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Where would I be without the marvelous Miss Draca Darkwingette? Certainly not sitting here writing this page, and definitely not waiting for these images to upload.

I hadn’t completely written Pirates off as just another pop culture monstrosity, and I most likely would have watched it had I seen it on the tele, but I had no intention of paying money to see it. But Draca’s never once steered me wrong, so when she started pushing it, I decided to see it when I got the opportunity. Then she pointed out that it was written by the fabulous Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot (whom I officially adore), and I resolved to make the opportunity for myself.

I was hooked by the music played during the menu. It took me a while to figure out how I was humming the tune having never seen the movie, but I eventually realized it was a four bar phrase from TRtED with one tiny little change in the last note.

The actual movie began, and didn’t let me down at all. I loved the eerie effect of young Elizabeth starting us out with a little singing (that’s always been the easiest way to freak me out – one child singing in the middle of a dead calm or one child playing with no one else around), but I momentarily wondered if the Rossio and Elliot duo was the SAME Rossio and Elliot duo. I was reassured when Gibbs (Kevin McNally) did the mock-noose gesture – THAT’S the dry wit I’ve come to know and love! And then Jack (Johnny Depp) showed up, and I knew I had been clued in to another winner.

I love this movie, I really do. Enough that I’m going to be looking for a copy next time I get to town. Jack is my favourite, hands down. But I also like Elizabeth (Keira Knightly) a lot. Rossio and Elliot are great about writing strong females (regardless of what ends they use them to, of course). And Will (Orlando Bloom), too, obviously. He seems a little flatter than the other two, but just about anyone would. The only thing that I’ve felt was lacking in past Elliot/Rossio scripts was a truly effective villain, and they pulled it off this time. Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) is not at all a nice person, but it’s hard not to feel bad for him. And some of his lines definitely made me think of Equilibrium. Plus, he has a monkey. And that’s so much niftier than a parrot.

Major accolades to the sfx team. I am thoroughly impressed, and insanely jealous that you get paid for doing nifty stuff like that. The effect when Barbossa steps out into the moonlight was especially amazing. So cool... ^_^

I showed it to my parents the night after I watched it. Mother stayed awake through the entire thing, which is something that hasn’t happened in many moons (even at the theater… It’s terrible…), and Dad didn’t leave in the middle, which is generally a good sign. Neither of them found it as humourous as I did, but my sense of humour is a touch different than theirs. We actually had a conversation about it later, so they were paying attention and deemed it worthy to think about. But Mom was convinced there must be someone in it that prompted me to watch. [rolls eyes] I don’t just watch movies because of actors. Always...

So, thanks again to mi amiga de buen gusto. As for those of you who haven’t seen it yet, get thee to your local video store! What are you hanging around here for?

Psst! Like what you see? There’s more here!

So you expect to leave me standing on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it's the one I need and watch you sail away on my ship?
Created Friday, February 13, 2004.