4 Civilizations

ICCDBB For Jesus Christ Sermon

Christ JESUS offers the Way to clearly distinguish New Logic from former logic as needed, given to any who would accept in a contrite and a so hosting heart (Christian precept on Christian precept).

Christ JESUS offers the Will of God, and with it is offered the increasingly greater Way to distinguish the One true and good preference of the Holy Father along the Holy Spirit Path. Shown below are pics from a fantastic movie, yet when Christian Leaders get together to seriously discuss any such movie or other idea there are some Christian beliefs that are agreed.

Christ JESUS offers the greater proper agreeing values (below Drawing lower right) as Christians properly ascend through thresholds:

Covenanting / Conquering thresholds / Properly doing the Will Of The Holy Father In Heaven / True Christian Prophesying.

Christian analysis of the following movie can help generally speaking.

Galaxy Quest, the movie (interpreted / analyzed / Christian Standard),

4 main / movie civilizations are shown here top center (1 Nephi 13.4):

Galaxy Quest, the movie technical analysis via Christian Standard for Christ JESUS, with Time Density illustrated for the benefit of all for Christ JESUS via ICCDBB

Christ JESUS often places the least likely candidate in top position, as in the movie Galaxy Quest shown here. Of the original crew the Crewmember nearly cast out became the Goodness Leader, ready to give his life to help others. When confronted with Thermian octopi not remaining humanoid and not only other legal problems such as of blood-test, but also out-of-marriage and alien creature concerns the Leader blurted out "that's not right" (Crewman 6 & Guy Fleegman played by Sam Rockwell). Higher thresholds are upward, positive, optimistic, good, caring, loving, and greater; so it was not because of the negativity of the situation, rather because of love that Guy spoke up. And that is a big key when confronted with situations as Christ JESUS expounded (Luke 19.40). Concerning dating, civilizations vary extensively.

Christ JESUS offers the eternally timeless Holy Spirit, yet consider what is possible when a person's soul of their personal body of flesh agrees with the Holy Spirit.

Christian Leaders often encounter many people and spirits upset as a Christian Leader ascends through Holy Covenants. Rather than blame the upset such as perhaps if they have jealousy or don't understand the proper Way to work through the thresholds, rather seek to let the Will of God reach them and first with the Word of God, the Christ JESUS, that they understand the truly loving source, and for higher glory for God.

Many have thought that the Holy Spirit was above so not to be touched by the flesh, John 20.17:

It is of a great Covenant / threshold value, yet in John 20.27:

Some carpenters and other people of the flesh built the Ark Of The Covenant and the Holy Of Holies, and even Priests were not to be there save certain times, through some civilizations.

Christ JESUS explained that One should hardly be delayed by a person or people or things, rather to do the Will Of The Holy Father, and even so, rather than any delay the person and people and things should also be pure and One and with Christ JESUS ascend and do the Will Of The Holy Father.

Christ JESUS goes to the Father, doing nothing on His selfish own, even if to nurture His own flesh, Christ JESUS does only as the Holy Father has Christ JESUS do, and that doing is for good for all.

A child tells a parent stay here with me and the parent tells the child I go that I return with maintenance and greater for mutual good. A civilization asks to be victor over all, and God already is victor over all for the greater good.

In the above Drawing context, a civilization representative such as a Sarris warrior or such as a peacemaker from the Thermian civilization might have been saved from being put to death (Christ JESUS already died once for all), the Christian thing to do for higher purpose(s) / mission(s). Earthlings might have solved and possibly strategically established the trend and prevented future wars (not part of the movie).

Likewise Christ JESUS goes to the Father to plan, then is the Work of Christ JESUS established for all. In the above Drawing, the lower right illustration shows a high density of spirits at the bottom (concerning positions, there is room at the top so properly ascend) (concerning physics, there is dense matter at the bottom and energy at the top) (concerning people, many are called though few properly ascend as Christ JESUS evidenced, few conquer the threshold(s), few gain the above Covenant agreeingly; also of many there are select few and of few there is only One).

Many cells are at the bottom, that people can walk over such as graves: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them" (Luke 11.44), the hypocrites are the people (and creatures) that prefer former logic hence not ascending and leading others astray [(see ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermon: How To Choose The Chosen on coin flips) all too often] from the "love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone" (from Luke 11.42).

The above Drawing lower right is of many cells, many selfishnesses (many spirits not properly repentant for mutual benefit for Christ JESUS) at the bottom, and not many barriers unto the properly friendlies at the top. At the top is One True Spirit of friendliness. At the top in former logic is value worth protecting, yet in New Logic is also the proper inviting (enucleation is a point of view though generally toward former logic, so rather let it be more as Christ JESUS taught).

Tied to the above Galaxy Quest movie theme for better ease of Your edification for Your Flock are two triads of verses. The first (left to right) shows the greater Holy Mission path toward the source of love: God:

Ecclesiastes 3.18 / 1 Corinthians 15.47 / Psalm 102.19.

This other is how God goes on a mission to look down and to be able to make some dust worthy of His (One) consideration, also to lift the dust and even form living creatures:

Psalm 102.19 / 1 Corinthians 15.47 / Ecclesiastes 3.18.

So You are to do as God, though properly, that is, do as God once You know how to do as God. A child hardly does as the guardian and drives a car until after proper learning hands on doing with learning. To do a favor the child might want to drive the car to work and bring home food for the guardian: help Your Flock go on missions properly.

The Thermians did not drive the spaceship until after learning.

Your Flock hardly (pending, such as leaps of faith and miracles from above) does the higher precepts of God until after such proper ascending. Be certain goodly works are not wasted, ensure that when Your Flock goes on missions, that such is fruitful and not wasted efforts (Matthew 13.23).

"I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts" (Ecclesiastes 3.18).

"The first man was dust from the ground; The second man, THE LORD JEHOVAH from Heaven" (1 Corinthians 15.47 APE).

"that he looked down from his holy height; from heaven the LORD looked at the earth," (Psalm 102.19).

Looking up from the dust is with wonder, looking down from love is with empathy, as defined of [spirits of] people and of things:

1. the power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person's feelings.

2. the attribution to an object, such as a work of art, of one's own emotional or intellectual feelings about it.

Empathy and emotions can lead people astray, so be careful that feelings spirits, and emotions spirits, and all spirits be of proper precepts (Genesis 17.4) to not leave logic and just reasoning undone: this proper precept on proper precept business includes after Your End Time of former logic, to rather be of New Time New Logic inclusive of former logic, even the Way the heart contains the blood and gives the Pulse Timing life giving proper energy into the blood (bread and blood). Even so, the New Logic is also the blood, the river of living water from the belly, the Soul Of The Heavenly Father, the almighty Alpha and Omega for good higher purpose.

It is goodly for the Christians to make spaceships, though hardly so of cannibals (the miners of the movie).

It is goodly for the Christians to properly learn to rise and do in Christ JESUS and accordingly utilize greater tools and powers, though hardly so of cannibals or beasts or non-ascending machines on their own selfishly.

Christ JESUS cast unrepentant spirits into pigs and they drowned in the sea, though putting a pig heart into a person can have value, even so rather ensure the Standard Of The Christian Church is over such [Christ JESUS essentially advised as now put into modern English: have certain snake type features / qualities, and the same of the dove (Matthew 3.16, Matthew 10.16, Romans 9.27, & Daniel 4.33): of course do not be improper, rather of higher reasoning of Christ JESUS. Hardly step into a snare, yet when proper You may opt to set a snare such as to catch a varmint (perhaps a snake or a rodent...).

Likewise the Bible explains "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise" (Proverbs 6.6), and "The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer" (Proverbs 30.25). The God of nature has helps for You in low and in high places, prefer the high save any low (temporary) mission(s).

Make machines,

perhaps with features of creatures,

yet let such be clearly for higher purpose.

Make things that walk, fly, swim, and so on with hands and wheels and sensors and under Your Christian Control / Your Holy Word (Matthew 13.23).

Blessed are eyes, for they see, and ears, for they hear (Matthew 13.16).

Whether with a pig heart or other feature, properly discern for the higher Will Of God. If to form or encounter unusual creatures, first understand the higher precepts of God: properly prepare. Have Your Flock properly go to Your Church regularly, and/or otherwise do proper preparing for God. Some lower missions (until counted otherwise, example:) such as to aid a civilization in a certain region due to catastrophe there, become permanent such as to build a Church. Yet of New Logic understand both lower and higher Christian missions have higher eternal values in Christ JESUS, even so reasonably understand of New Logic to hardly leave the other undone; that is, some missions are of greater value [all things created have purpose and so have value, though not all things are effectual toward the higher value (1 Corinthians 10.23): the Will Of God].

In the above Drawing lower right illustration, at the top of that illustration is Oneness In Christ JESUS (full repentance with Christian Holy Baptism), so it is not dense (as a brick for instance, relative to softer human flesh), rather it is light. Water Baptism is not over when a person is put under water, rather with proper ascending. Holy Baptism is of the Holy Ghost, the One True Spirit. Holy God was before the created, therefore Spirit (even so God is free to be other if God would wish). So Holiness is Spirit. Spirits are light and can fly around, or can form heavier matters more dense (see ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons, including Prophetic Directions Sermon top Drawing to see an interpretation of a spirit symbolized, with Biblical explanations of what spirits are).

Spirits are light, relative unto the burdens of non-Christians. The burden of the Spirit Of The Lord JESUS is light. It is light and enlightening (Matthew 3.16). If to penetrate and/or move something dense, then to do so in the lightest burden Holy Way in the Holy Spirit agreeingly, hardly to be lazy toward risky shortcuts, rather to do the right thing as Christ JESUS did. Likewise if to properly Baptize or to properly Anoint, then to bring any density to light.

If not Christian, and if a Christian if not to count thyself as an Holy Prophet, then unintelligent (without New Logic (as stated above, per se) / historic facts of Christ JESUS) as a light vapor or mist but temporary: "who do not know the thing of the morrow; for what is your life? for it is a vapour that is appearing for a little, and then is vanishing" (James 4.14).

Of former logic without New Logic, things are on things of former logic physics; and people might be found to have climbed on the shoulders of others possibly victims. Rather than putting [your own] dense burden pressure on innocent others hardly able to endure such, rely on Christ JESUS, that Your burden be lifted from above. Aspire to ascend through thresholds for their sakes:

"covenants of the Lord that the Messiah should be made manifest unto them in the latter days, in the spirit of power, unto the bringing of them out of darkness unto light—yea, out of hidden darkness and out of captivity unto freedom" (from 2 Nephi 3.5).

Of the above Drawing there are shown movie civilizations, of the below Drawing is shown Christian interpretation, arranging for their sakes and mutual benefit, for the higher enlightening purpose in Christ JESUS.

Former logic has values, yet view science and entertainment with New Logic,

the reality of the eternal future in Christian perspective:

Future Times Christian Enlightening relative to future aliens to be expected to be encountered according to many worldly crafts and within Biblical understanding. Proper overcoming and conquering problems for mutual benefit in Christ JESUS, ICCDBB

Christ JESUS taught of higher Holy Covenants for the Father. The Holy Bible explains of other Sacred Flocks, the advanced technologies (Ark / Flood, Ark Of The Covenant, Ball of curious workmanship...), others less civilized, and life among the stars. When You and Your Flock Civilization ascend, who would take Your place?, rather who Will give You and Them place to properly rise precept on precept pressed down and shaken together?, even so, when You choose wisely that they escape not [mutual benefit (John 17.12) save Christ JESUS gave His life:] know there is One higher.

Christ JESUS offers New Thresholds and New Covenants, and with these New Grace as a New Defense (thresholds) and as One New Confirmation (Covenant(s)).

These blendings of mankind is hardly with other creatures, as Christ JESUS offers that the Law Of God, the Command Of God be fulfilled in One Christ JESUS including that the pain of death was fulfilled already once for all [not harmed by second death (Revelation 20.6)].

Consider the pigs noted in the above textual discussions. It is not of the flesh (not of sex) that the pig hearts were placed into humans, rather of a higher spirit, even if the Medical Doctors were not Christian they were / are aware of Christian principles, similar to how the Galaxy Quest movie involved Christianity, even only to play for Christians among the viewers. Dating is hardly in the same context as creatures, and as shown above IQ and level of technology do not make the difference.

The flip of a coin, the town hall meeting (generally, in the sense of popularity), and Your obediently protective pets do not cause the higher protective grace. The higher Covenants are from the higher (see "not self ordained" above). Sinners for instance might take over a town (such as by popularity or perhaps illegally) and they might get together to conduct a town hall meeting and attack a threshold only to dwell in delusion and disappointment [(2 Thessalonians 2.10) save Covenant help come from above]: this is not said to accuse, rather that You Christian love of the truth that would have saved them from repetitious worthless efforts (ibid.).

If there is no evident room at the top for others, properly prepare and ascend that the proper group worthily enter into Your footsteps and position, greater than their former position. For former logic example, there was a company owner, then the owner formed positions such as higher and higher positions as incentives, as with more and more beautiful titles generally (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "an even more excellent way").

The creatures came from dust that God chose. The creatures rise, often of thresholds involving worthiness, and other situations only via granting from the higher authority(ies), such as to raise creatures from unworthy dust. So to wait upon the Lord to come has a value, even so prepare as maidens who worked and put oil in their lamps (Matthew 25.4), so even while waiting upon the Lord it is better to enjoy the feast with the Lord when the Lord lifts You With Your Flock according to worthiness: the conquering of thresholds / the achieving / the doing of the Will Of God. Many administrators in charge of meetings talk about best solutions, few provide best values for the Lord.

The Spirit Of Truth And Righteousness is symbolized in the above Drawing to an extent: from Isaiah 11.1-4 & 2 Nephi 21.1:

Something in the Galaxy Quest movie was toward love rather than sex, though it was not clearly evidenced from the Christian perspective. Christian Leaders may want to go the next Covenant step upward and hardly leave it up to the Flock's imagination. Rather proper interpretation(s) are valuable unto the Flock You lead and unto the Flock Leader [specify details (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on specifying joy(s) and on properly leading)] as the above Drawing shows the potential of roots of Christian ancestry unto the future generations and/or at least unto the current civilization(s).

ICCDBB Sermon for Leaders in Christ JESUS May 30, 2016 AD.

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