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Issue Number 7

Dear Thifty Scrapper, HI! And welcome to issue number seven!

First of all - WINNERS!!!! There was a GREAT response to the contest and everyone who entered is entitled to 10% off their next order with the Thrifty Scrapper.

First Place - Allisa of Wylie, TX Second Place - Diana of Newport News, VA Third Place - Vickie of Trenton, MO

On the acid level question - I was wrong once again! But at least we got to the bottom of the question! I had MANY replys (THANK YOU!!!) From reader Gabrielle -" I'm a chemical engineer. pH of less than 7 is acidic and pH greater than 7 is alkaline. You want to be as close to pH of 7 as possible to be neutral. A little alkaline is "okay" according to some scrappers, but many prefer to go with buffered papers, which maintain a neutral pH. Anybody who offered paper as acid-free and then told you the pH was lower than 7 was wrong. Can't possibly be both. You should never use paper that has a pH lower than 7 for scrapping!"

To complete this dilemma, reader Terri writes from an article she read in the magazine Memory Maker, "A ph of 1 is highly acidic, 7 is neutral and that 14 is highly alkaline. Buffering prevents the formation of acids within the paper and protects the paper from exposure to secondary acids from other paper, glues, the atmosphere and oil from your fingertips. Lignin is a natural component of the cell walls of plants and the "glue" that strengthens plant fibers. Lignin has to be removed during the manufacturing process. Many archivists believe that lignin yellows paper and causes the formation of acids."

Acid content IS important - always try to get acid free/lignin free. Most papers and supplies that are made for scrapbooking are. BUT like I told another reader who wrote and was concerned about some clip-art she had put in her albums, "You're not EVER going to have a completely acid-free album. It's just not possible at this time. In my opinion, if you like the clip art you printed up, I would use it and not give it a second thought. Scrapbooking is also about having fun and not worrying so much!! Leslie"

LOTS AND LOTS of readers sent in ideas for inexpensive albums, but we'll cover that next time (Thanks everyone for your input!).

* * * TIPS * * * TIPS * * *

From reader Vicky (one of our winners!) - " I save 35mm film containers (the little round ones with the cap). I also save almost every scrap of acid-free paper, even those small pieces that seem too little to use. Then on some evening when I'm watching TV, I sit on the couch and punch all the scraps with my paper punches, taping a "sample" to the lid of the film cannister. It works great and then I always have punched pieces in various colors to use or trade. (And besides, it justifies a TV night!)

* * * FREEBIES * * * FREEBIES * * *

The Best Freebie I found this week was an idea. (See link below) It describes how to make evergreen decorations on your pages.

Also, I use an exacto knife/blade when I need to cut something small or something exact. Here is an offer for a sample knife blade. I'm not quite sure what it is (I ordered it, but haven't received it yet), but it says it's like a razor blade. Of course, keep this AWAY from your kids. (See link below) * * * * * * * * * * * * As a service to our Canadian readers, Myra of Canada, has offered to host a die-cut swap for Canadians. Details will follow in a seperate letter. Please delete the letter if you don't need/want the information.

SPECIAL OFFER FROM READER MELISSA I am an at-home mom trying to make a little extra money, and have decided to offer THRIFTY SCRAPPER savings on scrapbook supplies to other people that are outraged by the high prices - just like Leslie! Here is my offer: I am going to be ordering from Cropper Hopper soon, and can offer 25% off their retail prices. I will do my best to stick to keep shipping low by using the Post Office. Please visit Cropper Hopper (see link below) to see their products and pricing, or you can email me directly at for a price list (the site has pictures of all the products). I am specifically looking for 3 people that would like a Wheel-It-All to transport their Cropper Hopper to crops, as they come in a case of 6 and I only have 3 pre-sold.

* * * * * * * * * *

You guys are the GREATEST! Because of you, the Thrifty Scrapper Site was in the NUMBER ONE position in the list of the Top 50 Warrior Sites! Thank you for everyone who has visited the site and voted!

ALSO - we've reached 1000 subscribers!!!! That is a lot of Thrifty Scrappers all putting their heads together!

The Thrifty Scrapper Special is officially over, BUT, if you did not get a chance to take advantage of this offer, subscribers can still send in orders. The offer is 15 small stickers and 5 die-cuts (stickers from Mrs. Grossman's) for $2 (limit 5). Send to: Leslie Young, PO Box 4093, Logan, UT 84323-4093.

Here are some wonderful comments that readers sent in about the Thrifty Scrapper (Thanks All!)

From Toi: "1) I greatly appreciate the links to "free" offers. While I agree that most times you won't know what you're going to get, it's still FREE and if you get something wonderful that you can use in your scrapbook, then super! If not, it was free so there's no loss!! My new motto is, "Free is for me!"

2) I also like the feeling of comeraderie that I feel from the Thrifty Scrapper. It's great to know that there are many others who enjoy the same craft. When I read the inserts of messges from other readers, often I find someone in touch with what I'm thinking. Also, it's great to get another scrapper perspective on things. The Thrifty Scrapper is Great!!"

From Leanne: "I just love the Thrifty Scrapper. I have only been receiving the online newsletter for a month or so, but have already gotten great ideas not only fo rmy Memory Albums, but also for my home business. (I'm an event planner) I especially enjoy sending for the free samples you've given us the heads-up on. Your newsletters also help me to achieve my goals of getting my family memories organized, committed to an album, and journaled. I've completed 2 small albums in the time I've been with the Thrifty Scrapper - never been so motivated before! I just love everyone's ideas about creatively using the tools we've invested in. Keep the great ideas coming!"

Thank you for sending in your comments. It means a lot to me to know that you find the Thrifty Scrapper interesting and informative. Until next time - Happy Scrappin'! Yours, Leslie

Links to Above Sites

Freebie Decoration Idea
Free Craft Blade
Cropper Hopper
