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Look at those great eyebrows, will you?

Full Name: Owen Burnett
Age: Goodness only knows
Occupation: exceptionally loyal servant
Voice: Jeff Bennett

Owen Burnett is Xanatos' rigid, resigned, relatively taciturn, and multitalented servant. Given my predilection for the androids, the Vulcans, the Egons, it should not be at all surprising that I singled Owen out as a favourite character. He is very stoic, very intelligent, very logical. He thinks before he acts, never lets his emotions play any role in…anything, really, and one can judge the severity of a situation by his reactions with the help of this handy chart:
No reaction……………Dagnabit, that wasn't good.
Eyebrow raise……………………….Aww, #@%&...
Wide eyes……………….……..We're all gonna die.
Anything beyond this……….Satan skated to work.

Love that devious grin.

So the blonde hair, modern(ish) haircut, and business suit are a little out of place in my harem. But he's marvelous, so whatever, right? And then, of course, there's the little matter of his voice. Jeff Bennett really does have the most melodious voice this side of Christian Bale. And Owen's is on the deeper end of his range. Good times. Good times, indeed.

There is a very specific reason why I love Owen, but I'm not going to give away any spoilers. Suffice it to say that, if you watch long enough, you'll understand, too.

Kick some tail feather, Owen.

Quotes about and by Owen:

~"[Owen] may not have succeeded in keeping the Grimorum, but I'm sure lots of villains with bumbling sidekicks envy Xanatos." ~Juan F. Lara

~"Service is its own reward. I would have thought you knew that." ~Owen Burnett to Hudson

~Brooklyn: She doesn’t look happy…
Xanatos: Owen sometimes has that effect on people.

~"You mean that creature is still out there? It has the money. It's as powerful as Goliath. And it's SMARTER than you?" ~Owen

~ Xanatos: You've been practicing. This is the first time I've ever lost a match to you.
Owen: Would you rather I pretend to lose?
Xanatos: I'd fire you if you did.

~"Owen has all sorts of hidden talents." ~David Xanatos

Created June 26, 2003.