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Something is wrong. Benny, the son of Adam and Eve, has a genetic mutation which makes him immobile so I have removed him from the page, but, I did add Alex, a Forest Norn to the page.
Name Pic Info
Adam Adam is a explorer who is about 2 hrs 30 min in this. He has mated once, with Eve.
Eve Eve is the hairy one, on her belly she has a arrow pointing towards her head. She is not geneticaly engineered. She likes to play with toys and sleep. She is 5 minutes older than Adam. NOTICE the image is broken I will replace it with a new one soon.
Alex Alex is a Forest Norn, he is only a child now so take good care of him.
Benny N/A Abby is a Ron-Norn she is 4 minutes old and can't talk.

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