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Full Name Given: Shrek
Age: GAH!
Occupation: loner, ogre, delivery boy
Voice: Mike Meyers

I could do without some of the opening scene but, overall, this guy is absolutely marvelous. He’s cynical, sarcastic, and solitary, hates people in general, and has some pretty groovy analogies. Taking all that into consideration, can anyone tell me why I might possibly consider him to be one of the top 10 animated movie characters ever?

The only rules this guy doesn’t break are that A) every hero must have an annoying sidekick to provide running commentary, B) every hero must overcome an inner struggle and ultimately prevail, and C) every hero must get the girl. He could give a flying squirrel what anyone thinks of him, save a few close friends that are forced upon him, anyway, and he let’s them know it. Does this sound like any of my other characters? Nah.

And while I greatly admire all of these qualities and absolutely adore him, being the voice chaser I am, one of my favorite things about the guy is that, in these times of Australian actors doing American accents for English characters because, heaven knows, the Brits are evil, here is a Canadian actor doing a SCOTTISH accent for the hero! (And Lord Farquaad didn’t have an English accent!) And they actually spent $4 million to re-animate him that way! It is truly refreshing to hear that at least one company is moving away from that tired old mentality.

But I digress.

Since I’m out of creative things to say and I haven’t seen the movie in almost a month and a half, I’ll leave you with this:

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