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StarFire Raptor Pack's Famous Text,

"Rules and Guidelines for the Common Raptor"

1. Mating Season    
  A. If you want to be a member's mate, please ask them privately. If they refuse, don't hassle them! If they don't like you, they don't like you and you can't do anything about that. Here's a tip or two to get a good mate:  




A1. Get rid of those ticks!

A2. Pretend you know what you're doing - even if you don't.

A3. Free food always helps.

A4. Learn the mating know...Do the funky chicken-anscestor!



2. Ettiqite  
  A. Be polite to everyone unless they bit you first.

B. Don't mess with your superiors. They are superior to you for a reason.

C. The Delta male can kick your butt, so do not under any circumstances call him "Chuck-e-Cheez". Only the Alphas, Bravos and Charlies may, because he can't do a thing to them, now, can he?

D. If you meet someone who isn't in SFRP or isn't in another pack, recruit them, darnit!

E. If you are attacked for no reason, dare the person who attacked you to call the Delta male "Chuck-e-Cheez" and voila, your troubles will be over!

F. Don't bother others when they don't want to be bothered. Death isn't considered a big thing in a raptor pack, so if you want to be remembered, try staying alive.

3. Hunting

  A. Try not to be too messy. It's not impossible that somebody might be squeamish.

B. Be realistic. You aren't superheros and you don't have flamethrowers, so charred Astrodon is completely out of the question.

C. One raptor cannot bring down an Astrodon.

D. One raptor cannot bring down an Iguanodon.

E. One raptor cannot bring down the Delta male, even though you may think he could feed a small army. It's not nice to be cannibalistic.

F. Raptors do not eat fast food.


4. Do's and Dont's  

A. Eat as often as you can.

B. Don't jump off the diving cliff right after you eat.

C. Don't be profane. Chicks are present.

D. Do not kiss the Alpha female. This pertains especially to the Delta male. (He thinks he's all that, but the Alpha could whip his tail without trying.

Anything not covered here can be answered by calling, toll free:
