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Full Name Given: Miriam
Age: 30-ish?
Occupation: Slave
Voice: Sandra Bullock

Moses’ older sister, Miriam never once loses faith in her brother. I’m not quite sure why I prefer this almost cheezily optimistic character over her more pessimistic counterpart (who, btw, ALMOST qualifies for a page). Kind of strange. Maybe it’s because she gets more screen-time. I dunno.

One of my favorite things about Miriam is her character design. Even as an adult, she still looks like an eight-year-old. It appears as though she has never lost any of her baby fat, but she manages to still be very beautiful in her own way. And I love the way she resembles her mother at times, but only slightly. And oddly, while Miriam and Aaron are both slaves, only he shows it. He appears MUCH older than she, and much more worn, as well.

But that aside, she’s just a really sweet, loveable character.

Thanks to Animated Heroines for the picture.
