
 Salt Lake City



If you want to chat MSN ad me at bryonpierce@hotmail.com

 if you want to yahoo chat...launch chat from here http://profiles.yahoo.com/zug001

 or add me to your friends  bryonpierce  (have web cam)

email: bryonpierce@yahoo.com


Bryon's Error Page

The page you are looking for is currently available and not the author (love ya ann). The Web site is not having technical difficulties, you may need to just sit and wait for this page to appear, sometimes if you just keep hitting the refresh button over and over again this page  might reappear.

Please try the following:

  • Call an old friend who you've neglected, if you are like me and have no friends randomly call people who are still listed in the phone book (these people are generally also lonely).
  • Go to the theater, it is rare to have an absolute awful time watching a live production. If you already go, then go more.
  • If you have extra money and you have poor friends go visit them and hide a twenty dollar bill in their couch. If you don't have extra money go look in your couch for loose change.
  • Become a regular  somewhere
  • Sit down and eat a whole bunch of bananas (more than three is a bunch). There are certain things in life that secretly make you happy   Bananas  are one of them. also on my list are. ..motor scooters, Ice Cream Trucks, old lady crossing guards, and the little basket of lollipops at my bank. (not so secret)
  • Go to your local duck pond and feed the ducks.
  • look ---> a picture of my two kids and I.
  • See my profile on link below

Cannot find self through
Internet Explorer

My Other Page

MSN profile

match. COM