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ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermon:

New Christianity Miracle Key For Evangelism.

Christ JESUS provides the Holy Way for each vessel to best properly effectually ascend in Christ JESUS The Only Eternal Way for the Spirit within the vessel, and as much as appropriate in Christ JESUS also with the vessel if pure, the Pure Vessel One With The Holy Spirit; wisely understanding spirits and vessels are alive from the living Creator One In Christ JESUS and so being alive these grow counted as if in various ways and of free options and yet also truly One Way: for One Good Highest Purpose.

Christ JESUS was attacked at the Crucifixion once for all, so if otherwise to be attacked again then if of an appropriately higher Covenant level, then to [freely opt] to do otherwise, that is to do other than be crucified: hence to convert. This is a Miracle Key concerning Converting toward and rather into Christianity as much as proper of this range.

Yet a greater New Christianity Miracle Key For Evangelism is coming with this Miracle Converting Key in this, building and rather Faithfully In Christianity Growing, though first in this Sermon is more on this Miracle Converting Key.

The previous Sermon ( see Drawing) showed a design for Your Aloft Ark Chapels with mansions connecting with other Aloft Ark Chapels with mansions, and hardly toward random chaos, rather of pertinent higher design. If to Host, then to properly place guests in seats.

Rather than an attacker crucifying, rather than a big fast spaceship unawares ramming into Your properly connected Arks, this Miracle Converting Key is not only Word (communications, and sensing signaling signage to warn others approaching as Your Whole Arks group might be cloaked or invisible to them) to warn and rather guide others around or properly into (perhaps through main passageways) in Will. If to build a Tractor Beam to guide visitors in (ibid.) then toward proper safety for Christian Chapels and for the benefit of all. Though if a party does not agree to enter, then a Repulsor Beam; and if temporarily unsure or quarantine or other toward close association without entering, then to hold in place in outer space and/or to put into a parking space, therefore to build a TractorRepulsor Beam ( which would also have many other useful values, such as seen at city water ports, and rather than wait in line, such as the apartment dwellings for longer though temporary staying, and such as the TractorRepulsor Beams comprised [toward specializations (talents)] of moving giant arms such as to catch nearby meteors.

So of this key TractorRepulsor Beams Will [levitate and] hold things in place and move them about, to or fro as appropriate for all in Christ JESUS. Now wisely consider the High Priest is allowed to carry, partake, and give the Eucharist, and to carry Anointed crowns, Holy garments, and raise people from Baptismal Water, and to carry the Christian Bible and other things as appropriate in Christ JESUS, including to assign other people and vessels to carry particular tasks. So with this is the following subset in Mark 11.16:

So all things, including the TractorRepulsor Beams, are to be carried but only if for proper higher purpose for Christ JESUS. Likewise if to go to the bathroom then in the proper place, if to have sex, or nurse, or Banquet, or do Charity, or date, or have Family time, or nap, or be loud, or participate, or be entertained or Evangelize then each and all properly and in the proper places though not toward sin: then any and all such are for the glory of JESUS for the Heavenly Father within and in outer space: for You and Yours.

The above verse has many translational interpretations with other words substituted for the word "container" as found at including: "vessel", "package", and "merchandise", and the Pulpit Commentary for instance incorporates the word "thoroughfare" which pertains to the often mentioned in the previous Sermon "passageways".

Things for their sakes and for the greater Good Christ JESUS:

LEVItation (ascending center [focal spot] of Aloft City) devices, TractorRepulsor Beams, translational standards, vessels, and more.

How to enter and leave blackholes, such as to send vessels and receive messages from blackholes from which it has been said not even light can escape. How to time travel to see JESUS Christ. How to Evangelize in other solar systems and how to Baptize them and other generations and spirits. Helping LDS and others Baptize in Covenant agreeing according to a more perfect Holy Standard for Christ JESUS. How to overcome time and space travel. Gamma ray manipulation, change time standard innovating make new Uranium U 238 236 235 234 232 92 146 and higher order bins ICCDBB Sermons on heart Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provided the Holy Ghost Way to ascend, and also the Do-It-Yourself, DIY, ways in secular terms. In addition to the wolf in sheep's clothing aspect, to be aware, is also the higher purpose of Good For Christ JESUS with Your Doing what You can with what God has given You already.

So accordingly in Christ JESUS You may opt to help Your Christian Flock ascend Spiritually and/or Spiritually With Purity Physically to fly among the start to convert people other religions and faiths as a whole (see below: text and next Sermon) as well as entire civilizations. "Dominion and awe belong to Him Who establishes peace in His heights", "He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south" (Job 25.2 with Job 9.9) thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father.

Christ JESUS would that You be properly edified and aware of this generation and very near future concern as things unravel increasingly for Christ JESUS and concerning former conflict ways of the past world which generally applies to Earth history in Your case (as other histories are actually happening out there in outer space and in realms and dimensions as the Creator has already prepared).

Be aware that secular sinners do not lead unless Christians (such as perhaps New Member Followers) hardly be counted as though leading: hence an incentive to have all Your Christian Church Members become Leaders. For instance, at the risk of sounding toward vulgar, though for clarity and to show higher purpose, a symbolic sinner strays and as if might say "To prove your bravery put your hands in this strong acid for five minutes like I'm doing" but they do not "lead" that perverse way again since they no longer have hands to so prove. In other words it is the Eternal Doing For Living Properly In Christ JESUS that continues to lead.

It is the Christian Leader, and on a higher level it is properly leading away from those sinners free to opt to refuse Your Holy Word, that they rather opt to sin (except worldly laws perhaps), as You may opt to have Faith that the Physics Of God are present with them even when You are not and during that time You may opt to wait or rather "Doing what You can" in Christ JESUS (see above) and Christ JESUS said "I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high" (Luke 24.49): clothe Yourself with Your Aloft Ark that You be in Power From Above In Christ JESUS, and You Will receive an even more excellent Way (see text below) to Evangelize those that You of Your former level were not yet worthy to Evangelize: whether when You return, and/or with broadcasting: and of such would be far greater convincing power be shown unto their awe and even their jealousy perhaps (as circumstances apply Exodus 8.32).

Christ JESUS would that You ascend properly, be in Heaven, and Evangelize.

In the above Drawing the Matter(s) is(are) to the outside (2 large curves) and at the closest 2 points the Energies from those 2 Matters head toward each other as the planets compress and such collide with each other forming rocks though also converting into Energies, and as the 2 Energies approach each other (orange arrows) they are squeezed together (so much Energy is there that is acts in some ways as if Matter, though it comes from Matter as planets become plastic and squish unto plasma, then Energy) or in other words more precisely the Energy waves overlap so while the Energy might be low Energy waves together hardly distinguishing from each other then the Energy is counted as high Energy.

Example: a spring can be compressed and no longer flex as previously and therefore (conditionally) more toward Matter (relatively asleep, potential Energy).

Example: many springs of various sizes and lengths can be thrown together in a bin (gravity, see above red arrows) and You could walk on the springs (ibid.).

Note that the above Energy (orange) region of the wormhole is hardly for a secular type of "walk" such as due to lethal radiation, lack of oxygen, and so forth.

Note that the Holy Ghost can Do things that flesh and vessels cannot do in secular sinful ways. You Holy Comforter can Do transfiguring and so on in Christ JESUS, though hardly for selfish folly, rather Do as an example for others.

Often it means proper step over proper step (eg. leading sinners and new members) as for instance while You ascend, Your ascending might reveal sins of some sinners, so in pertinence they might scrutinize all You said and did to catch any wrong detail even if insignificant, and if to find none then toward conversion or possibly toward further perhaps worse sins especially against themselves.

Above Drawing Example #1: people in a spacecraft might fly toward A or B, and in so doing if a time displacement warp is encountered, might travel into the future or past temporarily (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS such as Drawings concerning umbra and penumbra).

Above Drawing Example #2: as shown in this Drawing more than theoretically a person might loop around through the nearly same situations toward repeatedly (ibid. on time travel, and on Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) save if You be Holy Ghost in so doing (Ecclesiastes 1.9).

So the sinner is sharply delimited: their realm of options vessel is self halt (see above text).

So virtually all the greater joys and proper options of living are in the Christian: the multitude of choices, victories, and values for One Christ JESUS.

So it is up to the Christian, hardly the halt sinner, to Do the Divine, to Do the Heavenly things, to go into Heavenly realms in the Spirit, yes, yet also now (see above text) to go into the skies and to make things Good happen now.

And to make machinery to make Christian Bibles such as computers, and the same computers can make aerospace crafts: be wise that the while on the proper Holy Path the items function together for greater Good.

Christ JESUS would that Your Christian Flock And With Christian Generations Of You And Of Your Flock (from secular followers and Christian Followers to Christian Leaders each yet as One In JESUS) be wise to find the secular leads at times according to being counted as if leading according to the secular, and according to any lack of leading if any might apply (reference ascended levels and ascending) through Christians; and if there be any lack of leading it is rather that each and all do the Will Of Christ JESUS. "When anyone is unfaithful to the LORD by sinning unintentionally in regard to any of the LORD's holy things," (Leviticus 5.15 NIV) then according to failure to freely opt to Prayerfully maintain updating with the Christ JESUS (Jude 1.20).

Christ JESUS is aware of vessel ignorance of the greater, if any vessel lack (Job 42.3) and Christ JESUS is aware of the rate of purity and growing of each vessel, realm, level, and so on as each has One Path (Christians from directions of various places Will meet Christ JESUS in the sky), and as together they are to agree known as One Holy Path (so already agreed in One Path) as Christ JESUS is over all directions, concerns, victories, and all. So if any for instance checked with JESUS but then ignorantly thought to not check in, it may be such moment Christ JESUS may have opted to go higher (growing as vessels are Saved) and so hardly to be with that higher Glory (Luke 13.28 might apply, reference Firmaments). Without being able to give new Glory then perhaps as if without oil in the lamp and/or as if a fig tree without figs, and note that even though the fig tree has values such as to provide clothing (Genesis 3.7), firewood (Numbers 15.32), and/or other, the higher precepts while in Christ JESUS apply.

In the past it was hard for civilization to comprehend certain complex things, though now such is more easily understood, and if to travel into the future then Your Flocks of children would be as if over the Master You per se teaching You, and that is not so Lead properly in Christ JESUS rather than Follow (Ellicott's Commentary at as Christ JESUS edifies that into the future generations and into the Eternal You continue to Lead to be One Leadership In Christ JESUS eternally.

In Christ JESUS alway this is how the otherwise difficult complexities are conquered that they be no more a challenge nor concern, save for guiding others and for their sakes for Christ JESUS until Final End Time.

From the large congregation Christian Churches the individual newbie Christian Priest Missionary alone can learn how to build and grow large Christian Churches, and from the newbie Christian Priest Missionary alone the large congregation Christian Church Priest can learn that ascending, in situations throughout life, can be hardly to do with assigning people as Officers, to handle classrooms for instance since without classrooms or even members, and yet the alone Christian can ascend properly (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on a person in a coma). Even so in Christ JESUS prefer to do this and not leave the other left undone: Do the Holy Given Mission properly ascending.

In the above Drawing, as a super train the gravity squeezes in energy into hard heavy high number element chart types of matter, and this can be wisely considered with properly ascending.

If a worldly former train went there it would have been smashed.

There is a Firmament (even so, it can be conquered), the matter is normally at the ring of the blackhole, so moving from the ring of Matter toward the center of the ring is hardly Matter and so Energy, likewise, accordingly (Matthew 22.39) as a "super train" of bins (see above text "bin") of Energy that counted as if collide and rather for the sakes of their spirits sharply turn (reference Evangelism Converting also transforming and transfiguring such as concerning the forming of chemicals and/or blowing into dust nostrils properly) from plasma to another form of plasma and Energy (though hardly Matter). If unseen and unsensed, then dark Matter. Though such can easily be light, such as if with wavelengths able to be sensed, and such as if with contamination similar to how a spinning grinding wheel meets iron.

Now concerning precepts, see how the previous citing "(Matthew 22.39)" applies to the Second Commandment of Christ JESUS. So within this precept level is indicated a higher level applies over this "Second Commandment". Such awareness in higher Wisdom in Christ JESUS explains a worthiness level and while aware of context(s).

There are many contextual applications of this level, whether seen in the above Drawing or not, such as not entirely seen in the Drawing though symbolically seen in the text Word:

Energy / Plasma / Matter.

So this triad contains room for dark Matter, and/or room for Matter. E=MC squared, meaning E=C squared times M, meaning Energy = Velocity of light times velocity of light, and that squared value times Matter. So Matter is Energy times Plasma. While Energy is Plasma times Matter. So Plasma is the Holy Covenant agreeing of Matter with Energy.

So ascending in levels in Christian Faith indicates the higher worthiness matters of higher levels, toward the unraveling of the mysteries of the Kingdom Of God for their sakes. So since plasma has been measured in two vectors, the third per se in the secular is Matter or Energy, though given of "ascending in levels in Christian Faith" the third is actually Matter and with Energy or Matter and/or Energy, in other words the free option of Christ JESUS, since Oneness is hardly toward distinguishing, save of Holy Higher Grace (option) for their sakes. Such "distinguishing" per se is toward the Tree Of Knowledge and toward the secular.

Ascending unto higher worthiness in them for their sakes, in Christ JESUS Beloved, is rather conquering the "distinguishing".

So to be aware there is a measurable amount, and higher Oneness (see above "Second Commandment"), and a higher option in Christ JESUS the Victor over the First Commandment [over law (Luke 2.39) and over anything of pertinence (Acts 13.29) all (as much as All in this given time)(the Eternal All One)].

So concerning "in this given time", if to time travel, then if to change anything, then Do so for higher Good in Christ JESUS. For example, if to move from traditional caveman ideas of bow and arrow hunting, to modern explosives, similar is to move through time, even now in this time in this generation. For example it is similar to move from gasoline and gas pedal, to explosives and on switch. So with proper unraveling worthiness in them is to also unravel with such the brake and the explosives off switch; likewise in between is the measured plasma and yet now with appropriate responsible sheathing via worthiness in Christ JESUS The Highest.

Have Mercy: give them a break. Have Mercy: give them a brake.

Be beautiful, give them Heaven, rather be beautiful, give them worthiness over pertinent responsibility. Worthiness hardly comes with passing secular exams and yet secular exams are of great values in many cases, for Christians. As Christians ascend over Administration matters and energies, such as including constructs of various exams, so too Christians help others to become properly worthy (such as over brakes) in Christ JESUS. If not "for Christians" then concerning luck (Ecclesiastes 9.11)

now save this important exception, be aware many in the secular rose excellently according to having heard the Word and seen Miracles even prior to becoming Christian as they moved toward repentance even if temporarily so having moved.

In Christians In Christ JESUS properly a bin vessel (of value(s) and which may contain value(s)) within springs (as of above text) can move through dimensions per se (see text above, pertaining to Energy, Plasma, and Matter) if with proper "sheathing" (see above text) and precepts as much as applicable (levels/worthiness responsibly in Christ JESUS) (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on vessel(s) within envelope(s)).

Wisdom in Christ JESUS includes in Christians: Bread, Wine, and Holy Spirit agree. If to time travel then counted as though first last and last first (in pertinence example: Matter/Plasma/Energy)( then of free opting in One (worthy in level responsibility) or for nonChristian though perhaps (see above "luck" reliance) the bin as their own tomb (Acts 13.29). This "free opting" of course is concerning proper worthiness and so with such proper worthiness in Christ JESUS, hardly toward straying from the straight and narrow for higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

As the vessel (bin(s) layer(s), energy(ies) layer(s),..., see above Drawing on "where You are going", ibid. save Christian) moves for Christ JESUS through matter, plasma, and/or energy; so likewise the vessel moves through time, times, and half a time (Revelation 12.14). If points in time do not agree, there is a problem. If to travel to a time unprepared then evidently to be probably immediately slain (secular sense as a minimum, yet rather be caring how ye hear and do).

Christ JESUS the Eternal One already knows when to come or go (John 8.14).

In Christ JESUS One, an hour ago August 27, 2017AD in a dream, delightsome people seemed to be talking about the Holy Ghost and when so asked One responded "Yes." and the comment was made to Her that "You're the first One.", since never before with such clarity had any been found so boldly kind for the Holy Spirit, a new Holy Heavenly Covenant both witnessed of the Holy Word and with the Holy Will One Work agreeing, as never in this lifetime as witnessed of such clarity of purpose, again kind with clarity and as Christ JESUS and Heavenly Father said in agreeing "Yes" (Matthew 8.10 with Matthew 7.21), and none other likewise unto such new Faith, save having traveled to Heaven ( heard at times, and seen as much as recognizable): so as to bind as on Earth properly in Heaven now for Good is this stated. Now there are many dreams in which Holy Comforters have hardly been so for [Christ JESUS, One in the] Holy Spirit. Instead has all too often been those that turn away, in words and in visions: such have also been the ways of the secular people in this generation in this world. Now is also given another encounter yesterday as if to compare in the secular, when actually for higher purpose in Edifying For The Christian Church such as concerning fear:

while the above was hardly toward fear nor embarrassment (though a marginal amount, not to question as the inquisition, rather for their sakes and all good), likewise for good is now this witnessed report, that the Good Creator created all for Good, save the Eternal Creator was hardly created (Christ JESUS came from above, though His flesh was from the created until raised as much as appropriate, with transfiguring). So yesterday recouperating on the back while in bed at bedtime yet awake a voice from behind (Matthew 16.23) to the left (with Matthew 25.33) announced the entity itself was "Satan" (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Final End Time, and per se rather on End Time(s)), and so for proper uplifting for Christ JESUS was the Preaching of Christ JESUS, and politely [as witnessed for good] was the very brief explanation that "Satan" was about "die" (Matthew 9.24 with 1 Corinthians 15.56 so of this Sermon the "sting of death" is now translated as the sting of sleep, so is pertinent to the living in this generation including sleeping such as daydreaming, and perhaps asleep at night, and including any asleep to Christ JESUS)(also with concerning temporary vessels and things 120 years human lifespan for instance as a sting to the sleeping of Genesis 6.3 when rather a day in Christ JESUS is though 1,000 years 2 Peter 3.8 [also Revelation 20.2] so with each day of each 1,000 years yields Eternally awake in the joy of the Lord JESUS for JESUS as JESUS) so there is higher purpose concerning the temporary part of the Tree Of Knowledge in things to end in sleep, and the witnessing so attests now and the Witnessing then was continuing to Preach of Christ JESUS and life to properly guide "Satan" toward righteousness (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on lower missions and rather higher missions that all Good be added).

So since properly behind (ibid.) then appropriate, and since to the left (Matthew 25.34) then the witnessing was the "Satan" was continued to be found in obedience unto Christ JESUS One, and in this situation "Satan" neither caused sin nor pain nor such, and it Prayed One reading this be without discomfort and if to Preach then also likewise without causing any problem. So if a Preacher, You, can reach out to a visitor or stranger, then to God be the glory, hardly as any enter in and rather with properly for Christ JESUS as Christ JESUS Creator stated and did.

So a great key is unraveled now and new to this generation of much evidence (such as many sinners, and many asleep to Christ JESUS in them: rather see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on New Christianity): while the Christian is saved the unrepentant secular might agree with Christ JESUS but then turn away so might live extra (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on medically extending life spans, on cloning and similar, and on DNA such as Noah's Ark and Ark Of The Covenant DNA at, for instance a person might say the repent of their sins but then not fulfill and follow up toward proper Baptism (Matthew 21.30) and this serves as a proof, including as with the following sentence. A DNA Researcher, for edification concerning secular symbolic science reference, might hear of a way to change dormancy of seeds toward more greatly benefiting people pertaining to life spans (as truly happened, and for long outer space voyages, and such as those that want to visit the future) and if Good then from JESUS such as with having visited One Christian and received such life guidance, though the secular sinner hardly credits Christ JESUS though the Christian can utilize the Good part of it, thanking Christ JESUS (sufficient) One and perhaps thanking any good appearing in sinners, even though they might know it not (further proof of Christ JESUS, even if revealed within themselves).

So be wise in Christ JESUS to understand the sinner at times might not give the proper love to give second chances even to the self (see above text on "sting"(s)), though Christ JESUS is Graciously Loving Outpouringly, giving people opportunities to be Redeemed in One Christ JESUS.

A cryogenically frozen sinner, after a cure and brought back may opt to become reborn (as asked in

Likewise of the above Drawing as much as a Christian is not only of proper Faith in Word yet also in pertinence in proper worthy in Will as much as Christ JESUS agrees (such as if the Christian Aloft Ark Pilot expects commands to be obeyed reasonably: example if a passenger is not experienced in respirator safety then there might be complications) then in secular terms the victory looks more promising, and in Heavenly terms Christ JESUS is free to opt to Do the Will Of The Heavenly Father: so the proof is according to higher purpose (with highest level option One: JESUS).

Likewise of this great key is that with the time of complete victory in the Christ JESUS having fulfilled, the graves were rightly opened for higher purpose, that the Chosen People as with Moses would be spared in the moment of proper Baptism In Fire of the Holy Spirit.

Not only concerning the Holy Law, Christ JESUS also fulfilled the Prophets and their Prophesies: first was Baptism with water, and then Baptism with fire. The above Drawing upper right shows a glow and a halo, the glow and fire of the Holy Spirit, yet outpoured 100% from Christ JESUS immediately, even prior to ascending the Temple after three days.

And so this also is a key, the worthiness prior to ascending in a level, in Spirit and in pure Body.

So this proof is true, the pilot knows how (typically) to fly a plane, but if the pilot and copilot faint, then the passenger must properly fly and do greater duties such as quickly revive them; likewise the passenger needs be worthy to respond such as to emergency orders even if the orders are very strange [yet discern the fruit(s), such as flee to the housetops and not delay to gather lower value things (Matthew 10.27 with Isaiah 22.1)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on missions and rather ascending for One higher mission) save as much as proper in Christ JESUS such as human infants (even if slightly lover valuation, yet over the Firmament) under Your responsibility].

Certainly if given time, resources, and higher purpose in Christ JESUS save more, even all for Christ JESUS. Understanding Your Church criteria might focus on various (see below "to and fro" for instance) and that while a Christian Church might for instance focus on radio, another might focus on television broadcasting, be wise to be considerate of other Members (Christian Churches, in this case) Of The Body Of Christ JESUS, some higher some lower, left or right yet each for One highest Creator value and Eternal Purpose;

see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on proper Water Immersion Baptism at each personal level, and on the Christian Mormon tradition for handling Baptism with and beyond the flesh humans as concerning the dead or asleep, with quickening from slumber the Spirit for the Eternal Good as much as evidently provided publicly save personal info of each spirit though with a Christian Mediator, so increased care is advised now of this Sermon for the sake of the otherwise Good effort: now in this instance "personal" is hardly toward their former name, occupation, address, and so forth of the secular; and rather in reference for the benefit of edifying others including Christ JESUS (example: One Mormon Father Guide, therefore One effort Holy Work with any other Church(es) including that Christ JESUS Do Your One Will Father [or as much as properly Father) concerning the Baptism pertinent aspects, for example hardly to Baptize a dog not in the human image of Christ JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Bigfoot and on Christian Bible foods and transplanting and on DNA modifying) and a dog is not to be placed in authority over a person (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS at and at

This is not to blame "Christian Mormon", rather as a shining leadership example, growing a more firm foundation in Christ JESUS even though already accomplished victoriously in Christ JESUS, yet increasingly for their sakes, clear purpose for their sakes such as for newborns and such as for any if to pilot through time properly and safely: in Christ JESUS. Even if as never before of this generation.

For instance concerning "personal", while a Mediator plan has merit (Hebrews 12.24) another Christian Church Baptizes the person and hardly the self (save as much together Covenanting In The Spirit though "one baptism" is often repeated in Mormon D&C, not twice into the water, not thrice)(yet there is a high level). How hardly none should go to Church save the highest Church Members act as though "Mediator" for all including any able bodies if they are supposed to be there with You.

If this Sermon is to explain the proper Time Travel Plasma In Christ JESUS In Heaven On The Right Hand Of God, then how to explain "Heaven" if the hearer is unclear on their own situation in the world; similarly how hardly to understand Baptism By Fire if not understanding in the world of flesh the Water Immersion Baptism?, rather not only Do properly for Christ JESUS (John 3.12), yet also as the Mormon Church is a Beloved


in such effort(s) in Christ JESUS, testifying after-the-fact is also of value (Luke 17.17&18, with give credit to Christ JESUS, yet also of value is to also edify for their sakes (lest if to apply). And now a moment to address if any Christian Church be not such a "Leader" per se concerning various spirits and Baptism: have mercy on the Mormon Church (no legal affiliation unless otherwise stated, Christian affiliation applies unto all true Christian(s)), yet as with the above Drawing, be wise to consider how Christ JESUS would handle it.

There was a Church that sprinkled water drops on an infant, there was another Church that immersed the person, even so, seek the Good higher purpose, and let contentions be history to the Christian Church (Luke 9.60) that if in a plane that crashes and You survive the crash and find a Christian Church that You may know You are among friends.

The Mormon Church is right except hardly in the eyes of many others, and hardly clear about "Mediator", and except if of any straying from Christ JESUS though such has not been witnessed as of this Sermon Authorship. Examples include how the ages of the spirits of people that are processed are measured (Moroni 8.15 and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Christening and on Baptism), whether as a net many spirits are processed at once (Matthew 13.48), how long a spirit dwells, spirits tithing, and so on, though such things are ancillary level details: even so, declaring such and more clearly may gain far greater saving value(s) beyond, in Christ JESUS. Perhaps to start with how spirit repentance is understood in the flesh even though already stated some, yet for helping other Christians understand "Mediator" for Baptizing spirits, and especially if the Mormon Church would have others to go Do likewise for Christ JESUS.

Consider how this Sermon Series said go fly in the sky, and if a person was not a pilot then perhaps it would help to say, fly with a pilot, though this Sermon Series certainly Does not require such except to such as to comply with law(s), and other exceptions can apply.

Christ JESUS allows and enables people such as Mormon Latter Day Saints (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS Comforter(s) at, LDS, to Do the Will Of God for Christ JESUS One properly ascending as written in (ESV):

so LDS Will receive a "severe beating" lest "properly ascending" on the firm foundation Christ JESUS, Beloved LDS, a leader in this field of spirit Baptisms. If LDS Does not properly prepare unto worthiness for proper ascending as part of the preparing for Doing the whole Will of God then LDS

(Luke 12.47 Jubilee Bible 2000), though this is hardly toward judging evils and rather for promoting an already great leader LDS!

LDS grew internally (and with going out by twos, understood and found wise) yet clearly for both Your "Mediator"(s) and for those not currently Members of LDS toward their Evangelism detail (of edifying) key aspects such as listing and such as specifying for guiding them as You would a toddler with their first few steps as with concise steps (and footnotes with Christian Bible references) so they are not bothered to join LDS (or another Christian Church) and rather that they are anxious to properly join and be One In Christ JESUS so leading.

Other Christian Churches come to the rescue, a Fellow Christian Church has a Christian need, go help LDS in this coming victory for Christ JESUS. Go (or see below "stripes"), without leaving the other left undone for their sake which includes the spirit being Baptized, and for their sakes in the plural sense which is for any other(s) during this given time. And this plural sense includes the giving of the Will in the form of the Holy Word for enlightenment (Will) and also for edifying: edifying them includes not only for their "sakes" yet also so they don't wrongly turn to rend LDS (Luke 23.34).

So as if You be of "Other Christian Churches" (stated as though "Other" for Your Oneness sake(s), for edifying: with then if LDS as a leader is Baptizing beyond dust, then while some concerns are stated above, what more can Your Christian Church Do?: so also for Your sake(s) here are a few major help areas (Matthew 21.16) that You be One Leader toward no disputes: some Christian Preachers have heard Christ JESUS and have of senses: greater than hearing alone, and have been awestruck even as if counted toward anger that others did not also so know Christ JESUS (ascend, though 1 Corinthians 12.8-11 applies as part of properly ascending wisely), though LDS Preachers have explained properly about Holiness and "impressions" (thanks be for the multitude(s) of Good tidings from so many sources from above).

To properly Baptize is a victory, though hardly to stop at a victory, for example if to host a banquet a person might say "I have to get to the store" but then at the store and so with "victory", they don't stop to live at the store, rather they continue back (reference Your return: Second Coming, see "stripes" above and below) to host with the provisions from the store.

So in high purpose for Hosting giving worthiness (Luke 14.10) awareness with ascending and building growing Faith in Christ JESUS there are personal End Times (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on End Time(s)) and positional End Times (each host) and situational End Times (hosting/Mission) and Churches End Times (until All be One Christian Church) and other End Times, and these are each part of the Final End Time and these subset End Times each enable new beginnings in the same One Holy Trend such as from Mission victory to new Mission victory for Christ JESUS. These are until all is found by each until Final End Time;

yet higher precepts over Final End Time apply, that in the last moment there is hardly room (save Christ JESUS may opt in One), that Christ JESUS gives glory to the Heavenly Father (see above example "Comforter(s)" link) until each and all have given highest glory unto and for Christ JESUS and therefore each and all are All One In Christ JESUS and lifted therefore above on the Right Hand Of God In The Heavenly Father Comforting In The Holy Ghost and so uplifting Christ JESUS All One therefore All be hardly of the former lower position, yet it is hardly the doings of each and rather the Holy Doing Of One Father In The Will Of Christ JESUS therefore beyond the Final Agreeing, "All", Christ JESUS is automatically the lifter of free option Righteously so automatically (1 Corinthians 15.27) beyond "each" toward Oneness, hence lifting the Head Christ JESUS lest the Will of All the lifted by Christ JESUS be without the Head (Mark 1.7/Mark 6.24/Matthew 17.12) so counted as though the Son Of Perdition [(John 17.12) though innocent] and then with All having seen and been One In His Heavenly Glory is the ascending anew in Christ JESUS leading the Way, and yet agreeing in each and all as much as freely opted perfectly that there be new Holy Each and yet new Holy All and yet Christ JESUS:

that there be Holy Each after and until then the various things, though afterward then Holy Each, even Each Holy One The Father lifting JESUS Christ On The Right Hand as has been Done before by the Heavenly Elders, and as Will be Done anew as the Heaven Each (Heavens [as if reference "forward" in this Series] though levels of Heavens) as Each Heavenly Spirit is over Each Heavenly Level as though Angels yet with history and yea more than history of One Christ JESUS according to Each Heavenly Spirit on the order of worthiness in Each talents (even though Oneness) and yet as Each Heavenly level ascends, from Heaven to higher level New Heaven, within the freely opted in Christ JESUS New Beginning (nonetheless if able to fathom the eternal Ecclesiastes 2.12&13) lest it be vanity (Mark 10.27).

So for You and for their sakes, there is an even more excellent Way here in Christ JESUS leading, beyond the former scope of the secular, beyond the former scope of Christianity, even beyond time given and with even beyond counted as if Heaven itself (time counted here in this sentence in the Heavenly realm, if time is to be properly conquered).

Christ JESUS gave the precepts of Heaven, that Your victory is not empty the ways secular victories are empty, rather properly growing unto greater Faith Flow. For instance a woman gave her relatively meager talents to the Church (1 Corinthians 12.11) and Christ JESUS Was With Her: from meager talent to Oneness in an instant. She Did properly, Christ JESUS is counted as if Followed (likewise Followed the Prophets,..., conditions/higher proper precepts also apply); She for a moment was as if the Pilot and Christ JESUS the co-pilot (though actually Christ JESUS is alway the Holy Pilot of the Right Hand Of God Position Holder even if on vacation that might be opted to be interrupted for You).

As though the "Pilot", the Old Testament precept of Holy Census is required, so help LDS and Your Church and All Christian Churches now and in the future and as much as all be One, of One Accord, of One True Understanding, of One Means (Christ JESUS), of One Source (JESUS), of One Mind, of One Agreeing In One Standard even with honing and rather perfectly updating Your Christian Church Leadership Oneness criteria into One Standard format.

This Do (for example) that there be proper uplifting of the highest. This Do (ibid.) that You and with Yours be of the highest Heavenly now [(Christianity, though perhaps of free option to be without neglecting Christianity) as much as some Christian Leaders freely opt to be as if slaves, and witnessed as slaves: to Christ JESUS], understanding there are Heavenly levels, and as written in 1 Corinthians 12.12:

so to be in Heaven is a great eternal value, Christian, yet rather to be a Member that is the Head One is not over only a Heavenly Level Member (eg. organ, arm, neck,...) yet Head over All Members In Heaven. So a person can be over a Heavenly Level(s) perhaps as long as plural Heavenly levels exist, as Earth is rolled up in a scroll (Matthew 13.30): now herein is a lesson, just as a whole body has members, similarly the Head has elements, members, aspects, and such: eternally speaking is [with see the next sentence] the Head fulfilled All Members, the Head fulfilled All the Holy Law (Word), and All the Holy Work (Will): for example what Good is an arm if there is nothing left to lift?, rather plan, prepare, ascend, that the Head know what to Say Prophetically and to Do Prophetically hence to give the (eg. future) Arm Of One God value.

The Head Christ JESUS is over many things hence has many parts and yet less these and rather over these, not only already conquered circa 2,000 years ago (secularly speaking) yet also for ascending purpose guiding and greater, binding on Earth as in Heaven which includes types (in talents) of uplifting in Covenanting (see above "End Times") so to include the Holy Spirit Covenanting with the soul(s) including such as of Christian Flocks (see above "End Times") toward One Fold of One Head Ultimate Purpose In Christ JESUS, so the Soul Of The Pertinent Covenant Living Growing Agreement from the heart becomes of free opting tied, bonded, married, and committed to the Heavenly Heart and not to be without the Head nor Members until Head Christ JESUS finds [Final, for likely instance, rather Prophetically] and finalizes the New Beginning with any new parameters, that the eternal Final be greater than the First.

As written in John 3.5&6:

Now the Head often tells the foot where to tread and decides whether the foot is expendable such as if in a remote place and a large rock falls on the foot (Pray JESUS First, and often, and greater). Yet the Spirit In Christ JESUS quickeneth the proper victory (John 6.63 with John 5.21 and with 1 Corinthians 10.23). So the Spirit from the Covenant per se, through the soul of a heart of Faithful Kindness, Gracious Mercy, Guiding Love, and Good Fruit; to the consideration of a head which might be with orderly arrangement or other, though rather of highest Faithful arranging (the "heart" in this sense in this generation of heart transplants for instance, is as of a vessel, for instance the heart of a canoe is with it's proper utilizing, generally that it is not to be used for instance as if a hammer lest to likely destroy the canoe as a nail punctures it design purpose).

So now is given in the above to know in part the Holy Flow in a person, and also in other things in this generation and in Prophecy.

Help LDS, find them out concerning "impressions" and criteria over full repentance, and give them that each and all know the One Holy Standard In Christianity (therefore even also in New Christianity, as in so Doing then to be Leading).

"Yes" (see above "first One") for Christ JESUS in the One True Holy Spirit "Yes", and the last is become greater than the first as much as properly for Christ JESUS, that is, as Heaven grows of proper Christian Baptism yet to be accomplished among the given many for their sakes. Rather than "die" is proper living in Christ JESUS One and this agrees with the "greater than the first". And this is not toward judging sinners, and rather that Christians fear only Christ JESUS with Christ JESUS One doing the Word and Will of the Heavenly Father in the Holy Spirit, and so in doing unraveling any true goodness that might be for the proper guiding and sake(s) of all.

So for the reader of this [for Your] edification, is this Good high purpose in One God, that without comparing if any evil was done [toward secular interests to lay blame which is usually for selfish purposes (Mark 5.31)(GodMath Testament page 16)] Good was witnessed in both and in each case: in the case involving "Yes", and in the case involving "Satan": hence in both. In the "Yes" case was found the abiding in the Will Of Christ JESUS with in pertinence toward mutual ascending abiding in the Holy Spirit (Mark 3.29), while the "Satan" case likewise was found the abiding in the Will Of Christ JESUS with being "behind (Matthew 16.23) to the left (Matthew 16.23 with Matthew 25.33)" including in both cases for the One Witness hence for each other and all: if for all then for the Godhead Oneness.

Whether in Heaven (for the good in all things) or other (Psalm 23.4), since it is counted as not good in you but Christ JESUS in You (whether an entity agree or not) it is the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS in each and all entities and concerns, because the Good Creator created such, and because there is One Highest Good Purpose: JESUS.

Christ JESUS taught in the Temple daily, yet also out among the people, on the mounds, and on the coastlines, and these "out among the people" were toward the greater miracles and things and Doings as people could relate to things normal to them as JESUS explained things.

Which is more fitting for their sakes, to grab their attention by saying inside a Temple "Consider the lilies of the field", or to go out there where they might see lilies?, Christ JESUS said this in a Sermon On The Mound (Matthew 6:28).

And so now is asked of You, which is more fitting for their sakes, to grab their attention by saying inside a Church building on the ground with a ceiling and roof "Christ JESUS is in Heaven on the Right Hand Of The Father", or to go into Heaven to meet with Christ JESUS?, rightly practice,

know the Way(s) of the Lord: know everything for One Good Highest Purpose: properly ascend!

To know Christ JESUS is like proper Christian Immersion Baptism (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on proper immersion Baptism), be immersed in the Holy Heavenly Spirit Of God, not only below, yet rather toward the Heart and Head, leading. Search and look for the Good in all, even if dust vessels and other vessels know it not since these are the types of Good Fruits the Creator has prepared for You, that when appropriate according to time, circumstance and/or other in the One Will Of God that such be utilized properly for Good.

So the wisdom in You here is the proper discerning toward properly ascending in Christ JESUS The Good Judge, the Finder Of Good, the Finder Of The Worthy, with His calling to come, come and be worthy, come fully repentant in order (Firmament) to be worthy that uplifting may be found appropriately befitting.

But if Good is in all, what then is evil?: evil is hardly the opposite of Good (such ideas are toward secular Former Logic Only counted as if without Christ JESUS yet the hand of the Creator JESUS is in all: Christ JESUS overcame evil once for all), for example Christ JESUS was to accomplish certain things circa year 12, but it was not yet His time, it was Good left undone, and if not Good then perhaps counted as if evil by sinners, though actually the Will Of God JESUS the JESUS Creator of the timing of greater Good for higher purpose in this given created. And this applies not only to time, yet in all, for One JESUS.

So be caring how ye hear, be careful how ye interpret: what then is evil?: evils are in chaos, turned spirits such as in sinners lost in offenses, evils are in all save the highest Christ JESUS One though as much as time is given (such as contingent upon when people start time traveling and similarly when to leave a vector in order to be with another vector as shown in the above Drawing, see GodMath Testament on Relativity and rather on Absolutivity and rather on GodMath For Christ JESUS).

The Tree Of Knowledge offers You Good (One Highest Christ JESUS), so if any other then evil.

Because of Good in One in the Highest Level, a wrong interpretation was "all who do evil are good" (Malachi 2.17 NLT) since other than Good.

Do not commit sin, rather convert sin such as the sin vessel person converted properly to Christianity, such as fuel burnt away for higher purpose, and such as if eaten (Leviticus 10.19 NAS) as Priests and others have done. Be wise and caring, a thing might be alright for burning as fuel, though a poison if eaten. A vector path might be right for travel, though might be disaster for another type of vessel.

A personal ascending rate applies, a certain metabolic rate applies, certain talents apply, and Christ JESUS can overcome if the Will Of The Holy Plan.

The spirit of a person might leave in part or in whole, according to these many things clarified in Christ JESUS in the Will Of The One Father as written in Matthew 12.38 LDS:

Spirits come and go, such as people have noticed in dreams, and in misinterpretations. All spirits are under Christ JESUS, and properly organized (hardly as a sinner would organize toward chaos) for perfect Heavenly Eternal Joy for the ascending of others worthy.

Thinking back on Sermons while growing up, as excellent as they were, exceedingly greater is what You can do for Christ JESUS (see "Yes" above) since those previous Christian Preachers lift You, even pertinent to this generation and even now even as witnessed in today and yesterday, with as written in

The above Drawing lower right shows an ancient painting of an aloft city though notice the background especially to the right (larger symbols) hardly of birds, the symbols illustrate modern jet planes. And since jet planes and flying in the air in the Heavenly places then proper interpretation within context is that other symbols present are aerospace craft with flames, with these all fitted closely together in pattern and rather than with collisions. Notice the fine curvilinear attachments showing the aerospace craft are actually part of a growing system, though hardly as the other plants that are not floating in the sky (see bottom of page "Coming in the next Sermon") with the "aloft city".

Coming down in a cloud from the Heavens is God The Father in the sky meeting Christ JESUS on the ground, with as interpreted within context The Tree Of Life and The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil. To the left as a pillar type of building with window. At the bottom of the ancient painting is a sea with land to the sides.

On top of the "aloft city" is a cross clearly not the same shape as the background leaves that are shaped as aloft aerospace craft, and there seems to be another cross also (Luke 23.43). Otherwise on steeples are Holy Ensigns signifying standards of groups, nations, or other [advertising (Numbers 2.2 LDS) so while many standards are acceptable such as an Holy Ensign flag per tribe, One as shown is preferred in Christ JESUS].

The "aloft city" is shown not only in symbol and Word, yet also in Will "Yes" for One Christ JESUS. The Old Testament reports God gave the people Eden, and later the Priest Tribe Of Levites, though later God allowed people to establish government: prior to government people interpreted justice as an off on switch as if devoid of Mercy though it was not: God delivered Mercy but sinners delivered [took] selfish gains unfairly (Numbers 15.32). Then God setup an example, even to this day: government of people was turned by people from offering mercies for small mistakes, into divers ways as selfishness counted victories but often without giving glory to JESUS Christ. So tribes, civilizations, and Known Universe(s) perished (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Big Pulse). How hardly can You come back again for them and for their sakes, if never to ascend?, rather ascend to Save them.

Your awesome (to them) return would convince them (John 4.48).

Do this for the right reason rather, as others would for selfishly sinful reasons as written in Mark 13.22 Berean Study:

If without You properly leading, then others might lead each other astray (3 Nephi 2.3).

So now is this hard burden on You, Beloved, if not showing signs and wonders properly. Some believe the Word, some believe the Will, so if to save all for Christ JESUS You need to do both Word and Will: then with this key can be enabled the following Covenant: Yes:

Great New Christianity Miracle Key For Evangelism!

For You is given this day to Pray and properly prepare to go out there into outer space for the greater Good, and while a person is of value and while a few are of value, now is given from above that You go with the Holy Word And Do, for the greater Good.

Previously in this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS was given that You build with hands aloft Chapels for some, yet now is for greater, even for the converting of huge long established faiths of various religions: and from Christ JESUS this is how.

Many people have already heard You and other Christians speak of JESUS Christ, but they instead chose to listen to others of other faiths, other religions, sinners (nonetheless do goodly helping toward converting them for their sakes, as much as appropriate).

So here now is announced this great Christian Evangelism opportunity!

Given for You now is how to convert many large religions: to Christianity.

This New Christianity Miracle Key For Evangelism now being given to You and for You and Yours is that Your Flocks go to the stars in the Heavenly places.

Many have asserted that their "gods" (many secular sources, also Judges 10.6) came from and live at various stars in the sky.

Go find them out and convert them (2 Chronicles 20.16) thusly converting the entirety of their sinful religion.

Be so kind as to let them know there is no longer place to hide, so instead of making things worse on themselves, help them toward the gifts and benefits of the ascending into miracle giving in Christ JESUS.

If their followers in other faiths would not have listened to You, if there be any reasoning in them they would at least listen to those they call their own "gods".

Also this key Will clarify the increasing value (Path & Flow) in New Christianity Leadership for All including rather Christ JESUS One.

So go prove them out, prove out their so called "gods", their cited sources of informations; though carry with You properly the precepts of Christ JESUS along with Mercy accordingly, since as You wisely know to respect them as they also have the True Holy God in them in the midst of their sins so might be able to attack You (ibid. though rather Luke 4.29&30 with Isaiah 41.3).

Now in this generation, coming forth proper precept on proper precept in Christ JESUS is given to You to know the things of the Kingdom Of Heaven, as Christ JESUS is over all, whether in the flesh in a particular location, perhaps with a mailing address, or whether as alway in the Creator Spirit everywhere and growing, in and over all ways, in all creatures large and small, and in all souls (though many have known it not).

This New Christianity Miracle Key For Evangelism concerning things above also applies to things below (Ephesians 1.22)(see bottom of Sermon: "the precepts of God apply is everywhere!").

Though as written in Deuteronomy 4.19:

Note that while the NLT version has the word "forces", other translations have other words such as "host", "array", "creation", "anything else", "army", also wording such as of Douay-Rheims Bible:

For Highest Good in Christ JESUS is explanation partly shown in the above Drawing. As time can be changed according to Your flying from location to location or according to other (yet alway in Christ JESUS) then Your Aloft Ark Chapel can go from ascension level to ascension level. Of course You noticed that great moments in the Eternal [such as great moments in history (and/or future)] are illustrated in ancient paintings, such as UFOs over Mary, and over the Crucifixion, and over the Baptism Of Christ JESUS.

Now hardly as the former secular is given to You as if only to go sightseeing toward selfish entertainment, rather for the One True Highest Purpose (including edifying, seeing the truth, becoming better able to give the facts, for witnessing, and greater) yet wisely understanding the word "growing", You are advised to bring Your Christian Flock with You (secular vessels might perish if toward sin) for the greater glory of Christ JESUS.

So now in given You a greater reason to time travel aloft.

Also in the above Drawing is given that the "Large Wormhole" aspects can be on a smaller scale such as appropriately in Your Aloft Ark for vessel propulsion, see above "heart" "design", with canoe example, likewise while a canoe can be made smaller such as small toy size, it is impractical for a person vessel to utilize unless higher ascended level precept is properly applied through One Christ JESUS. The spirit of the canoe continues even if smaller, and yet the spirit of the small canoe is counted in the secular as though symbolic only, though in Christ JESUS is more of the spirit for transporting the person (Matthew 14.20) as beyond the canoe vessel is the greater spirit, three spirits: symbolic person inside a canoe, canoe spirit, external spirit interacting with the water and air [and land] vehicles (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on rates and on growing Faith): internal spirit, [secular] design spirit [of the canoe itself, eg. construction materials, shape,...], and exterior spirit: these three in One.

Now there are being manufactured vessel propulsion items between on and off, and there are computer discs that move individual subatomic particles between on and off (in actual practice in the world allowing for alignment problems, imperfections,...slightly modified size values have been introduced). The small sized canoe can fit inside a regular sized canoe, and can fit inside a cloud, and if in a regular sized canoe it can be utilized as a hook [as with fishing line] to tow the larger in calm water leaving a wake much larger than the toy sized canoe, and if dropped into a cloud then the cloud would give way and swirl because of it and a brief trail might be seen. In both of these examples of towing (rather net) and "swirl" [(Exodus 13.21) with "trail" (toward secular after-the-fact witness)] while with the "heart" "design", [the greater is within the Christian handling the situation (or secular person so trying various things) though otherwise] the greater concerns the greater unseen: in pertinence as the above Drawing shows.

Such are forces already available toward virtually all aspect of life, similar to the precepts of God, though in part, as applicable for the Christian, according to the "heart" "design" and precepts pertinent. These are for the greater glory of Christ JESUS, and if able to apply to time and space travel (similar to a canoe moving over the water, Matthew 14.25) as the internal Christian finds the external forces already prepared. Likewise note that if the Christian is outside the canoe the Christian can drag the canoe onto shore with any provisions it carried.

In the above Drawing the higher UFO seems the apparent solution, though beside it is a vessel already prepared, a squashed planet, so for instance a drone would only need to advance to that squashed planet and then land on it for a free ride ( Pulpit Commentary)(Psalm 107.25) in Christ JESUS. So an important aspect in putting (giving) the drone in place where the increasingly faster forces already exist, for example, with designing the drone to interact and signal it's testimony to You and yet also with being according to Your plan for drone survival.

Your plan would be for the drone in this case to at least be able to go beyond the light threshold and testify: the "Gamma" is already present and exiting, so if the drone [goes or] signals through the "Gamma" beam such as utilizing it's own "Gamma" beam to cause interference (James 3.4), then the testifying might start (Eucharist). Since the "Gamma" beam is timeless per se, then coded messages may already be present, and since there are packets of energies, "bins", then a trail toward prior far advanced ancient civilizations' technologies.

Now for instance consider that rates are increasing concerning Holy Unravelings Of Great Mysteries (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS) and that the telegraph, radio, and television came about within roughly the past couple hundred years [only two Biblical generations of 120 years each (Genesis 6.3)] and now at the push of some buttons things are made on the other side of the planet (3D printing, such as popularized in the manufacture of pistols) likewise available in deep outer space: in other words, You can start a craft now and later the higher "heart" design can be properly updated.

Christian Evangelism used to be near home. Now You can go to the stars, where UFO builders live, and You can spread the Word and Will of Christ JESUS for their sakes.

Your Flock no longer needs whine (please forgive, this is for edifying in Christ JESUS) and say "We neither have the funds nor resources to"....

These are the things God gives You and Yours: the greater unseen now becoming seen in You, in this generation.

Above "interference" is mentioned toward clarity of meaning, yet of Your Faithful Trend, as indicated concerning "interference", You would of course so called in the secular cause "interference" when actually it would be the overcoming of natural interference, turning spirits in favor of Christ JESUS (likewise see above concerning vectors with plasma as packets, "bins": proofs)(see above TractorRepulsor: proofs). And with Your Faithful Word In Christ JESUS comes the Holy Will (see above Examples 1&2: proofs).

Even as much as proven already, prepare properly in the Lord with the breastplate of proper Righteousness of Faith and Love ( Hence let such be known (yes so hardly to crash into others, yet rather for highest purpose) among any and all faiths and nations and civilizations as much as the Will Of God hence the protective breastplate according to the helmet of salvation which in forming true hope (and/or rather Perfect True Prophesying for any other) hence starting with the Holy Spirit of the Word Tongue Sword Of JESUS The One Christ:

Will / True Prophesying / Word.

Will / [secular counted as if plasma, per se, as within the case of the above Drawing] / Word.

Between wanting to do something, and making it so, exists plasma, the proper doing until accomplished (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on "Trend", and with such on "Flow").

So if the "toy" canoe can [in part] tow a greater size vessel, then an appropriate vessel can tow a blackhole, overturn it, sink it (see above "nail"), or turn it inside out and as much as effectual for Good Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS (ibid., with above "free ride")(Mark 9.23).

Others worked and You are entered into their harvest banquet, the Creator worked and You can enjoy and yet Host In One.

Time travel toward rather be JESUS Christ

and experience the mysteries Yourself (see above [You One] "shall be beaten with many stripes"

save already accomplished:

the key is perfect

(Matthew 5.48).

If to time travel (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on Time Manipulation Biblical Parameters at then to see the activities of Christ JESUS, today people travel to the Holy Land. Yet You can be there then: beyond the symbols of the Eucharist and with the actual.

Let Faithful Wisdom In Christ JESUS In You guide You properly. If a person lacks purity, then suffering; though if a Christian, Pure, And One, then suffering is not for pertaining to You (Matthew 15.24, with "Chosen JESUS" Drawing at You might time travel to follow JESUS around as watch, or rather go do as One Christian as Christ JESUS taught and exemplified: nonetheless to visit Christ JESUS face to face is most honorable: listen to how Apostle Paul has put it in His Epistle to [all and to] the Colossians 2.1 Berean Literal:

(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on no longer merely watching and witnessing: rather Doing One Holy Word And Work).

So, how to time travel and see Christ JESUS?, be Perfect.

Ascending In Christ JESUS, Good things come to light.

How to conquer blackholes, such as to send vessels in and out safely. How to time travel to see Christ JESUS. How to Evangelize in other civilizations and solar systems throughout time and how to Baptize them and other generations and spirits. How to Baptize and/or Anoint spirits in Covenant agreeing according to a more perfect Holy Standard for Christ JESUS. How to overcome time and space travel safely. Gamma ray flaming sword control over the traditional secular time standard such as with [human inaudible] speakers. ICCDBB Sermons on heart Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provided the Holy symbolism for properly Faithfully ascending. Above left to right, Christ JESUS suffered the sword shaped cross, and even a bird can fly with a twig and pry (or to help build their house home nest). Many for One Christ JESUS is more valuable (truth symbolized toward oneness). The gravity section of red arrows is similar to a twig or pry bar, and the heart of that design can be flown toward types of dangers in outer space (Egyptian Bird/Tuning Forks details at As shown here the flaming pry bar tuned sword [/ Cherubim / Garden Of Eden real symbolism] toward the digging end of a plowshare that looks like unto the head of a bird, toward "dangers" or toward the deep that You want to part (Chosen People/Moses/God).

As Christ JESUS provides, among many helps, "the heart of that design" as stated above with Tuning Forks is related to magnets on the tines, so is related also to the attaching traditional cone shaped electromagnetic speakers without the cones, with one to each tine, so with the appropriate gap (reference for instance radiation protection split rings) and with the wisdom that the handle of the [sword] Tuning Fork(s) (as with harmonics / "many helps") the "electromagnetic speakers" with transforming, with piezoelectric / piezomechanical help, and /or related as much as depending on resources, talents, and so forth might be utilized to plow through some regions of outer space.

Likewise concerning unseen meteorites approaching, "the heart" of this might also be likened unto a protective envelope or sheath (reference Israeli Iron Dome missile defense shield) though toward energies such as symbolic "flaming", such as similar to how for instance Christians have utilized Ultrasound Methodology (Ultrasonics: such as sonar, and related sonics, and such as reference kidney stone removing even though via lower mission fracturing of those stones). Some energies move through regions better than other for "the heart" mission per se, and some energies move through people noticed or unnoticed. The energies that effect Christians now concerning "the heart" of such One Work are of special interest for conquering in Christians according to the teaching and example of the Matter In One Energy Christ JESUS.


ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS September 3, 2017AD.

Coming in the next Sermon:

spherical, two faces, and quadratic tetrahedron new UFO design's;

and while the above Sermon was on things above both Spiritually And Literally, also the precepts of God apply is everywhere!

ICCDBB: Internet Church for JESUS Christ: new space flight and science leadership via Bible precepts.

Tags: How to enter and leave blackholes, such as to send vessels and receive messages from blackholes from which it has been said not even light can escape. How to time travel to see JESUS Christ. How to Evangelize in other solar systems and how to Baptize them and other generations and spirits. Helping LDS and others Baptize in Covenant agreeing according to a more perfect Holy Standard for Christ JESUS. How to overcome time and space travel. 2017 AD Gamma ray manipulation, change time standard innovating make new Uranium U 238 236 235 234 232 92 146 and higher order bins ICCDBB Sermons on heart Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ.
