testament), another points left (see ICCDBB Sermons revealing End Time), greater is the unheard unseen unperceived unformer logic yet to come symbolized in the large yellow arrow pointing right into the future; even greater is the yellow arrow going up through Christ JESUS. Prophesying can be done into the future, even much and great as the large yellow arrow shows, such as to speak of future feasts and famines as done in the Old Testament; yet rather beyond that Old time Christ JESUS brought Heaven on Earth, so in greater value per light burden, in better rate of return on invested working if to do the light burden to be Prophesying through Christ JESUS each day (Matthew 6.34, yellow arrow pointing up) then each day times every future day is at least as great as the big arrow pointing right, more importantly is the New Logic rather than to let Prophesying be without mention of Christ JESUS ending in false Prophets (Matthew 24.11).

New logic of Heavenly steps, stairs, practices, thresholds, and covenants aid for properly gathering / arranging spirits. Chaotic spirits for instance hardly cross thresholds generally as a nail hardly defeats a hammer, and some thresholds cannot be crossed at all save from above choosing to so lift. Prophetically, if to come in the air with Christ JESUS to lift the remnant of Israel then to be of properly lifting spirit. At least to talk about such is to be Prophesying, yet rather do.

Practice Prophesying:

Here is a great reason why You should be doing good proper delightsome Prophesying far into the future for them:

"And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous" (Luke 14.14).

A person can do something for the self and the immediate surroundings,

yet to do Prophesying unto the distant future is to be affecting far greater than the self.

A Prophesy for creatures of a million years from now can be joyous unto them, joyous unto the Lord, and perhaps joyous to many along those years until then and perhaps far beyond. Look at how many people read of Abraham and Moses years and years after those writings, and if those writings are specific to these current times then they are reasonably being read all the more.

Priests of old made physical steps to walk into the Holy Of Holies, of same Spirit You too can make physical steps to send Prophetic messages of timeless Christ JESUS into the future, such as Prophetic typing, Prophetic making of Holy Artworks, Prophetic system forming, and so on.

Light the Way with properly directing Your Light:


Christ JESUS offers time and as shown of the yellow diamond upper right the future Prophecy realm, the second quadrant to the upper left is like unto the first of ability to properly build such as on each Prophet such as of the Old Testament yet rather is the higher value in the growing with the King Of Prophets Christ JESUS The Prophet (Matthew 11.9). Hence for instance a [time] building can be build [per a Prophet] but if most bricks are randomly missing [the other Prophets perhaps including JESUS] then the building falls / it hath no real structure. Though God in His Wisdom And Mercy allows and often imparts grace unto those who would seek to do good.

The Bible is the Bible, what else can be said?, rather look at the Drawing above. Christ JESUS is to be thanked for this and the other revelations / the unraveling of the Holy Scriptures, such as the future record keeping with the Your Biblical perspective unraveling of the record keeping for them of the future and for Christ JESUS.

  • Repentance is not the only thing needed to be done.
  • Baptism is hardly the last thing needful.
  • End Time has not been the final solution so far.
  • To give tithes is not all there is to it.
  • In Christ JESUS there is a greater awakening in the future and with concerning Your part according to to You so doing, such as doing such as You see here on this Internet site and as You handle spirit things for Christ JESUS, and Christ JESUS is alway ready for Your Time.

    When You give Your talents properly for the Holy Father as Christ JESUS said, then Christ JESUS Will let You realize the higher Perfect Path more perfectly.

    The Prophetic Path includes for You to properl operate this planet and "Known Universe" / former logic, and greater.

    Many verses in the Bible explain that God "has", and that Christ JESUS "has"; though hardly talking such as about money.

  • The Father "has" & "have".
  • Christ JESUS "has" & "have".
  • Do likewise "has" & "have".
  • Rather than in strife and conflict against others, challenge Yourself to conquer higher thresholds, though of course not to be a daredevil. Do You want to be in Heaven with the Great Prophets?, but would You be embarrassed if You are the only one there that is not a Great Prophet?, rather be with no reason of embarrassment as much as Your talents afford. And rather rely more perfectly on the talent of Christ JESUS.

    Lend hope unto the future without hope of return on Your investment, so to speak. Give good measure properly and then find Yourself enlightened. Though do not put God as if at Your beck and call as You are not paying God overtime to be on call. Hardly expect to receive enlightenment from God, yet when enlightenment comes such as to more perfectly Prophesy, then immediately give Christ JESUS and the Father and the Holy Ghost the thanks and joy. With doing so the Path Of The Living becomes increasingly as a scroll unraveled to understand, with the hallway ahead free, clear, and easy to travel.

    We might build flying machines, and /or be out on a ledge, many things and systems have values, though seek to do the Will Of The Father in all things and energies and spirits. Christ JESUS already prepared for the Holy Comforter(s), for Our Lives, Our Life, Our One Living:

    Christ JESUS in truth and love and as powerfully Prophesied invites You With Yours to be whole [hence to be not in need of healing] in the Blood And With / Via The Body Of Christ JESUS, and with thereof to enter into the Great Hallway as symbolized in the above Drawings, also as stated above: "There's a hallway. We can walk."

    ICCDBB Sermon for Leaders in Christ JESUS March 12, 2016.

    Jesus Christ


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