Secrets Of An Online Trading Mercenary:
The Take-No-Prisoners Guide To Profiting
In Up And Down Markets

I'm Convinced Anybody Can Copy What I'm Doing,
Once They Understand It.

Why would any sane person reveal this kind of a secret? Read my message to find out.

Dear Friend,

If you are interested in making profitable trades in the stock market any time you want... without having to sit in front of a computer all day... this report may very well be the most important and exciting information you will ever read in your entire life.

I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars trading stocks. Last year alone, just trading part time in one of my accounts, I made a little over $100,000 trading about 2 or 3 days a week in this account for about an hour at a time, because I can't stand to sit in front of a computer all day either.

But this isn't about me ... it's about YOU and how YOU can profit from what I've learned using my alternative approach to online trading. As a matter of fact, I wrote this specifically for the benefit of the average person who wants to make money trading stocks online.

Since 1997, we've been teaching a small but growing group of online traders how to make outstanding online trading profits by copying the methods, tactics and strategies of a successful professional trader. Here are a couple of comments we recently received...


I just wanted to let you know about my trading day. I made two trades in the same stock and made $24,000 in one day, thanks to you. I never would have learned how to do this had I not ordered your course. Thanks again."

Les Vaughn, Florida

"Dear Jack,

I couldn't wait to tell you about this trade. I got your course, then made a trade on EMLX on Friday following your course. On Monday, I checked the quote and made $59,000 on an 1800 share trade - this is fantastic. To tell you the truth, this is about what I made all year as an engineer, and I just made that over the weekend. This course is awesome!"

Mazin Fazour - CA

The fact of the matter is, successful trading gives you the financial freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want. Few things in the world are as great as being able to successfully trade online.

My name is Jack Carter. I just turned 40 years old. My wife Kathie and I have two boys (10 and 11). We live in a suburb of Boulder, Colorado. I'm writing this article on the same computer I use to trade stocks in my Schwab account, where I've made $5977.25 per month, trading in this account 2 or 3 days a week, for about an hour at a time, and doing only about 10 trades per month. I know my story will be hard to believe.

And I know it will be even tougher for you to believe that you can do it too. But I hope you'll give me a chance. I may just be the guy to turn your life around in a big, big way.

If You Had Told Me 5 Years Ago That I Would Be Writing
Anything Like This And Publishing It, I Would Have
Laughed My Head Off - But Here I Am

This is NOT some crazy trading system that I secretly discovered hidden in some dead guy's attic. The other thing I've got to tell you right up front is that this is NOT some "fluke" that has worked only for me, like lightning striking some guy on the head in the middle of an Iowa cornfield.

Actually, this is NOT like anything else you've ever seen advertised. And ... my story is true, and I can prove it. Kathie and I are real people. Ours is not some made up story.

Make More Money Trading Your Online Account
Less Than Part Time!

I was a trading junkie who, for years, bought every trading "system", "course", "program" and book I could get my hands on. I was passionate about learning to make money trading stocks. I was bound and determined to learn how to do it and master it.

Most of what I sent away for was useless. Silly and insulting methods that would never work in the real world of trading. All I really learned was that these "authors" couldn't trade baseball cards let alone stocks. The world of trading is full of "false prophets" and "pretend experts" who have never traded stock at all.

I can say this in hindsight, because I now know better, but at the time I was desperate to figure it out and I was failing miserably. In 1984, I was a struggling stockbroker on the verge of getting fired for not making enough commissions for the firm.

I was interested in learning to be a trader (rather than a stockbroker making hundreds of cold calls every day). I did get fired after exactly one year with Dean Witter for not making enough commissions for the firm. I was living out of a small apartment, too broke to buy furniture, I had a worn out heavy bag from my old boxing gym and a black and white TV on the floor in the living room (this was my only furniture). My total concern and passion was learning to make money trading stocks.

Now here's the unbelievable punch line - after months of slinging beers in a sports bar (after getting fired from Dean Witter) and desperately wanting to be a stock trader, I was fortunate enough to land a job as the trading assistant to the Head Trader of a small brokerage firm that specialized in making a market in stocks.

I immediately learned that nothing I ever read in any
book was as valuable as the direct experience
I was getting as a Nasdaq market maker.

Being a Nasdaq market maker taught me the truth.

It opened my eyes for the first time to how the markets really work and how to profit from the stock market every day!

In the fall of 1994, I left the brokerage firm I was with and started my own private hedge fund. My income from that first month was in excess of $100,000 in personal trading profits. Since then I have consistently been making a great deal of money and I'll tell you a core truth you may already know...

The Stock Market Is Willing To Make
You As Wealthy As You Want To Be!

These days I use the experience and techniques I learned as a Nasdaq market maker and professional trader to make thousands of dollars whenever I want by taking advantage of the biggest thing to hit the market since online trading.

To describe trading in 2001, it's best to compare it to the "old" days, 'BOT' - Before On-line Trading. Years ago, day trading stocks was like being in a large room with a thousand other professional traders.

Each trader had hundred dollar bills stuffed in their pockets. The object was to go around the room taking hundred dollar bills out of other traders' pockets while, at the same time, keeping the other traders out of yours. The only two rules were - no biting and no eye gouging. (Just kidding).

Trading Stocks Online Is Now Easy,
Fun And PROFITABLE - The Way it Should Be!

Thanks to the Internet and a great economy, millions of new online traders came into the room with the expression of a deer-caught-in-the-headlights and their pockets stuffed with cash as they clicked away.

As a very shrewd, professional trader, I stopped trading against other pros and began getting rich by focusing on the so called "dumb money" that was pouring into the room.

The dumb money was just so damn happy to be in the room that they didn't even notice or seem to care they were consistently getting beaten by the more street smart and experienced traders.

What's even MORE amazing is that there is a small but growing rank of successful, consistently profitable online traders that are getting rich learning how to profit from this "dumb money" while, at the same time, avoiding the costly mistakes, using nothing more sophisticated than an online account at Schwab.

"Dear Jack,

The very first trade I made after ordering your little book made me $1,600 in less than 1 day. Since then I made enough money to pay off a large tax bill, pay off the lease on my home for the next year AND buy a new car. This information is the best I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing it with me."

Steve W., Wisconsin

"Hello Jack,

I wanted to thank you for your course. I've made over $100,000 in the last year following your methods just as you say. I've never experienced trading profits like this before. In fact, I'm a little embarrassed about how much I'm making with this, and it just keeps getting better especially when the market drops. Your shorting strategies blow me away!"

Mike C.


Kathie and I still have to pinch ourselves every day to be sure we're not dreaming. My approach to trading is so right on the money with what's happening in the stock market these days that it's wild. And wildly profitable.

Well, I hope you know that I can't lie about this, I could get in big trouble. So I've got all the records, including a CPA's report of my "less than" part time trading account to PROVE everything I've said here is true and I'm prepared to send PROOF to you too.

Now what about what YOU CAN DO, and how I might help YOU?
And why would I? Well, I'm going to explain that
and make it all completely RISK FREE TO YOU.

So I continue: Once I learned the truth about the market, the closely held and jealously guarded, securities industry secrets about trading, I took off like a rocket. Now I've turned my trading business into a step by step PROGRAM that anybody with average intelligence can use to make more money trading stocks in less time than they ever have before.

If I Can Show You How To Make $500, $1000 Or More
Before Noon Every Day - From Home Or Office, With A
Regular Online Account -
How Much Should I Charge You For My Help?

Half Your Trading Profits? A Big Fat "Franchise Fee"?

No, Not Even Close !

One young lady went on and made $50,000 her first month trading with my program. Another man made $28,000 in a month while working full time. A retired man recently called me and said he was making $2,000 - $3,000 A DAY!

I've decided to reveal it all in a simple little book that anybody can afford.

Why Would I Share This With You?

First, it takes nothing away from me. The stock market is big enough for everyone. Second, Kathie and I are very lucky to have been able to figure this out. The big reason I share this information is because of all the warm letters and positive feedback we receive.

$24,000 in Trading Profits In A Matter Of Hours!

Just the other day I'm on the phone with a trader who's actually sharing one of the greatest times of his life with me. I'm mean this guy is ecstatic. He's doing better than he's ever done, telling me with great enthusiasm how optimistic he is about the future, that he's a confident and profitable online trader, and he's never been happier in his life. I feel fortunate because I get to hear this and I LOVE IT.

So would you. I mean, just imagine getting a call like that from someone that feels as good as this guy does. I consider myself grateful and lucky to be able to share my knowledge like this.

Remember, I know what it's like to want to be able to make money trading. To hear about others success and wonder, why them and not me? And to send away for information looking to get help but getting trash. So I've decided to write this article and be very straightforward and FULLY GUARANTEE this offer of real help with a proven program, and see what happens.

I Will Guarantee Your Satisfaction.
You Be The Judge:
I Know It's Hard To Believe, But What If I'm Right?

With my ebook "Secrets Of An Online Trading Mercenary: The Take-No-Prisoners Guide To Profiting In Up And Down Markets", which you can download right now, you are PROTECTED BY MY SIMPLE GUARANTEE.

And I would be an idiot to risk my business and income stealing pocket change from you. Wouldn't that be incredibly stupid? So you have SIX FULL MONTHS to use my program. Anytime during those six months IF YOU WANT A REFUND, YOU GET A REFUND. NO hassles, NO questions, NO screwing around.


Well, the first thing you'll discover is how to make money trading stocks in any market condition. The benefit of trading, rather than investing, is that traders can make money regardless of market direction. (Although I personally make more money when the market drops.)

Investors only make money when the market rises, and they get crushed when the market drops as they hang on to their stocks.

Traders on the other hand, don't care which way the market goes, they make money when the market rises AND when it falls.

To avoid all the financial and emotional pain
investors go through, you'll need to know how to
short stocks and make a killing when the market drops.

I'll let you in on a little secret right now.

You can make larger trading profits faster when the market falls because stocks drop so much faster than they rise. You know what else? The guy that made $24,000 in one day and the guy that made $59,000 over the weekend BOTH made their money shorting stocks and profiting as the stock dropped in price.

This is where 99% of all trading courses, programs, systems, etc. let you down AND cost you money - they only teach you the same old rehashed bull market strategies that might work when the stock market goes up. But when the stock market goes down, unless you are armed with killer strategies for profiting in a dropping market, you're missing out on the wildest, fastest and largest trading profits in the world.

When the market rises, you can make fantastic online trading profits as well. The bull market (when stocks are rising) is a great time to trade because the opportunities for trading profits are seemingly endless.

"Hi Jack,

Wanted to let you know my account is up $28,000 since becoming a member. Just closed out my position on AEOS this past Wednesday for another nice profit! While I'm doing this on a very part time basis, it has worked out well. Made only 28 trades thus far, but made money on 24, a winning percentage of 85%. This course paid for itself after the second trade! Needless to say, I'm extremely pleased with the results. Best regards,"

- Mike O'Neil

"Got your program a week ago or so. Traded AMTD and made $5,400 today. Thanks for your info. I've just started getting into the material. Looking forward to the rest of the tricks."

- Ron Walton

I'll teach you what to do when the market is dropping so you can profit from it while everyone around you is complaining that the market is going down.

I'll also teach you what to do when the market is rising so you can make 200% - 300% a year just like I did.

You'll also learn how to tell what direction the market is really going so you'll know what strategies to use and when to use them.

Some Of The Things I'll Reveal About How To Make More
Money In Your Online Account Than You Ever Have Before:


Every Good Thing You've Heard About
How Much Money You Can Make Trading Is True!

BUT, in order for you to make maximum online trading profits in minimum time you need the "insider knowledge" of a proven professional and how you can make that knowledge work for you every day, Monday through Friday.

Profit Using The Exact Same Methods
A Former Nasdaq Market Maker
And Professional Trader Is Using TODAY!

Learn the jealously guarded secrets
of what a profitable trader does
when his own money is on the line!


I have perfected an online trading approach that, I believe, is the perfect and most profitable way to capitalize on the market TODAY. I've described EVERYTHING in an ebook which you can download right now for $39.95 - satisfaction absolutely guaranteed.

Pay attention to this part: I realize this is the Internet and everybody's BS detector is on red alert - as it should be - so, to make this risk free to you, I guarantee your satisfaction with our ebook. Get my book. Read it and try it out. If you aren't satisfied with it I don't want your money. If you tell me you read it and you weren't happy with it for any reason for the next 6 months, I'll give you a No Hassle, No Questions Asked refund.

This is, however, a limited time offer. I must limit the number of ebooks we sell. So, you need to respond now. (You'll understand why we limit these after you read it.)

I'm adding Two Free Bonuses that you
MUST have now to profit trading online!
If you order in the next 24 hours!

It's been driving me crazy to get so many phone calls, faxes, and emails from people that have lost their shirt as the Nasdaq market dropped. It's been driving me crazy for 2 reasons.

1. You can make more money when the market drops - but you have to know the real trend. In the Free Bonus Report, I'll give you a simple way to put your fingers on the pulse of the market using simple technical analysis to uncover the market's real trend.

2. You don't have to suffer the emotional pain and financial loss of the investor who hangs on to stocks like YHOO from $240 per share to $18.00 per share.

In this Free Bonus Report, I'll show you how to immediately cut your losses and know when and if you should sell any stock you currently own!

Free Bonus Report #1

How To Put Your Fingers On The Pulse Of The
Stock Market Using Simple Technical Analysis.

When you read this Free Bonus Report, you'll know exactly which way the market is really trending and what to do about it, because you'll always be able to figure this out for yourself. You won't have to listen to any outsiders or be influenced by the talking heads at CNBC. You'll discover an accurate method you can use whenever you want to put your fingers on the pulse of the market.

Free Bonus Report #2

How To Protect Stocks You Already
Own And Know When To Sell Them.

Most people are clueless about what to do with stocks they currently own. I'll solve all the problems you have on your existing portfolio by showing you exactly how to tell if and when you should sell any stock you currently own. This simple lesson will allow you to take all the stress out of worrying about your stock portfolio. Hey, you might not like what you find out about your existing stock holdings when you learn this amazingly accurate technique, but you'll know exactly what you have to do to cut your losses or let them work for you.

How Much Are These Free Bonuses Worth?

You tell me. How much money is it worth to you if I could teach you in 10 minutes how to know the real direction the stock market is likely to go? If you haven't made the kind of money you want in the stock market and you're confused about the stock market, this Free Bonus Report #1 is priceless.

How much is it worth to you to know how to protect the stocks you currently own and whether or not you should sell them NOW? There's an easy answer to this question. If you have held on to any stock or mutual fund and lost money, you will immediately know the value of Free Bonus Report #2.

These bonus reports are just the icing on the cake. The real, down to earth practical information on how to trade online is in this ebook - Secrets Of An Online Trading Mercenary: The Take-No-Prisoners Guide To Profiting In Up And Down Markets - which you can download, risk free, right now!

This is likely to be the only real, legitimate offer from an experienced professional, willing to help you trade profitably online, that you will ever receive. Don't pass this up. Order your copy of the ebook NOW. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.


Jack Carter

P.S. Every single strategy I use is outlined in this ebook and your satisfaction is completely guaranteed by our 6 Month No Hassle, No Questions Asked Guarantee!.

P.P.S. To get the ebook and the 2 Free Bonus Reports:

How To Put Your Fingers On The Pulse Of The
Stock Market Using Simple Technical Analysis.


How To Protect The Stocks You Already Own
And Know When And If You Should Sell Them.

You MUST order within the next 24 hours!

Why must you order within the next 24 hours?

Simply because I have a proven method you can use to STOP losing money in the stock market and START making fantastic profits trading online. To benefit from this information AND be a good trader ...

You Have To Be A Decision Maker.

If you can't decide or you're too scared or skeptical to trade $39.95 of your money online for an ebook, there's no way in the world you'll be able to make thousands of dollars trading stocks online!

This is likely to be the only real, legitimate offer from an experienced professional, willing to help you trade profitably online, that you will ever receive. Don't pass this up. Order your copy of the ebook NOW. Your satisfaction is guaranteed by our Six Month, No Hassle, No Questions Asked Guarantee. If at anytime you're unhappy with the ebook in the next six months just let us know and we'll promptly issue you a refund.

You're One Click Away From Making Profitable Trades!

Order Now!

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