Block 9 Exam

Aviation Prep International
Correspondence Academy

Supplies required: Gleim's FAA Private Pilot Written Exam guide (8th Edition)
Instructions: Same as the previous Block Exams.

The questions for the Block 9 Exam begin on page 270 of Chapter 10.

1. When the course deviation indicator (CDI) needle is centered during an omnireceiver check using a VOR test signal (VOT), the omnibearing selector (OBS) and the TO/FROM indicator should read...
2. Refer to figure 21. What is your approximate position on low altitude airway Victor 1, southwest of Norfolk (area 1), if the VOR receiver indicates you are on the 340 degree radial of Elizabeth City VOR (area 3)?
3. Refer to figure 24. What is the approximate position of the aircraft if the COR receivers indicate the 310 degree radial of Savannah VORTAC (area 3) and the 190 degree radial of Allendale VOR (area 1)?
4. Refer to figure 25. What is the approximate position of the aircraft if the VOR receivers indicate the 245 degree radial of Sulphur Springs VORTAC (area 2) and the 130 degree radial of Blue Ridge VORTAC (area 1)?
5. Refer to figure 26, area 5. The VOR is tuned to the Dallas/Fort Worth VORTAC. The Omnibearing selector (OBS) is set on 253 degrees, with a TO indication, and a right course deviation indicator (CDI) deflection. What is the aircraft's position from the VORTAC?
6. Refer to figure 29, illustration 8. The VOR receiver has the indications shown. What radial is the aircraft crossing?
7. Refer to figure 27, areas 4 and 3 and figure 29. The VOR is tuned to Jamestown VOR, and the aircraft is positioned over the town of Wimbledon. Which VOR indication is correct?
8. Refer to figure 29, illustration 1. The VOR receiver has the indications shown. What is the aircraft's position relative to the station?
9. Refer to figure 29, illustration 3. The VOR receiver has the indications shown. What is the aircraft's position relative to the station?
10. Refer to figure 21, area 3, and figure 29. The VOR is tuned to Elizabeth City VOR, and the aircraft is positioned over Shawboro. Which VOR indication is correct?
11. Refer to figure 25, area 1, and figure 29. The VOR is tuned to Blue Ridge VORTAC, and the aircraft is positioned over the town of Lone Oak, southeast of Majors Airport. Which VOR indication is correct?
12. Refer to figure 30, illustration 1. Determine the magnetic bearing TO the station.
13. Refer to figure 30, illustration 2. What magnetic bearing should the pilot use to fly TO the station?
14. Refer to figure 30, illustration 2. Determine the approximate heading to intercept the 180 degree bearing TO the staion.
15. Refer to figure 30, illustration 3. What is the magnetic bearing FROM the station?
16. Refer to figure 30. Which ADF indication represents the aircraft tracking TO the station with a right crosswind?
17. Refer to figure 30, illustration 1. What outbound bearing is the aircraft crossing?
18. Refer to figure 30, illustration 1. What is the relative bearing TO the staion?
19. Refer to figure 30, illustration 2. What is the relative bearing TO the station?
20. Refer to figure 30, illustration 4. What is the relative bearing TO the station?
21. Refer to figure 31, illustration 3. The relative bearing TO the station is...
22. Refer to figure 31, illustration 1. The relative bearing TO the station is...
23. Refer to figure 31, illustration 2. The relative bearing TO the station is...
24. Refer to figure 31, illustration 4. On a magnetic heading of 320 degrees, the magnetic bearing TO the station is...
25. Refer to figure 31, illustration 5. On a magnetic heading of 035 degrees, the magnetic bearing TO the station is...
26. Refer to figure 31, illustration 6. On a magnetic heading of 120 degrees, the magnetic bearing TO the station is...
27. Refer to figure 31, illustration 6. If the magnetic bearing TO the station is 240 degrees, the magnetic heading is...
28. Refer to figure 31, illustration 7. If the magnetic bearing TO the staion is 030 degrees, the magnetic heading is...
29. Refer to figure 31, illustration 8. If the magnetic bearing TO the station is 135 degrees, the magnetic heading is...

You have completed the Block 9 Exam. If you have any problems with this subject, contact the AviPrep staff.

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