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Command of God to Gamble
No pro or con opinion or interpretation is provided on behalf of any entity noted herein unless otherwise stated.
The following open letter from Dr. Bob Benchoff to one of his friends, Phil, was written due to their mutual interest in Biblical law relative to gaming and/or gambling.
Open letter to Philip,
The command of God that people should gamble is found in Leviticus Chapter 16, verses 2 through 8.
Similar is the proper gambling for the redistribution of property among the people of Israel, found in Joshua 18.6.
The above two references are within the true context of gambling, then known as casting lots.
As for the house making a profit (from gambling or from any other business), you may reference Luke 19.22 & 23.
The only Biblical reference I have heard from critics of gambling has been the misconstruing of the point of the story about the robe of Jesus, John 19.24, since they have taken the it out of context.
Although not stated in modern terminology, the point of the robe story is about system failure. Such story of system failure may apply to the social system of civilization, the governmental system, and/or some other system. More clear understanding of the pertinence of this story comes with reading more of the Bible, such as including Matthew 26.15, and more comprehensively as to include Exodus 21.32, and Acts 13.45, and so forth.
The objective system unfairly crucified Christ, and the system subjective soldiers acquired the robe (by whatever means: according to the system legally, or otherwise illegally), and this was also unfair to Christ.
Then the soldiers used gambling as the means for fair allocation.
Separate from pertinence to gambling, with regard to the beneficiary pool, since the accused was innocent, the soldiers should have omitted themselves from that pool and only innocent Christ should have been in that pool to be the only beneficiary. Hence we see the great need for having a proper single set of specifically pertinent standards for accountability (so-called third party) to have a fair house to officiate gaming (and any such fair profit for such services is reasonable as stated above in the fourth sentence from the top of this page).
The soldiers made no secret of their gambling activities involving the robe, since gambling is respectable as discovered in the first sentence at the top of this page.
But to flaunt power wrongly against the crucified innocent Christ is unfair to Christ. The soldiers did augment that unfairness through usage of a tool, which tool in this case happened to be gambling. Yet for a reasonable contextual perspective comparison, the tool could have been a vote, or an athletic event, or a mental contest, or other. The soldiers reasonably chose a fast approved way to get the job done (for those times, see standards above for current times).
This story of the robe does not conclude that anything is wrong with gambling, unless gambling is used unfairly. Furthermore, this story does not conclude that anyone had any addiction to gambling, or that gambling in and of itself caused any problem of any kind (discounting improper tool usage as described above), but rather that gambling was revered as a fair system. If gambling was unfair the story might have included someone saying that gambling was being used for the purpose of cheating; but that is not the case.
True, the moot point is possibly that the soldiers may have been corrupt, yet the logic remains that gambling is fair, as it is based on the so-called pure science of fair and reasonable mathematics; and gambling has been so ordered by God.
In addition to house fairness with regard to the mathematics of gambling odds, is the concern for fairness with regard to gambling addiction pathology.
Per the counsel of Jim Hodges who soon after became Governor of South Carolina, VGC, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation, was established to serve as the Gambling Addiction Treatment Coordination Agency for the gaming industry. The key element for success of gambling fairness is unique standardization via the comprehensive VGC Plan.
I praise the Lord that I am CEO of VGC, for which work Congressman John Spratt, Ethics Committee Chair Legislator Becky Meacham, and others gave me White House commendations, recommending a position on the National Gambling Impact Study Commission be provided to me. You are invited to visit where you can find links for further information as discussed above. Many other topics are also noted, and you may want to click "Industry" then click the "gearhead" picture as one way to find VGC. In closing, you may find this verse of personal interest to you, Acts 8.5.
Dr. Bob Benchoff
Dr. Bob Benchoff, CEO
For free Internet Bible text provided by ICCDBB: Leviticus, click here.
VGC 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation
VGC 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation was established for legal standardization, accountability, and fairness withing the gambling and/or gaming industry.
VGC / White House legislation link is based on normal mathematical processing procedurization for unique standardization for which VGC was uniquely formed for this purpose inclusive of current norms relative to separation of church and state, victim rights / proprietor rights, and doctor / patient confidentiality.
3/1/2004 Update:
New prioritized mathematical formulae have been adduced, click here for God Math Code, and Bible Physics, useful in root cause deciphering applications, such as for instance, why people become addicted.
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Posted by Dr. Bob Benchoff for pertinent groups;
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Since February 26, 2002.
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