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Part of the purpose of the West Coast Roadtrip (at least for Livi) was the purchase of large quantities of Canadian Trident. If you have never experienced Canadian Trident, you have never chewed gum, my friend. What's so different about it, you say? What is it about this gum that makes it worth a cross-country trip? Two words. Flavor and Size.
First off, let's take a look at the Respective sizes of the wrappers of a piece of American Trident and a piece of Canadian Trident:

Look how much bigger the Canadian piece is! It's a conspiracy, my fellow Americans! Warner-Lambert is attempting to keep us from getting all of the gum we deserve!
And secondly, and more importantly, the Canadians get flavors we Americans never dream of! Cirus Fruit gum! Raspberry Lemonade Gum! Chlorophyll gum! I am not making this up.

Other cool things Canadians get from their gum that we don't:

1) Slogans in TWO LANGUAGES! I don't know about you, but I feel very slighted not to have "Mordez dans le Gout!" on my gum. It's like cultural education while you chew!
2) A Stay-fresh foldable package! No gum falling out of faulty packaging here! You can roll the pack right up over it!
Angry about Trident inadequacy? Send Feedback to Warner-Lambert (makers of Trident) from the Trident website! Or call 1-800-223-0182 and demand equal treatment with the Canadians! Together we can make it happen!

Read the letter I wrote to the Warner-Lambert Company.

The Flying Porqupine