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JESUS Christ

Christ Jesus, Internet Church For Christ JESUS, also known as Internet Church for Christ via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB

JESUS Christ Advanced ICCDBB Sermons for Christian Leaders.

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JESUS taught Precept On Precept, likewise in this Series the Sermons reference previous Sermons, Sermon on Sermon, for Edifying along the Faith Path Of JESUS. To be on the same page (JESUS Leadership Oneness) and also in cliche so each is properly brought up to speed (Philippians 1.10) older Sermons are linked at the bottom of this page and the newer Sermons start here (from old to new).

New UFO Ant people and the Mercy Seat Of God JESUS Christ inside the Earth of NAI indians ancient alien civilizations and to Egyptians Jah-oh-eh with Kolob and Oliblish the next grand governing creation place where God resides Prophetically as Final End Time approaches Catholic astronomy movie GodFather movie Scarface movie Apostle Paul Best Defense How to travel the Universe properly Milky Way Galaxy orion sirius sun stars moon hidden cloaked new protoplanet planet Internet Church For JESUS Christ ICCDBB. New greater JESUS triadic formula. This Sermon ranges from Ant People and the Mercy Seat Of God JESUS Christ inside the Earth of USA Indians of ancient civilizations of Egyptians Jah-oh-eh with Kolob and Oliblish the next grand governing creation place where God resides [hardly formerly seen by many] Prophetically as Final End Time approaches, to Universal technological time principles with applicable movies such as Best Defense for the greater glory of Christ JESUS.

Subatomic Primordial soup, the primordial ooze as aglae is revealed to be the same as a giant brain. How to guide MAJESTIC 12 MAJIC-12 Ultra Delta international and interstellar UFO counterparts properly into New Christianity for their sakes and mutual advantage. How governments have lied to their own people throughout their entire lifetimes including their own high officials, due to lack of interest in Christ JESUS of facts in evidence ( From the Heavens entities are coming large and small to visit and support You Christian. This Sermon For Christ JESUS specifies high reasons why people need to be in the Will Of JESUS whether traveling through time and/or through size [including how (time/space:]. Properly prepare to overcome mistakes other civilizations made.

Christian Higher Holy Spirit The Face Of JESUS Christ ancient artifact discovered, and analyzed by labs with results this year. Acceptable Christian Sex. Bible Porn. Marriage, dating, masturbation, Bible verses. Leadership over sex and porn are also included for the sake of Your Flock and others with proper ascending through precepts. How to get a job, how to select an employer, occupations, occupational hazards, risks,wolf in sheep's clothing, wolves in sheep's clothing. Michel Angelo man finger touching God. Firmament key levels algae brain. Blues Brothers movie Carrie, Fools Gold, Silence Of The Lambs. Jimmy Swaggar Ministries television show. How to teach gyroscopic forces physics including over complex guidance systems with or independent of gravity. Fully illustrated pics nudity nude naked nudes advocacy sex having sexual, David Goliath sling stone, graph higher systems new Prophecy robert ross benchoff ICCDBB Sermons In Series For Christ JESUS Distinguishing awareness for ascending unto higher levels, though starting with the first people including proper leadership over sex and porn which are also included for the sake of edifying Your Flock and others. Drawing graph shows how to distinguish time and resources for Christian Word And Work. Drawing of the nearby Milky Way Galaxy and superclusters flowing. Blood Flowing Soul Of New Christianity Ascending In The Straight And Narrow Of Christ JESUS throughout the Universe: from microbes to the known and beyond into One Your New Heavenly places. The truth about the Garden Of Eden and spaceships. Alway Sermon writing, never sleeping, as Pure Holy Blood constantly reliably at Work without complaint. High and low level Holiness outpouring and/or pulse parameters. The responsible Christians conquering Eternal systems specifying risks and rather proper victories according to types of Christian enterprises of Church criteria precepts pertinent to images of Spirits. How to compresses and be small or be a giant and move planets while preventing diseases. Blood Firmament key explains why there is pain in the world and how to solve as a superhero. Protective level forming in DNA hourglass shape. How to properly create the Immaculate Conception. ICCDBB Sermon For Christ The Flow of New Christianity Blood, both small and great yet for the greater Good of Your Flock Christian Leader. Illustrated are how the Milky Way Galaxy flows through SuperClusters along natural flow lines, and rather how Christian Churches Of Earth have traveled through time and space in terms of properly ascending for Christ JESUS One.

One What to Do after death. How to lift water and objects with your voice, Holy Word JESUS. How to better understand water, Blood And The Holy Spirit. Types of ascendings after deaths. Water fingerprints trace works, to benefit Christians in all Work(s). New rocketry design. New San Shan DNA style [living] helix with reverse helix Bridge for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Principles Of Faith chart. After death experiences. Wavelength and harmonics laws and principles, and how Christian Faith attaches Time to lift things. How rainbows exist. Low cost way to write on the Moon and other orbs. Holy Spirit empathetic feelings. ICCDBB Principle Sermon For Christ Where Christians or sinners go immediately after death, higher Holy Principles Of Christian Faith. How a person's works are traceable to them whether having lifted water with the Holy Word Wavelength Time, or whether as done in crimes and sins. New designs such as planet colonizing help and such as for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Proof: Updated 11.11.2020AD:

Oak Island Bible how to decode the Christian Bible, with higher levels of expertise. The Holy Grail of the Blood Of JESUS Christ and the Ark Of The Covenant tied to the Oak Island clues along with the Vatican Holy See and Treasures of Marie Antoinette Queen Of France, Queen Elizabeth over 1/4th of the world trade riches and power tied to Oak Island Code of treasures, President Roosevelt, Rick and Marty Lagina, Nova Scotia, Mahone Bay, Bible books, the Book Of Chronicles ties Unraveled in the Christian Bible is Code pertinent to Oak Island where Marty and Rick Lagina are currently testing and excavating. The Bible Code ties many treasures to Oak Island, offers more clues, and explains the greater value(s).

Christian Bible Code unites Oak Island Holy Grail with Jerusalem President Christian President Trump Conquers The World, and the Oak Island Treasures! How to look for treasure for free. The best way to unravel clues, whether searching for lost children, buried treasures, or lost nations. How the Will Of God in the Holy Spirit in Christ JESUS serves to help all in Christianity. The world's biggest treasure on Earth revealed. How Christian Bible Code, GodMath, and constellation ley lines create Good Treasure hunting values and greater safe outer space travel light years into the future to distant stars via Christ JESUS. Christian Code cluster etauma, Eta UMa Alkaid Star at the end of the tail of The Great Bear, Ursa Major, the Big Dipper handle far end Star counter point to Ursa's Polaris North Star above the Christian Code of Lagina Brothers of Oak Isle. Movies: The Associate starring Whoopi Goldberg as character Laurel Ayres, Cool Hand Luke, Wall Street, and The Secret of My Success. Internet Church ICCDBB For JESUS X marks the spot, sign on the dotted line, how to perceive certain clues to dig: Treasures come in many forms from pirates looting to Christian Leaders going where no person has gone before save those that left treasures for You. President Trump shows how to lead rather than follow-the-ways-of-the-pirates, properly guiding Israel under the blanket of Christianity newly, with more as unraveled in Christian Bible Code.

How to properly build a perpetual motion machine for JESUS How to properly build a perpetual motion machine for JESUS Christ. Many examples with principles of lift. How to change their future. Physical principles of how to make an automatic self replicating and improving perpetual motion machine as explained in the Christian Bible. How to power a spaceship in outer space for travel and to colonize. Popemobile Will Of God in the Holy Spirit in Christ JESUS new Christianity. television movie The Godfather Part II I Don Fanucci Vito Corleone Consular attorneys  Francis Ford Coppola New York Times newspaper Outbreak Major Salt Cuba Gooding Jr piloted helicopter upside down revolving swords Cherub Angels UFOs Men of Honor farmer Carl Brashear first black master diver The Goonies star character Mikey Sean Astin script But right now they gotta do whats right for them cause its their time Their time up there Down here its our time Its our time down here lobbying control mining for gold key money drugs beer sex, Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church ICCDBB Sermon For Christ How to change the future. How to make automatic self replicating and improving Eternal and subEternal machines as explained in the Christian Bible precepts of the Physics Of The Creator. Many examples of principles of lift. How to power a spaceship in outer space for travel and to colonize. Covered are farmers and lobbyists, perpetual sex machinery, NASA, Cherub Angels, and the Popemobile of television and with movies The Godfather Parts I and II with Don Fanucci, Vito Corleone, Consular, attorneys, Francis Ford Coppola, also in New York Times newspaper; The Goonies; and actor Cuba Gooding Jr roles in Outbreak and Men of Honor.

How to: invite Christ JESUS (to find You so Doing) Christian President Don Trump and other top officials fit the pattern of Jehu of the Old Testament ICCDBB For Christ JESUS found of candidates his son succeeded him. How to properly nuke Oak Island, great pyramid levitation. The Paradigm with Jonathan Cahn Part 2 Television movies WALL STREET Stanley Weiser Oliver Stone Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas Bud Fox Charlie Sheen O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU James Bond Skyfall Sister Act ancient artworks paintings Egyptian electrical Dendera light Hathor temple pico satellites time control Pope Bishops Nuns. Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ. cooling tower 1,700 volumes steam powered vehicle major regions of oceans dead such as midwestern Pacific and around India Columbia University perpetual energy Christ Christian President Don Trump and other top officials fit the Bible pattern (The Paradigm with Jonathan Cahn- Part 2) of Jehu of the Old Testament ICCDBB For Christ JESUS found per se of candidates his son succeeded him. How Christ JESUS would have You solve riddles of the ages such as Oak Island [compared to, rather] and the great pyramid levitation with ancient UFOs artworks paintings Egyptian electrical Dendera light Hathor temple pico satellites time control for Pope Bishops and Nuns Women Come Out Of Cells. Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ. A cooling tower and 1,700 volumes with a steam powered vehicle, ocean change map, and perpetual motion Wisdom In Christ JESUS.

High Level Christian Faith enables lower level Miracles for their How to make peace. How to make love. How to do good. How to bless others. How to heal nations. How to feed the hungry world famine. Jesus smiling on You. Within a year Will come great and a marvelous Miracles. How levels of various religious faiths properly fit under Christianity for their sakes. Automatic Human DNA Code Modifying to touch heal or transport Good through outer space, how a value of 30 becomes 1 trillion in the new Prophetic timeline with Your New Manna Machine better than the former. Map of the stars, growing Christianity. Steven Spielberg George Lucas movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Indy Harrison Ford cave tomb humility kneeled circular saw leap of faith step, pics King George I, II, and III, and names of many Dukes, and of note Charlotte Of Mecklenburg Bible Belt New Jerusalem New Christian Faith it's the law and the Physics Of God ICJ United Nation Golden Rule. Internet Church ICCDBB For JESUS Christ Sermon If they reject Christianity, enable things they cannot reject. A Prophecy: within one year from now February 20, 2018 AD: by 2.20.2018AD Christ JESUS Will Do a Christian Work great and a marvelous! Of High Grace, and of the law of the nations, a new Peace Accord is offered for their sakes.

The levels of spirits and various faiths [(of nations, religions,...) generally] JESUS and the New UN United Nations as President Donald Trump on Israeli new Peace Accord to stop terrorism with rifle in his hands. Soviet Union satellite system. Immaculate Pregnant Mother Mary Islam Muslims and Christians Oliver Stone movie Wall Street Gekko Michael Douglas rarest pistol in the world The Godfather pistol horse in his bed, Harold Ramis Judd Apatow movie Year One Chosen People. Neil Armstrong as if the first person on the Moon prefers Christ JESUS. Bot wars Quinn Pensky Erin Sanders Zoey 101 Brooks Jamie Lynn Spears Britney television series plasma exploded HIV is the fastest mutating organism on the planet, mutating 1,000,000 times faster than bacteria Virut.ce is the fastest-mutating computer virus known kaspersky polymorphic influenza virus is the fastest-mutating virus known a population can double in size every 20 or 30 minutes huge barges riverboat captain christendom convert.png ICCDBB Benchoff Internet Church For Christ Christ JESUS helps those in Accord: US, UN, NK, Soviet satellite accords with Islam Muslims and others.

Great New Revelations! Christian President Don Trump with Christian Vice President Mike Pence Israel How to create greater new Revelations Zion. Newest Prophecies tied to Rick Lagina holding the lead cross at Oak Island gold garnet gemstone graven image cameo Bible code trees, movie True Lies with Juno Skinner and Tia Carrere bomb Pakistan Hawaii Jerusalem earthquake electromagnetic pulse of the universe across expansion time shift spaceship travelers in 20 years with Kolob the keeper of time reversal, throne of jesus christ tree of life tree of knowledge and the terrorism facade as an illegal operation behind a normal store front though as a sheep in wolfs clothing. 7 wonders of the world colossus Revelation 10 2018 AD Robert Ross Benchoff iccdbb for JESUS Christ Christ JESUS moves from precepts to Principles Of Faith to new and greater for nations of Accord (see above "2.20.2018AD" and sooner), from new Zion to individual applications such as for the Navy and for basketball players, with topics on Christian President Don Trump, Rick Lagina in Bible code, True Lies Juno Skinner and Tia Carrere, Kolob, and on [up]dating both technologically and biologically.

How to travel across the Known Universe The Baris Prophecy. Christian President Trump Christian Vice President Mike Pence Jerusalem Israel United Nations Accord how to represent Earth Physics Of God Dark Matter Black Holes new values captured in Bucky Balls and Bucky Tubes seeing unseen microwaves tractor repulsor beams properly docking in the golden cube until lifted. Barbara Maltby Rob Reiner movie The American President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Lewis Rothschild J. Fox Sister Act Theres a lot we could do for them besides pray The Wizard of Oz good rather than wicked witch fully illustrated How to travel across the Known Universe Internet Church ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ. The Baris Prophecy. Christian President Trump and Christian Vice President Mike Pence on Jerusalem Peace in Israel and United Nations: new Accord: how to represent Earth. Physics Of God Faith offers Dark Matter and Black Holes new values as with Bucky Ball tech: JESUS Christ did a lot more "besides pray".

How Christ JESUS would that You precisely control and safely travel through Christ JESUS explained how to time travel though sinners objected, yet for Christians to be free to opt to properly time travel in and for the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS as of the original physics plan for the Second Coming In Time Travel One You such as to overcome lower natural physics of the New Christianity Jerusalem Zion earthquake. Christ JESUS explains outer space ultrasonic rainbow Accord in Laniakea vessel to time travel with things known in the Christian Living Bible and even known somewhat in secular physics such as Bucky Ball tech with great movies such as secular Robert Redford All Is Lost, The Fly, October Sky, Fool's Gold, Apollo 13; and with ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ For Christian Leaders With Christ JESUS the Living Christian Bible provides much on these times of New Christianity Leading Jerusalem hence Zion Israel hence United Nations Chriatianity Accord so to be with [instead of against the] Faithful Physics Of God including current free opting of Grace (soon to change, yet for Highest One JESUS over Holy Law Physics), as the Wise become One and the One (Each [appropriate] and All Will) lead powers and principalities: included are time travel (Faith, and) mechanism parameters including from modifying Black Holes to threads matching Dark Matter streams and greater in JESUS Christ.

Into The Multiverse For You In Christ Trump Kim Jong il New North Korea Accord Holy Event Schedule Why Christian Bible is being written new known universe map UFOs increasingly identified hostages freed how to build an exoplanet exosystems triangulate rolled scroll layers Elon Musk Tesla Motors SpaceX Mars Neil Armstrong Stephen Hawking celebrities healed Easter Blue Paschal Moon unique Leyline Spectrum News stereo x-radiography machine initial pulses inline Dark Matter microtech underground South Pole Holloman Air Force Base movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind natural spas Iceland Shiloam Eden ancient civilizations Atlantis Pillars Of Hercules Tree Of Faith New Zion Archangel artifacts Aceh oil drilling Iran Syria Israel Ben Franklin winter wheat drought fires New Revelations Volcanoes Earthquakes increasing Russia Billy Graham star TBN Rich Wilkerson Nick Vujicic 1 Billion people Million dollars per day 1,000 Gigatons of ice melted Kilauea erupting Main Island Hawaii Embassy Jerusalem Lutheran Washington DC Lieutenant General Director Defense Information Systems Agency Commander Joint Force Headquarters Department Defense Information Newtwork, ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS surprise For Christian Leaders Mapping newly known regions of the New Known Universe, the new frontier ready to be explored, known now in Christ JESUS Physics with Accord time victory for the Second Coming prep in Christ JESUS. New Zion JESUS Jeshua Jeshous Immanuel (and shedding translation light on secular errors).

JESUS Christ offering excitement: for You to Give! Exciting Christian benefits for all nations at ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders. New Revelations In His Holy One over The Promise Israel Commanding or being commanded by Christians that Zion start to repent and properly be Baptized and then including traveling into the whole of the New Known Multiverse beyond secular IQ as evidenced, to be with Christ JESUS In The Heavens during the Second Coming. New Christianity Revelations as concerning Dark Matter velocities and directions. Drawing with pics of how to build Exoplanets and Protoplanets and properly utilize the Physics Of JESUS. How Zion is to grow up via Christians Leaders unto a more perfect union Marriage. As Moses struck the rock to pour out water now is Given to strike the Heavens with the proper Invitation Of Christ JESUS that the Heavens pour out the Holy Fruit Of The Second Coming. Prophecies beyond Zion unto New Revelations of the precepts and Physics Of Christ JESUS include 3D fabric of time space travel involving stars, Black Holes, and Dark Matter; with why and how to build Exoplanets and Protoplanets: as Moses struck the rock to pour out water now is Given to strike the Heavens with the proper Invitation Key Of Christ JESUS that the Heavens pour out the Holy Fruit Of The Second Coming.

King JESUS Schedule planning for the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS Christian Leadership Sermons Series For Christ JESUS King on laws and colonizing outer space Legal Precedent ICCDBB Israel Zion Trump thread Second Coming Schedule straight trajectory Egypt pyramidal energies system Crystal Skulls plasma spirit faith types applied over barriers 120 years longevity NASA UFO pic ancient ufos teacher Sikowitz Eric Lange television comedy Victorious The Bird Scene army Heaven messenger. From Mount Zion under dead language Latin law, to Heaven above a messenger explains of the Highest Purpose of the King Christ JESUS in the Physics Of Christ JESUS precepts in easy to understand [ways] One Way, covering the New Earth Star, a UFO taping Sun energy as shown here, straightening Black Hole tech with Dark Matter thread in Royally "no pain" stitching "DNA pattern" for the The Second Coming.

Schedule Of The Second Coming Of Christ JESUS Time And Date Of The Second Coming Of Christ JESUS Date and time of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS Prophetic Record UFO Ancient Aliens television series, graph charting flock levels, Christian President Don Trump, blood to cell wall synapse miles long, the third heaven, Islam Muhammad studied under Archangel Gabriel under Christ JESUS teacher of Highest Physics Of The Creator Mary conceived through Her ear movie The American President by Aaron Sorkin the White House former President the US Treasury Department movie Scarface Is this it? Eating drinking sex addictions Babylon proof, movies A Knights Tale metallurgy from Apollo 13 electricity electronics waves plasma transfiguring broadcast accumulating good THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ, George Washington from predestination to predetermination, from Faithful Spirit without measure to Miracles of measured spirits, definition of False Prophet, Mount Zion This explains the specifics of much of what people have wondered concerning the Second Coming and End Time, charting faiths and properly leaping in Christian Faith. This includes the heart time pulse with it's massive data sets transport synapse system yet similar to Highest For Christ JESUS As You Preach In Your Flock, like how Mary conceived through Her ear, and accordingly as how Islam Muhammad studied under Archangel Gabriel under Christ JESUS.

The Sermon Streets of clear gold at linked below, is noted here prior to site completion that in prediction prior to August 19, 2018AD some sign might be Given, and of Christ JESUS Signs Did come, mainly:

August 13, 2018AD Christian President Don Trump for creation of a Space Force to be in effect by 2020AD signed a $717 Billion Defense Bill.

18th of August 2018AD explanation of Drawing from precepts of Christ JESUS Faith, revealing how Christian Faith control correlates to Time.

Final End Time and/or the Second Coming Prophesied by the year 2046AD as Miracle pertinent signs abound Revelation 10.11 as JESUS Christ answers why spirits move for Christian Leaders (without having to ask) with specifications concisely illustrated and plotted in graph form with Prophetic directions of movement(s). Time frames concerning time travel for the sakes of others. 3D Blood Of JESUS depicted in 2D in various ways such as for preparing to conquer time warp sequences as the Second Coming and Final End Time approach (or in Highest Eternal sense: come already in JESUS Christ). Great as Christian Faith indicated was how Christian Leaders can be over time control as Christ JESUS revealed, also Christian President Don Trump Leading Zion toward the Second Coming signed the $717 Billion Defense Bill within the stated time frame enacting Space Force. China against Christians so far has been Chinese leaders against Chinese lawmakers, and against all, as their Articles of law clearly show, also including expansions into the other nations and 45% usury. Christian Preacher Ernest Angley for instance visited Germany and Preached and it was Good and Faithful, but many rejected the Christian Word and as soon as His jet left a terrible hailstorm struck Germany, and just recently Christian Preacher Ernest Angley won a federal appeals court case which overturned a previous federal judge's ruling. Movies: with Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner Space Cowboys, movie Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade with confiscated books and of true history, as sinners repeat low sins so cannot hide, movie Noah they eat because they think it gives them strength movie Godfather 2 when the Extortionist the Black Hand Don Fanucci for to be seen as if good gave 100 at the Church Parade Mark 12:42. Included in this now completed Sermon is a Prophecy "by the year 2046AD", with emphasis on Converting, New Revelations, and time travel parameters.

Happening right now, in Google images type: iccdbb ancient aliens golden flying [look at SOLAR ECLIPSE PATTERNS timeline].

JESUS Space For Living JESUS name the Seventy Christian President Don Trump Zion Prophecies meeting in the sky Heavens galactic center Extragalactic Cosmic Ray Multiverse highest female heart valuation time frames Exemplar Perfect Bride spirits glowing white gold family celebrities tech free future Spirit meetings Benny Hinn Healing television shows Shepherd Bushiri walks on air Pat Robertson diverted Hurricane Florence Regent University Christian Broadcasting CBN Virginia Beach Second Coming Apostles tools carrier waves carry positrons water electronics Bremsstrahlung Effect split rings Space Force movies What Women Want, a main part was to empower women movie Heartbreak Ridge booksmart necessities of life risk perish filling out survey forms that could have been automated 2046AD week Accord nation name JESUS! explains how people can enter into the Whirlwind Harvest of Moses, Elijah, and JESUS in entity name and then enabling in Deed, as Do in JESUS: Benny Hinn Healing, Shepherd Bushirir Healing and Walking On Air, and Pat Robertson Rightly making Hurricane Florence somewhat more worthy in Christ JESUS. Included is the Christian Seventy, Christian President Don Trump Space Force, New Accord, and renaming for Highest JESUS.

In the name JESUS [Group] at JESUS enables humans to change from the 120 years life span limit to 1,000 years and time frame evidently number 121,537 out of 144,000 All Seeing Eye Straight And Narrow flying carpet Holy Shawl of legal intermittent tassels curve arc cloud South Pole gone though the aloft JESUS Chapels converting fast electrons and ions of heavier elements emitted by the Sun concerning Earths shield UFO charging stations internal combustion self charging superconductors sky trains space walk Your Sun Mission Urim Thummim new pure JESUS Hands Prophesying about You with Faith Realms Of Testaments how to catch sinful secular leaders rather how to lead, groups stopping groups or transfiguring from following paths of others to Leading In The Name Of JESUS Christ increasing tech values Cornell Law making JESUS Faith Miracles in India and China Evangelism Motivation JESUS Consummated in Your Baptism with and over girded up ascending Second Coming JESUS One over End Time, great movies Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Vegas Vacation symbol Wedding Chapel Eucharist, Planet Of The Apes, Firefox producer director starring Clint Eastwood, Sanctifying Prophesying Truly is in the name JESUS the JESUS Physics connects Your (Flock or Group) life to the longer JESUS Eternal Lifespan, with key evidence of year 2046AD concern, this Sermon also launches in the name JESUS Anew Set of Precept Parameters within the JESUS Sanctifying Parameter to Guide Christians in establishing appropriate to JESUS Given Mission precepts linking to other appropriate precepts and rather in the name JESUS appropriate JESUS 3D bundling and greater in JESUS, as with True triad formulating.

JESUS New [UFO] Vehicle internal combustion with: How to measure the spirits and know what they'll do next. The JESUS Line through the Milky Way is shown with Earth map connectivity (on Earth as in Heaven): this is a short range JESUS ICCDBB Sermon For Christian Leaders on Milky Way Highways and local traffic.

JESUS Code Prophecy For 2019AD JESUS Code codec codex Bible code how to solve raw data decoding symbols people to be as burnt dust this year Christian President Don Trump Zion Prophecies for 2019 Ark Of The Covenant found Angels JESUS Code [codec codex Bible code] Prophesying with: How to solve raw data decoding in JESUS Christ over letters, words, symbols, and even JESUS over people "to be as burnt dust" though for Good In Higher JESUS Purpose. From Christian President Don Trump over Zion, to Prophecies for 2019 included are JESUS matter over the Ark Of The Covenant found [in JESUS Christ Faith], and Second Coming Angels!

JESUS Spirit Data with new UFO Flying Saucer Specifications at includes focus in JESUS Code Letters Cluster revealing President Don Trump, with Christ JESUS unraveling precepts for wave control power as in internal combustion engineering design for Christians to colonize deep space for greater JESUS Spirit Prophetically.

JESUS Christ Trump Prophecy in the name JESUS Revelation Superhighway Superfund satellite waves cross section pulse generators fusion fission nuclear power mass control depth perception help hollow earth projected videos UFOs flying saucers colonizing outer space envelope force debris systems handheld devices John Hagee movies beyond questioning The Devil Wears Prada Miranda Priestly Meryl Streep Outbreak new branch strain but converting Angels & Demons character Robert Langdon performed by Tom Hanks Vatican LDS movie Noah Russell Crowe Jennifer Connelly Anthony Hopkins Emma Watson started to build and helpers came heart love thrust lift whirlwind black hole magnus force USA Navy welder AC DC over Firmaments True Angels identity control over physics multiverse Heisenberg time wormhole former downward Legislative Executive Judicial United Nations news shut down Christian Church censorship against Christians rocket warp speed sharp turns miracle for You Warp Drive at for You JESUS Christ Gives Miracle Powers over Firmaments, the Christian President Don Trump Prophecy, DC control for masses and deep space thrust, and with looking inside an energy wave; discussed movie / actors: Devil Wears Prada / Miranda Priestly Meryl Streep; Outbreak / Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey; Angels & Demons / Robert Langdon Tom Hanks [Vatican]; Noah / Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, and with Emma Watson.

JESUS Mass over physics masses JESUS Christ preparedness Christian President Don Trump Prophecy unprecedented to Test God 2020 Bible Code Theta star cluster Pleiades 2000 year cycle Grail Oak Island Nimrod Mike Pence how to move earth atmosphere, original Hebrew Lexicons, HAARP movie Clear and Present Danger Harrison Ford CIA Jack Ryan Operation RECIPROCITY Silence of the Lambs Jodie Foster FBI training academy Quid pro quo legal Golden Rule King Solomon Trifecta DJIA DOW SP NASDAQ leveraged subatomic charity Negative Gravitational Waves decommissioning skyscrapers elements straw gold align Earth NASA Thermal Emission Infrared Spectrometer rover mars Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2moro lethal Big Bang Theory comic books Great Depression flood Egypt Israel Smiling Christ JESUS at in the Name Of JESUS Christ comes Christian President Don Trump Prophecy specifics for values added including key info involving JESUS Christ Negative Gravitational Waves, JESUS Bible Code insights such as over the Pleiades and JESUS Superhighway Mission for people details.

JESUS Christ Name Prophesying Effectually JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy True beyond the Garden Of Eden time travel Immortality Field gravitons gravitational waves properly converting mistakes Prophesying Big Pulse Multiverse control over the birth of JESUS Faith flow current status atheism atheistic government destabilize nations regardless of ideas Righteousness advantage Healer Edgar Cayce described red hair 170 pounds JESUS Christ at shows and specifies how the Leader Leads. Like unto the candy shown here symbolizing people born then straying a little though with JESUS Precepts as the delightful music scroll parameter drawing all to JESUS Christ One Spirit Father with how to be the "Father", and like unto the precepts is the applying Highest JESUS Faith Prophesying In JESUS Christ as none since the Garden Of Eden to Bless Christian President Don Trump Prophetically over shown here gravity wave concerns.

Christian President Don Trump JESUS Christ Name Law JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy True beyond the Garden Of Eden time travel Immortality Field gravitons gravitational waves properly converting mistakes Prophesying Big Pulse Multiverse control over the birth of JESUS Faith flow current status atheism atheistic government destabilize nations regardless of ideas Righteousness advantage Healer Edgar Cayce described red hair 170 pounds JESUS Christ at [time for preparation for all to be heard]: for the benefit for all the nations and to benefit all faiths such as Muslims and even atheists the Holy Sign needs Be. Included are maps with the first civilizations on Earth of Jarod DNA, flying saucer Angel projections for Apostle John Writing The Book Of Revelation, the chemistry of Eucharist wine and unleavened bread recipe, with movies The Negotiator staring Samuel L. Jackson & Kevin Spacey, $1.26 billion top-grossing movie musical Beauty And The Beast starring Emma Watson as Belle with Dan Stevens, movie The Blue Bird, movie Charlie Wilson's War (Tom Hanks), The Godfather video game, and magazines: Today's Chemist At Work on Soviet Union & National Science Foundation, Fortune on SuperGrid science engineering, and American Laboratory specified Data Behavior.

JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy Christian Vice President Mike Pence Congress Signing Name Of God Kingdom Of Heaven At Hand literally, straight and narrow sex money addictions Grace walk on water rocks first drawing ancient measuring glory writing life spirit specifications movie The American President starring Michael Douglas as U.S. President Andrew Shepherd Wall Street Michael Douglas Gordon Gekko Charlie Sheen Bud Fox Jesus One this is your wake-up call Zion United Nations secular atheism sin addictions instead prophetic billions of dollars planning 2019 for 2020JESUS Christ Signing Into Law [One Prophetic You] at with Benefits starting in the US with a trillion dollars annually (plus population increase [exploding]).

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at Titled: JESUS Christ Holy Spirit Christian Leader President Don Trump Prophetic Signing Benefits news Miracles Of Faith for the nations USA Israel Zion We The People Preamble More Perfect Union Blessings of Liberty Constitution United States of America ICCDBB ancient ufos aliens stars plasma glory lots wife manna machine from Heaven airplane space force tabor light Peter Paul Mary Create Uncreated Highest Anew wireless 2019 2020AD JESUS Christ discusses now the future after Prophetic Signing In The Name JESUS Christ Via Christian Leader President Don Trump: a new level, an "Uncreated" Firmament level leap with Faith that Will Spark Life Anew, as a New Christianity Spirit Wisdom arises.

Prophecy about Christian President Trump Signing Royal Law Grace Firmament Empowering Prophesying preparing the Second Coming Timeline flying into Heaven Elijah Elisha parting waters watchers Double Charity Blessings Angel Wing separation copyrights SP Futures Banking allocating CERN tera electron volts reentry corridor Global Warming particle accelerator ufos movie The American President USA President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Constitution ACLU Jehovahs Witnesses, movie Down Periscope Kelsey Grammer Captain Tom Dodge Rip Torn Admiral Winslow Lauren Holly Emily Harland Williams Sonar operator knew their war whale language, Working Girl Tess McGill Melanie Griffith Harrison Ford Jack Trainer Oren Trask Philip Bosco, Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe Ron Weasley Rupert Grint Rowling 2019 2020 JESUS Christ Open letters to Christian President Don Trump at on the Presidential Prophecy 2020 and the "Signing" Timeline. Included are movies The American President (Michael Douglas Constitution ACLU [Jehovahs Witnesses]), Down Periscope (Kelsey Grammer Captain Tom Dodge, Rip Torn Admiral Winslow, Lauren Holly Emily, Harland Williams Sonar operator knew their war whale language), Working Girl (Tess McGill Melanie Griffith, Harrison Ford Jack Trainer, Oren Trask Philip Bosco), Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe, Ron Weasley Rupert Grint, Rowling Philosophers Sorcerers Stone), Wallstreet (Bud Fox Charlie Sheen, Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas script: didn't see me saw right through me). Also Biblical backward Jews secular Greeks specific details Gaza Strip Seat Of Knowledge Chi Che & TV Adam Ruins Everything legal concerns.

JESUS Christ: Sex Love Marriage And Signing Into Law Sermon at JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy Senate Signing HeForShe Emma Watson United Nations new hope in JESUS Christ Victory Plan For Empowerment of Women Gender Equality Valuations Of Old Testament Precepting Greater with nude swim parties porn per Original Grace Plan masturbating sexual desire Marriage elbow room lesbian Baptized America land of liberty where a female is worth three shekels mainstream television news reported UFO type aliens performing mind control on humans rape victims rapist friends secular Jews stuck in a rut where the money is coming from God Prophetically showing up movie Forrest Gump Tom Hanks Gary Sinise Lieutenant Dan Taylor on the boat hope is gone 2019 2020 JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy is symbolized in the [JESUS Christ] HeForShe option for "Women's rights" led by Emma Watson. Topics include United Nations, Senators, Gender Equality, nude swim parties, porn, lesbians, masturbating, sexual desire, Baptism, America land of liberty timeline and JESUS Christ Victory Plan For Empowering Females Via Old Testament Evaluations Precepting.

JESUS Christ USA Legislators Signing Into Law With Senators And Christian President Don Trump Prophecy 2020 at JESUS Christ unscrolls, unravels, and reveals a new Gift of easy to understand gyroscopic physics in one simple formula N+S=M. Included discussions on movies: Adrift (Shailene Woodley Noah Ark Genesis 8.11), Mr. Bean's Holiday Rowan Atkinson walked unseen steps faithfully, The Mist portal to another dimension, The American President by Rob Reiner & Aaron Sorkin staring Michael Douglas, Annette Bening, Martin Sheen, Michael J. Fox, President Shepherd concerning animal family members because they don't know the difference: Righteousness, Voters.

JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addenda (Updated) at renames United States Of America to the new name JESUS Christ USA with forming a new Branch with a new Office with a Head person to Lead in JESUS Christ Grace. This also improves the legal process while importantly providing Guidance that JESUS Christ USA be Exemplar for all nations, that JESUS Christ planet Earth be properly represented amidst all galaxies and civilizations.

JESUS Christ I AM: Emma Watson Christian Cross message to UN JESUS Christ USA Christian Don President Trump above the law the great I AM Emma Watson Christian Cross new highest commandment The Great Awakening piecharts israel robots pixels gathering into jesus christ usa christian zion star blue sun moon americas USA Southern Border Victory, a Sign 3rd Converting the Beast Revelation 13 Revelation 15 copyrights patents Fortune magazine Global 500 the later the Signing, the fewer the reserved powers for We The People Of The World. The next life preparation now is key. This Sermon includes the new Living Commandment above all others, above the law, and for the Greatest New Awakening as the world clock of beast event struck 1/3rd (Revelation 13-15).

JESUS Christ Mental Teleportation Of Distant Objects at JESUS Christ United Nations States Of America Christian President Don Trump Praying over ACT with Christian President Barack Obama world leaders opting liberty, lawmaker contradictions Constitution Amendment 1 Article XIV Amendment 14 religion Faith, illustrated power of the word to Translate Transfigure Transcend Teleport then Transport victory over Romans 15:6, heart music 1 Timothy 2:15, pterosaur teeth wings fly fiery dragon Apollo 13, how to show Your Sermon illustrations on television gamepedia people love playing games and watching TV Pastor John Hagee said George Washington did not want separation of Church and state Catholic Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Fatima Shepherd Lucia Santos Lisbon Portugal, Islamic prophet Muhammad, married Ali Islam Muslims Perfect Women attractive sexually Puritan movie Carrie Saint Sebastian State Of The Union Address Christian Wisdom over Old Testament Ezekiel 44.23 Brenton Septuagint Translation Ascend from Moses Seat Transportation Security Administration jesustelepraying.pngJESUS Christ is aware of the pace of Teleportation improving, though Gives Best Guidance for far greater, first in the name JESUS Christ such as JESUS Christ USA, then Victory over illegal worldly laws (e.g. Constitution contradictions), as with Brenton Septuagint Translation type Leadership and the even more excellent Faith Path.

Be JESUS Christ Prophesying: UFOs coming to Earth ( preparing Earth includes in the name JESUS Christ, and explaining instantaneous Mental Teleportation Powers Manifesting Over Distant Objects. Discussed are handguns United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Brethern Ron Carpenter as seen on TV, large TV monitor for Church Benefits and improving Church Bulletins optionally; also Sam and Cat Jennette McCurdy Sam Puckett and Ariana Grande Cat Valentine Babysitting Rule number 4, Office Space Peter Gibbons Ron Livingston Joanna Jennifer Aniston Friends [Football] Phoebe Lisa Kudrow, movies The Secret of My Success Michael J Fox Brantley Foster Carlton Whitfield Scarface Tony Montana Al Pacino and Big Tom Hanks Josh Baskin Robert Loggia MacMillan.

From the Heart of the Highest Purpose, this Sermon JESUS Christ Crowns at Christ USA UN better news coming, people are being mind controled and their DNA is being modified biocybernetics. Great Gift UFOs pics flying saucers and how to build your house cleaning automatic device. JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1, tank wing slits Christian Leaders with new broadcasting Course corrections values movies Close Encounters Of The Third Kind was based on fact Groundhog Day Bill Murray as Phil Connors The Godfather television haunted places measuring types of spirits the immortals cropcircleconnector 2019 2020AD Explains the Holy Spirit, Guides for JESUS Christ UN through leaders being mind controled concerns [and their DNA is being modified / biocybernetics], while Giving Great Gift Benefits about UFO info and how to build your house cleaning automatic device, and flying saucers. Discussed are the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1, tank wing slits advantages, and Christian Leaders with new broadcasting values, along with guidance for Best "Course corrections" and movies such as Close Encounters Of The Third Kind based on fact, Groundhog Day with Bill Murray as Phil Connors, The Godfather; also about television haunted places measuring types of spirits the immortals, and importantly crop circles' helpful mathematics from outer space.

JESUS Christ The Magnifier Sermon at with hand on the Living Christian Bible jesuschristnationsreturning.png Christian President Don Trump and more with Bible Oaths yet JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 [including for the UN & UFO civilizations] is for what's inside the Bible. Topics include Space Force Superhighway Anew Standard With Specifics Star Of Bethlehem Elijah above the law physics Eternal JESUS Christ the greatest of all the gifts of God Christian First Lady Melania Trump with Christian Donald Trump Jr. and Giorgio A. Tsoukalos on television favoring Intelligent Design over Evolution.

JESUS Christ UN Sermon at JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1 USA Christian President Don TrumpOakIsland White House Kremlin Chinese Imperial Palace Great Hall Of The People International Court Of Justice 150 cyclotrons TRIUMF transporting protons 520 mega electron volts Guinness World Records China spacecraft ground penetrating radar over USA Strategic Defense Initiative Missile Defense Agency Star Wars plasma 14,000 miles per hour mining operations pure glass new compounds chemicals materials in this Prophetic time UN makes creatures part human and part reptilian automatically movies Outbreak The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Humphrey Bogart as Dobbs met the poison gila monster Charlie Wilson's War money laundering deficit The Godfather In the Army Now The Hunt for Red October Buckaroo Spies Like Us covers the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 concerning some key Christian Faith And Maintenance aspects pertinent for the UN Conversion. Topics include Christian President Don Trump White House Kremlin Chinese Imperial Palace Great Hall Of The People International Court Of Justice 150 cyclotrons TRIUMF transporting protons 520 mega electron volts Guinness World Records UFOs spacecraft ground penetrating radar over Strategic Defense Initiative Missile Defense Agency Star Wars plasma 14,000 miles per hour mined operations pure glass new compounds chemicals materials in this Prophetic time UN makes creatures part human and part reptilian automatically, and movies Outbreak The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Humphrey Bogart as Dobbs met the poison gila monster Charlie Wilson's War money laundering deficit The Godfather In the Army Now The Hunt for Red October Buckaroo and Spies Like Us.

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